• Published 28th Aug 2018
  • 8,416 Views, 223 Comments

Burden of Love, Curse of Hatred - Knight of Crows

A brony goes to a convention as Estarossa, he doesn't regret buying Rebellion.

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Bonding, Reunions, Archangel's Despair

Estarossa POV

We followed the guard to what I'm assuming is the Lunar Wing of the castle and I can already see why. The halls are all night themed and Lunar guards are everywhere, once we reached the Luna's new room the guards opened the doors and the one who lead us here left. Stepping into the room it looked like Celestia took everything into account, no signs of dust, a great view of the city, a telescope, anything Luna probably liked before was already here and somehow even up to date gaming systems from Earth with a lot of the good games. Oh the things me and her are going to do if she is a natural.

"Estarossa." Luna said turning to me


"I don't think I can ever say this enough," she wrapped me in a hug again "thank you."

"I don't know what you're thanking me for this time, but you're welcome." I said bending down to return the hug, I let her decide when to stop as I ran my fingers through her mane and scratched her behind the ears. She seemed so content to stay there that she almost looked like she wanted to fall asleep while standing, but she let go eventually to see what her new room had to offer. She noticed the Xbox One and PS4 (still amazed they even have these), but decided to hold off on them as she saw a chess box.

"Are you familiar with chess?" she asked

"I am." we set it up on a table near the fire place, I she let me choose the black pieces and we flipped a coin to see who would go first with her being the winner.

Luna POV

"How experienced would you say you are?" I asked before starting

"I would say I'm still a beginner. Every time I've played was with people who were probably as inexperienced as I was and somehow I haven't lost once. I don't even plan anything which is the sad part, I just wing it until the king dies." he said and I began

"May I ask you something?"

"You just did, but go ahead." he move his pawn to keep mine from advancing

"You said you became Estarossa who used to be an archangel, yes?" I moved another pawn to be beside the first

"He was called Mael, he was the strongest and weakest assuming his Grace which each archangel had didn't increase his base power." he moved a pawn forward once to ready to deal with the my second pawn and keep the first still "He was feared as the Angel of Death. As the sun rose he would become more powerful capping at about a 150,000 increase to his base 32,000." how could he be that strong "While he was supposedly very kind and gentle, he was merciless to demons even if they were non-combatants, a learned hatred from his brother and the Supreme Diety. To be honest, he's one of 2 I fear right now." I lost focus on the game hearing this

"Why would you fear him?"

"Estarossa is really just Mael who had his Grace ripped from him and brainwashed into believing he was the Demon King's second son. It goes without saying that his hatred of demons only grew as he was forced to watch as the new him slaughtered so many people with a smile on his face, he admired his new older brother to the point of wanting to become him especially after he 'took the woman he loved from him'. He was forced to watch as he took in the Commandment which was slowly corrupting him over the course of 3,000 years to the point that when he finally got his body back he absorbed 3 more Commandments adding to the corruption and mental degradation, tried to kill the Fairy King for being friends with the doll that helped cause his suffering, and killed 2 of the other archangels." he tapped his head with a finger "If he is up here, what do you think he'll do to me if I look like Estarossa when he sees me, or if Estarossa is up here, what do you think he'll do to him? I was either turned into Estarossa or I am hijacking this body and one or both of them might be here as well, if one dies what will happen to the other 2?"

"NO! I won't let that happen!" I will do everything I can to stop this if what he says is true

"I hope your dream magic is very powerful then. If power levels are the same there as the real world then I'll be the only one with a chance at victory. Assuming I'd be facing them as I am now and not a human, that's 2 people with a level of 60,000 and a person with 32,000 assuming he doesn't somehow have his Grace wouldn't be affected at all by one with a current level of 1,300. The real Estarossa would win because of experience and unless Mael has his Grace he will lose, if I could weaponize Light I might be able to win, but having no combat experience myself while fighting someone with resistance to both Light and Dark is still a disadvantage. Having a teacher who I can one shot just by punching the air and if they hit me with the hammer would break it instead of my rib cage isn't what you'd call ideal. The best I can hope for is neither of them are here or for Mael to be reasonable." tears threatened to escape once more, how can he be so lax about this

"Its not fair! I might lose my first friend in the past 1,000 years just because of some stronger being's obsession with revenge, revenge that has nothing to do with him." the tears finally going down my face, he looked hurt just seeing me like this

"I really am an idiot." what "I made a promise to myself I wouldn't make you cry and here I go with practically no effort at all doing the exact opposite of that." he said pulling me close to him "There might not be anything to worry about at all, besides I doubt your mother would just let such a thing happen anyway."

