• Published 28th Aug 2018
  • 8,417 Views, 223 Comments

Burden of Love, Curse of Hatred - Knight of Crows

A brony goes to a convention as Estarossa, he doesn't regret buying Rebellion.

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Planning ahead

Estarossa (Jack) POV

I have to say, the castle food is some of the best I've had in my life. The conversation switched to better topics after the sisters got all the information I could give on the Archangels and Commandments. Starting with the Archangels the only information I had on them was the Graces, the Domain of God which if they don't have their Graces should be impossible, and speculation on Flash and either it's extreme speed or partial time control, I couldn't remember too much about Sariel, Tarmiel, or Ludociel. The Commandments I had enough info to work with, but that info made them more terrified of the Commandments. Personally I think the only ones we'll need to worry about are Ludociel, Galand, Melascula, Grayroad, Karmaldios, Zeno, Aranach (those last 3 may come back), and maybe Fraudrin. Drole, Gloxinia, Derieri, and Monspiet won't be a problem, but Gowther and Zeldris are uncertainties. After explaining what I knew and who to be cautious of they became visibly relaxed until I told them about Grayroad and Melascula, they became even more adamant on me dealing with them if necessary. We had finished eating and I decided to explore and find a few places to be alone as I have business with Mael. I eventually found the gardens and took a seat by a noticeably deep pond before starting what I need to.

"Mael, we need to talk." I thought to him

'What do you need?' he asked

"I need a few things actually. Help with the other Archangels if they show up and if possible I need you to train me to use light. We both know I'm going to need it."

'What makes you so sure you can even use light?' he asked as if such a thing was unreasonable

"The simple facts that I'm in control of your body right now, you were able to use light when you had 4 Commandments meaning 20% of the Demon King's power, and our souls being tied together like this. I can't always rely on the Dark and I know you in your now mentally stable state will actively refuse to use it. While the power will be nice, if the others see us as Estarossa I may not be able to hold back, especially if they are as merciless as Stigma or Derieri from 3,000 years ago." I said as a bird was already landing on my arm and letting me scratch it's head

'What did Stigma do to warrent this level of caution?' he asked shocked as if he really doesn't know

"Derieri's sister was murdered by Ludociel after he mistook Elizabeth's attempts at peace for a chance to eradicate the demons filling Derieri's heart with more hate than you. 3,000 years ago a person sized demon who didn't want to fight was found injured and treated by a village of humans, Stigma left only a handful of survivors for this act of kindness and those humans betrayed everyone when Melascula and Gowther were turning the Light of Grace against Stigma. There is a fine line between justice and revenge, this act drove Gloxinia to betray Stigma as well."

'We only added fuel to the flames didn't we?' he asked after several moments of silence

"To quote someone from my world, 'each man's death is of their own making'. You and the rest of Stigma sealed your own fates and by extension the war when you killed Gowther's lover, Stigma when they massacred that village, Drole when he gave in to fear, Gloxinia when he gave in to his hatred, Gowther when he tried to use that forbidden spell, the Supreme Diety and Demon King when they attacked Elizabeth and Meliodas, and Fraudrin when he killed one of Elizabeth's reincarnations right in front of Meliodas. Tell me I'm wrong."

'I wish I could.' I could feel him lowering his head 'May I ask you something?'

"Go ahead."

'Why do you think I'm here still? Why were you so reluctant to fight me?' I thought of how to answer that for about a minute

"As I said, some higher power thought you deserved a second chance, Estarossa as well probably since he's how you would have been had you been born a demon. You were not in control as Estarossa so it would be unfair to punish you for his actions even if you are partially responsible for his creation. You were merciless, but your kindness towards others seemed to be a defining trait if that was the last thing Tarmiel said, you hated the demons, but you prayed they would be reborn with righteous souls. It's easy but foolish to judge others based on their actions and appearances alone, the how and why are just as important. A lot of people wanted to see Estarossa get his teeth kicked in and got what they wanted when Escanor met him, but started changing their perspectives as more facts and inconsistencies came to light. It was probably for your own protection too now that I think about it."

