• Published 28th Aug 2018
  • 8,416 Views, 223 Comments

Burden of Love, Curse of Hatred - Knight of Crows

A brony goes to a convention as Estarossa, he doesn't regret buying Rebellion.

  • ...

Surprise! I brought a better mage.

Estarossa (Jack) POV

"So what have you been doing all this time?" I asked after taking flight with Monspiet to Canterlot.

"Well after you- Estarossa killed me, I was brought back into a new body by Faust, apparently this was an empty vessel already in service to princess Celestia as a guard." He answered.

"I'm beginning to think she can see the future to some extent." I said to myself. "So how long have you been in this world?"

"A few years before Nightmare Moon, rather princess Luna's return."

"I imagine me coming here was a shock to say the least?"

"If by 'shock' you mean fly down to the old castle as fast as I could with the intent to kill you then yes. That did change with the events that followed, but I still followed you for signs of it all being an act."

"I figured. There's more I'd like to discuss, probably Mael as well, but that's enough for now." We were nearing the castle now, apparently it was already on high alert if the several guards in formation outside the gate are anything to go by. My guess is this is a drill or they witnessed all the commotion. Maybe they were contacted by Twilight? Eh, one way to find out. We descended and quickly found Shining Armor directing the troops, surprisingly no one paused or even noticed Monspiet with his dark wings flying near me.

"Seems like there's a lot going on here." Monspiet said.

"I'm tempted to just let them do their thing if they're mobilizing for what I think they are. If that is the case though they're going with the dumbest course of action possible. Assuming we're the reason why, they should be focusing on evacuation instead of preparing to attack people strong enough to solo world domination." Shining noticed us and quickly closed the distance.

"There you are Third! We'll be moving out shortly." Yeah, we're going to be changing that name soon. "Estarossa? Good. We could use the help."

"Let me guess, the location I've been training, lots of explosions? I've already dealt with it, just got back." He looked surprised to hear this, and is that disappointment I see?

"Is that so? Then it looks like all this isn't necessary then." He turned to everyone else. "That's enough everypony! Things sorted themselves out! Pack everything back up then get back to your posts!" He shouted. Turns out ponies are faster at putting everything away than pulling it all out.

"So am I safe in assuming the princesses are in the throne room?"

"You'd be safe in that assumption. What do you need?"

"I have some news for them that they'll certainly want to hear, you should probably come too."

"I can't, somepony has to oversee things around here and the only other pony I'd trust is out of commission right now. I'll be sure to ask about it later though."

"Suit yourself. Well I guess I'll be on my way." I turned to my side and noticed Monspiet wasn't there. I never saw or heard him move. Cool! He could be a Weeping Angel or SCP 173, but potentially worse! "See you later."

"You too."

What to do, what to do? No plans for later. Continue Light training tomorrow, but what about the rest of tonight?
Tell Celestia and Luna about Monspiet.
I'm at a loss. I guess I could show people how it's done on Overwatch if this world has it, though I could never get the aim settings to how I want, too used to playing Destiny and Halo I guess.

"You realize you just walked past the throne room, right?" Monspiet asked, snapping me out of my thoughts, and causing me to jump.

"Jesus Christ! Where'd you come from?" I asked.

"I've been following with Trick Card a short while after we landed." He answered.

"'Trick Card'? I don't recognize that, I wonder if any of the others have abilities that weren't listed?" I said to myself. "Whatever, let's get moving." Opening the doors to the throne room, we were greeted by a dispute between a griffon and a unicorn noble.

"Princess, surely you can see why he should refund me?" The noble said.

"I'm truly glad there weren't any Demons like him, or any of these nobles really." Monspiet said quietly.

"Our agreement was that he pay half in advance for the workers, the tools, supplies, and the other essentials. He would also pay for any ore or gems we found, but would pay the rest if we got what he asked for. What he didn't tell us was that monster would be there which costed us quite a few workers and halted our efforts. Now not only is he refusing to buy anything we have dug up, claiming it is his, but he's refusing to offer any form of protection or hazard pay, and he's demanding a refund because we can't move forward!" The griffon explained.

"As if I were to know there would be a monster there." The noble said in a way that just screamed he was well aware of the monster.

"If I may." I stepped in. "If you knew about the monster then that could be considered third degree murder, otherwise it's reckless endangerment if you had reason to believe the monster was there. By the way, the act isn't convincing anyone." I saw sweat forming on his face. "They may be employed by you, but that doesn't mean everything they dug up is yours. You didn't deny the claim that you would pay them for what they dug up which means you acknowledged that nothing was yours, that would be theft and fraud I believe." His eyes shot open as he started sweating more. "Last I heard, refusing to offer the necessary forms of safety in a job like this is also illegal. By all means sue them if you want your money back, but just remember, they can sue you for a lot more and the law wouldn't let you enjoy that money anyway." He became angry with me, the griffon looked pleased.

"Who? How dare you interrupt this trial! Don't you" He started.

