• Published 14th Mar 2019
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A Phoenix Beyond the Veil - The Philospher's Stone - gerandakis

Displeased with her mentor, Sunset Shimmer looks for a new option, she finds it in a Mirror Portal, deep in the vaults of Canterlot. Together with Philomena, she sets out on a journey. Two worlds of magic will be changed forever, by a small error ...

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[RVS]12 - Journeys and Journals

Chapter Twelve

Journeys and Journals

Once the three children had packed their books into their bags, Sunset and Hermione now slightly weighed down and Philomena once more disguised as an eagle, Dan revealed another surprise. With a grandiose gesture, he pulled a bird cage out from behind his back, inside was a beautiful, snowy white owl.

"I noticed I didn't get you a birthday present yet, Harry," Hagrid explained.

"And he offered to let me carry her and let him lug around the books," Dan added, a little sheepish.

To say Harry was stunned would be an understatement. It took a few moments before he had recovered from the surprise. Once he managed, they made their way to Pottage's cauldrons, where they not only got the three cauldrons they needed (pewter, standard size two) but also a small leaflet each on how to use the self stirring enchantment and how to fold the cauldron as well as three sets of crystal vials.

From there they went to the Apothecary where they got three standard potions kits and a store for magical implements where they got their telescopes and scales. The entire time, Sunset kept an eye on Harry, measuring his reactions to everything they saw. Her worry only grew. Finally she made a decision.

Medical magic had never been a subject of particular interest to her, but Princess Celestia had insisted on teaching her at least a basic medical diagnostic charm. Seeing how it wasn't too dissimilar from other scanning charms she used all the time, it only took her a few seconds to weave the charm. Her eyes lit up with magic once more and she turned her gaze on Harry. Her eyes first widened then narrowed. It only took her a few more seconds to come to a decision.

The group rounded out their trip through the alley at a stationary shop. The shop provided the parchment, ink and quills they would need. Sunset also made it a point to buy two identical journals and pay for them with her own money. Being three knuts each, they didn't set her back by much. She wouldn't tell Harry why she needed two journals.

Once they had all they needed, they returned to the leaky cauldron, where they split up. Harry was a little down at having to leave his new friends. Sure he hadn't known them for longer that the loosely six hours they had spent in the alley, but they had been nice the entire time, which was about five-and-a-half hours longer than anyone else he had met. He didn't much like the fact that he wouldn't be seeing them for a whole month. To his surprise, Sunset handed Philomena off to Hermione and followed him, Hagrid and McGonnagall towards the nearest subway station.

When Hagrid started messing around with muggle money for the tickets, Sunset went ahead and did it for him, earning a grateful look from McGonagall, she, it seemed, couldn't handle paper money either. After only a few stops they reached Waterloo station where Sunset, once more, took care of the tickets. Not long after, they bid Hagrid and McGonagall goodbye and got on the train.

When they were sat in an otherwise empty car of the Wednesday afternoon train to Woking, Harry couldn't hold back any longer. "Why did you want to come with me? How are you even going to get home?"

Sunset laughed. "Back to the Grangers, you mean? I haven't been 'home' in nearly eight years now. And remember what Hermione said at Ollivander's? I taught her to do that. And what she did there was a mid-range teleport, with a long range one, I can easily get back to Birmingham, even without a wand. As for why I wanted to come with you? Well, three reasons. I wanted to be able to teleport to you if necessary. To do that I have to have some way of knowing where to go. Normally, having been there before.

"Secondly I wanted to see where you live. There are a few things that tell me that your living conditions are far from normal and, if I had to take a guess, far from acceptable. You have clothes that are barely holding together and are much to large for you, you didn't have a bag with you, you are very thin and relatively small for your age, which, by the way, can be a sign of malnourishment. The list continues, but I think you know all of these things, and you hoped we didn't notice."

