• Published 14th Mar 2019
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A Phoenix Beyond the Veil - The Philospher's Stone - gerandakis

Displeased with her mentor, Sunset Shimmer looks for a new option, she finds it in a Mirror Portal, deep in the vaults of Canterlot. Together with Philomena, she sets out on a journey. Two worlds of magic will be changed forever, by a small error ...

  • ...

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28 - Mistake

Chapter Twenty-Eight


The boys were just as stunned as the girls one tent over. Harry was well aware that his bag was bigger on the inside, but it wasn't furnished. Sunset had crammed a family home into a two man tent ... somehow.

And this was not the organized chaos he had gotten used to from the Burrow, or the suburban style he knew from number four, this was a different style entirely. Though it did seem a little bare bones. Not really much of a surprise seeing how it had all been built in a few hours.

Still, all the essentials were there. The windows had a wonderful view, most of them just showed the clearing, but some showed a mesmerizing, ever shifting display of color. Mr. Weasley had called it subspace and sounded very impressed.

Arthur was highly impressed. He knew Sunset was skilled, but this was different. He could feel the spell matrix keeping the dimensional pocket together, but there was ... more. The energy levels were too low, the patterns too complex to be the undetectable expansion charm he knew.

Sunset had told them that the expansion magic she knew was less efficient than the one wizards used, so it clearly wasn't that either. He wasn't sure what Sunset had done, but he had no illusions that it might be anything less than an earth-shattering breakthrough.

The only thing he could clearly deduce, was that the spell he knew would have been at its limits with an expansion of this degree, whereas this spell was nowhere near its.

Xenofilius next to him seemed equally impressed, but he, it appeared, had gotten distracted by the window into subspace that sat on the wall opposite the entrance.

The windows allowing to see the outside were cleverly made. The ones looking out into subspace were an ingenious idea he had never seen before, though one that, in retrospect, seemed obvious. Subspace was already there, and it was actually kind of pretty.

Ron lay in the bed, utterly relaxed. The day had been great.

Wings, it turned out were also fantastic for maneuvering in the water, he had gotten to practice holding his breath while diving in the lake. The crystal clear water made the experience entirely incomparable to anything he had done before.

Now he lay in this bed. He didn't know where Sunset had gotten this mattress, but it was utterly fantastic. He might as well be sleeping on clouds.

Speaking of sleep, that sounded like a good idea right now.

The sun poked in through the window, waking Sunset gently. In hindsight, she may have overestimated the number of beds required for the night. She momentarily considered the concept of fluff-based gravity, but decided that that probably wasn't the cause of the cuddle pile she found herself in. The cloud mattresses might have something to do with it though.

Deciding that getting up could wait a little longer, she sighed contently and cuddled back into the pile, burying her snout somewhere under Ginny's wing. As she considered things, she had to admit it. Pegasi had superior fluff.

As she lay between her sleeping friends, Sunset considered her situation. She was relaxed and happy, something she most certainly hadn't been half a year ago. She had found fantastic friends and Hermione was effectively a sister to her. The planned vacation was going marvelously thus far. They'd spend the day and the next here at Winsome Falls before moving on to Fillidelphia for a few days, letting her friends see how ponies did big cities. Finally they would come to Manehattan for the last three days. One day to explore the city and two days to enjoy the Summer Sun Celebration and the ramp-up thereto. After that, they would return to earth in time for the start of term.

One thing this day was likely to bring was basic magical training for Emma and Dan. The two had magic now, but they had no idea how to use it. That couldn't stand. They would need training. She would make sure that they got it.

When Ginny stirred atop her, removing her wing, Sunset lifted her head again.

It was time to get up.

This was the day they had planned for. By tomorrow they would be rich. It wouldn't be long now before their target entered the alley. Unlike the previous Student of the Sun, this one was a creature of habit. She came this way every week, she had done so for the six weeks they had been watching, and she would do so again today. Only today she wouldn't come out on the other side of the alley.

The stallion looked to his accomplice. She had gathered the intel, she had made the preparations. He was the leader, but while he was busy leading, she made things happen. It was marvelous, really.

She chose that moment to give him a sign. Their lookout had seen the target approaching.

