• Published 5th May 2019
  • 6,676 Views, 559 Comments

Change: The New Kingdom - tom117z

It has been forty-three years since Queen Twilight Sparkle first discovered her lineage and claimed her birthright. And never has it been harder on her than when The New Kingdom is unveiled to the world.

  • ...

26 - To Confront a Changeling

Discord was lounging in a tree.

The tree was now, for reasons only his addled mind could comprehend, made of taffy, but he thought it an improvement.

And, more to the point, it provided him and his cartoonishly sized binoculars a perfect vantage point over the changeling hive further down in the gorge. This little pile of lovebugs existed quite far from the Lord of Chaos’ usual stomping ground, more to the eastern edge of Zebrica nearing the Minon border, not that relative distance truly mattered to an entity that could bend space like a particularly cheesy quesadilla.

Oh, how his current patron Queenie would love that analogy.

A drone flitted by him and his special tree without so much as a glance in his direction, Discord glancing away from the hive to watch them go with a satisfied chuckle. Changelings weren’t the only ones handy with perception filters, after all…

“Not that it does much for me,” Discord spoke to himself, quite literally, a double now sat next to him. “All these bugs do is fly around and make noise. Much like every other hive, all extraordinarily boring for the boogiemen of old.”

“Well, we could always do a bit to liven things up!”

“An interesting proposal, Discord. But we are on recon! And I’m still willing to bet she’s our mare…”

“Bah, all these monarchs are as duplicitous as the next.”

“Very much so, but she is of a particularly spiteful variety. After all, did you see the thrashing moonbutt dished out during the invasion?”

“No, we weren’t here for that.”

“Oh, why must you always guilt me so?”

“It’s the Fluttershy influence. That, and Twilight can shout quite loud when she wants to.”

“Oh, now that was entertaining!”

“Indeed, alas, far less so given recent events. Hm… Now, my little changelings, what do you have to hide…”

In a flash, the tree returned to normal as Discord vanished from view. At least, almost all of him, his shadow remaining and stretching out its limbs as if preparing for a morning jog.

The shade made its way down to the hive, unseen by its denizens as he breached the closest entrance and all its protective wards as if they didn’t exist at all. He slowed his pace as he began to traverse the interior halls of the hive, shadowy ears listening out for any and all snippets of conversation that might be useful.

The place had moderate traffic filling the space, halls of familiar construction to anyone who had ever visited the Equestrian Hive. Carved stone and chitinous outcroppings formed the typical decoration, though somehow the colouration seemed less warm than the halls of its counterpart hive. Though that was likely due to the lack of pony influence, or maybe it was the general mood around the great structure, it was of little importance either way.

Most drones went about their days in relative silence, though with the odd words here and there to their passing fellows. Though, coming to an intersection some way into the hive, he did finally stop to listen at a passing discussion.

“Did you hear about Equestria?”

“I know, how horrible!”

“I know our Queen will do all she can to help.”

“I don’t know, she’s been rather strained with the Council of late…”

“Bah, it’ll work out. Now the Council is forming, they’ll have this crisis solved before this new nation can so much as lift a spear.”

Nothing so useful as it turned out. Though, if anything was to be taken, these drones didn’t seem complicit in whatever backroom dealings their sovereign saw fit to partake in. With that in mind, and a specific target likewise chosen, he prepared to move off.

“Maybe, but the Bearers might just do their friendship thing like always.”

“Come on, they’ve been out of their prime for a while. The Queen aside, you have some apple hick, a cowardly old pegasus-”

There was a flash of light.


“What? I don’t- Huh?”

Discord stayed still as he watched one changeling begin dancing around in a panic, swatting a lot of small somethings that didn’t exist while his companions looked on in utter bewilderment. One even attempted to swat at the invisible foe themselves, though predictably felt nothing impact their hoof.

Several green bursts came in quick succession as the drone unleashed a panicked succession of alternate forms, before finally settling back at his natural self and running down the corridor amidst screams of horror and regret.

Discord let his infuriated scowl return to a satisfied smirk before pressing on.

He roamed the halls for a while longer, paying little heed to any further conversations uttered by the passing residents. No, instead he made straight for the heart of the hive and, hopefully, the butt sitting in the throne.

And yet, no luck…

He reformed in the empty throne room of the hive, sitting irritably in the great seat while tapping his chin in contemplation.

Surely she had yet to leave for the Council? No, he’d have noticed that. Twilight had yet to go, though it was all quite imminent…

So, where did dear Vulgaris like to hide herself away from the world…?

