• Published 14th Mar 2019
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A Phoenix Beyond the Veil - The Philospher's Stone - gerandakis

Displeased with her mentor, Sunset Shimmer looks for a new option, she finds it in a Mirror Portal, deep in the vaults of Canterlot. Together with Philomena, she sets out on a journey. Two worlds of magic will be changed forever, by a small error ...

  • ...

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48 - Setting Things in Motion

Chapter Forty-Eight

Setting Things in Motion

Breakfast on Wednesday saw the group back in the Great Hall. Sunset and Hermione were clearly rather tired. As they had expected, they hadn't gotten much sleep. It also wasn't entirely surprising when the headmaster came up to their table.

"Good morning Miss Shimmer, I hope yesterday's adventures weren't too straining for you?"

Sunset tiredly shook her head. "No. But I'm not really in any hurry to return there if I can avoid it. At least unless it's to get rid of those abominations."

"There is no known way to destroy dementors," the Headmaster calmly pointed out.

"Give me a day when I'm not this tired and I'll find one for you." She chuckled quietly before looking back to the headmaster. "So, anyway, how is Mr. Black doing?"

"All things considered, surprisingly well. His mind seems largely intact, though his body will still take a bit to recover. I take it you will inform your princess of what you have learned yesterday?"

"Of course. I'll probably do that later, I didn't find the time tonight."

"It did get rather late, didn't it?"

"After telling the others what happened, definitely."

"Yes, it seems the school's rumor mill is going to have a field day with this. And the Daily Prophet won't be far behind, I suspect. Ah that reminds me. Mister Potter, would you mind seeing me in my office after lunch?" When Harry shrugged, Dumbledore turned back to Sunset. "I already asked you to come anyway, Miss Shimmer. Would you mind showing him the way?"


Satisfied, Dumbledore returned to the head table while the Gryffindors continued their meal.

Once they had eaten lunch, the Gryffindors returned to their common room to relax and conserve their strength for the day's Astronomy class, late at night. Harry and Sunset, however, were headed elsewhere.

Harry followed the girl through the castle's many corridors until they reached a stone statue. Sunset stopped before it, rolled her eyes and said, "Bubblegum." Harry tilted his head in confusion, before the statue suddenly came to life and jumped aside, the wall parting behind it to reveal a passageway.

Waving for him to follow, Sunset stepped through and made her way up the spiraling stone staircase. Stepping onto it, Harry noted that it was moving, slowly carrying them upwards. Sunset was walking up it anyways so he made to catch up.

"Come in."

Sunset pushed the door open and stood aside to let Harry pass into the office atop the stairs. Seeing the headmaster wave her in as well, Sunset stepped inside, closing the door behind them.

"Thank you for coming. There are some things I need to tell you about Harry. Take a seat."

The two of them sat down.

"Miss Shimmer, I take it you and Mister Weasley informed your classmates of the things we learned yesterday?" When Sunset nodded he continued. "Good, then I don't need to explain too much. Harry, you know that Sirius Black was a good friend of your father, but there is more to it than that. Sirius is your godfather, Harry. And I expect that once he has sufficiently recovered from the terrors of Azkaban, he will want to get to know you. After all, he hasn't seen you in ten years."

Harry stared at the old man with wide eyes. He had a godfather he never knew of? A man who had been a friend of his father? A man who could have taken care of him all these years he had spent with the Dursleys?

While Harry was lost in thought, Dumbledore turned to Sunset. "Now, Miss Shimmer. If the magic of Equestria truly does sustain his mother's protection, which my scans suggest it does, then there is no reason for him to return to the Dursleys over the summer.

"Sirius, I know for a fact, has inherited the house of his family, simply because he is the only viable heir. As long as there is a member of House Black who still bears the name, the house cannot be inherited by anyone who doesn't. The family's wealth will have gone to others, but the house is his.

"That being said. If I'm guessing right, Sirius will not be eager to return to said house, which leaves us with a bit of a problem.

"I can't tell if the protection Harry's mother gave him will now require him to see Equestria as a home he can return to, but I'd rather not take the chance, so it would be best if he did."

Sunset nodded thoughtfully. "I'll write to Princess Celestia. I'm sure she can arrange something. And if Mister Black wants Harry to live with him, I'm sure that can be arranged as well. The Weasleys and Hermione's parents adjusted rather well to being ponies and if Mr. Black is already used to a quadrupedal form, that will just make it easier for him."

Dumbledore smiled. "I had hoped you would say that." He nodded and his expression became thoughtful again. "I suspect it will take a week at least for Sirius to recover physically from the effects of Azkaban. As far as his mental health is concerned, I suspect meeting Harry will greatly help him improve on that front.

"For now, let's assume that he will be ready for that by next Saturday. If we are to make arrangements in Equestria, that would require your presence or, if she can arrange it, that of Princess Celestia. I'd very much like to meet her."

