• Published 28th Aug 2018
  • 8,417 Views, 223 Comments

Burden of Love, Curse of Hatred - Knight of Crows

A brony goes to a convention as Estarossa, he doesn't regret buying Rebellion.

  • ...

Fears come true

Estarossa (Jack) POV

"Come back safe alright." Luna said to me in the courtyard after Celestia went back to day court

"I would tell you don't worry, but we both know you are anyway. How about I promise to be back safe and sound instead?" I said scratching her ears causing her to push her head against my hand

"You had better keep that promise or else Tia might have to go through with her threat." Great, now you have a smile that promises murder

"While I doubt it would hurt, I don't want to test that theory. I'll see you later alright." I said calling the dark to form wings and knelt down enough to hug her

"Goodbye for now." She said hugging me back and nuzzling my neck. We let go and in a massive burst of speed I jumped high enough to see Ponyville and started my flying lessons again (hopefully I won't land like the first time)

I reached Ponyville and at least in my opinion it took me too long to find everyone. I mean how hard is it to find 6 ponies near the foot of a mountain? Turns out they were about to start. I would go down and climb up with them, but I need to confirm several things first and getting directly involved might make it worse. Episode 3 shouldn't have started yet and we are already on Dragonshy whichever one that was so that definitely raised some alarms. Best case scenario the episodes weren't in order, worst case scenario time fucked itself and went in all directions after downing a gallon of LSD. Hopefully I won't need to intervene, but I will if it gets too dangerous. I don't remember anything about this episode except for Rainbow's attempts to leave Fluttershy behind, Fluttershy's panic attack over a leaf, and the confrontation. On second thought, I think I'll at least make my presence known.

"So who missed me?" I said sticking the landing this time and startling everyone

"Estarossa? I didn't expect to see you so soon." Twilight said being the first to regain her composure

"The princesses sent me as protection if anything becomes too dangerous. Before we get started I would suggest grabbing the elements."

"Why would we need them? We're just trying to convince the dragon to leave." You are too naive Twilight

"Besides, I doubt we'll need you either! We'll have that dragon out in no time." Rainbow said glaring at me

"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. If that dragon decides to get violent me and the elements will be your only chance of surviving. Pinkie's cannon will just annoy it, your punches will piss it off, Fluttershy will probably be too scared to move, Applejack's bucks and lasso will get the same result as your efforts, Rarity isn't a fighter, and unless Twilight can one shot or pacify it you'll all die by fire, digestion, dismemberment, or you'll be crushed." All of them looked down thinking what I said might be true "If it helps, I'll be flying high above unless the danger increases too much."

"While I understand what you're saying, I still think the elements won't be necessary." Twilight said

"*sigh* That mentality, that foolishness of yours will get someone you care about hurt or worse. I hope you'll be able to carry that burden with you when it does. In that case before I go, if I tell you to run, just do it. Don't ask why, don't look back. I need you all to promise me this." All of them agreed (Rainbow reluctantly did so) even though they were confused as to why and then I flew high enough to not be involved.

Honestly, I forgot for a moment that time skips were a thing. Thankfully I had some music to listen to while I was waiting for anything important to happen. I thought Crusade by Voltair fit this situation well enough so I decided to listen to a few of his songs first before putting it back on random. So far we've passed the chasm Fluttershy was too scared to traverse so now I'm just waiting for the avalanche and see if I'll need to step in. The location looks close enough so now I'll need to wait for Fluttershy's little panic attack, it's amazing how clearly I can see from this distance, I can even see the leaf that'll fall on her in 3...2...1...

"AVALANCHE!" Fluttershy shouted, causing one and forcing everyone to try and avoid it. Things are definitely different because I don't remember a rock heading right towards her and no one helping her, I had to go down myself

"LOOK OUT!" I shouted landing right in front of her and using a giant killing saucer to split it in half forcing it to miss us both. I looked back to her to find she looked ready to pass out so I stood by in case she did.

"Shy!" Rainbow shouted flying up to her "What were you thinking just standing there? You could have died!"

"I'm sorry. I was so scared I couldn't move" Fluttershy said while barely keeping whatever passes for composure in this case.

"So I think Imma take my leave until we reach the dragon. Bye." I said flying back up. I thought I saw something enter the cave, but I figured it was the dragon moving around. Could have sworn the cave was deeper.

Creature POV

So this is what was making all that smoke, I'd've never thought it would be a dragon much less a sleeping one. If I wasn't so hungry right now I would have woke it up so my prey could actually fight back, the hunt is never fun without resistance. Still this will go a long way to restoring my power.

