• Published 5th May 2019
  • 6,654 Views, 559 Comments

Change: The New Kingdom - tom117z

It has been forty-three years since Queen Twilight Sparkle first discovered her lineage and claimed her birthright. And never has it been harder on her than when The New Kingdom is unveiled to the world.

  • ...

21 - Requiem

It was a new day, but the sun was yet to rise. Darkness still blanketed the mountain that held Canterlot, the only light coming from the many buildings covering its streets as the early birds began to rise while most of the city’s inhabitants remained safe and comfortable in their beds.

Safe and comfortable. Avia wished she felt either of those things at that moment.

Instead, there she was, rising in secret before even the crack of dawn had graced the sky. Not that there was anything wrong with the night, only that she was maybe committing sort-of treason with it. Did it count as treason if it was they, who were royalty and figures of authority in their own right, doing it? Considering how Princess Celestia might feel on the matter, it was debatable. And something Avia would be willing to construct a critically thought out argument for the pros and cons of if she had the time to indulge in such scholarly interests.

But no, such thoughts were idle attempt to distract herself from the parasprites in her stomach and the insurmountable task ahead of her.

If she ever said that there was no pressure, she wanted to be kicked. By a big kicking stallion. Maybe Big Macintosh. He seems like he could kick a giant hole into somepony’s thick stupid skull.

There her brain went distracting her again…

‘Focus, Avia,’ the changeling scolded herself as she made her bed, flattening the sheets in a precise and orderly fashion. ‘Focus… Can’t get cold hooves now. It’s too late for that. Just focus on the results. Segment your mind into facts, goals and a bin full of useless information that’s not helping me right now. Which is a lot.’

Too much. If she were to be honest, everything she was doing was rather terrifying.

Exciting; kinda like the stories of her mother’s old adventures.

But also terrifying; completely and utterly terrifying.

She shook her head, attempting to return her attention to the gear she had been provided for her ‘mercenary guise’. It was rugged, the kind of clothing that would give Rarity an aneurism. But it fit the bill of a sellsword, which was the idea. Mixed with her natural shapeshifting abilities, getting to the rendezvous point would be a piece of cake.

It was the bit that came after that gave her pause.

A sudden knock at the door caused the Princess to nearly jump out of her chitin! Suppressing a surprised yelp, Avia took a moment to compose herself before carefully approaching with her mind wondering just who it would be calling around at that hour.

Hopefully not her mother. That would be awkward.

“Who is it?” she called out.

“Just your escort, Ma’am,” came the voice of the same guard she’d met earlier. “Alongside Princess Luna.”

Breathing a sigh of relief, Avia unlocked the door and quickly allowed the thestral and alicorn entrance. Once they were safely inside, she shut them in, making sure nopony had spotted their little collusion.

“Well, good morning…” Avia said.

“Good morning, young Avia. I do apologise for the intrusion,” Luna stated in turn. “But I wished to catch you before your departure.”

“For which I have come to collect you,” the guard added.

“Indeed. I see that you are prepared. I cannot say it suits you, but it fits the part.”

Avia hummed, magical flames ripping around her form and replacing chitin with light brown fur. Her wings vanished from view, though her horn remained. When all was said and done, she looked quite the unassuming unicorn of no particular interest to anyone.

“How about now?” the ‘pony’ asked.

“Better,” Luna confirmed. “You appear a mere sellsword. Though if you are intent on donning your disguise now, I would ask you allow me to whisk you out of the castle via spell. Unless you wish the castle’s anti-changeling safeguards to trigger.”

Avia blinked. That was a… really good point. If the ward detected a shapeshifted changeling wandering the halls, there would be a lot of attention on them really quickly.

That would have been bad. She must be stupidly stressed if she forgot that little detail…

“Do not concern yourself with that,” Luna told her, noting her sudden negative shift in demeanour. “No harm is done. I will see you beyond any countermeasure, and then you are free to wander as you will.”

“I’ll make sure we reunite with the others safely,” the thestral assured them.

“Alright… Alright…” Avia took in a breath. “I’m as ready as I’m going to be. Let’s get going before my mother finds out and gives me the goddess of all presentations on why we suck.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “A crude way of putting it, but I understand the point. I will endeavour to stave off suspicion here. Just… do be careful on your journey. I can’t say I trust the word of Ignis and his ilk, so meet with his envoy and see the transaction through with great haste. I would not have you at risk for longer than is necessary.”

“Stop worrying so much, that’s my job,” the changeling joked. “But really, I’ll be out of there in minutes. Then I’m going to hide out at my friends’ place in Ponyville until Mother isn’t going to explode quite so hard at me for this.”