Harry winced at those words, realizing that she had more or less surmised his situation at the Dursleys' was far from normal, but Sunset put a comforting arm around his shoulder. "Well I did notice, and I'll see what I can do about it."

With that, Sunset folded out the little coffee table from the seat before hers and pulled out the two journals, pointing the backs of both at her and placing a finger on each.

After a moment, Harry quietly spoke up. "And the third reason?"

Sunset smirked at him. "You'll see."

He pointed at the two journals. "Does it have something to do with these?"

"It does." She lifted her finger off the books and Harry was startled to see the formerly blank backs of the books now bearing a darkened, almost charred, area in the shape of a compass rose. She placed the books down and opened them to the first page, placing a finger on the inside of each cover.

Harry might have missed it the first time, but now, without a distraction, he noticed that her fingers were faintly glowing teal. Seeing nothing else happen, Harry busied himself with his owl. Interestingly, she seemed to be almost as intelligent and expressive as Philomena. He had been quite shocked to see the 'eagle' revealed as a phoenix. Not that it stood out much after all the other surprises he had endured today. None of those surprises were particularly unpleasant, which was a bit of a surprise in itself.

When he looked back to Sunset he saw that circles of glowing teal lines had sprung up under her fingers, slowly populating with symbols he didn't recognize. "What are you doing?"

"Enchanting," she answered absently. Before long, the circles had filled, pulsed teal a final time and then faded until they only shimmered a faint teal. She then placed her fingers on the opposite page and repeated the process, focusing once more.

About half an hour into their train ride, she finished that second pair of circles and leaned back for a moment, massaging her temples. Then, she stroked a finger over the pages, coating them in a pale teal before closing the two books. She reopened them to check her work and Harry saw that she hadn't opened the first page and the inside of the cover, but the second and third page. The first page had remained stuck to the cover. "Good. Half way there."

She continued to open the books to the last page, once again placing her fingers there and creating a third pair of circles. By the time they were done, the driver had announced the final stop and she packed the books away. Their interchange at Woking Station only took a few minutes and they were soon sat in a smaller train going south.

Harry wasn't really surprised to see Sunset pull the books back out and place her fingers on the inside of the rear covers, creating a final set of circles over the next fifteen minutes. With his owl – he really needed to find a proper name for her – having fallen asleep, Harry watched her carefully. She clearly knew way too much magic to have never been to magic school. Together with her allusions to not having been home in a long time, he realized that there was something she hadn't told him. Still, she wanted to stay in contact and he could always ask her later. He really didn't want to interrupt her work.

When the circles were complete, she repeated her actions from before and stuck the last two pages together. Finally, after confirming that they were, indeed, stuck together, she closed both books and placed her full hands on the covers, looking at them from the sides. After a moment she took her hands back out and pulled a pen out of her bag. She gave the right journal to Harry and told him to look at the back of it, then she opened the other journal and began to write in it.

Harry was stunned to see the little compass rose symbol light up a pale teal. Sunset then closes her journal and told him to open his. Surprised to see text on the formerly empty page, he began to read.

Hey Harry,

Pretty neat, huh? I've enchanted these journals so that everything

written in one will appear in the other as well. I get the feeling that

your relatives don't particularly like magic, or you would have known

about it. This should be unobtrusive enough to go unnoticed,

especially if you keep it on your person.

Take it as my present, it is your birthday after all.

Congratulations, by the way.


"How did you come up with this?"

"I didn't. I have something similar to keep in contact with my old mentor." She looked out of the window, suddenly seeming a bit sad. "I should probably write her and apologize. I said some things that weren't exactly nice before I left." She perked up again. "Ah well, I'll do that tonight. For now I have other priorities." She packed her journal away, prompting Harry to do the same with his.

Barely a minute later, they stood on the platform of Little Whinging station. "So, where do we go from here?"

Sunset shrugged. "Shouldn't you know?"

"Well yes, I mean is there some specific place you need me to show you?"

