• Published 28th Aug 2018
  • 8,416 Views, 223 Comments

Burden of Love, Curse of Hatred - Knight of Crows

A brony goes to a convention as Estarossa, he doesn't regret buying Rebellion.

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Foolish student, regretful princess

Estarossa (Jack) POV

"Estarossa." Celestia called as we started walking to the entrance of the hospital

"Need something?" I asked

"Do you think I was too hard, too cold with them?" She asked looking down with her ears flat against her head. I reached behind her ears and started scratching them.

"I think you handled th-"

"Hey!" Twilight interrupted

"I thought we were done." I said with no attempt to hide my frustration

"Not until you fix Rainbow you monster!" Oh monster am I

'I know what you're thinking, don't do it.' Mael said

"Don't worry I'm not." I thought to him "I can't fix Rainbow, not without great risk anyway." I told her

"Twilight that's en-" I put my hand on Celestia's head and shook my head telling her to let me handle it

"By the way, that monster insult. I know how I can be so much worse, if I wanted to I could make Galand look like a saint even a hero in comparison." I said with a small intent to get a rise out of Twilight

"You're supposed to be an angel, an Archangel! How and why can't you help her?" Twilight, it's a shame all that intelligence, all that talent is being wasted right now

"Correction, I am a human controlling the body of an Archangel that has been turned into a demon or at least part demon because of the Commandment." I reminded her

"That doesn't answer my question!" You are dense, has anyone ever told you that

"It means that using Light as all angels can use may be impossible for me if not because of my human soul, then the Commandment which resides in me thus making it even more difficult if not impossible. The only way I could help her has so many risks it's not worth trying."

"So you can help her and you choose not to? What could possibly make it so dangerous you won't even think about it?" Careful, curiosity killed the cat after all

"The last time someone messed with demon blood, a lowly red demon's blood specifically, the survivors were eventually turned into rampaging demons. Before they did so they became much more powerful, but became much more prideful, aggressive, and sadistic. While I may not be a full demon it doesn't change the fact that angel, Archangel blood at that may have several risks as well. Add in the Commandment which is about 5% of the Demon King's power turning anyone who isn't a demon INTO a demon or part demon and you've got a recipe for disaster." Her face became more hopeless by the second

"Then remove the Commandment and you shouldn't have any problems right?" She asked hoping for a good answer

"Did you not hear what I just said? Even if I knew how to remove Commandments it wouldn't change anything. Best case scenario she recieves my blood, gets her wing perfectly reattached, becomes more powerful, but feeds her ego and her mentality and moral compass make very noticeable changes before she becomes a demon that if we can't find a specific 'spore' or whatever it was called will need to die. Worst case scenario she paints the hospital room red if you catch my meaning." Her face took a look of horror

"There has to be something, ANYTHING you can do." She begged

"I'm sorry, but I'm a 'monster' remember?" I said with spite "Besides, the only things I can do are what at this point would be a mercy kill or if EVERYONE including the princesses, your brother, and Mael all agree on the demon blood. The only thing I can and am willing to do at the moment is nothing." She now has a look of despair

"*sniff* I can't believe this." She turned to Celestia "Princess?"

"As much as I want to help, there is nothing I can do, and I certainly won't force Estarossa to make a decision that could cost the lives of my subjects! I'm sorry my student." Celestia said unable to look at Twilight. Twilight broke down just seconds later and ran back into Rainbow's room. Celestia herself looked like she wanted to cry, but she didn't want her subjects to see her like this so she quickly made her way out of the hospital. She flew off immediately after she left the building and found a clearing away from prying eyes in the nearby forest to let it out with me right behind her. She collapsed, but quickly regained her composure while still laying down and started talking to me again.

"Do you still think I wasn't too cold with them?" She asked

I shook my head "No. There are times when you need to be a friend, a teacher, and times you need to be a ruler. You were able to do all of them." She looked at me confused


"You were a friend by paying for Rainbow's bills and your genuine hope she'll make a full recovery, something the elements can hopefully do if the doctors can't. You were a teacher when you tried to make them look at the situation logically and realize their own flaws and mistakes. Finally you were a ruler when you took my side right there and chose not to mess with things neither of us understand and risk the lives of any number of your subjects including the element bearers thus ensuring the safety of one of Equestria's best lines of defense. You couldn't have handled that any better." I said placing a hand on her shoulder or whatever it is in horse anatomy

"Then why do I feel like I could have done more? I've had to deal with this feeling, this helplessness since Luna and I started ruling so long ago." She looked like she wanted to cry again

"The crown is heavy on the heart though light upon the head. So many covet the crown, but don't think of the price, the responsibilities that come with it. You have the heart of a ruler who wants a peace everyone can enjoy, a mind that can think of the best ways to maintain that peace, and the resolve to see it through. I can't think of many rulers or potential rulers from my world that were or would have been truly worthy of the crown, but of I can think of several rulers from what I once thought was fiction that are worthy. To start with my world: Nobunaga Oda, Cao Cao, Ghandi, George Washington, Lincoln, and if he was a little less brutal and merciless maybe Vlad the Impaler. For what might not be fiction after all there is The Ivory King and his wife Elsanna, King Vendrick, King Bartra of Liones, Meliodas and Zeldris, the Hero of Albion, and High King Torygg just to name a few." She looked up at me

"Do you truly believe such things?"

"You've held it together for 1,000+ years, I would think that alone is proof you are one of the best choices for a ruler, I doubt I'd make 2 years before I went mad or worse." She giggled at the thought

"I can see why my sister is so fond of you." Finally, a chance to be a narcissist

"Of course she is, I'm me, what other reason does she need?"

"Careful, you might become the new Discord if you keep that up." She gained a serious look "Tell me, did anything like what happened today happen in the Equestria you knew?"

"No, I could have sworn today happened much later anyway. Each episode happened on a weekly basis and ended with Twilight sending a 'friendship letter' to you. If each episode was a week apart then episode 3 shouldn't have happened yet, but somehow we're on I think episode 7. The worst that ever happened in the series was broken bones and other temporary injuries. Nothing serious."

"Then dark times may be ahead of us."

"That's not all, I took the liberty of taking Galand's soul. He was somehow more powerful than when he had Truth, maybe because of that dragon's soul, but still almost 50% more powerful than when he fought Meliodas." I said showing her his soul "What do you want to do with it? We can be better and let him pass on, we can imprison him and possibly risk someone like Melascula bringing him back, we can see about killing his soul, or if Mael let's me I can eat his soul and gain more power." I could feel him trying to get away, but it's a futile effort. She stared at him with I would say hatred, but she's not being affected by Love right now.

"I believe my sister should hear about this first. Come, let us return to Canterlot." She got up and flew off, not going to ask why she isn't teleporting or letting me get us there.

Author's Note:

What should happen with Galand's soul?