“Would she not check there first?”

“We have a secret clubhouse. It’s fine.”

“Do you mean the one in the crystal caves that Twilight has informed me of? Concurrently next to where Laughter’s sister resides?”

Avia gulped. She was doomed.

“Oooookay…” What a great start this was. “I’ll figure out that later. Ugh… Okay, let’s get this show on the road before my resolve fails.”

“As you wish. I wish you luck, Avia of the Equestrian Hive. May the spirit of your hives watch over you.”

“Thanks… Though, the reverence to the hives isn’t equitable to an actual deity more than-”

“I would suggest you take the encouragement and leave it be.”

“Right. I’ll do that.”

Luna nodded, her horn lighting up as Avia took up a position next to the guard that was to accompany her.

This was it. The moment that spell went off they were moving forward with no way back. She kept her breathing level, counting the brief moments that it took to charge as she took stock of all she had to do. Whatever the consequences were to be, they were now hers to discover. And they would be discovered soon. Either the day would end with war averted and all she would have to deal with was the consequences at home, or it would be their own requiem to suffer.

If there was a spirit of the hives as Luna had mistakenly posited, she’d be more than willing to pray for a bit of guidance in the hours to come.

Avia looked up into Luna’s eyes, the light of her horn reflecting within them as they shared one final moment of understanding.

And then it went off. Luna was gone, as was the Canterlot Castle, leaving nought but the empty streets of the sleeping city around them.

“Come, Princess. We have little time to waste, your transport shall be waiting for us.”

“Right. Lead the way, I’ll follow on.”

The sun was now rising into the air, giving a rather magnificent glow to the western ocean ahead of them. It was always nice to look out on natural wonders such as that, seeing as most of Avia’s days were spent examining the inner walls of the hive. The sea was calm, and she could imagine the only sound for miles around was the gentle flow of the waves against the beach.

But such peaceful sounds were sadly muffled by the chopping blades above her head. These transports were always so sound, the mix of the rotors and the harsh humming of the mana engines working in tandem to keep the thing airborne. It was fast, a feat of magical engineering that only improved with each new iteration that had been introduced. From the fragile prototypes of Equestria’s past, those that featured in the initial contact between their species half a century ago, to the more durable and proven variants of the modern era.

But for all that, she could hardly call them a peaceful nor a comfortable ride. It was almost a shame to disrupt the countryside around them with its presence, but needs must, and it certainly allowed for swift transit for them and their cargo.

“Landing zone is in sight,” the pilot informed them from over the intercom, the EUP pony looking out from the front cockpit with a searching gaze. “Looks clear. Cargo is still secure beneath us; the tethers are holding steady. I’m going to lower it onto the beach and release it, then I’ll set this bird down behind that hill there. Keep it covered while you trek to the site.”

“Alright, you heard the stallion!” the lead thestral barked out. “Get yourselves readied up, stay sharp and we can all go home tonight.”

“Yes, Sir!”

“Good! Princess,” he addressed the changeling among them. “This is your show.”

“Yeah. Thanks…”

Avia examined the group. The three thestrals with her were all equipped with retractable hoof blades and more traditional swords. The unicorns seemed to be more specialised battle mages while the earth pony had one of the newer rifles slung across his back. She’d never seen one of those griffon-descended weapons in action before. She hoped today would be no different.

She held on tight as the helicopter was lowered towards the beach. The ride was consistently bumpy and uncomfortable, one particularly large jolt coming when their cargo was released and safely dropped onto the ground below.

And then they were ascending again, though just a little. The cabin briefly leant to the side as the vehicle banked and performed a quick turn back towards the previously sighted hill. It took but a moment for them to come back into a hover above a flat stretch of field safely behind that said hill, the pilot once again starting to lower them down until, finally, the bottom of the aircraft met the ground and the engines started to die down.

“Princess?” the lead thestral called out.

“Yes, okay. Let’s get to it, I’d rather not leave the tribute unattended while we wait.”

Plenty of nosy bystanders would just love a haul like that…

The side doors opened up, the six guards piling out as Avia moved to follow. She kept up her disguise for the time being, if only until things were a little more certain. Though the guards proceeding to surround her in a protective formation left little to the imagination as to which was the individual of interest among them.

Still, they scaled the hill left their transport and its pilot behind to wait. Wait for either their return or until events required, they quickly vacated the site. Either way, it was left behind the safety of its natural cover while the others all made their way towards the dropped cargo that patiently awaited their arrival.