"Don't care. The griffon's right, you're wrong, and you haven't denied anything I said. If it were up to me, you would be put in a cell until you're proven innocent or until the princesses demanded your release. I know what you were going to say, so let me spell it out for you so you can understand. Prince outranks noble, I don't care who you are because you're another piece of shit, you're just another spoiled brat flaunting around his rank and wealth, thinking he knows better than everyone else."

"Know your place!" He tried to cast a spell, but it fizzled out as he fell victim to my Commandment. "Wha- what's going on? Why can't I move?" He shouted as he panicked.

"And now we have assault, or the attempt anyway." I said, bored with him. I turned to the princesses who looked less than pleased. "So what happens now?"

"Guards, please escort the plaintiff out for the time being, as for the defendant, you are dismissed. We will have our verdict soon." Celestia said. The noble protested as he was dragged out and the griffon thanked everyone for the results so far before he left.

"You're back earlier than usual, did something happen?" Luna asked.

"You could say that. Tell me, do you know this guy?" I asked, gesturing to Monspiet.

"'Mr. Third' I believe most ponies called him." Celestia answered. "You've been a guard for quite some time I believe, no bad marks, above average performance, a model guard." She said to Monspiet.

"So you know of me then?" Monspiet asked.

"I try to keep track of the good ones." She answerd, then turned to me. "Now what brings you two here?"

"I have news. I have good news, I have more good news, I have bad news, and I have awesome news. Which would you like to hear?"

"I'd prefer we start with the bad news." Luna said.

"Okay. There's someone with an unreadable power level that knows about the Commandments and the world they originate from, apparently he can control people to an extent. Third was one such victim." I started.

"Is that pony still out there?" Celestia asked.

"Unfortunately yes. Now on to the better news, obviously I stopped Third and beat some sense into him, but you'll never guess what makes this better."

"What is it?" Luna asked.

"Celestia, what if I told you that this guy was not who you think he is? What if I told you that he's easily one of the strongest in the world?"

"I would ask who he is and how you know this." She answered.

"Celestia, Luna. What if I told you that for the past few years, courtesy of your mother, that one of the Commandments was working for you? Don't answer that. Say hello to Monspiet."



"I know, he looks nothing like me. Monspiet, I'm apologizing in advance for what I'm about to do."

"What is it you're-" I lit his ass on fire, causing the princesses to shout in rage and shock, more so from Luna. Two seconds later, the flames died down almost instantly with Monspiet unfazed, if slightly annoyed. "I was honestly expecting something else."

"You're unharmed??!!" Celestia said in a raised voice.

"Fire, especially Hellfire isn't all that effective against me." Monspiet said.

"He was known as the most proficient fire magic user in the Demon race, top it off with being I think the third strongest Commandment after Meliodas left and you wouldn't be wrong if you said he was the best fire mage in the world. Probably only Meliodas and the Demon King could actually burn him." I commented.

"Did you really have to take such measures to introduce somepony?" Luna asked.

"Probably not, but I thought it'd be amusing."

"No one's laughing." Monspiet said.

"I never said anyone else would be laughing. So Celestia, how does it feel knowing that for several years, you've had one of the Demon King's Generals as a lowly guard? How does it feel knowing that a lowly guard is probably your best scout, strategist, and your second best powerhouse? I'd say someone's due for a promotion." I saw looks of realization on Celestia and Luna's faces before they both started laughing. "Am I missing something?"

"Oh nothing, it is kind of funny though now that you mention it." Celestia answered before turning to Monspiet. "With new information coming to light, I think it appropriate for a mandatory evaluation, what comes after is your decision Third- I mean Monspiet."

"Honestly, it makes no difference to me. The real Estarossa is my only concern, my rank won't change anything really."

"Regardless, you deserve a rank befitting your experience and power, should we be unable to lead, you would be the next best option." Luna said.

"Hey what about me?" I asked.

'Do you really want that responsibility?' Mael asked.

"Nevermind, I'd probably be better off doing my own thing anyway." I responded.

"It is decided then. You will be evaluated and placed accordingly." Celestia said. Monspiet was about to say something, gut I beat him to it.

"Remember what I said during our fight? Yes, you can sense power from miles away, but this could help you find Derrieri along with other Commandments if they show up. You know them as well if not better than me or Mael, you'd have an easier time planning accordingly if someone like Greyroad or God forbid Melascula comes here. Actually only the other Estarossa, those two, and maybe the original Gowther would be problems, Fraudrin is a maybe. Problems for later." He took a minute to think over what I said before giving his answer.

"I'll do it." He said.

Shining, you're probably about to be replaced.

Author's Note:

If Trick Card was one of Monspiet's abilities, then I've forgotten that. As far as I can remember, both his fake name and the ability were Sleepybear's ideas in his SDS story which is no longer available for people to read until he does what he needs to.

Also I couldn't think of how to further progress the story beyond what's written here. Not writers block, more you know what you want, but you feel like you're missing something. I'll deal with it later.