Looking around, he verified that everything was in place. The spell that would knock her out was prepared, the alley was empty except for them and appeared empty even with them there. The ambush was prepared, the trap was ready.

Unaware of the danger she was in, Twilight sprung the trap. A spell hit her in the side of the head, and she fell over, unconscious. He and his accomplice jumped down, flanking the filly on both sides. They charged their horns and moments later vanished from the alley. The others would follow using more conventional methods.

The day had been wonderful so far. Much had been taught and learned. The day before, her friends and their families had mostly guessed at how ponies swam. Sunset had been happy to teach them the proper styles.

They had happily reciprocated and taught her to swim as a human, a skill she had mostly forgotten about during her time on Earth.

The magical training for Emma and Dan had happened as predicted. They could now reliably draw upon their magic and use basic kinesis and light spells. Sunset's comments that most unicorns didn't bother to learn much more than that, were met with incredulity, a sentiment she shared wholeheartedly. If one could use magic, why not learn to use it to its fullest?

Sunset had always been ambitious. For a time, those ambitions had blinded her to the things that mattered most, but, with Hermione's help, she had overcome that. Her ambition was now tempered by reason and empathy, but it was far from gone. She was still striving for self-improvement, to be the best she could. Having the natural ability to learn so many things and simply not doing so, was something she had never considered viable.

The complacency many unicorns displayed in that regard was something of a sore topic for her. Her past experiences with the nobility had made sure of that. Those had been a major factor in fueling her ambition. Regardless of what she was, regardless of what she might become, at least she was not that. She may be from a noble house, but she had worked for her accomplishments and she didn't take them for granted.

With a sigh, she took her mind off the matter. There was nothing she could do to change the nobility. At least not for now. That might change some day, but not now and not any time soon.

Casting a quick spell so she wouldn't run out of air, far simpler and more efficient than the bubble head charm Mr. Weasley was using, she dove beneath the surface, heading calmly for one of the deeper areas of the lake. The crystal clear water was cold, but a second, quick spell isolated her so she wouldn't lose any warmth to the water.

Her spells would last a few hours and it was wonderful down here. The light of the sun was playing in the waves, casting scattering, ever-shifting patterns of light across the rocky ground of the lake. Small fish in a variety of colors swam through the water, sometimes in swarms. It was a breathtaking sight.

How fortunate that she didn't currently need to breathe.

Sunset had learned that, in the wizarding communities of earth, transfiguration of sentient beings was mostly relegated to potions for some reason. She couldn't quite fathom why, seeing how wizards and witches didn't seem bothered at using spells to transfigure everything else.

With a few moments to focus, she transformed her hooves to have fins on them, allowing her to glide beneath the waves much easier. Pegasi might have been able to use their wings to help with that, but she didn't have that option. It was at the top level of her transfiguration skills, but, from what she'd seen, nowhere near the limits of what she'd be able to do once she learned the Earthen methods.

After a while she found an underwater cave. Making sure to remember her path, she dove in, exploring the cavern. Finding it full of gems wasn't entirely surprising. Gem caves were not uncommon in Equestria.

Seeing the light from her horn reflected in the innumerable facets, however, was still a sight to behold.

For half an hour, she floated through the sparkling caves before she came across another opening into the lake at large. After a moment to consider, she swam back out. Deciding to have some fun while she was at it, she swam back to where her friends were paddling on the surface.

She shot a smirk to Mr. Weasley who was also still exploring the depths, then swam up to the surface at speed and jumped out just between Fred and George. Flipping in mid air before diving back down and falling back into the water.

Both of them started and jumped into a low hover, before breaking out in laughter.

"She's good."

"That she is, brother dear."

When they settled back into the water, Sunset broke the surface again, more slowly this time. "Wanna have some fun?"

The two shared a glance before replying as one. "Any time."

"Okay then." Sunset placed the first two charms on them as well. Having wings, the two would have little use for the third. "Come catch me!" With that she dove back beneath the surface and swam off in a flash of red and gold. The twins were hot on her hooves.

The chase lasted for several minutes at first. Sunset was fast, far faster than the twins had expected. And while they could go at impressive speed as well and their wings allowed them to accelerate and stop faster than she could, Sunset had a far easier time turning without stopping. As such their attempts to outmaneuver her bore little fruit.