Grass gave way to sand beneath their hooves, the peaceful swaying of the ocean finally audible to Avia’s ears as they approached the sealed crates and stopped around them. They were here, and now all they had to do was wait. Wait for the delegation they hoped was coming. Coming to put an end to any talk to conflict and strife, to allow them all to leave with a greater ease of mind.

But all they could do was wait. The ponies stayed alert, as they were trained to do. The Princess, meanwhile, found herself gravitating towards the edge of the beach as her eyes examined the horizon.

The sun continued to rise high into the sky, Avia taking in the ground-side view of the sea with an even greater appreciation. She could taste the salt in the air, a gentle breeze flowing through her faux coat while bringing with it a not-so-unpleasant sensation.

It almost made her envy the ponies in a way. There was something far nicer about their coats and clear skin, softer and more pleasant in the way they interreacted with the world. Chitin was typically hard, meant for protection over comfort. Advantages and disadvantages to each… Though Avia did have to admit being able to change that at will certainly brought around its own joys. Less static, more capable of enjoying any sensation depending on the situation in which she found herself. She could have a coat. She could have chitin. That was the very nature of being a changeling.

Still, the breeze was nice…

And she had plenty of time to enjoy it. They waited. And they waited. The sun rising higher and higher as seconds turned into minutes. And then minutes turned into hours. The sun continued to rise until it was high above them, and then it started to fall again. Lower and lower, moment after moment, the waiting persisted until an orange tint started to spread out across the sky.

The ponies’ patience was commendable, but Avia soon grew restless. Were they not coming? Had they arrived at the wrong location?

She didn’t know, but all she could do was wait. Wait and hope that all would turn out as she hoped it would. How it had to go. Yet no amount of pacing the beach was making the time pass quicker, and all she could do was enjoy that breeze and keep her eyes on the ocean.

And so they waited some more…

Until, finally, the horizon provided its answer.

“I see something,” one of the ponies alerted to the others. “There, that a ship?”

Avia squinted to gain a better view, looking out at the sky trying to see what the guard had. It took some doing, but as the moments passed the object grew only larger on its approach. The sight of a zeppelin, still a decent distance away, but approaching at great speeds towards the beach. The design fit the description brought back from the expedition, and there was little doubt in Avia’s mind as to what it was.

It was a New Kingdom vessel.

They had arrived.

“Princess?” the lead thestral called out.

“I see it,” she confirmed. “Get ready. We still don’t know how they’re going to handle this.”

“Understood. Ponies! Blades sheathed, but ready to draw at the first sign of deception. Protect the Princess at all costs, the tribute is expendable. She is your utmost priority, understood?”

Avia heard their affirmations as such, but her focus remained on the incoming ship speeding towards the Equestrian beach. It occurred to her that this would officially be the first time that New Kingdom hooves had touched down on Equestrian soil. Who knows, maybe it would do some good to their perspective of their long-lost cousins? A girl could dream, right?

“Princess? I would ask that you remain close.”

“Right. Right. I’m coming.”

Avia moved away from the water’s edge and back to the collection of crates and Lunar Guard. They filtered around her protectively, waiting patiently until the zeppelin was not so distant anymore. The flying vessel made its final approach to the beach, finally crossing the border and coming into a hover over land but a short trek further down the shore. The changeling eyed it cautiously, making note of several visible gun emplacements dotted around the hull. She knew these things had been capable enough to knock her Uncle Spike out of the sky, so she didn’t entirely fancy a round against it herself.

But for now, those guns were silent.

She witnessed great harpoons being fired from the ship, attached to their point of origin via thick cable as the tops buried into the ground and anchored the vessel safely in place. Ladders were dropped over the side, and figures could be seen descending them while flashes of light likewise indicated several teleports from the unicorns who were capable of the spell.

And then they started to walk.

The lead guard walked up beside the Princess of the Equestrian Hive. “Well, they seem peaceful enough so far. Their weapons remain in their scabbards much as our own, those guns on that ship don’t seem to be manned. Your call, Princess. You spot anything I don’t?”

“Not really…” she noted carefully. “Just smile and wave, huh?”

“I’ll stick to a cautious scowl if that is permitted.”

Avia gave a small giggle at that. “If you really want to. Okay… let’s do this!”

“Copy that.”

With the tribute at their backs, the Equestrian group faced the oncoming soldiers of The New Kingdom. Their archaic armour was even creepier in person now that Avia was seeing it herself, her mother’s descriptions didn’t do it justice. But the pony leading them lacked any helmet, and even if it took a moment, he too was recognisable from all she had heard.