"That doesn't make me any less worried."

"I didn't expect it to, but it was worth a try." he said looking back to the chess board "I think I've soured the mood enough so let's choose a better topic, before we get to that I've already forgotten who's turn it was."

"As have I." putting the pieces and the box away before turning back to 2 small black box shaped items "What are these?" I asked him

"Those are gaming systems, basically allows you to take control of fictional characters in various scenarios, strangely enough we had these same exact games back home. Let's see what you got. Halo MCC, Halo Reach, Halo 5, Destiny 1-2, Mass Effect 1-3, Fable Anniversary-3, Dark Souls Remastered-3, Dynasty 9 (had so much potential) and Samurai Warriors 4, Elder Scrolls 4- ESO, Naruto, Bloodborne, Kingdom Hearts 1-Dream Drop Distance, and more. Just about all the good games, Celestia really wasn't holding back, I think I would be more surprised to not find a circle dug out somewhere around the castle!" he said getting a laugh out of me

"Which one would you recommend we try first?"

"The only ones we can play together are Halo, Fable 2 or 3, Naruto, and the Warriors games which are actually based on human history just with a 1 vs thousands feel for the player. Since I'm sure you would rather play these games in order Fable is out leaving us playing against eachother in Naruto and Halo, or playing with each other in Halo and the Warriors games. Anything else with co-op requires more than one of the same console so it's up to you." trying to be a gentlecolt

"While the thought is appreciated, I believe I asked what YOU would recommend."

"Alright, I guess we'll put in Naruto, dibs on Sasuke and if we already have him, Madara." I don't know who Sasuke or Madara are, but they sound strong

The game started and he chose versus mode, 3 rounds, team battle.

"Choose who ever you want first, the controls are easy to figure out so don't worry too much about that. Just get the timing for using your items, supports, substitutions, and character swaps and you'll be fine" I chose Kakashi, Yamato, and Sai. He chose Sasuke, Madara, and Naruto. He got the first strike and used his supports to the fullest. He was able to keep me at a distance to restore his energy with Naruto holding me in place and blasting me away while Madara did the same thing. I almost took out half his health before I sprinted into his ultimate on the first round. The second round I hardly touched him at all only getting him below half before used a transformation and finished me.

"Alright, I'll admit I play somewhat unfairly, but it was still a lot better than I'd expect from someone who's never played video games before. Give it one or two more and you'll probably be able to beat me in this game mode. Until then, let's do single battles since they're more skill based." as he was about to start a maid came in to tell us it was time for supper

"Shame, but it was fun while it lasted."

"Agreed." he said with a smile on his face

Estarossa POV

We let the maid guide us to the dining hall and I let my eyes wander elsewhere. The stained glass I'm sure looks better during the day, but it was around 5 or 6 in the evening and the sun wasn't in a good spot to shine through. The paintings were nice though, or well made anyway, I don't know any of the ponies in them except for Celestia who didn't have many with her in them anyway. I let my gaze fall on Luna and even after I think 5 years I still can't decide if I like her current form or the later one more, one is adorable while the other is gorgeous. I've wanted this kind of thing for almost as long and I still can't believe I'm here and so close to living the dream.

"Enjoying the view?" Luna said breaking me out of my thoughts

"Pardon?" Is she doing what I think she is

"Enjoying the view from behind?" I could feel the blush, two can play at that game

"I have been for years." it was her turn to blush "I always did find you more attractive than others in this world, and more approachable than Celestia, even when you were Nightmare." she tensed up a little, need to fix this "If you ever need anything, you need only ask. An ear, a shoulder, a hand, name it, let it go and forgive yourself. None of the important people blame you at all. As I said, fuck everyone else." I whispered into her ear and scratched her behind it helping her relax more and push up against my hand

"What did I do to deserve a friend such as you so soon after my return?" she asked

"I could ask the same thing." I said just before we entered the dining hall. Celestia, Blueblood, Shining, and Cadence were all here having a pleasant conversation.

