• Published 5th May 2019
  • 6,675 Views, 559 Comments

Change: The New Kingdom - tom117z

It has been forty-three years since Queen Twilight Sparkle first discovered her lineage and claimed her birthright. And never has it been harder on her than when The New Kingdom is unveiled to the world.

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22 - Devastation

The broken cry of pain and rage echoed all throughout Canterlot as the lavender beam of magic cascaded through one of the stained glass windows of the throne room. Glass shards scattered everywhere, what wasn’t turned to dust clattering to the ground and annihilating what was once a mellow depiction of times long past.

But even as the beam dissipated, and the glass remnants settled in the spots they fell, the shouts persisted. Terrible, horrific shouts as tears assaulted the stone floor. Loss, shock and horror-filled each droplet, one mare’s sorrow silencing the entire castle and filled the hearts of all those who heard it with grief.

But no grief could ever surpass that felt by Twilight Sparkle.

And it had been some time since Princess Celestia had felt so helpless…

When Twilight had appeared in the throne room, finding Celestia busy filling out executive orders to further investigate some strange events in the castle as of late, she had been… emotionless. Or perhaps that was the wrong way to view it. She’d been in shock, denying what she herself had felt occur. She had scarcely been able to articulate what had happened to bring her into such a state, the very reality of what she had to convey seeming to escape her.

But then she’d started to understand. It had dawned, and she’d begged.

Celestia had been forced to endure in horrified, dumbstruck silence as Twilight Sparkle, the mare she saw as her own child begged for the alicorn’s help.

Begged… to save a daughter that was seemingly beyond saving.

“Please… Celestia please don’t let this… please…” she had said to the Princess. “I can’t… she can’t…”

“Twilight! Tell me, what has happened!?”

“I… I can’t…” Oh, how she had choked on her own tears, overwhelmed and lost to her emotions. “I think… I think Avia is dead…”

And then, as if just saying those words had finally brought the full reality to bear, she had started to scream.

And, herself floored by such a declaration, unimaginable pain filling her heart, Celestia cursed herself for no longer knowing what to do…

“Twilight…” Celestia addressed in what she inwardly cursed herself for being a pathetic tone. “I… What do you-”

“What, Celestia!? What do you want me to say!?” Twilight rounded on Celestia, her pupils dilating dangerously within her tear-soaked eyes as her fangs bared instinctively. “What can you do!? Why did I even come!? She’s dead! I felt her… Hives, I felt her…”


“MY CHILD IS DEAD!” she bellowed with a defeated wail. “My nymph… my baby girl… I… I…”

Her scar burned with the greatest intensity it had suffered in years, driving a sharp breath from the Changeling Queen’s lungs as she pressed a hoof tightly to the old wound. Her eyes shook in their sockets, flashes of terrible memories passing through her mind at speeds she could scarcely comprehend. And with these flashbacks came the very sensations those events had wrought, as fresh as if it were happening in the present.

A knife in her chest, poison burning through her system as those who cared for her tried desperately to prevent the then-Princess’ demise, leading the changeling into a dark void where none could hear her screams. A severed limb amidst the rubble of the Badlands Hive, a frantic search revealing its Queen buried beneath crumbled stone. And so soon after did that Queen perish, passing quietly by her heir’s side. The pain that had forced into her heart, twisting it in a similar manner as to the now, all focusing in on the monster who had taken Chrysalis from the world…

And then the terror pulling the strings came. Hives fell, Draco perished in the chaos, changelings and ponies alike died in the thousands…

No control, Twilight forced to be a prisoner in her own body. The blood that stained her hooves during those days was unimaginable. An inner fight against a seemingly unstoppable force, shaking the foundation of their nations to their cores.

And now…


“WHY!?” she demanded to know from the world itself. “Who took her!? I will… I’m going to find them, whoever they are…”

“Twilight, please talk to me…” Celestia gently urged. “Just talk to me…”

“What’s there to say!?” she asked with a mildly unhinged chuckle. “My daughter is dead. And I’m going to find the one to blame, and I’m going to burn them.”

Celestia’s blood ran cold, her eyes meeting her former student’s and finding little evidence of the studious unicorn she knew once upon a time. All she saw was maddened grief and rage, the kind that promised death and destruction to any who would block her path. And it scared her. The true primal danger of both a bereaved mother and Changeling Queen both, and all she saw in those lavender eyes were that of her mother…

“Reminiscing, are we?”

