• Published 14th Mar 2019
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A Phoenix Beyond the Veil - The Philospher's Stone - gerandakis

Displeased with her mentor, Sunset Shimmer looks for a new option, she finds it in a Mirror Portal, deep in the vaults of Canterlot. Together with Philomena, she sets out on a journey. Two worlds of magic will be changed forever, by a small error ...

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34 - House

Chapter Thirty-Four


Sunset listened carefully, analyzing the song as the hat went on. It was called the Sorting Hat, it seemed. A hat enchanted to be sentient and gifted with the ability to read the mind of whomever wore it.

It continued to outline the qualities sought by each house, going through the houses in the same order McGonagall had named them. Seeing that it was exactly the order in which the house tables stood, seen from their current vantage point and looking from left to right, Sunset surmised it to be the default order to list the houses.

When the hat fell silent, the hall erupted into applause. It bowed to each of the tables and went still. After a moment, Professor McGonagall stepped up beside the line of first-years, a long scroll of parchment now in her hands. "When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted." After a moment she announced, "Abbot, Hannah."

One by one, the students were called, put on the hat and sat down, after some time, different for every student, the hat would call out the name of a house, prompting the student to take it off and the respective table to break into applause. The trims on the robes of the students, Sunset noted, changed to match the color of their house as soon as it was announced.

After about ten minutes, McGonagall called again, "Granger, Hermione."

Hermione took a long while on the stool, longer than anyone else yet. Sunset noted the tip of the hat slowly turning left and right, it was difficult to see from her vantage point, but it looked like it was switching back and forth, between two tables, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw if she wasn't mistaken. She could only guess that it was having some trouble deciding which of the two houses to put Hermione into.

When finally, it announced 'GRYFFINDOR!', the table to the far left applauded and Hermione walked off to find a seat there, leaving the hat behind for 'Greengrass, Daphne', who turned out to be the girl to Sunset's right.

Another few minutes later, McGonagall called, "Longbottom, Neville." For him, the hat seemed to be looking at one table while Neville was looking at another. After a few minutes, the hat, it seemed, prevailed and Neville made his way to the Gryffindor table as well.

Luna's name was called next. It was almost an exact repeat of what had happened with Hermione, only this time it seemed to be Luna herself looking between the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw tables. After a few more moments to deliberate, the hat placed Luna in Gryffindor. She sat down beside Hermione.

They got a few minutes to relax after that. Student after student was called, until, finally, McGonagall silenced the entire hall with two words, "Potter, Harry."

Many quiet whispers broke out through the entire hall as all eyes turned to Harry who now took a seat on the stool. It took half a minute and some deliberation, but eventually Harry followed the rest of their group to Gryffindor.

The row of students got ever shorter, one by one, they were called, sorted and sent to their houses. Finally, McGonagall called out again, "Shimmer, Sunset."

Choosing to ignore the fact that McGonagall had assumed Shimmer to be her last name, Sunset made her way to the chair and put on the hat. Like with most students before her, it was much too large and fell over her eyes.

<Well, well, well. What do we have here?> A voice rang through her head.

<Hello,> Sunset greeted kindly.

<Hello indeed. It seems I have found the source of the disturbance. Several unusual minds today. Now we have you. This is tricky. You could do well enough in any house. You certainly have the smarts to be a Ravenclaw, so there is that.>

The tip of the hat moved to the right to now point at the Slytherin table. <Hmm, Slytherin. You certainly have the cunning and deviousness to be one, no question about that. That being said, I doubt you'd be happy there. The students hope that the teachers don't know about their little Rite of Passage. Of course, they don't know that that has been in place for decades and some of those who have taken it are now professors themselves. Still, since you are entirely incapable of completing it, I suspect you'd end up openly shunned by them so that isn't really an option. That you've already made enemies in that house isn't really a point in its favour either.>


<Mister Crabbe, Mister Goyle and Mister Malfoy. It seems they are still rather cross with you about your little 'lesson' on the train.>

<Oh, that's too bad. If they're too caught up being angry the chances of them actually taking the lesson to heart aren't great, are they? I should probably try to apologize.>

<You probably should. Whether or not they will accept your apology is another matter entirely, but that isn't what we're here for, is it? No. We're here to find you a house. Now then let's see. Hufflepuff. You certainly have the diligence and loyalty to be one, but I suspect that you'd grow bored there rather quickly. And, of course, that very loyalty is also what makes you best suited for another house yet. Oh, the irony.>

Once more, the tip of the hat moved to the left, pointing at the table of red and gold. <Most of your friends are in Gryffindor already and given the last two are Weasleys and what your memories tell me about them, the chances of them fitting in elsewhere are slim. It wouldn't do to separate you.>

<I think we'd manage to stay in contact anyway.>

<Hmm, yes you probably would. But still, no need to make things harder than they have to be. You will do well in the house of the lions. So then.> "Gryffindor!"

