• Published 28th Aug 2018
  • 8,416 Views, 223 Comments

Burden of Love, Curse of Hatred - Knight of Crows

A brony goes to a convention as Estarossa, he doesn't regret buying Rebellion.

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Estarossa (Jack) POV

Dinner went by quickly, though Celestia had to return to day court minutes after me and Luna sat down for our food. I was at least able to tell the sisters of the current situation and Faust's little stunt. Turns out neither of them knew of this world having a Demon King nor did they know about demons commingling with ponies to name a few. They were alarmed to say the least when they learned another Commandment was already here before me. I told them about what I thought I saw before we entered the dining hall, but both thought the same thing I did and said I was probably just seeing things after a stressful day, though Celestia knew of a guard with III for a cutie mark and said everyone calls him Mr. Third. I've heard strange names, but that's a new one. No one else was able to tell me his name, though Shining said his sister did have a small crush on him.

I spent a few days trying to confirm at least the existence of this guard, it's possible I thought I saw 2 more zeros than there were, but if there is a guard with a PL of 7,000 or 70,000 I need to know. Not even Sariel or Tarmiel were that powerful with their Graces and none of the Commandments were recorded to be that strong except Meliodas with his demon mark. Even if he isn't that strong, if he really is at least 2X stronger than Celestia at her base power which I'm assuming is 3,500 tops then something's wrong if he is serving her as a mere guard. Moving on I had no luck finding him so I decided to have a chat with Celestia about possible employment. My little "I am second in line to the Osmium Throne" stunt sort of threw a wrench in that plan though. We decided a small allowance (bits for a few day's worth of food a week) and to just tell anyone who asks that she pays me upfront for any requests she has. I figure after I learn to use Light I might ask Luna out, until then it's obvious what I'll be doing a few hours a day.

Speaking of Luna, I followed through with what I said before I left and holy fuck what just happened is the only thing that went through my mind several times. I saw her playing a warlock in Destiny 2 and not only does she already have Last Word and a god roll Tatara Gaze which I was tempted to call bullshit, but she was wiping the floor with a 6 stack of Not Forgotten, Dust Rock, and Wardcliff. After that match when she went 56-1 and won the match for her team I said to her "I want you on my team". She got a lot of hate mail needless to say, but that only made it better. We switched over to Halo MCC and played a few levels on that before she decided she wanted to play custom games, I got my ass handed to me once she got the sniper.

I think a week give or take a day after Galand's fuck up Celestia got a letter from Twilight, basically it was expressing her concern for Rainbow's mental state among other things, especially since Rainbow got a letter from Gilda saying she was coming to Ponyville. The timeline has officially fucked itself in every hole and proceeded to make new ones so it could fuck itself again, also I don't remember anything about a letter so there's that too. I'll probably have to go down sooner than expected if only to explain to Gilda why she won't have a flying buddy for a while.

I've actually been going back to where Galand died for different reasons than you would think. I remembered the cave full of treasure after my "employment" and I also thought it was as good a place as any to try to learn how to use Light a few hours a day, well there was that and disposing of the dragon's body and what little remained of Galand's. Unfortunately it hasn't come to me nearly as easily as Dark did. I'm sorry, let me correct myself. "Hasn't come to me nearly as easily" would imply some amount of success, no, I've made no progress at all and it's frustrating to say the least.

'I believe we might be approaching this at the wrong angle.' Mael said, stopping me.

"Ya think? Sorry, I didn't expect it to just come to me, but this is getting ridiculous." I said out loud since we were alone.

'I think for the moment we need to focus on your demon powers, one specific part. Control.' He said to my surprise.

"I'm going to need a bit more to go off of." I can already control my demon powers, at least so far it feels like I have.

'The Commandment is bound to this body, turning it into a hybrid of Goddess and Demon. It also seems the Commandment has formed a "bond" with you if your human appearance is anything to go on. Moving on, the Light is there, but I believe most of the problem lies with a human being in control of this body.' I kind of already knew that though.

"What exactly are you getting at?" I asked after taking a seat.

'I believe most of the problem comes from your level of control of the Commandment's power in this body. If you suppressed your Demon power you might have an easier time learning to use this body's natural power.' Mael said.

"... Huh. That makes sense actually." I said slowly.

"Unfortunately Mael, I haven't needed to suppress it once. That might be easier said than done for me."

'We could try it another day considering how much our sessions have taken a toll on you.' Mael suggested.

"*sigh* May as well, not like I have anything important to do today." I stood back up and got ready to fly back.

"HELLFIRE BIRD!!!" I heard someone shout from above me.

"Wait, wha- OH SHIT!" I panicked, deployed my Darkness and launched all the Rebellion blades at the flaming projectile, unfortunately that did nothing and I was still burned. Thankfully my Darkness took I want to say 80% of the damage I would have endured, nothing that I couldn't heal in a few seconds. A pony of all things landed in front of me and he looked PISSED. He looked exactly like the guard I thought I saw and he was just a little weaker than me.

"Estarossa... Mael... Or 'Jack'... You'll pay for what you did... I'll kill you for what you did to Derrieri... A monster like you shouldn't be allowed to exist." He growled.

"Monspiet?" Never thought I'd say this, but I'm probably screwed.

His eyes narrowed and Darkness was seeping out of him, he charged another Hellfire Bird and added Darkness to it.

'Something is probably wrong with him. He is acting nothing like he always does.' Mael said.

"No, what gave you that idea?" I asked out loud.

Faust, I think you fucked up. That or something is off about him.

Author's Note:

Short chapter I know, but I had a few reasons for it, one of them being me having trouble thinking of how to continue this chapter.