If she wasn’t mistaken, that was Stout Guardian. Captain of their Royal Guard.

They stopped a short distance away, silence dominating the space between the two for several moments as each side sized up the others. Stout’s eyes moved across the group several times, seemingly searching for something in particular. And if Avia was a guessing mare, she’d theorise that she was the subject of that search.

And then he spoke.

“I am Stout Guardian of The New Kingdom, here on behalf of his majesty King Ignis. Though I’m sure you knew that much…” he started. “I will keep this brief; I have little interest to remain on this beach for long. We seek the contents of those crates behind you, as promised by your Princess Luna.”

“And you shall have them,” the thestral guard responded. “You may, of course, check their contents, but you can be assured all is as promised. Then may you leave these lands in peace, as is your end of the bargain.”

“Aye, those are the terms,” the Captain confirmed. “But I was also under the impression I would be speaking with somepony of more… importance than a simple bat. Where is Princess Avia? I would assume she either hides back at the castle or, more likely, one of you is she.”

The thestral bristled at the ‘bat’ comment, but he otherwise maintained his composure. Avia studied the Captain for a moment, before taking a single step forward and letting her disguise finally drop.

“I am Princess Avia,” she announced, visibly a changeling once more. “I believe you’re acquainted with my mother?”

“Ah. You are her spitting image, as unsettling as that image may be,” he sneered. “It is good you are here, and such an effort you have gone to. I can scarcely imagine the riches within those crates of yours. Gold, jewels and… What do you call them? Bits?”

“That’s right.”

“Quite the bounty, enough to feed an army I would imagine.”

That comment gave Avia pause, her wings fluttering nervously on her back as she and the ranking officer sharing a concerned glance. She was rather hoping the unpleasant stallion was merely blowing hot air and the object of his bigotry, but there was something more in his eyes…

Not to mention the tingle of his emotions… There was something very dangerous about this pony, something volatile that was set to detonate. Hate. And… satisfaction?

Something was wrong.

“Commander…” Avia said in a quiet voice.

“I know…” he acknowledged. Even without empathic senses, his instincts were telling him much the same. “Wrap this up. We need to leave. Now.”

“Your tribute is here,” Avia spoke out to the opposing Captain. “Take it. We’re done here.”

“Indeed. But, oh dear, I do believe I have forgotten something. I do apologise…” Stout Guardian taunted in turn. “My King would have me inform you of a small… adjustment to the arrangement.”

The satisfaction was joined by sudden anticipation, Avia suddenly feeling a small amount of panic enter her chest as she took a step back while various spells crossed through her mind. Her guards likewise looked ready to draw their own weapons, but they were definitely outnumbered and outgunned by The New Kingdom’s troops...

Stout turned his gaze to the ponies accompanying Avia. “My King, in all his accursed benevolence, has seen fit for me to give you all a message. We wish for the tribute, but we also want the bug.”


“Do not draw your weapons, it would be a terrible choice to make,” he continued. “And the last you ever do. You, Princess Avia, are going to come with us. Come peacefully into our custody and we shall consider this transaction a success… It would be for the best, changeling. Otherwise, you compatriots will all die.”

Avia gaped. Why did they want her? This didn’t make any sense! They had the tribute they wanted, what use could she be to them!? Unless… to get at her mother… But why? Why would they want to do that? Did they… they…

There never was going to be any peace, was there?


“I know,” she quietly replied to the thestral. “I’m not going anywhere. They’re going to attack Equestria no matter what we do.”

Stout Guardian took an impatient step forward, glaring at the opposing group with no contempt withheld in his eyes.

“Well? I am waiting for your answer.”

Avia let loose her spell.

Lavender magic cascaded across the beach, picking up all of the sand in its path and throwing it across the enemy soldiers in a miniaturised sandstorm that sent them spluttering as their vision was entirely obscured! They coughed and gasped for air, scattering as they attempted to vacate the affected area in a blind flurry.

Avia then turned, the magic in her horn redirecting towards the crates as she let loose another blast that hit the collected tribute dead on. The crates exploded open, some of its contents vaporising immediately while the rest scattered along the shore.

“Fall back!” the thestral ordered his ponies, and without missing a beat they all started backtracking towards the hill that was hiding their ride out of there.

The battle mages launched several bolts of combat magic towards the stragglers that succeeded at freeing themselves from the storm, a loud CRACK signalling that the earth pony guard’s rifle had gone off as one of the New Kingdom’s unicorns gave a shout of pain as he collapsed.

