• Published 28th Aug 2018
  • 8,416 Views, 223 Comments

Burden of Love, Curse of Hatred - Knight of Crows

A brony goes to a convention as Estarossa, he doesn't regret buying Rebellion.

  • ...

Ruined castle, confrontation

Jack POV

This fall is going to hurt, I'm more scared than angry at the moment considering I'm going to hit the ground at terminal velocity and unless I'm seeing things there seems to be some flashes coming from an opening in the ceiling. I noticed I had no trouble maneuvering my body at all and saw darkness engulf my arm for a few seconds. It was an act of desperation, but I wanted to see if I could manipulate the darkness into wings, it took me longer than I would have liked, but it was just in time to change my falling speed and try to fly up enough that I could even myself out. I eventually managed to learn how to fly, but the lift off and landing will have to come later, I've gotten just enough control over this that I can safely crash land if that makes sense.

"WELP, HERE GOES!" I barely clipped the edge on the roof "SHIIIIIT!" I shouted crashing into a wall then landing face first into the floor, interrupting something

"OH MY GOSH!" I heard rapid footsteps "Are you alright?" I heard a quiet, almost motherly voice ask. The only response I was able to give was a high pitched noise like Vegeta in DBZA after Cooler kicked him in the dick 1,000 + times

"FLUTTERSHY, GET AWAY FROM THAT!" did I just hear Fluttershy? I looked up after healing enough to do so and saw everyone and even Nightmare Moon. HOLY SHIT! I'M IN EQUESTRIA AS ESTAROSSA? I'm somehow too excited to feel pain, fear, and rage and I don't care.

"I will be in a minute, I'm going to lay down for a little bit."

"Fools, you should never lose focus on your enemy." I heard Nightmare shout as she tried to fire a spell at us but failed "WHAT! Why can't I use my magic?" she asked now standing low to the floor "Urrrgh, what is this?" I was able to stand back up by now and walked over to her before kneeling to be eye level with her. I may as well get as into character as I'm comfortable with

"I am the Love of the Commandments: Estarossa. Those who stand before me with hatred in their hearts shall be left defenseless, and that includes myself." I said summoning Rebellion "I don't know if that means hatred in general or if that's hatred towards me, but that's not important right now." I raised the sword, everyone looked at me fearfully "I could kill you right now," I put the sword away "but I won't, I have every reason I can think of to want save you and no reason to hurt you, Princess Luna." her eyes shot open then became enraged

"I am QUEEN Nightmare Moon! That weakling Luna ceased to be a thousand years ago. What would you know about her anyway? Her existence has all but been erased by her fool of a sister." her eyes teared up a little before being blinked away

"If she no longer exists, then why were you ready to cry a moment ago? Call yourself whatever you want, but I refuse to acknowledge you by anything but your real name. As for what I know, only what I can speculate and what you over looked. You felt unappreciated, unloved, ignored, no matter what you did it wasn't enough." everyone listened closely, her eyes only became more narrowed "No matter what you did, it was always 'thank Celestia' this and 'thank Celestia' that even when she had nothing to do with it, you who tried your hardest kept getting out shined by your sister who did nothing but sign a few papers and raise what is basically a giant ball of fire. You even asked her to help you, to show you there was someone who cared about you and she basically said no." her eyes almost completely wide by this point "What I don't know about you I can speculate." I looked off where the sun would rise later "If you truly are unloved, why does your enemy choose to try to help you?"

"Silence!" she said quietly

"Did you know your sister has a singing voice that is for lack of a better way to describe it divine?"

"I said silence!" a little louder this time, looking up at me

"That she always sung to you on the night she lost you? Hoping you heard her."

"Hold thy tongue!" slightly louder than me, tears forming

"And a few parts of the song go like-"


"Neither had she loved her as she deserved

Luna, you're loved so much more than you know

Forgive me for being so blind"

"AAAAAAAGGHHHH!" she's finally crying, I removed her helmet and held her head to my chest wiping the tears away as they formed

"The night was meant to be a time of fun, peace, intimacy, and rest. Did the thought truly never occur to you that the reasons your ponies slept through your night was not out of fear or ignorance, but because they were tired, wanted to bring new life into the world, or they looked forward to their dreams. Need I remind you that dreams are your domain? They trusted you more than you could ever know." she pushed her head into me, her coat changing color slightly "Stop rejecting yourself, you only hurt yourself and everyone around you in doing so." I turned to look at the others to see a few of them wearing faces of uncertainty

"You can use the elements now, don't worry about me."

"But you'll be hit by them too Estarossa!" Twilight said

"C'mon sugarcube, it's his decision." Applejack said

"We can't just use the elements on him, he could be banished too!" Rarity said

"How can I throw him a party when he can't come?" typical Pinkie

"He doesn't deserve this." I think Fluttershy said

"If we don't, we'll never get Princess Celestia back, let's just hit them already!" eager to win as always Rainbow

"As I said don't worry about me, I know how the elements work so I'll be fine." at least I hope so, being an archangel turned demon after all "Besides, worst case scenario your princess can help me with whatever the elements do to me." they all shared a look of hesitation before Twilight looked back to me

"Alright, we'll trust you."

"That's all I ask." I closed my eyes still holding a sobbing Luna before standing just in time to turn to where the sun will rise and "PRAISE THE SUN!" it was too tempting, everything flashed after that.

I'm in a white void, just floating and waiting for something to happen.

"Interesting." I heard a female voice say

"Who's there?"

"Mortal turned fallen angel, but even with the dark flowing strongly through you, you still have no ill intentions."

"Can you please show yourself and tell me who you are? I'd like to know where I am as well."

"All will become clear soon. Before I return you to the mortal realm, I have a gift and a request for you."

"And those are?"

"Protection from the Commandment's corrupting influence, and to befriend my daughter."

"Do I know her?"

"You just met." that makes this easier and pretty much told me who she was

"I accept, but before you send me back, could you give me that magic eye that displays power levels?."

"As you wish."everything became dark

I woke up just in time to see Celestia embrace her sister. I tried getting up, but my entire body was too sore and I alerted everyone. Luna tried running to me, but tripped about halfway making Celestia help her get back up.

"Who are you?" Celestia asked

"There are 3 truths I can tell you, though technically speaking none of them are true."

"Hey, even though you helped us that doesn't mean you get to talk to the princess like that!" Rainbow shouted only to have Celestia raise a wing to silence her

"So I have you to thank as well fo-" Luna sprinted to me wrapping her wings around me, both apologizing and thanking me

"Yes, and to answer your question my name is Estarossa, though all I did was stand there. Her hatred made her a victim of my Commandment."

"What do you mean? What is a Commandment?" she asked

"The Commandments are a small percentage of a great being's power and a curse comes with it. Of the Ten Commandments, I hold the Commandment of Love, any who stand before me with hatred in their hearts shall be left defenseless, but should I hold hatred in my heart I will also be a victim of it."

"What are these other Commandments, and what is this great being you speak of?" everyone leaning closer wanting to hear this as well

"I'd be happy to tell you in a more comfortable location."

"OH OH OH, we can go to Ponyville and I can throw the best. Party. EVER! *GASP* Oh my gosh that's 3 parties: 2 welcome to Ponyvilles, a reunion party, and OH I forgot, a welcome back Princess Celestia party!" Pinkie said

"Very well. I am incapable of teleporting right now so we will have to walk there." Celestia said

"Remember to be on your guard in the Everfree." Luna said

"My Commandment also applies to beasts as well so you'll all be that much safer with me around."

And with that, we started walking to Ponyville