'Alright, 2 things: 1 why did Escanor have my Grace and 2 who would I need protection from and why? I was dead anyway.' you haven't thought of this Mael

"To answer the first question the Grace probably had a mind of it's own and chose the best candidate among the races when it might have sensed the second Holy War. To answer your second question the Demon King would probably pity you yes, but would still kill you, probably better than the Supreme Diety though." he growled in response

'Why would I need to be protected from Her? Such a thing is unthinkable, choose your next words carefully human.'

"She cursed her own daughter to keep being reunited with and inevitably fall in love with Meliodas and have her die after 16-18 years or so, living for only 3 more days after remembering her past lives, all because of who she chose to love. In doing so she helped the Demon King punish Meliodas by making him watch her die 100+ times now screwing up the war 3,000 years ago by throwing away her 2 most powerful allies, one of which would regress back to his old self as his emotions are taken every time he dies. She sentenced her own daughter to a fate worse than death and sabotaged the Holy War simply because of her daughter loving a demon, what do you think she would do to you for Estarossa's crimes, killing 2 Archangels and taking in more Commandments? What do you think she would do to me after taking over your body and taking in a Commandment?" I would have expected you to put 2 and 2 together

'Surely she wou-'

"I have no reason to believe she wouldn't make our lives absolute Hell if not kill us. As much as I want to believe she is good, her actions only prove that 'angels are really just demons with white wings'. No one like her deserves to have any power much less call themselves a parent. Parents who neglect and abuse their children show more love than her." I interrupted

He tried to say something, but he couldn't come up with a response, he couldn't think of anything to deny what I said. He receded back into my mind to sort all this out leaving me to think on how to deal with the others. The biggest problems among them would be Ludociel, Grayroad, Melascula, and Galand. Ludociel might be capable of reason, but Grayroad would need to die before he can break anyone into being a slave or demonizing best case scenario, Melascula before she raises an army of undead, and Galand who won't stop even after I die. To my understanding this might just become one huge shit show, but right now the best I can do is prepare, problem is there isn't much I can do to prepare for these.

"Damnit. I've got nothing better to do for now so I guess I'll see how the sisters are doing, word about me had to have spread like wildfire so the foreseeable future should be fun to say the least." I said getting up and started making my way to the throne room.

Celestia POV

Where did I go wrong in my rule, all these nob- no, these foals do is complain about the smallest things or right now try to buy me into their herds or demand I banish Luna again (thank mother Luna isn't here right now). Sometimes I feel like I have too much self control and it. Doesn't. Get. Better.

"Surely you can understand why us nobles should pay less in our taxes and the lower classes pay more your-" Please mother if you can hear me make it stop. Oh she finally stopped talking, still holding her head up high with an expectant smile on her face.

"I shall take this into consideration, you shall have my response within the week." Just as she was about to respond I heard screaming and what sounded like metal falling on the floor

"HALT CREATURE!" A guard shouted as he 3 others held their spears to the door. I saw Estarossa walk in with an amused and confused look on his face

"Word about my existence traveled slower than I thought it would." Estarossa said as he sent a dark pulse ensuring it is the good one and one of the guards attacked him in response

"No stop!" I shouted too late as his spear was thrust into Estarossa's chest only to have it shatter into pieces surprising us all, he lowered himself to eye level with the guard and tilted his head a little

"How does it feel knowing my skin is stronger than your best weapons? I should also have you know I can practically shit out better and lighter weapons." The guard fainted and seconds later the other guards dropped their weapons, possibly victims of his Commandment "Okay Celestia, this is getting old and quick." He said standing back up and walking to me

"Is there a reason you're here right now? Not that it's unwelcome." I asked

"Do I need a reason to say hello to one of my favorite ponies? Besides, I'm bored anyway, this seemed like a good bit of fun." You have no idea how wrong you are

"You could always spend time with Luna, she certainly enjoys your company."

"I could, but she's likely in the middle of something right now, but I'll check on her if you want." He offered "I'm guessing she'll be in the library or her room right now?"

"She's in the library at the moment trying to catch up to current events and other advancements in the past 1,000 years."

"Makes sense, I should probably learn this world's history among other things while I'm there, thanks." He said on his way out

Now back to this Tartarus


"How could he do this to me? We were supposed to be on the same side damnit!" A tall creature shouted swinging it's double edged voulge like weapon in rage "No matter, he may have my Commandment, but he failed to kill me, and he will regret it." This creature said marching off in a random direction cutting down everything in it's path