• Published 5th May 2019
  • 6,654 Views, 559 Comments

Change: The New Kingdom - tom117z

It has been forty-three years since Queen Twilight Sparkle first discovered her lineage and claimed her birthright. And never has it been harder on her than when The New Kingdom is unveiled to the world.

  • ...

7 - Plans

One Week Later…

The War Room was host to a few specific individuals, all glancing down at the magically holographic map gracing its centre. So many times had this chamber been a focal point during times of crisis; from the conflict with Crudelis, all the way to the Battle of Canterlot many years ago. This time, however, the room’s purpose was far less urgent and likewise less sinister. No, on this day it had a task before it that was far more exciting in nature, and decidedly scholarly at that.

Equestria’s visage flickered and shimmered in the light, a line forming from Canterlot with tiny little carriages and fliers of both changeling and pony origin escorting it along its way. The line ended in Vanhoover, where a tiny little blue translucent battleship stood ready to retrieve its occupants. From there the ship departed the dock with the miniature ponies and changeling on board, travelling into the unknown.

The route and timeframe for the expedition was clear on display.

“A simple journey, all things considered,” Princess Luna mused. “Especially now that all is gathered and prepared.”

Those she addressed included her sister and both Captains of the Royal Guard, alongside Queen Twilight and Princess Avia. So too was Twilight relaying the ongoing conversation to her husband, presently assisting the last of their drones arriving in the city from the Equestrian Hive.

“The HMS Clover the Clever has finished loading up all the supplies we agreed on?” Twilight asked.

“According to the reports, they’re just waiting on their passengers,” Vladimir confirmed. “And since you’re leaving tomorrow, I doubt they’ll have time to sneak anything from those barrels of Griffonian ale.”

“Remind me why that was added to the manifest again…” Valiant said with a slight deadpan.

“Morale, kid. It’s going to be a long voyage across the ocean.”

“I think you lost the right to call me ‘kid’ twenty years ago, Vlad.”

“Princess, permission to keep calling my counterpart here, ‘kid’.”

Luna smirked. “Granted.” A chorus of chuckles swept the room.


“So long as it’s not in a meeting, Captain,” Celestia said with a small look of annoyance, though one mixed in with amusement, at both her sister and the thestral.

“On another note, the last of our people have trickled in,” Façade reported to his wife over the hive mind. “And with them the last of our own gear, plenty of scrolls for you to document our findings, love.”

“Is it packed?” Twilight asked eagerly.

“Getting there. It’ll be ready by early hours tomorrow.”

The Queen squeed inwardly, the perfect picture of calm on the outside. Unless you knew her enough to catch the glint in her eye, which was most of those present.

“My changelings are perfectly prepared,” Twilight relayed to the others. “Vladimir is right about one thing; we will be able to set off at first light tomorrow.”

“Then I’ll ensure my ponies get a good night’s rest and are up and ready for the big event,” Valiant supplemented. “We won’t be letting the pony interest in this expedition down.”

“And I’ll be shipping off back home…” Avia muttered dejectedly. “So jealous…”

“Maybe next time, Avia,” her mother replied apologetically.

“I’m sure you will value the ruling experience you gain, however,” Celestia said to the young Changeling Queen warmly. “And you may surprise yourself, I think.”

“Yeah, we’ll see… I guess.”

“I’m just sorry I’ll have to be saying farewell to the others so soon…” Twilight mused. “Cadance and the others, my friends… It was nice spending the week, even if… Well, I miss the days when my fellow Bearers of Harmony could drop everything for some grand adventure at the drop of a bit.”

“Time is a cruel mistress, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna noted. “Not that they would let that stop them if they truly wished to go, but I find it an ill-advised venture.”

“I know. At least one of them is going to be hitchhiking with us.”

The others all blinked.

“Spike!” Twilight quickly and happily clarified. “I’ve been talking with him, and he’s decided he wants to come along. I think he just wants to keep an eye on me with everything that’s happened, but I’m not going to say no to my Number One assistant!”

“I’m more focused on having a giant fire breathing dragon coming with us,” Valiant remarked. “It’ll certainly do something for my ponies’ morale, but… Queen Twilight, the added logistics of bringing such a large drake…”

“Spike can look after himself,” Twilight assured the Captain. “We won’t need any last-minute changes to the supply manifest. He will grab a few things for himself and then meet us at the shoreline of the Undiscovered West.”