Once again the Gryffindor table broke out in applause and Sunset walked over to join her new house. From Hermione's other side, she watched the Sorting continue. After a few minutes, Ginny and finally Ron were called, following the rest of their friends and family to Gryffindor.

After the final student that still remained was sorted into Slytherin, McGonagall rolled up her list and took the hat and stool away through a side door. By the time she returned, the headmaster had gotten up and was beaming at the gathered students.

"Welcome! Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!"

With that, he sat back down and the hall cheered. Sunset could only shake her head.

Suddenly, the tables before them filled up with food, creaking under golden platters filled with all manner of edibles. Soon the hall was filled with the clinking of glasses, the clicking of cutlery and the droning of quiet conversation.

The entire group was eating, happily greeting their new housemates. They quickly got to know the other four new Gryffindor first years. Two girls, Lavender Brown and Pavati Pattil, and two boys, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan. They were also quickly introduced to one of the ghosts, sitting near the group. "Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, at your service. Resident ghost of Gryffindor Tower."

Most of the group were happy to leave it at that, but Ron recognized the ghost. "I know who you are! My brothers told me about you. You're Nearly Headless Nick!"

The ghost was about to reply when Seamus cut him off. "NearlyHeadless? How can you be nearly headless?"

Nick didn't look at all happy, but replied none the less. "Like this." Grabbing his left ear, he pulled. Like on a hinge, his head fell to the side. Clearly, someone had terribly failed at beheading him. Relishing their stunned looks, Nick flopped his head back into place, coughed and spoke up again. "So. New Gryffindors. I hope you'll help us win the House Championship this year? Gryffindor has never gone without a win for so long. Slytherin have got the cup six years in a row! The Bloody Baron is becoming unbearable – He's the Slytherin ghost."

Looking across the hall to the Slytherin table, Sunset saw a ghost, sitting right next to Malfoy that could only be the Bloody Baron. The silvery blood staining his robes was a pretty clear giveaway. His gaunt face and staring eyes were eerie to say the least. She couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy, even despite the cross looks he kept covertly shooting her.

Sunset wondered how the baron had gotten so covered in blood. She wasn't the only one. Nick, it seemed, didn't know either.

When everyone had eaten their fill, the remaining food vanished, replaced moments later by all sorts of desserts imaginable.

For the Weasleys, Luna, Hermione and Sunset, this was a reminder of the food that had been their fare in Equestria. How ponies could eat this kind of thing all the time still confounded most of them. Even Sunset didn't know.

Around them, talk shifted to their families. Sunset only half listened, as she let her gaze roam across the hall. All around conversation slowed down, the long day, the train ride and the filling feast clearly taking their toll on the students. At the head table, the teachers were conversing as well. Professor McGonagall was talking with Professor Dumbledore, while Professors Sprout, Flitwick and Vector were avidly conversing not far from them.

On their other side, Professor Quirrell, now wearing a rather ridiculous turban, was talking to a greasy-haired man in all black robes.

Beside her, Harry followed her gaze and suddenly winced in pain, holding the scar on his head. Concerned, Sunset lit up her eyes with her usual scanning spell and looked it over.

She had scanned it rather thoroughly after they had all read about the events that had led to Harry getting it, so she knew that a remnant of dark magic was still contained within. It had given her something to think about when she had joined the others in comforting him. Reading about his parents' deaths clearly hadn't been easy on him.

That very same dark magic was now reacting to something. Looking back at the two talking professors, Sunset noted there was something off about both of them. On a hunch, she switched to a more powerful aura sight spell, specifically designed to detect and identify magic in trace amounts. What she saw was worrying to say the least. Both professors had an aura of low-level dark magic. It was either very faint or extremely well masked, she couldn't tell, but either way, it was barely perceptible and she likely wouldn't have noticed had she not been specifically looking for it.

Seeing this, she switched to a light magic scanning spell, lighting her eyes up a pale gold. To her heightened perception, the dark magic around the two now stood out like watered down ink on an otherwise untouched piece of parchment. The dark magic on Quirrell was all around him, but seemed to be densest around his head. On the other man, it seemed concentrated on his left forearm. She would have to investigate more closely later, maybe set up some light magic wards around Gryffindor tower.