"Luna, Estarossa, it's good to see you could make it." Celestia greeted "Did you enjoy each others company?"

"We did indeed. It also seems you went overboard according to Estarossa, he said he would be more surprised if there wasn't a circle dug into the ground somewhere on castle grounds." Cadence giggled as if she knew, Celestia's poker face cracked a little, and Shining and Blueblood had looks of amusement

"So you're the one who helped save aunt Luna?'" Cadence asked

"Yup, more like I appeared at the right time, but I wouldn't change it."

"What do you mean? Surely you're just being modest." Shining said

"Did Celestia tell you anything about me?" please say yes

"Not yet she hasn't." Blueblood joined in

"As the Commandment of Love, those who stand before me with hatred in their hearts are punished severely as there defenses become non-existent. She became unable to fight, not that she'd have been able to beat me anyway."

"How can you be so sure about that? She had no problem defeating princess Celestia at all." Shining said as dinner was served to all of us, I got salad and garlic bread with cheesecake for dessert

"Two reasons actually, Celestia was weakened and not even at half her power, and I have enough power of my own. I can see power levels and in order from strongest to weakest: me with 60k, Celestia with 2,700, Cadence with 2,000, Shining with 1,500, Luna with 1,300, and Blueblood with 800." all except Celestia and Luna looked at me slackjawed

"Two questions. First how do you know our names when we never told you and second how can you see power levels?" Cadence asked

"In order, multiverse theory is true and this world is a fictional story back home, and the second is a gift." I said picking into my salad, this is actually pretty good

"There's no way anypony's that strong! Why would anyone need to be that strong anyway?" Shining asked

"First off, I have no reason to lie to you, second there is always someone stronger than you if not in this world or reality than another. Who's to say those places are as peaceful as Equestria? The bigger the threat, the more power is needed to overcome it, and until one side throws in the towel or is wiped out they'll keep driving each other to be stronger."

"I guess that makes sense." he said backing off and I turned to Luna

"Why don't you go and officially meet your niece and nephew, I'll be right here if you need me."

"Alright." she said nuzzling me before moving to them leaving me with Celestia

"My sister has grown fond of you." she commented

"It's like a dream come true to me. Of all the characters in this world I once thought was fictional, she was my favorite in more ways than one."

"Would you care to elaborate?" I might have worded that wrong

"She was the most relatable and was actually voted best princess with about half the votes. When she first appeared as herself she only had 1 or 2 lines so her fans were fans of Nightmare Moon, Nightmare Night and everyone said best princess. Add in all the fan art and yes 'that' art is included, and all fanfics featuring her as the fun princess and/ or love interest and it only grew. Even as Nightmare she wasn't all bad more than half the time."

"You truly care for her don't you?"

"Why wouldn't I? Just about everything that can be right about her is so. A personality to match her looks, fun to be around, relatable, worthy of her title, what's not to like? She was one of those characters you never wanted anything bad to happen to unless she willingly made demons look like angels in comparison." she smiled in my direction

"Then I'll trust you to not hurt her. Ever."

"I will never do so intentionally, if I do you have my permission to send me flying into a mountain."

"I will hold you to that."

"You will hold him to what?" Luna asked coming over to us

"Oh nothing, just something I told her she has my permission to do, nothing serious." I answered "So what do you think of the others?"

"I feel lucky to have family such as them, it's great our family grew if only slightly."

"Glad to see you're not at all displeased *yawn* I think it's time to turn in. I've been up since 4 or 5 in the morning on my world since I couldn't go to sleep and it's been about 18 hours since then."

"I shall have one of the guards escort you." Celestia said

"Could you perhaps have him sent to one of the guest rooms in the Lunar wing?" Luna asked

"As you wish." Celestia said with a smile on her face while signaling a guard over "Please escort sir Estarossa to one of the guest rooms in the Lunar wing."

