• Published 28th Aug 2018
  • 8,416 Views, 223 Comments

Burden of Love, Curse of Hatred - Knight of Crows

A brony goes to a convention as Estarossa, he doesn't regret buying Rebellion.

  • ...

What the fuck am I?

Estarossa POV

So that all went better than expected, I saved the princess, gained immunity to the mental degradation of the Commandment, I can see how strong everyone is, and I think I met Faust. Now to see whether or not they'll at least tolerate my existence when they find out who and what I am. We made it back to Ponyville with no problems at all aside from a few timberwolves stalking us every so often and a manticore that couldn't really move. Pinkie got to throw her party and while they were having their fun, I sat on a bench just outside and took a nap. A few hours passed and everyone went back to their homes leaving the mane 6 and the princesses. I went into the library with the others before Celestia started.

"I believe you offered to answer some questions?"

"I did, ask away."

"What are you?"

"There are 3 truths to that, but as I know you're not in the mood for games I'll tell you all of them. I WAS a human who went to a convention as a fictional character and after buying one of his weapons I got transported here as him. This character was an archangel, but because a powerful mage used a forbidden spell to rewrite everyones memories including his and even the gods leading to the end of the Holy War, this archangel was for 3,000 years the second born son of the demon king." everyone jumed at that and took up defensive positions

"So you're a demon prince then, and you dare show yourself here?" she said raising her voice

"No, I'm a mortal who was turned into an angel who was pulled from heaven and turned into a demon against his will, and is that any way to treat the one who helped save your sister?" everyone relaxed slightly after having to be reminded of the against my/ Mael's will part, but Celestia still looked ready to blast me

"What are these Commandments you spoke of?" Luna asked

"They are fragments of the demon king's power, he split his power in half then split those pieces among 10 demons so assuming they are all equal in strength they are 5% of his power which was calculated to increase a person's power level by 28,000 each. These Commandments come with a terrible curse that can only be ignored by those with divine protection and other Commandments, not even the bearers are safe from the Commandments unless they take in a second one. I'm probably the only exception because of the former archangel thing. I already told you what Love does, the only others I know the triggers and effects of are Truth, Selflessness, Piety, Pacifism, and Faith. The ones I don't know are Purity, Reticience, Repose, and Patience."

"What about the ones you do know?" Twilight asked writing everything down

"Those who lie in the presence of Truth will be turned to stone, those who stand before Selflessness with selfish thoughts or desires will have their minds wiped clean, those who turn there backs on Piety will have their free will taken from them, those who kill ANYTHING, even something as insignificant as a flea in the presence of Pacifism will rapidly age until they die, and those show faithlessness will have their eyes burned out." everyone looked at me horrified "Basically just having one Commandment on your side is enough to turn the tide of battle."


"I can't really answer that. I was given this Commandment against my will, besides some of them aren't too bad. With Love, what better way to peacefully end a fight than making them unable to even make a fist? Or with Truth, is it really so hard to be honest?"

"While that may be the case, you're too dangerous to-" Celestia started

"Now let me stop you right there. Danger is determined not by power, but control and will to use it. I should have you know the elements hit me and did nothing but allow me to meet who I'm assuming was your mother." everyones eyes shot open hearing this "She gave me immunity to my Commandment's corrupting influence, gave me the ability to see power levels which the highest here is you with a little over 2,700 compared to my 32,000 WITHOUT my Commandment which is another 28,000 adding up to 60,000, and she asked me to befriend her daughter who I've 'already met' and I'm assuming she is Luna." her eyes let loose a tear hearing this "How can I do as she asked which I would have done anyway while I would be unable to see her? Now what if another Commandment comes along when the weakest in their depowered base form which was around 60-70% had a level of 26,000 and could be raised for a short time to 42,000?" Rainbow flew up to my face

"That's not possible, there's no way anypony's that strong!" she claimed

"He aint lyin'." Applejack said quietly

"I'm sorry, but what was that?" Rarity asked

"Ah said he ain't lyin'." she said loud enough to be heard, shocking everyone

"I'm not your enemy nor do I want to be your enemy, and considering the power difference and the elements just giving me a vision, I don't think you could do anything to me unless your mother allowed it. So please, don't give me a reason to see you as an enemy, if I am truly as dangerous as you think then why would Faust allow me to go free with just a promise to her? You're smarter than this Celestia, or at least I hope you are." she took a glance at everyone and an extended one on me and Luna

"*Sigh* I will trust my mother, but you will have to earn it Estarossa. We will depart for Canterlot shortly."

"Actually before we go, I want to check something."

"And that would be?"

"Nightmare Moon's armor." everyones eyes shrunk slightly "Since I'm now in what was a fictional world on my world-"

"What do you mean fiction?" Twilight interrupted

"I forgot to mention that? I'll explain later, anyway I want to see if her armor has anything like a Lingering Will and see if it needs to be purged. Preferably saved." Celestia and Luna became enraged

"Why would you want to save that monster?" Luna asked surprisingly

"Nightmare Moon was just a mask, one that may have gained a mind of it's own and knowing nothing but hate, rage, envy, and spite thanks to you, it was just a creation serving it's purpose. Should the creation be punished for doing what it was designed to do, or the creator who should have known exactly what they were getting into and more often than not does?" she looked down shamefully as Celestia wore a look of contemplation before speaking again

"If you are not back in within an hour you will be considered an enemy of Equestria. Understood?" that's plenty of time

"Thank you." I took a step outside before summoning my wings "Let's see if I can stick the landing this time." I took off with no problems

Hopefully I won't fly into a wall or fall face first into the floor

Luna POV

"Can we trust that guy? I mean he is a demon right, they're supposed to be pure evil." Rainbow said

"He said he wasn't a demon though." Pinkie argued

"He did say he was whatever a human was, then was turned into a fallen angel against his will. Applejack even confirmed he was being honest." Twilight pointed out "What do you think Rarity? Fluttershy?"

"He at least deserves a chance." Rarity said

"He can't be all bad. He helped us and kept us safe in the Everfree afterall." Fluttershy said

"Luna?" I heard sister ask, I took a few seconds to think before answering

"I think mother made the right choice. I think we can trust him, we should trust him."