Sunset, having had quite a while to get a measure of the man, nodded slowly. "Yes, I guess you would. I'll see if she can arrange it."

"I thank you. Now. Harry."

Dumbledore calling his name seemed to startle Harry from his thoughts.

"We have ordered your new broom and it should arrive soon. If you get a long slender package that looks like it could hold a broomstick, please don't open it in the Great Hall. Take it to your dorm and open it there, we don't want this to make a big splash."

"Okay, Professor."

"Good. Now I think you will want to rest up a little so you can be ready for Astronomy tonight."

Harry made to leave but noticed that Sunset wasn't following. "Sunset?"

"Go ahead. I'll be there in a minute."

Dumbledore looked up as Harry shrugged and left the office. "Is there something else, Miss Shimmer?"

"Yes. There is. You remember how I noticed the mark on Mr. Pettigrew's forearm yesterday?"

Dumbledore slowly nodded. He could guess where this was going. "You noticed that Professor Snape also bears the same mark and wondered if I know about it?" Sunset nodded. "I do. You needn't worry about him. He abandoned the dark forces before the end of the war and acted as a spy for me after that. He had personal reasons that I will not share here, but I assure you they were good ones. I trust him completely."

Sunset considered the matter for a moment. "Alright, there is also the matter of Professor Quirrell."

"Quirinus? If you noticed dark magic about him, I wouldn't be surprised. It could easily be a side effect of his position."

"I know that. And I'm making sure that that isn't the cause. That's actually the main reason I waited so long before telling you about it. The problem is that there is a dark magic about him that has been growing stronger since the start of term. A dark magic I have yet to identify. And I'm starting to run out of things it could be.

"I've also heard that the position is supposedly cursed. I checked in today's lesson. There actually is a curse on the position, but that isn't the dark magic I've been sensing. It's extremely subtle and well hidden, but if you want I can help you track down its anchor at some point. The worrying thing about the dark magic surrounding Professor Quirrell is that it is focused around his head."

Dumbledore's eyes widened slightly. He knew quite a few things about dark magic. Including its corrupting influence. If it was focused around the head, that could indeed be highly problematic. Still he let the girl continue.

"Furthermore, it only breaches skin level in one place. The back of his head. So to summarize. The dark magic about him, a dark magic that, by the way, shows all the signs of being deliberately concealed, and the only place where it is likely to show physical effects is hidden underneath his turban. I don't know what he told you about his turban, but when we asked him about it in class his explanation was flimsy at best.

"He said it was a gift. A reward for ridding an African prince from a zombie. But he was quick to distract from the subject when we asked how he did that. Not to mention that we saw him in the Leaky Cauldron only a month before the start of term. I didn't know what he looked like then, but I certainly didn't see a turban then."

Dumbledore was worried now. "Are you certain he claimed it was a zombie?"

Sunset narrowed her eyes in thought for a moment. "Yes. That's what he called it, why?"

"Because there is no such thing as zombies. The concept is entirely a muggle invention. Likely based off of the concept of inferi, but if it had been that, an expert on the dark arts would have called it that. We may have to inquire directly."

"I don't think that's a good idea. It may not even be anything. And if he thinks we suspect anything, he could easily become very dangerous. Give me a bit more time to identify the magic. We can find a solution from there. Until then, maybe just keep your eyes open."

Dumbledore was quiet for a moment. "Very well. I suppose you have a point. Rash action may prove unwise. I'll make my own covert scans. Once either of us manages to identify the magic, it may be wise to ask your princess for advice."

"Yes. A thousand years of experience might come in handy. I'll probably soon ask her if she can recommend any more scans I could make. It may well be a type of dark magic I didn't think of."

"Very well. For now I think you should return to your common room and save your energy for tonight."

"True. Good afternoon professor."

Dumbledore watched her leave with mild concern. He would have to think over his past dealings with Quirinus again. Was there a subtle change in behavior he had missed? Aside from the obvious, of course. Or was his stutter and anxiety simply a mask to conceal such subtle differences? He would need time to think about that.

Now, however, it was time to send out a few letters. There were some people who deserved to learn about recent events from him rather than seeing them in the morning news a few days from now.

He looked down at the letter in his hands as he sat in the reception area of St. Mungo's Hospital. It had arrived in the morning, only a few hours ago and he had come as soon as he could. It wouldn't do to visit his friend any later, especially since the full moon was a mere few days away.

With nothing better to do while he waited, he unfolded the parchment and re-read the letter another time.