The unknown Professor, whom Percy was explaining to Harry was their Potions professor, was worrying, but not necessarily dangerous. Quirrell, however, was deeply concerning. Dark magic was never a good sign, but concentrated on the head? Highly troubling.

Deciding to keep her spell going for the moment, Sunset let her gaze drift across the hall once more. She still felt there was something else off, as though there was something that had more magic in it than it should, but she couldn't put her finger on what. It might well just have been the ancient magic of the castle messing with her readings. Ancient magical castles had a habit of doing that. She filed the thought away for later when the deserts disappeared and Professor Dumbledore rose once more.

"Ahem – just a few more words, now we're all fed and watered. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you.

"First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well." His eyes flashed over to the Weasley twins for a moment before returning to the hall at large. "I have also been asked by Mister Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes on the corridors.

"Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of terms. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch." Sunset noted that several pairs of eyes in the hall flashed over to a woman with short gray hair and yellow eyes, much like Mrs. Weasley had gained after visiting Equestria.

"And finally," Dumbledore continued, "I must tell you that this year, the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death."

A few students laughed. Sunset thoughtfully added the corridor to her list of things to investigate.

"And now, before we go to bed, let us sing the school song!" Many of the teachers' smiles had become rather fixed. Dumbledore flicked his wand and a long golden ribbon flew from it, twisting itself into a rather ridiculous set of lyrics. "Everyone pick their favorite tune, and off we go!"

As the school broke into a cacophony of song, Sunset and Hermione shook their heads and sealed their ears, using small, sound dampening shields. It took several minutes, before the last students, the twins, finished the song.

"Ah, music." Dumbledore said, wiping his eyes. "A magic beyond all we do here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot!"

Percy guided the first-years of his house first through the crowds in the hall, then through the corridors of the castle. Up the marble stairs, past several moving and whispering portraits, through passages hidden behind tapestries and sliding panels until he stopped in a corridor before a bundle of walking sticks floating through the air ahead of them.

With her spell she had forgotten to cancel, Sunset saw they were held by a transparent man floating in mid air. He had wicked, dark eyes and a wide grin. When Percy approached, he began throwing the sticks at him.

Percy turned to the first-years. "Peeves," he whispered. "A poltergeist." He raised his voice. "Peeves! Show yourself!" Only then did Sunset realize that the others couldn't see Peeves.

The poltergeist blew a raspberry at Percy that somehow managed to sound like he was releasing the air from a balloon.

"Do you want me to go to the Bloody Baron?"

With a pop, Peeves suddenly became opaque. "Ohhhhh." He cackled evilly. "Ickle firsties! What fun!"

Most of the first-years ducked when he swooped at them, but Sunset and her friends stood their ground. The poltergeist stared at them in surprise.

"Go away, Peeves, or the Baron'll hear about this. I mean it!" Percy warned.

Sticking out his tongue at Percy, Peeves became transparent again, dropping the sticks over Neville's head. The group around them quickly reacted, each catching one or two of them, while Sunset watched the poltergeist fly off, rattling a coat of armor here and there as he flew past them.

By the time Percy had warned them about Peeves and explained that only the Bloody Baron could really control him, they reached a portrait of a very fat woman in a silk dress. Percy stopped before it.

"Password?" she asked.

"Caput Draconis"

The portrait swung open like a door, revealing a passageway into a room that was clearly in one of the towers. There was a fireplace on the opposite end of the room and an opening each in the two remaining cardinal directions.

Explaining that those led to the dormitories, Percy led the boys through one and left Sunset to lead the girls through the other. Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Pavati and Lavender followed her. They went through the passage and turned right onto a flight of stairs that spiraled upwards around the tower, the occasional window showing them little more than the starry sky. After a quarter turn, they passed a door with a sign labeled 'Seventh Year'. Another half turn later, they reached one labeled 'First Year'. They went through it into a circular room with six beds.

Recognizing their luggage at the foot of each bed, the girls spread out across the room. After a moment's deliberation in Equestrian, much to Lavender and Pavati's confusion, Sunset, Hermione, Luna and Ginny, the latter two of whom had managed to complete their work on it while in Equestria, transformed and curled up together on one of their beds, not bothering to check whose it was.

The other two were sorely tempted to snatch up the adorable little things and figure out how they had managed that, but were ultimately too tired to tackle such questions. Yawning, they found their own beds and followed their new housemates into the land of dreams.

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