Discord concentrated, closing his eyes and letting himself feel the ambient magic around him. Everything had a unique signature, a feel to it… And if he could just feel something a little unusual, then maybe…?


That felt… bad.

In yet another flash, Discord found himself at the source.

Vulgaris hummed idly to herself as she considered the basin before her, just waiting for the ritual’s completion and the link’s establishment. Her direct line to King Ignis, off playing war on the other side of the globe…

To be frank, he had already succeeded in boring her.

He was so… pliable. Disappointingly so, really. She scarcely had to try. So quick to see enemies in the shadows, to jump to his little ponies’ defence…

All of Celestia’s parental instincts with none of the wisdom to back it up. If she were more like him, Crudelis would have walked all over them the first time around.

But Crudelis had underestimated her foe. But she knew what they were capable of, and what would happen if she were to be revealed…

In the shadows. Calmly. Patiently. That was where their greatest strength lay, and that was how they’d finally be rid of the ponies’ corrupting influence.

She placed a hoof on the basin, letting out a breath. Briefly, she examined the artefacts around her, her trophies, collectables… all of it. She could almost imagine where she would put the Equestrian regalia, right after she was done with this council gathering and the following war…

One thing at a time.

Indeed, she was getting ahead of herself. So, with due haste, she prepared the necessary concoctions and allowed the spell to form. A puff of smoke filled the air, and gradually did Ignis’ form appear before her.

“Vulgaris…” the alicorn cooly greeted. “I hope you take no offence should I ask you to make this quick, the arrival of our forces is imminent and I too must be ready.”

“Such bravado, charging into battle while the spies do the heavy lifting. As is the way of war,” she sneered in turn. “Last we spoke I mentioned the Queens’ Council, I thought you’d like an update.”

“I’m listening.”

“As it is, I’ve just received word that dear Twilight has emerged from her sulking and is preparing to depart the capital. The Council is soon to be underway and, as expected, the changelings are certain to end the war.”

Ignis frowned. “For our benefit, I hope.”

“In the long run,” she confirmed. “I have some drones picked out to play the dastardly double agent, you’ll have the intelligence you need, information on our deployments… And I’ll begin to lay down the clues for our studious Changeling Queen to reach the correction conclusion about Princess Luna.”

“Your ever-so-cautious tactic, I recall…”

“One hoof in front of the other, Ignis. I will absolve myself of all responsibility while Luna absorbs it all. When she discovers it of her own accord, Twilight will act as any rightfully should. Alicorn blood will run down the steps of Canterlot, and a beast unleashed shall not be quelled.”

“And so, in dramatic fashion, changeling shall turn on pony and the ensuing chaos will allow us to take the capital.”

“I’m glad you are taking it all in, you should-”


Vulgaris stopped, blinking slowly as her mind began to catch up with the visual her eyes beheld before her. Her mouth slowly closed, the Queen of the Hive ignoring the suddenly perplexed Ignis staring at her in favour of the figure behind the basin twirling a very specific piece of regalia in his talon.

Discord levelled her a stare, looking both smug and righteously furious at the same time.

“You know, you should really leave the art of sowing chaos to your betters. Your version is just no fun,” the draconequus noted with a tone bordering playful jibe and a snarl. “And this here… Immortalis’ fabled regalia… At least, I assume so? Tsk tsk, reckless indeed.”

“What? Who is that? Vulgaris?” Ignis questioned urgently.

Vulgaris hissed, pupils dilating at the unintimidated Lord of Chaos twirling her most prized trophy like a foal’s toy! Eye slightly twitching, she finally looked up at the King of the New Kingdom with a venomous grin.

“I will call you back, don’t go anywhere.”

She unceremoniously cut the connection, levelling her full attention on the intruder before her.

“So, the ponies’ pet sideshow attraction has decided to snoop around,” she taunted Discord with a confidence he found as surprising as it was insulting. “Put that down, you might hurt yourself.”

“This? My, it has seen better days. Tia does have a fiery side, does she not?”

A spark flared in his claw, a burst of flame crashing forth and completely consuming the very object that once brought the changelings to their knees. The ashes were scattered, and crystal shards exploded to dust amidst a now-clenched fist.

The regalia of Empress Immortalis, in one act of fury, was no more.

“So you’ll excuse me for following the example, but it is one more thing I need to repent for.”

Vulgaris snarled harshly at him. “You… You will regret that, whelp!”

“Oh no, I don’t think so. You see, I have it on good authority you’ve caused quite the heartache for some friends of mine. And I think they’d rather like me to deliver you to them on a bouquet…”

He snapped his fingers, a variety of different bouquets of ornamental flowers popping into existence and dancing merrily around the chamber.