Celestia dropped the book onto the bed and swung around, tearing open the curtains as she did so, the sunlight eliminating a previously shadowy corner at the far end of the room.

“Tell me, Celestia,” Chrysalis started spitefully. “Why shouldn’t I burn this pathetic city to the ground?”

Celestia examined Chrysalis and found not malice on her face. Instead, all she could see was the visage of a broken mare.

“How did you get in here?”

“Oh it wasn’t hard; your methods of detecting changelings are child’s play for any infiltrator worth their salt. And believe me, my changelings have notable skill; remember the army surrounding the city, hidden in plain sight? They can attest to that. You know, if diplomatic relations between us had succeeded we could have shown you far more effective means of detection, but I suppose it’s far too late for that, isn’t it?”

“No Chrysalis, it isn’t,” Celestia maintained.

“MY DAUGHTER IS DEAD!” Chrysalis exploded. “I felt her mind go silent. And she was killed by a pony! One of your most trusted guards no less. Your kind took the singular most precious thing I had, I-"

Chrysalis looked away momentarily, trying to compose herself. “So tell me again Princess Celestia,” she choked. “Why shouldn’t I burn this pathetic city to the ground?”

The late changeling’s words echoed in the alicorn’s ears like a bad omen. A strange mirror of what now stood before her, a broken mess that represented a ticking bomb to everyone and everything around it. A full circle from there to here…

So Celestia did what she had to do.

And she held her child close.

Twilight didn’t seem to be expecting the embrace. But then again, she hadn’t been expecting anything at all. Her vision being as red as it was, clouded by hatred and loss. Nothing else occurred to the mare, all the scholarly calculations and thoughtful anecdotes that would usually dominate her mind were blacked out by the smouldering sense of pain intruding into her soul.

But now…

“I know not who did this, a-and I can’t yet say how justice shall be done…” the Princess of the Sun tearfully told her. “But this is not you, either. The mare Avia looked up to so, as do we all. I too well understand what you feel, where this mental state can lead. But please, do not block us out. Shout at me. Curse my name. Do what you must. But do not lose yourself now, be strong for her memory.”

“I…” Queen Twilight Sparkle suddenly felt like nothing more than a lost filly, seeking comfort beneath the alabaster wing of a radiant deity seeking to soothe a strained spirit. Gone was the powerful figure that ruled her hive, leaving but a broken shell who curled into the embrace with a strangled cry. “Celestia…”

The passage of time became blurred after that. Little noise permeated the chamber, only the sobs of two mares and the gentle whistle of the wind through the shattered window. The sun too seemed to dim in response to its caretaker’s condition, turning a typical sunset into a dour evening that well informed all the world that all was not right.

But time did nevertheless pass on by, but it did not alleviate the grief felt by the distraught changeling in the alicorn’s grasp. But it did allow for the fog to steadily lift from her mind, until she was able to wipe the tears from her face, even if the flow did not cease, and look at Celestia with a desperate question in her eyes.

“What happened, Celestia…?” she asked. “She was here only yesterday. I saw her… Held her… Where did she go? Why did she…?”

“I don’t know. But… Maybe…”

No, it couldn’t be. Would she have done that? By herself? But then again, if Twilight Sparkle thought she was saving those she loved, and Equestrian itself, would she have? It might just be so, as loyal as Twilight had always been to her former mentor, her mind had always been her own. And, perhaps, the apple didn’t fall all that far from the tree.

“I did notice a peculiar anomaly today…” Celestia told Twilight. “A large portion of the royal vault has been emptied. I’ve been setting an investigation in motion.”

“…Someone stole from the vault?” Despite her fragile mental state, the Queen couldn’t help but be somewhat bewildered by that. “How? What was taken?”

“An inventory of the losses is still underway… However…” The Princess couldn’t be sure, but… If what had happened is what she thought, then it fit. As terrible as it might seem. “Looking over it… I fear that the contents would make up much, if not all, of what was demanded of us by The New Kingdom.”

Twilight grew silently, her gaze drifting to the floor so that her eyes were hidden behind her mane. Her voice likewise lowered in its tone, becoming but a monotone as the gears in her mind began to turn, her regained faculties putting together the dreadful puzzle…

“…The whole tribute?”

