• Published 28th Aug 2018
  • 8,416 Views, 223 Comments

Burden of Love, Curse of Hatred - Knight of Crows

A brony goes to a convention as Estarossa, he doesn't regret buying Rebellion.

  • ...

The Decision

Estarossa (Jack) POV

The flight gave me time to think on recent events and what the future holds. If Galand was able to appear then others may do the same, but two things are bugging me to no end. Why did he recognize me as Estarossa and how did his power increase so much? If he had Truth I might have been in trouble considering that's at least 38k+28k=66k and Critical Over raising it to at least 99k. I want to say that was the dragon soul, but I doubt that and the power increase from Commandments was inconsistent if Estarossa went from 60k-88k-126k-200k. If he was this powerful without a Commandment I'll need to learn how to use Light and soon, otherwise I'll need to somehow give Mael control so he can do so. That reminds me.

"Mael?" I thought to him

'Do you need something?" He asked

"How effective is Light at healing and reattaching limbs?"

'It would have no problems unless a sufficient amount of Darkness was used. You plan to reattach her wing if the doctors can't don't you?'

"For a pegasus to lose the gift of flight, especially one like Rainbow, would be similar to if not worse than a unicorn losing it's horn, a bred warrior losing his arms, or an Archangel losing his Grace. The only things she has left are a limb that no longer has any purpose, friends, family, and her life. She certainly lost her pride and may have just lost her job, her home, her future, and more. All those years she spent trying to become the best flyer in Equestria so she could fulfill her dream and it's taken in a second by a battle hungry maniac with a smile on his face. As I said, killing her may very well be an act of mercy at this point, that's if she doesn't decide to attempt suicide first. Besides, my hellblaze might have done more than I thought."

'The hellblaze didn't do any damage a low class angel couldn't heal. *sigh* And what kind of Archangel would I be if I didn't help?' So we are in agreement then

"Now what about Galand's soul? I doubt you'd just accept me eating it and I'd like to avoid the possibility of necromancy on powerful beings like him. Especially considering his power without Truth. The power from it would be useful sure, but losing your body and having a Commandment is bad enough for you I'm sure."

'Do what you must. I had just about reached my limit around the time I was given Sunshine. I would prefer to avoid eating his soul, but if other threats like Galand appear then we may have no choice. Perhaps we could seek help from the Goddess of this world?' I suppose we could

"Maybe. I feel like we'd be pushing it though. She already made me immune to the Commandment's corruption and gave me the magic eye in exchange for befriending Luna. I would expect some kind of task in exchange for transferring Galand's power or making a sort of bank out of it (imagine the Hundred Healings Jutsu Tsunade and Sakura used against Madara and Kaguya). I still think it'd still be best to have Celestia and Luna's input on this anyway."

'If there is a task to be done then it would be in our best interest do it. If others especially brother or Zeldris appear you'll need it.' He pointed out

"Hopefully it won't come to that though. It might not though since Galand recognized Estarossa instead of you. My guess is because he died before the spell Gowther casted was broken, if that's the case then our list is narrowed down and less to worry about. It could have been random chance or Galand being an idiot again. The former would leave Drole, Gloxinia, Monspiet, and Fraudrin as the only ones to see Estarossa. The rest should see Mael." This might get confusing and fast

'Which should mean less trouble from the Goddess clan at least leaving Monspiet for attacking him and Derrieri, and Zeldris assuming you're right in how Galand was excluded from the spell's release.' Less on my plate that's for sure

"This is a lot to think about so let's pick this back up some other time."

The flight continued in silence, probably for the best considering what we have to deal with right now. My fears have come true and one of the elements may be damaged in more ways than one if not useless now, I'm still trying to make sense of how and why this happened. Do promises from Loyalty herself mean nothing? What about the others? Is Twilight really this incompetent? What wasn't to understand about 'run away'? No. I'm putting this off for now, I have better and more important things to do than try to understand and do the equivalent of trying to cure stupidity. Upon landing the guards saluted us(?) and surprisingly no weapons were dropping this time. We quickly made our way to Luna's room as we expected her to be there or in the library right now, if the noises in her room sounding like mobs being slaughtered in one of the Warriors games are anything to go by then we were just saved a trip. Opening the door and I was right on both parts.