"Oh. A place where I can teleport unseen would be good."

Harry thought for a moment. "There is an alley in the estate that's hardly ever used. I can show you there."

"Mhh, yeah. If I set up a few perception filters that should work out fine. Show me."

Ten minutes later they stood in the small, shadowed alleyway between Magnolia Crescent and Wisteria Walk. Harry leaned against a wall as he watched Sunset, her hands aglow, setting up the aforementioned wards. It only took her a few minutes. She had explained that the perception filters would effectively hide themselves, as well as any other magic in the alley.

"Just in case your relatives are home, I'll go invisible. Come here a second." He did as she asked and she waved her hand in front of his eyes. His vision shifted, though he couldn't put a finger on how. A moment later, Sunset became transparent, but he could still see her as a warping of the light, as though she was made of glass. "Now. Lead the way."

As it turned out, she needn't have bothered. The Dursleys hadn't come home yet. Not surprising, actually, considering that he and Hagrid had left them on the island without a boat. He was pretty sure Uncle Vernon wouldn't get cellphone reception out there either.

Getting in proved to be easy. Being invisible, Sunset could pick the lock without fear of being seen. Harry chose not to ask where or why she had learned to do that. Once in, Sunset dropped her invisibility and Harry's vision returned to normal. "Okay. Now that were here, tell me what actually happened here. I can guess at a lot of things, but tell me what really happened."

Harry was hesitant for a few moments, but she already found out most of what was going on with the Dursleys, he might as well fill in the blanks. Not to mention that, if Aunt Petunia's shows on the telly were accurate at all, talking about it might actually help. And so he led her to the living room, unnaturally pristine as usual, and began to tell her.

The strange things that happened around him, she identified them as magic surges, and the Dursleys' reactions thereto, the gluttony of Dudley and Uncle Vernon, and how they made sure he got little more than the bare minimum, how he'd only ever gotten the clothes Dudley didn't want anymore. When he told her about their reactions to the letters from Hogwarts, he mentioned how they told him to move to Dudley's second bedroom.

"Wait, you didn't sleep there before?"

"No." He got up, walking out into the hallway. "I slept there."

She followed his gaze to the cupboard beneath the stairs. "You're not serious. Are you? Oh sweet Celestia, you are serious." She placed her hand on the lock and it clicked open. Seeing the small mattress inside she scowled. "That is absolutely appalling." She turned back to him, holding out a hand. "Give me your hand, I'll make sure we have a plan b, just in case."

After a moment's hesitation he placed his hand in hers, prompting her to place one finger on the back of it. For a moment, nothing happened. Then the finger began to glow, followed a moment later by a glowing teal symbol. When she took her finger off and let go of his hand, he could still feel the tingle of her magic from the glyph, even as it faded into a faint, discolored outline. He looked at the flowing lines of the alien letter with slight confusion. "What is that?"

"An alarm spell. You can feel it right?" He nodded. "Good. If you ever need me, if your relatives do something too egregious, or something like that, focus on that feeling. It'll trigger the spell and I'll know where you are and that you need me. I'll come as quickly as I can." She smirked. "The glyph is ancient Thessian. It means 'contingency'. I thought it was appropriate. We can see it as a faint outline, but only because I'm the one who cast it, and you're the one I cast it on. Anyone else will need an aura sight spell to see it at all, so don't worry that your relatives will find it."

Harry couldn't help but smile. "Thanks."

"But know that it's an emergency measure. If it isn't absolutely necessary, use the journal to contact me instead. That glyph is single use."

They sat down in the kitchen and talked for a few more minutes. Then a car came down the road. Harry looked up, recognizing the vehicle. "It's the Dursleys. You gotta leave. They can't find you here."

"I see." With a sad expression, Sunset got up and hugged Harry which he returned after a moment. Then she took a step back. "I'll be in touch." She waved a final time, the air around her wavered and she was gone with nary a sound.

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