Celestia was silent a moment, but then nodded. “It would seem so. I had hoped otherwise, but-”

“But this just so happens to occur when Avia arrived from the hive,” Twilight finished, not straying from her monotone. “Hm. Could she? To do all of that…”

“Maybe… maybe she decided to prevent a war by herself. Maybe she didn’t agree with our stance on the matter. But either way, she couldn’t do it alone. If that is indeed what happened, she would have needed help. And…”

“And what?”

“There are other reports of unknown armed ponies leaving the city early this morning. Nopony seems to know who they were, but they departed in a hurry.”

Twilight grew silent. Her daughter… Yes, it did seem like her. To take matters into her own hooves. To do what she believed to be right. To save the changelings she loved so much, make a decision and carry it out herself as would be her duty as Queen of the Hive. It was what she was taught to do. To take a stand, be assertive and compassionate both.

But who could she have gotten to help her? Other changelings? Unlikely, she would have been informed. Sellswords perhaps, who would resist the promise of royal gold?

But then…


“Ignis…” Twilight’s voice formed into a growl. “The New Kingdom. If she went through with the deal we refused, then she would have met them. And… She said she messed up before she died. When she said goodbye to me. S-she met with them, didn’t she?”

“…It may be.”

“And MURDERED her!” she shouted. “Those bastards killed my child! They…”

Twilight looked up again, the rage-driven Changeling Queen returning. And then, quite suddenly, she turned and started to walk towards the door.

“Twilight! Wait!”

“I tried to show them the Magic of Friendship, I really did,” she spoke without stopping. “But this… This is beyond anything even remotely in the realms of ‘acceptable’. And if that’s what they do to a beautiful, wondrous naïve girl trying to do the right thing, then they won’t stop there.”

Celestia looked aside. As much as she hated to admit it, wanting to believe there was some way to salvage what had come, she wasn’t wrong. A nation desiring peace would have accepted the tribute and left. But this? War was their intent. It was as plain as the sun in the sky, or the moon among the stars, and it would be coming.

“I pray you are wrong, but I fear you are not,” she said sadly. “What will you do?”

“First, I need to tell Avia’s father that our little girl… that she isn’t coming home.” She stopped by the door, her voice cracking as she choked back another sob. “Then I shall mourn. And then I will be calling a Queen’s Council into session. The New Kingdom is coming, Celestia. Be ready for them.”

The Changeling Queen flung the doors wide, revealing several shellshocked guards on the other side alongside a flustered blue alicorn who appeared to be in the process of entering. Their eyes met, Luna remaining completely still, if professionally stoic, giving Twilight a nod of condolence while saying not a word.

Twilight looked away, continuing down the hall and out of sight.

“Sister…” Luna finally spoke once she had departed. “I would trust you are now aware of what has transpired?”

“Luna…” Celestia said in a tired manner. “Avia… I can hardly comprehend… Oh, Twilight…”

“There is more you should now,” Luna noted darkly, quickly strutting inside and closing the door behind them. “More I must confess.”

Celestia frowned. “Confess? What are you talking about?”

Luna’s stoic façade faltered, the mare closing her eyes with a great amount of guilt as she gritted her teeth. She took several moments to compose herself, letting out a sight before gaining the courage to face her elder sibling head-on.

“I fear I have erred in my judgement, made a mistake comparable to the one I made that night all those moons ago. And proved the past as Nightmare Moon yet hangs over me like a shadow… I am right to be feared by those who would hear the tales on Nightmare Nights every year.”

“Luna, you’re talking in riddles,” the other alicorn chided. “It has been long since the subject of your dark side has been presented. And having just learnt of poor Avia’s demise, I would hear nothing of the matter!”

“…But I am ashamed to say it relates.”

Celestia froze.


“Sister… I do not know where to turn, for I have made a mistake I can never return…” she admitted. “I may as well have killed the child myself. So full of dread was I that I turned away from the possibilities that my choice might wreak. I should have gone myself, but I feared your noticing. I failed you all.”

“Luna. What. Did. You. Do!?”

“When the demand came, I was forced to agree with your course of action. And yet a fear grew in my mind, one I am… not accustomed to,” she continued. “You have always been measured on your approach, perhaps too much at times. Considerate. Mine has always been one of action, I do not wait, I do what I must.”

Luna sighed again, staring up at the shattered window the Changeling Queen’s rage had left in its wake.

“Today that has been showcased in the worst way, and perhaps even been distorted. Where I would once have been the first to meet Ignis’ challenge, this time I found myself… struck by memories of an Equestria engulfed by war and terror. The rampage of Immortalis that brought us low.”