"Sister, we need to talk." Celestia said after a long pause. Luna paused the game and saved while turning to us with a concerned look on her face.

"Is something wrong?" Luna asked getting up and coming to us. Celestia took a moment to calm herself knowing she would need it.

"I....I don't know where to begin." She said shaking

"Maybe it would be best if I told her." I offered

"Tell me what?" Luna asked, Celestia didn't respond so I took that as the okay to do so

"Long story short, my fears were correct and Galand the Truth was in Equestria, and was somehow more powerful than when he had Truth." She became shocked and immediately turned to terrified "He killed the dragon and cut off one of Rainbow's wings after she attacked him even though I told her to run after she promised she would do so." Luna looked like she was shaking in rage, restraining herself and trying not to shout "I killed him, took his weapon, and took his soul. What to do with it I'm not sure." I pulled out Galand's soul and no sooner was it in Luna's view did she summon her scythe and attempt to kill his soul, but Love stopped her and I caught her as she lost her balance.

"What did you have in mind for him?" Luna asked after calming down enough to do so

"Our choices are release his soul, kill it if possible, or I eat it and gain more power as a result, but there are a few possible drawbacks to that choice. Our last option that Mael thought of is to see about your mother helping with this. I'm going to need the power if his strength surpassing when he had Truth is any reason to go on, but I might be weaker in the long run, and I might lose the cooperation of Mael if I eat it." She and Celestia looked at him with I would say pure hatred in Celestia's case, but she doesn't appear to be affected by Love so that's a no probably. They took a few minutes and shared a few looks before coming to a decision.

"As much as I would enjoy ending his existence here and now I can see why one isn't an option, the second almost as bad, the third possibly being more problematic, and the fourth would require the elements or the tree they came from." Luna said not looking away

"Unfortunately after Galand's attack, the elements are out of commission for the time being, especially if Rainbow does become a threat to herself." Celestia said with regret on her face

"So this leaves your mother's help as the first option and soul consumption as a last resort. However if neither the doctors nor the elements can help Rainbow then I'll need to learn how to use Light and soon. I had to use hellblaze to stop the bleeding so they might not be able to do anything because of it. It may have been weak enough for a low class angel to heal it, but it may have still done a lot of damage and I don't know how low class angels compare to you or the average pony." They both shared looks of concern knowing what I'm saying may very well be true, Celestia looked to me after a few moments of silence

"I have something to ask of you, as a friend." She said

"Ask away."

"If you can't learn to control Light, if the doctors and elements can't help Rainbow Dash, but you do learn to remove Commandments and everypony else agrees on it, will you share your blood with her?" Come again

"Mael!" I shouted out loud, catching the sisters by surprise

'Goddess blood is safer than demon blood, but since it's our blood it may not end well.' He said, good to know, but damnit

"So Mael basically just said no, so Light and the elements are the options most likely to work with the fewest consequences."

"Understandable, but not unexpected." Luna said. I walked to the door, but Celestia stopped me

"Where are you going?" She asked

"The Everfree, we'll have results from the hospital within the day and regardless of whether or not she can be helped by them or the elements I still need to speak with your mother about what we just discussed. She might also have a solution to Rainbow's problem soooooo yeah." She accepted this answer and turned back to Luna

"Very well, do what you deem to be necessary." Just as I was about to open the door, Luna stopped me

"Estarossa?" She said


"Come back soon alright." She said smiling.

"You know I will. How about when I come back I introduce you to some of the other games Celestia bought you?" I would have asked her out, but I'm broke and I still feel it's too soon.

"I would like that." Her smile got a little brighter as she said that

"Alright, be back soon. Bye!" I said and flew off deciding to mess with everyone in the hallways. I wonder how much damage this will cause, worth it.