Dear Remus,

I write you today because I have news that you deserve to be told in person
rather than learn them from the Daily Prophet. Just yesterday I learned a
good bit about what you and the other Marauders got up to over your last
three years at Hogwarts. I learned that James was an animagus. And that
Sirius and Peter still are.
Yes. You read that correctly. Peter is alive. He spent the last ten years in his
animagus form, hiding out as a rat. When one of my students noticed that
something was off about the pet of young Ronald Weasley (yes he hid under
the roof of the Weasley family, the irony is not lost on me.) she brought the
matter to Minerva's attention.
When she revealed Peter's true identity, he tried to attack and kill her, but
ended up disarmed and subdued. I called in Amelia's help and she took us
along to take up our statements. In the interrogation I learned all that had
happened. Sirius didn't betray James and Lily. He wasn't the secret keeper.
He wasn't the double agent. Peter was.
Sirius suggested making him the secret keeper as a bluff, a ruse to lead
Voldemort on a false track. He knew that he was the obvious choice. But
by suggesting Peter, he played right in his hands and Peter betrayed them.
He was also the one that killed all those muggles that day, then cut off his
own finger before fleeing through the sewers as a rat. Sirius never fired a
spell. We went to Azkaban to retrieve him immediately. He is in St. Mungo's
now. With this letter I'm sending you a written authorization. The staff will
let you see him.

I will do all I can to see this injustice corrected.

Your old friend,

He could hardly believe it. Peter was alive. And he was the betrayer, not Sirius. Sirius was innocent. He had never understood how his friend, his pack mate, could do such a thing. He had never been one to be easily swayed from his beliefs, so how had the Death Eaters gotten through to him? Sirius had never been one to desire power, so that could not have been a draw. He had never feared a confrontation, so him turning on them out of fear was unimaginable. And while wealth was a draw for every wizard, Sirius had more than he would ever need.

Now, of course, everything made so much more sense. Peter had always had a certain lust for power, he might have been susceptible to the Voldemort's machinations. He was still convinced that they had simply gotten unlucky. Peter had always been the weakest of the group, but even winning him over couldn't have been easy. He was saddened by the betrayal of one he had considered a friend.

But Sirius was innocent. And that was why he was here. With renewed resolve, he walked up to the receptionist and showed her the slip of paper he had found in the letter. She nodded and quietly told him a room number, pointing to the door beside her desk.

With a quiet thanks he walked off.

The headmaster's prediction came true two days later. The morning mail made breakfast in the Great Hall quite a bit more interesting. Harry's broomstick arrived, of course, but is also seemed that the Daily Prophet hat gotten their hands on the news of Mr. Black's release from Azkaban.

Over the course of the past two days, the news had slowly spread throughout the Gryffindor Tower, bur only in the later hours of the previous day had the news spread to the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. As such, there was quite the uproar at their tables, but it couldn't match the chaos at the Slytherin table.

It got so bad that Professor Snape had to come down in person to lay down the law. After that, his house resigned itself to silent fuming under the watchful eyes of their prefects. Harry, meanwhile led the trek back out of the hall and to the common room. From there it was a mere few moments before he reached the boys' dorms and unwrapped his brand-new 'Nimbus 2000', as the plaque at the front proudly proclaimed.

It was, by all accounts, a top-of-the-line racing broom. The streamlined shape and polished wood spoke of the work of expert craftsmen. The entire design showed their pride in their work.

After that day's Potions class was over, this time without an almost disaster at the hands of Neville, which did wonders for the boy's confidence, Harry found Oliver Wood at lunch. He was, unsurprisingly, eager to start training Harry, and promised to give him an introduction that evening.

So it was that at seven that evening, Harry flew from the top of Gryffindor Tower to the Quidditch Pitch. He landed lightly on the grass, jumping off his broom just as Wood arrived with a large box that Harry suspected to hold the game's four balls.

"Very nice. I can see what McGonnagall meant. You really are a natural. Now. You said you know the rules?"

They then went through the basic rules of the game. Harry, having memorized the rulebook they had bought for Sunset to translate, surprised Wood with his knowledge and even taught him a few obscure things.

Wood didn't quite expect Harry's reaction when he explained that they wouldn't be practicing with the Snitch due to the darkness. "So what? I'll find it. It's not like it can just fly off, is it? It's charmed not to leave the playing area."

"I suppose you're not wrong ..."

"And ... I've figured out how to get my eyes to zoom. Oh that reminds me."

Wood was puzzled to see Harry wave in the direction of the distant Gryffindor tower. "Why are you waving?"

"My friends are watching."

Confused, Wood took a closer look, and indeed, squinting a little, he could see the glimmer of several telescopes in the light of the setting sun. "You can see them from here?"

"Yep. I have the best eyes at the school. And now I also have a built in telescope."

"Well alright then."

Wood let the snitch fly several times. Each time, Harry would close his eyes to give the ball a few seconds to fly off, then reopen them and let his gaze wander over the vacant stadium. He would then jump onto the broom and race off towards a more or less distant corner of the field and come back with the snitch in hand moments later. Occasionally, the ball would manage to escape, but even then it would only take a few moments before Harry found it again.

By the end, Wood had to hold back so as to not jump for joy.

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