Celestia’s gaze softened. “Sister, if the memories of that conflict were haunting you so, you should have spoken to me about it.”

“Aye, that I should,” Luna agreed solemnly. “But I did not. And when I encountered Avia amid a nightmare, we found agreement in our fears. So we decided upon a plan.”

The final pieces fell into place.

“Luna…” Celestia addressed slowly, fearing what might come next. “Please tell me you didn’t. That the vault was stolen from, and that one of its owners didn’t merely extract its contents.”

“I wish I could do as you ask, but alas, I cannot. For it was I that took from our treasures, and it was I that arranged for Avia’s escort.”

“Those ponies… They were yours?”

“Without Vladimir’s knowledge, do not blame him,” she explained. “Disguised, they took the tribute and met with King Ignis’ representatives. And… none returned.”

Celestia took in a breath, closing her eyes and letting her younger sister’s confession roll around inside of her mind. In truth, perhaps she should have predicted such a thing. Working in the shadows, acting decisively as she so wished… that was her sister described quite well. But the action itself? Giving in to a threat? She never would have imagined her sister would be the first to buckle under such strain.

“Oh, Lulu…” Celestia said regretfully. “I never knew Immortalis had affected you so.”

“She turned you into Daybreaker!” Luna shouted back with a stamp of her hoof. “Took my sister and twisted her into a beast! Burned our ponies, drowned Manehatten and left us picking up the pieces for years to come! I… I could no longer stomach the conflict I once would have met with steel. I could not stand still and wait for war, so I took the burden upon myself to prevent it.”

“Upon yourself? Avia is gone.”

“…I know. To my eternal shame, I know. She was so adamant that I was most swayed, but I should never have allowed it. Sister… I let Avia die. And I do not know how to live that.”

Luna lowered her head, her eyes closing as she waited for judgement, a tear rolling down her cheek and to the floor.

“I am so sorry…”

“Oh, Luna…” Celestia stopped forward, nuzzling her younger sibling gently on the head. “Both of you… You were fools. Well-intentioned, but fools nonetheless.”

“I know. And for what I have caused Twilight…”

Celestia’s heart ached. On the one side, she had a little sister, wracked with guilt for her mistake. Celestia couldn’t help but blame herself in part. How could she not have seen her sister’s struggle? Not see the pain she was feeling that led her to make such an error in the first place? She was disappointed, and yet she found herself sharing in her sibling’s shame. She should have done something. Seen the signs. Anything!

And now, on the other side, she had a daughter who was deep in mourning, filled with primal rage and looking for someone to blame.

Ignis was to blame.

But so was Luna.

“Twilight should know…” the Princess of the Night spoke, taking a step back and standing up straight. “She deserves to know, and I deserved to be judged.”


Luna blinked. “Excuse me?”

“Not yet. We can’t,” Celestia said regretfully. “What I just witnessed… Luna, she might well kill you.”

“Tia, this is Twilight Sparkle you speak of.”

“No. As of now, I speak of a Changeling Queen so full of hate for whoever she perceives to be as her child’s killer!”

“I DESERVE her condemnation for what I have done!”

“Yes, you DO!” Celestia shouted back, her wings spreading out as her anger flared. “You were irresponsible! You went behind my back and let this happen! But dammit, Luna, you are my SISTER! And Twilight is like my own child, and I will not see you killing one another for what is ultimately the mad actions of another across the sea! IGNIS gave the order, and for all your mistakes Avia is just as responsible, but Twilight won’t see the logic in that. Not now.”

“You expect me to lie?”

“As much as it pains me to say, she is in no state of mind to hear of your involvement. I do not know what the coming days will bring, but she cannot be told of this now. She must know eventually; she deserves the truth. But dropping this on her right now will destroy her. And you.”

“Sister, this is wrong.”

“What would you have me do, Luna!? Let you tear each other apart!?”

“I… I did this… All of this, the lies, the deceit, what have I done…?”

Celestia sighed. “Such is the path to hell, and now we all walk it…”

The Princess of the Sun glanced away from her and towards the door. Avia, Luna… What they had done, for all their pure intentions, had delivered onto them the very conflict they’d sought to prevent. And now she was forced to conceal the full extent of the truth from one who she cared for deeply.

“Forgive me, Twilight. For it is my love for you both that forces my hoof.”