Switching tactics without ever needing to communicate as only twins could, the two split up. Fred continued to chase her, while George tried to cut of her path. After she eluded them several times, George positioned himself in a narrow crevice between two taller rock spires. He spread his hooves and wings wide when he saw a smirking Sunset racing towards him. When her horn lit up he braced himself, realizing a moment too late what she had planned.

The twins collided a second after the unicorn disappeared between them. The displaced water did a good job of pulling them together. Once they had separated, they went to search for her once more. They spotted the end of her tail several times, following her. Finally they reached a deeper, more open area.

Looking around, they saw her floating before a cave entrance, waving a hoof, before swimming inside. Sharing a glance, they followed. The moment they reached the first chamber, they stopped, seeing the gems embedded in the walls. It was a gorgeous sight. They swam slowly through the cave.

Sunset watched them with amusement for a few moments, before deciding that their game had been interrupted for long enough. Conjuring an illusory double of herself, she let it swim, horn alight, deeper into the cave, following the same path she had taken earlier. The twins followed.

Sunset enjoyed the high speed chase through the caves. That the twins didn't realize who was chasing who, only amused her further.

The chase through the surprisingly expansive tunnels took several minutes before 'Sunset' once more exited the cave, the twins not far behind. Once more out in the open, the twins switched back to heading her off. Smirking, Sunset saw herself presented with an ideal opportunity to reveal her illusion.

She let the two of them set up a trap and guided her double right into it. When they went to catch it, they, of course, went right through it, colliding once more as the illusion dispersed. When they untangled, she waved at them from a distance, garnering their attention once again. As she once more shot off, she decided to put an end to the chase. As such she lit her horn and created writing that trailed behind her.

Let's have a race back to the others.

If I reach them first, I win.

If you catch me before then, you do.

Shall we?

She turned around, seeing the two smirk and nod. She lit her horn once again and created a second illusion behind her.





She shot off, knowing she'd need every bit of speed she could muster. She might have a head start, but the twins had had ample opportunity to prove that, on a straight line, they were faster.

The twins knew that as well and pushed forward with powerful strokes of their wings. They were getting closer to Sunset, but she was also fast approaching the beach of the island where their tents stood, apparently having decided it made a good finish line.

The race was close, but Sunset managed to reach the beach and jump out of the water before they caught her. Canceling the spells on herself, she transformed back into human form, rolling to arrest her momentum, before drying herself off.

She graciously ignored the grooves the twins had carved into the sand.

Seeing how they were all out of the water, she canceled the spells on the twins as well. All of them took a deep breath, now that they needed to again, and began laughing.

From their place on the ground, the two little pegasi looked up at the girl.

"You know how-"

"-to have fun."

"Clever tricks you-"

"-used there."

She smirked at them. Then suddenly felt something. She opened the bag that had formed at her side when she assumed human form and took out a large book and a quill.

Opening the tome she began to read.

Dear Sunset,

Twilight has been foalnapped.

I just received a ransom note.

I'll go and deal with this.

Do you want in on this?


Sunset narrowed her eyes. They never did learn, did they? She grabbed the quill and brought it to the paper.

Sure thing. Is this her first time?

It is. Any ideas on strategy?

You go in, I get her and

go out, we meet in the middle?

Sounds good.

Great, I'll meet you there.

Closing the tome, she packed it and the quill back into her bag, a grim smile on her lips. "Boys, I'm afraid I'll have to cut our play time short. There are some ponies that need to be taught why you don't mess with the Student of the Sun. I'll be back soon." She returned to her equine shape and used a quick spell to remove the water that still clung to it's coat, mane and tail, followed by a light magic cleaning spell to make sure she was perfectly clean.

She teleported over to the tents and went to the bedroom she was sharing with the girls. There, she returned to human form, switched into her Parkour training outfit, stowed her wand in a pocket she had added specifically for that purpose and returned to equine shape. Finally, she focused her mind and reached out.

When the phoenix appeared atop her head. Sunset spoke to her. "Twilight has been foalnapped, think you could find her and drop me off on the roof? Quietly?"

Philomena, trilled softly, spread her wings and lifted off, landing on the ground. She then touched the filly with a flaming primary feather, causing her to disappear in a flash of flame.

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