"Yes ma'am. If you'll follow me sir."

The walk was shorter here than Luna's room, only by about a minute or two. Entering the room I felt like I was in a 5 star hotel room with how luxurious it looked. I got into the bed and the only thing that was going through my mind was how comfortable it was, I felt like I was falling asleep as soon as I got in. I was able to get into a comfortable position first before that though and fell asleep almost immediately. I became aware in an endless black void and as my original self, I saw something in the distance but couldn't make it out until I got closer. It looked like one of the platforms at the start of Kingdom Hearts with me walking towards the light with my arms out in the center and extending in the same directions as Mael to the left, and Estarossa to the right.

"The demon's Love..." I heard a voice say

"Who's there?" I asked

"And the angel's Hatred..."

"Can you please speak in a way I understand." this is getting irritating

"Both shall be yours, your burdens to bear..."

"Okay, ignore me then."

"Neither can live without the other, but neither can live with the other." Mael and Estarossa appeared on opposite sides of the platform on their knees and in chains

"Oh shit."

"Forgiveness and Redemption must come for the Light."

"This had better not be going where I think it is." fear is all I feel right now

"Acceptance and Compassion must come for the Darkness."

"Fuck me sideways with a flaming radioactive chainsaw why don't you?"

"The Two become One, a world saved from itself." come again

"Wait, what wa-" I heards chains moving to my left and moved towards Mael who was just waking up "Woah, slow down."

"Human, where am I?" he pulled the chains "Why am I here?"

"What do you remember?"

"Gowther and Derieri" he said with venom "A giant, a fairy, and-" he paused before he gained a look of despair "Tarmiel and Sariel... By the Supreme Diety, what have I done?"

"Nothing anyone else wouldn't have done in your position. I agree with you on having every right to take your revenge, but not in that state. The Commandment was eating away at your mind and soul for 3,000 years so obvious mental instability was expected, taking in 3 more and that made it worse. You had to be put down from the looks of it, by Meliodas most likely."

"So this is my punishment then."

"Maybe, maybe not I don't know. I would think of this as the beginning of a second chance."


"I doubt anyone blamed you at all, Ludociel and the Supreme Diety likely feel as though they failed you, Elizabeth likely mourns for you and the others, Tarmiel and Sariel as well as Monspiet, Derieri, and Gowther if the last 3 mean anything other than death marks to you I can guarantee have forgiven you. Hell probably even the Demon King pitied you, Meliodas and Zeldris certainly had mixed feelings for you after loving you as their brother for so long."

"I don't care for the demons sympathy especially Gowther and the Demon King and certainly not that vile Meliodas, but I don't deserve it after all I've done." he said with a look of rage then sorrow

"Some higher power would beg to differ, otherwise you wouldn't even be here. You would be paying for your crimes, or you would be enjoying paradise. I didn't answer your questions did I?"

"No you haven't."

"To start off then I am Jack, and we are in our head. I may and I cannot emphasize this enough, may have accidentally hijacked your body while you were in the form of Estarossa against my will."

"WHAT?" he shouted

"Basically I'm from another world without any of the races from yours except humans, magic doesn't exist, your world is basically a fictional book series where I'm from, I went to a convention dressed up as Estarossa, bought a replica of one of the Rebellion blades, got pulled from my world into a new one as Estarossa, and this world doesn't have those races including humans."

"What?" he said confused

"Your second chance is in another world and a human is yours and if you'll look behind me, his unwilling parol officer." I said pointing to Estarossa who was still sleeping "I guess it's my second chance as well since I was either transformed into Estarossa or my soul was ripped out and somehow placed in your body giving me control. Either you two are tag alongs or I'm an unintentional body snatcher."

"Why is he still alive?" he asked with hatred

"If that voice I heard was true, then if any of us die so do the others. I know what you're thinking, don't do it." please don't

"I'LL KILL HIM! HE NEEDS TO PAY AFTER ALL HE'S DONE! DEMONS HAVE NO PLACE IN ANY WORLD!" he shouted before breaking his chains and launching himself at Estarossa

I may need help with this Faust