“He can fly. He’ll be there faster than a big metal boat,” Avia stated.

“Exactly. Don’t worry, we have it all covered.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Celestia said. “In that case, let us call the meeting here. I believe you will be wanting to spend time with-”

Celestia stopped, suddenly narrowing her eyes sharply down at the table and its ongoing projection. Twilight shared a glance with her daughter, a sentiment shared by the others, before she studied exactly what about this map had suddenly earned the sun’s ire.


“Okay, why is there a small little Discord hula dancing on the bow of the ship?” Avia asked with obvious perplexion.

Sure enough, a small shimmering version of the Spirit of Chaos was dancing away atop of the HMS Clover the Clever, clearly having the time of his life. It was so utterly random that everypony and everyone suddenly found themselves at a loss for words. Of all the things they had expected out of the meeting, that had not been one of them.

But Celestia, taking in a breath, lit up her horn and promptly cut the projection. In essence, she pulled the plug and just watched as the holographic diagram flickered and started to fade. As it did, little Discord seemingly started to panic, waving his arms frantically at the incoming tidal wave of nothingness before it finally hit him.

The results were… dramatic.

Silently, the little draconequus started to melt away, though it seemed to take far longer than the rest of the projection. He seemed to monologue his over-the-top demise as he faded from existence until, finally, he was no more.

And then there was a bright flash that heralded a decidedly more ‘normal’ Discord appearing on top of the now deactivated table, laid out in a position that just screamed ‘paint me’.

“My my, how rude of you!” Discord chided. “The poor thing was just having a bit of fun, but now he is condemned to the realm of nonexistence! Oh, how cruel a fate…!”

“That was clearly just you, Discord,” Twilight deadpanned.

“Oh, trample of my fun, as always,” he remarked, clicking his talons and reappearing next to the Changeling Queen. “So, what’s going on today? Daring monster attacks? Friendship lessons? No cakes left in the pantry?”

“I shudder to think,” Celestia quipped.

“And you likely know the answer, you irritating fiend,” Luna stated.

“Right right, the ‘Undiscovered West’,” he mused. “Though ‘undiscovered’ is a bit of an exaggeration, I pop in for tea ever hundred and twelfth Tuesday.”

“You do!?” Avia blurted out. “What’s it like? Are there monsters? Ponies? Monster ponies!?”

“Spoilers…” Discord taunted. “But you do have quite the imagination, still so foal-like and prone to wonderful bouts of chaos.”

“Don’t get any ideas…” Twilight warned with a fang-filled hiss.

“When have I ever done something to little old Avia, really?”

“The Everfree Forest.”

“A complete accident!” Discord protested. “Besides, she did come out with a lesson about responsibility. She’ll really need that in the next however long you’re across the sea being a nerd.”

“Is there a point to this interruption, Discord? Or is this just a ‘social’ visit?” Celestia asked coolly.

“Truth be told, I’ve been listening in on your little planning session,” he admitted. “Fluttershy has told me all about your little expedition during our usual meetups, and I simply wished to see what it is you exactly intend. You are well prepared, sure, and yet absolutely not at the same time.”

“Elaborate…” Twilight demanded.

“Oh, I think you will find a challenge over there. I know you like those,” he continued. “Telling you exactly what would spoil the surprise, and I’m not sure my particular brand of help would be welcome. No, I think this is a problem best left in your capable hooves. Happy friendshipping, Twinkle!”

And then, in another flash of light, he was gone.

“Well then…” Luna began. “That is most concerning.”

“Are… are you going to be in danger…?” Avia asked Twilight with no small amount of worry. “Because there’s obviously something more over there than just trees and rocks! Are you really sure you don’t want me coming along?”

“All the more reason not to,” Twilight pointed out. “Besides, I doubt it. If Discord thought whatever is over there would wipe out the whole expedition the moment we set hoof on land, then he’d tell us. He’s annoying, but he’s not an idiot.”

“And another fan of chess,” Celestia concurred. “His remarks do pose questions, but if he thought you were ill-suited to handle it, we would know.”

“Then we stick to our plan, I intend to meet Discord’s latest challenge as I have every other,” Twilight said determinedly. “Captain Valiant, prepare your ponies. We leave at dawn.”

Whatever laid ahead, the Queen of the Hive was ready.

The Equestrian Hive felt somehow emptier without the Queen, let alone the drones she had taken with her. Life was just as busy on the surface, of course, but any drone connected with the joined consciousness could tell the difference.