His grin widened to accentuate his own fangs. “Or perhaps I should deliver you as the bouquet…”

“Indeed? Oh, do enlighten me, Bringer of Chaos, just what crimes have I been deemed guilty of by the likes of you?”

Discord rolled his eyes. “Oh, so we’re going to be playing this little game, are we? Very well, let this court be in session!”

A floating gavel appeared beside him, cracking down with a loud wallop despite hitting little more than thin air.

“So, changeling, are you ready to begin?”

“If I am to be forced to endure this sham, then so be it. You have yet to answer the question.”

“May the court note that the defendant pleads not guilty! Pfft, of course she has. Well, ally of Crudelis and pathetic pawn of Immortalis, let us begin.”

The Queen frowned, beginning to circle the Lord of Chaos dangerously. “I knew nought of Crudelis’ plans, so what of our kinship? As for the Empress, deride me for my part if you must, but so too would you condemn your precious Twilight Sparkle.”

“Precious? Please, only one Equestrian holds such a place in my heart,” Discord rebuked. “Moreso, only one of you actually overthrew Her Royal Travesty, the other got trounced in front of every changeling in existence. Good show, by the way.”

“Hardly relevant,” she growled.

“No, but most amusing. But the origin of today…” he continued. “Plotting to help an enemy of Equestria and the Hives invade allied lands - oh you have been naughty.”

“Equestria’s enemy, not ours.”

“Avia would say otherwise, the changeling princess you plotted the death of. Assassination against your own, and yet you continue to cry innocence.”

“I only protest anything being wrong with protecting our interests. I will not let Equestria rot who we are any longer, we will not be leashed, like they cowed the so-called ‘Lord of Chaos’.”

“Oh, I’ll admit there is something infectious about their random musical numbers and parties…” Discord conceded. “But they’ve hardly forced you to do anything. Your people wanted a change, to move on from what wasn’t working to something that just might.”

“I NEVER wished for this!”

“Then you are alone, and pressing your own desires on everyone else! Deciding your own interests are worth a world more than the hopes and dreams of those around you, as I myself would have once done. But this isn’t about you, Queenie, it’s about the people you profess to rule. You wish to hide in the shadows and never be seen again? Fine, you do as you wish. But do not drag your people into a war through lies and treachery and claim it is for their benefit, you insult this court’s intelligence.”

“They know what they want, but not what they need. Soon, they’ll see the light.”

“No, I don’t think so. I may thrive on chaos but I am no longer the draconequus who can find any measure of amusement in this charade. I think it is time for a verdict and to adjourn; you’re guilty, by the way.”

There was another bang from the gavel, the self-professed judge stretching out as if preparing for a workout.

“I have half a mind to send you to an empty void to think about your choices for eternity, maybe with the pink one screaming in your ear all the while, but then some ponies might pout at me. So, you are coming with me to Canterlot where I’m sure Tia will stop Twilight from turning you inside out before your Council decides your final fate.”

Completely undaunted, Vulgaris responded to his proclamation with an amused chuckle. “No, creature, I think not.”

Discord smirked. “I do admire such staunch stubbornness in a changeling, but I think you forget which of us can mould reality into what pretty little patterns I so desire.”

“I have not, but it doesn’t matter.”

“Oh, really now?”

“The problem with you Equestrians and your ‘friendship’, is it makes you soft. You like your fluffy pillows and hugs and cake. You forget what hardship is like, what strength it takes to surpass it. It has made you weak, I won’t let it do the same to us. They’ll all thank me… one day.”

End him.

Discord recoiled a little, regarding Queen Vulgaris curiously as a dark shiver ran down his spine. His mouth moved, beginning to form a question of singular importance…

It stopped as a small black stone levitated up in the Queen’s magical aura, and an even worse sensation shot through him as if he were but a rodent in the path of the lightning storm!

In an instant, all the chaos, all effects around the chamber enacted by the Lord of Chaos in all their various forms, they all ceased to be.

“Oh, are you experiencing discomfort? Do forgive me, I seem to be making a poor host…” Vulgaris taunted Discord as he tumbled to the ground, his flight cutting out at the same moment as his creations. “But it may interest you to know that, in the end, I reject any pretence of authority you hold. You are in my court now. And the royal court of a Changeling Queen is NOT to be trifled with.”

“H-how did you…”

“A curious object, no?” She examined the shard adoringly, her eyes sparkling with enough malice to smother all the light in the room. “So rare, so prized… And so very deadly. Look at you, the nigh-invulnerable God of all chaos rendered to nothing more than a cowering wretch. Do you fear me, Discord? Yes? Good.”