"You should feel honored that it took Galand of Truth to kill you beast. Know your soul will be put to good use." I said to myself and accidentally waking the dragon in the process. As his eyes found me I slashed it's throat and stabbed it's heart causing it to thrash around clutching it's wounds. A futile effort, but amusing to say the least. After it stopped I pulled out it's soul and started taking my time devouring it. I had forgotten how delicious dragon souls were.

Estarossa (Jack) POV

That was a lot of noise just now even from a sleeping dragon. Like it was struggling just a moment ago.

"Mael, do you think that was the dragon." I thought while summoning Rebellion

'I'm not sure, it would be best to be on your guard anyway.' Mael said as I continued to observe everything. It won't be long now before everyone reaches the top so I may as well land now.

"What in tarnation was that?" Applejack asked as I was landing

"I think it was the dragon." Twilight said with uncertainty on her face, I decided now to step in

"I'm not too sure. That sounded more like a struggle than the dragon shifting around. With that said I want you to remember your promise to me to run if I tell you."

"Okie dokie loki." Pinkie said still bouncing around

"If you deem it necessary then alright darling." Rarity said

Fluttershy tried to say something, but Rainbow talked over her saying 'yeah yeah whatever'. That attitude, that pride is going to get someone hurt, one of several reasons why I never liked her. I stayed near Fluttershy the rest of the way up and when we got to the entrance I stopped everyone.

"Let me go in first."

"But why? I thought you were supposed to be our protection." Twilight said

"There are 2 red flags here: The noises from earlier and the lack of smoke. I don't think the dragon's sleeping anymore and wor-" I stopped after hearing what sounded like armored boots moving toward us. My eyes shot open after seeing a red hand stick out.

"Everyone run now!" I nearly shouted and what are the odds no one listened.

"Well well, I didn't expect to see you so soon after your betrayal Estarossa hehehehehehe." The demon before me said

"Estarossa, who is this?" Twilight asked

"WHY AREN'T YOU RUNNING?" The ponies flinched as I shouted

"And I see you've made some new friends outside the Commandments. How long before you betray them as well I wonder, not that you'll be able to after I kill you like that dragon in there." Everyone but Rainbow looked absolutely horrified hearing he did this with no attempt to hide his pleasure "To answer your question horse, I am Galand the Truth of the Ten Commandments."

"What are you supposed to be doing?" I asked the group

"What? They all asked with shaky voices

"I asked what you're supposed to be doing." Trying my patience

"Ru-" Twilight tried to say


"This is unlike you Estarossa, no matter, you'll die here and now." Galand said readying himself for a charge

"This guy's a Commandment? There's no way a small guy like him could be as strong as you made them out to be. I'll take him out in ten seconds flat, eat this freak!" Rainbow shouted and charged at him faster than I could react. No sooner than she got in range of Galand's weapon did he step to the side and slice one of her wings off sending her flying to the edge of the cliff. Time seemed to slow down for a moment as we watched her skid at high speed to the edge.

"RAINBOW!" Everyone but me shouted, it took every ounce of self control I had to do what I did next.

"If you'll hold off for just a moment Galand, I would like to do something real quick." I said picking up her wing and going to her.

"Make it quick then!" Galand said impatiently.

When I got to Rainbow she looked up at me with fear in her eyes. "I told you to run, you couldn't swallow your pride and this is the result. I hope it was worth it, throwing away your hopes and dreams and nearly getting yourself killed for glory of all things." I whispered into her ear before using a weak Hellblaze to stop the bleeding causing her to cry out in pain and lose unconscious. I carried her and her wing back to the others with suppressed rage.

"Contrary to what you might believe, I just saved her life temporarily. Run, hospital, princesses, NOW!" I shouted giving them to the others and finally getting rid of everyone leaving me with Galand.

"Finally, I get to have my revenge. I hope you've made your peace traitor!" Galand said

"I'm not the Estarossa you know, I can be so much worse, not that you would care much less believe me. I've betrayed no one." I said enchanting Rebellion with Hellblaze and summoning a killing saucer in each finger on my free hand. I took a moment to look at his power level to see it was higher than before. It was 26k before Critical Over raised it to about 40k. His current power is somehow 38k even without Truth with an estimated 57k in Critical Over. I should end this fight now. "I will be more than happy end your life here, but first allow me to teach you the true meaning of despair." I felt the symbol on my head change like how it was in the dream and a thin cloak of darkness cover my body as I let my rage flow through me.

Sometimes the Truth hurts. Love hurts more. The Truth can shatter dreams, hope, especially the hearts of men. Love can drive us to do the unthinkable, and turn to poison giving rise to Hatred. Pure and unbound Hatred and Malice.