For most, when you happen to be a rather elderly changeling drone who had spent a significant amount of time arranging such an exodus during the Queen’s absence, the silence would be a good moment to kick up one’s hooves and take a well-deserved break.

Unless you were former Captain Carduus, of course.

The changeling was hunched over a desk located in one of the side rooms in the house he shared with his significant other, an office space of sorts where he could keep his mind busy during his twilight years. A scattered array of papers were dotted around in the fashion of organised chaos, each with a variety of crossed-out notes and agendas he had seen to over the past week. It was his honour to do so, nothing like age and an old combat injury were going to stop him from taking the load from his Queen’s shoulders during such a turbulent and emotional time.

Much to the chagrin of the second changeling peeking into the room, before she then entered at a slow pace.

“You can take a break, you know,” Panacea gently chided her husband as she walked up beside him. “I’m not sure what else you can do.”

“Oh, I’m sure I’ll find something,” Carduus retorted. “Even with the funeral done, the Queen will be hurting. That, combined with the expedition, means she shouldn’t have to be bothered every time one of the nymphs knocks a flowerpot down into the recesses of the atrium.”

“Oh dear. Nobody was hurt, I hope?”

“No, though the establishment in question has been advised to keep their decorations away from the edge.”

“Still, there are plenty of others to do that. Changelings still in the guard, for instance. Avia will be back. You could ask Iuvenes for help, even.”

“She has enough on her plate with their little rascal,” Carduus dismissed. “Besides, I’m still good for something. It’s not like you can resist giving pointers to the ‘new generation’ of changeling medical drones.”

“He was doing it wrong!” she shot back with a huff.

“Admit it, we’re both stubborn.”

Panacea huffed. “True. But neither of us are as spry as we used to be, the Queen wouldn’t want you exerting yourself. If you want something to do, why don’t we see if Iuvenes will drop Tutella on us for a few hours and give her some free time.”

“We could…” Carduus mused, trailing off as he glanced off at one of the decorative features of his office space. It was a helmet, battered and dented, pulled from the collapsed rubble of the Badlands Hive. His helmet from before he threw himself between Crudelis and Twilight Sparkle. “I do wish I could be with her, though. A Captain of the Guard should always be beside his Queen.”

“You say that every time she leaves the hive,” Panacea said sympathetically, leaning forward and giving the old stallion a quick kiss just below his horn. “Always loyal to a fault. But we have to let the young have their fun sometime, and you know Façade would never let anything happen.”

“He has the greatest reason not to,” he conceded. “Alright, I’ll be through in a moment. Just leave me to old memories a moment longer.”

“I’ll whip you up a drink, then,” she replied, giving the drone one finally nuzzle before retreating from the room.

Carduus smiled at her as she departed, sighing once the door had fully closed and turning to once again view the helmet. He knew she was right, of course. Age was one enemy he couldn’t defeat, but he would continue to do his best for his hive. What else could he do? He could no longer fight; he was even more likely to topple now than when he briefly fought the swarm of Immortalis during the invasion. But his mind was sharp as ever, desk work and coordination he could handle.

And thinking on the Queen…

“Twilight? You leave tomorrow, yes?”

“Ah, Carduus. I was wondering if you’d check up on me,” Twilight responded with some amusement. “Yes, we are. The final meeting with the princesses just concluded, I trust everything is well in our hive?”

“Aside from a broken flowerpot,” he responded with a communicated internal chuckle. “I’m about to take a break from all that, though.”

“I am glad to hear that. I am always available; it really isn’t a bother.”

“It is to me, my Queen. I want you to enjoy your trip.”

“I will. Please, keep an eye on Avia, won’t you? I worry about her. This will be a great big first for my little filly.”

“I will always protect Avia as I have you, my Queen. I promise you.”

“I know, Carduus. You always have. Take care, you hear?”

“Always, Twilight.”

And with that, Carduus left his old friend to her business. Slowly, his old bones creaking, he got up from his seat and started towards the door. He would take the moment to enjoy the break because, whether his wife complained or no, he still had plenty of work to do.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the scarcity of updates, real-life has continued to be... complicated.

I'll be getting back into weekly updates soon, I promise! And with it, the story I have set up to replace A Sparkle in the Darkness shall also arrive. Plus... something a little extra between me and Skijarama...