Her crimson horn crackled and unleashed a wave of energy at the defenceless draconequus, thunderous bolts and energy throwing his writhing form across the room and smashing into the podium where the regalia once lay! His mouth formed and voiceless scream as the stonework around him exploded into rubble, showering him in dust and debris even as the torture continued.

“THIS is our true power! Our potential! A gift we would squander and sit on unrealised, where we could one day craft a civilisation surpassing that of the old Empire! And I, I, will be its architect!”

The magic intensified, coursing every inch of pain she could inflict into the would-be jester. Her pupils dilated hungrily, a piece within her taking particular delight in every ounce of suffering inflicted onto the helpless being. He was the first, the first of their vengeance, and he would be the first to die.

She slowly bled away her pool of mana, shaping the violent maelstrom of unleashed arcane energies and swiftly formed what was left into a simple levitation spell.

Discord, limp in her grasp, eyes barely open as he feebly gasped for desperate gulps of air, remained aloft as the Queen examined her prey with immense satisfaction. Any respite, however, was short-lived as she lifted him higher before slamming him into the ground with a sickening crack.

“And unlike yourself, I never underestimated my foes. I knew you might come, there was always a chance you would find it worthy of your notice. That you would honour me with your divine presence…” she jeered. “So of course I prepared. And how well you played your role in this grand scheme of mine.”

“Y- I…” Discord weakly looked up at the Queen. “You don’t have to…”

“Do what? Kill you? Go through with my grand ‘evil’ scheme? History will not define me such, whereas you shall always remain the vile jester who simply couldn’t get over his overconfidence.”

She lifted the shard high into the air, one jagged end gleaming at Discord as his eyes went wide at the improvised dart. Death itself stared him into the face, his vast powers, the ability to shape reality itself, failing him.

“Begone, fool. You never should have come here.”

Discord’s mind scrambled. To be beaten by this moron? This Changeling Queen of all creatures? To leave this world forever? To leave Fluttershy…

He had to do something. Anything. Some grand saviour, some miracle! The power of friendship, coming through at the last!

Time was at a crawl as Vulgaris’ magic let the projectile loose, piercing the air with Discord’s heart as its dreaded destination.

Memories and regrets. Hopes and dreams. So much passed through the Lord of Chaos’ mind, thoughts he believed he’d never had, things left unsaid. So much to do, and yet seemingly so little time left to him. Shock, horror and desperation fully set in, he reached into the deepest parts of his own self to… anything. Something. There had to be something. Some way… Somehow…


A drop. That was it. A tiny sliver on mana dripped through the smallest of cracks in whatever barrier that accursed stone had placed atop his usually boundless reservoir. Perhaps it was his nature, perhaps it was the fact that the shard bringing forth his demise was itself but a diminutive fragment of a greater whole… Or, perhaps the likeliest scenario, it was a mix of the two.

Whatever the reason, devoid of any other hope, it was enough.

He called forth what mana he could, forcing it through the crack even as his very spirit screamed at him to cease the attempt. His body bled, his soul flickered like a smothered candle, all crushing down at his attempt to call forth the magic within.

It was all he could do.

It was barely enough.

But it was.

The teleportation magic crackled, feral, scarcely controlled. And in a single instant, a piercing pain striking his chest, the visage of the hive was replaced with the pearlescent marbles and magnificent stonework of Canterlot Castle’s throne room.

He had appeared in a standing position, feet planted firmly onto the pristine carpet leading to the duel thrones. His form ached, his spirit waned, his vision blurred as the lights of the chamber seemed to encompass the edges of his vision and begin a slow flood across the darkening orbs. And he wasn’t alone, either, for fate would have it that a certain alabaster alicorn had been morosely staring up at one of the stained glass windows, deep in thought, at the moment of his timely arrival.

And, startled by the appearance of the haggard draconequus, she flinched backwards as her head span around to regard that very visitor.


“Ah… it appears…”

Discord tapered off, chuckling at himself, his lion paw clutching his heart as trickles of blood began to pour from the gaping wound left by the passage of the shard entering his chest. The shard he knew was, with some reasonable certainty, now lodged in the fleshy sack he called his heart.

“...that I made something of an error, Tia my dear…”

And then, with the last of his energy fleeing his stricken form, preventing the formation of any further words and the information they may have transferred, and with no ceremony and little in the way of dignity, Discord collapsed onto the floor with his consciousness too taking its leave. Sound, sight, touch… All left him as he wondered if he stared into the abyss of eternity, only a single shout of distress seeing fit to shepherd him along.