Avia looked over her shoulder as she and the others ran, her eye taking but a second to examine the scene of devastation they were leaving behind them. Several unicorns had ducked for cover to avoid the incoming magic fire, the wounded soldier was on the ground desperately clutching at the bullet wound that had passed straight through his armour like it was mere tissue paper. But the sandstorm was quickly dissipating, helped along by several of the unicorns clearing the way with their magic, Stout Guardian himself emerging from the chaos with rage in his eyes.

“Bah, recover what you can!” he shouted at his ponies, his sight on their scattered bounty for but a moment before they met Avia’s terrified lavender eyes. “Kill them!”

The Princess saw movement in the corner of her eye, her gaze shifting to the docked zeppelin as one of its forward cannons started to move towards them! There was a loud bang as the vessel fired at them, the projectile speeding towards their position as Avia jumped into action. She spread out her legs firmly beneath her, grunting as she lit her horn to form a shield around herself and her companions. The projectile impacted with a great force, Avia being pushed back as her shield cracked beneath the strain.

They needed to be out of there now!

As the vessel fired again, the unicorns now getting a grip and following behind them, Avia redirected her mana into a teleportation spell with the image of their transport in her mind’s eye. In a crack of her magic the world twisted from sight for a split second before the spell cast them out but a quick sprint from their escape.

“Agh! Go! Go!” the leading guard commanded, the helicopter’s pilot already spinning up the rotors as they got to their hooves.

It was powering up, the aircraft’s forward weapons emerging and sparking withy blue magical energies that promised a fight for any who would pursue it. The unicorns, meanwhile, were still a ways behind them and the zeppelin had its view blocked by the great mound. It would have to un-grapple itself from the beach before it could come after them, and even then, its speed was no match for theirs.

Just as Avia and Luna had planned, her escape was supposed to be swift and calculated.

Supposed to be.

She only saw his shadow, but it was enough to make her heart sink. Just as they had all risen to their hooves and started their run over to the helicopter, a great orange blur that left a fiery trail came blazing in and unleashed one devastating torrent of magic towards the craft. In a second, it erupted into a cascading mushroom cloud that claimed the entire vehicle and its pilot as the chassis was ripped apart and the remnants of the rotors were scarred across the countryside.

And then the blur turned, fire being blown around them as the sky surrounding the group was tinted orange and black smoke began to fill their lungs. Her escort instinctively piled in around the changeling royal, surrounding her in a protective formation as they were completed encircled by the raging flames.

There were several pops as New Kingdom unicorns teleported into the ring. One struck towards them with a blade, but the thestral leading the Lunar Guard sprung his hoof blades and deflected the strike, his second set plunging into the unicorn’s chest and ending his life. Two more came in at the group, one ducking beneath a magic bolt and striking out with his blade. It made contact with the caster, swiping a bloody gash across his front as he fell back with a startled shout. As this happened, the third attempted to lunge a spear at the group with the intent to skewer one of the guards upon it.

Avia lashed out with her magic, sending it aside harmlessly aside while the earth pony of the group attempted fired back and left a hole in the soldier’s forehead. As the sword-wielding unicorn attempted to teleport away, now alone, one of the lower-ranked thestrals struck out of the formation and clamped down onto his horn with his fangs. The unicorn screamed, pathetically batting at the pony’s armour in a panic before the battle mages blasted him back into the inferno with a combined spell.

And then the constant rain of magical energy started coming through the wall of fire and striking at them. The first deflected off of one of the battle mage’s armour, but more came as Avia raised her shield once again, both of the said mages lending their own magical strength to shore up the defence.

But it kept coming. Apparently wising up and deciding not to send in any more of their soldiers to be slaughtered, they were trying to bombard them into submission.

“Princess, we need an exit!” the lead thestral. “We don’t have a ride out of here, but I’m not ready to give up yet.”

“Not giving up is a good start!” Avia said as she strained to keep the spell going against the constant attacks of the enemy unicorns. “You know… I still don’t know your name…”

“Pah, is now the time!?” he responded indignantly. “Ugh… Commander Starry Night. A pleasure, your Highness.”

“Starry Night? That’s adorable.”

“Ma thought so too,” Commander Night grunted in turn. “I would be happy to regale you with the story… When we’re anywhere else!”

“I know! I’m trying to lighten the mood while I- Gah! While I think!” she replied, the shield starting to buckle. “Alright… Mages! Group teleport, channel your magics straight to me while I initiate! On my mark!”

“Yes, Princess!” both affirmed.

“It’ll be a blind jump, so quite dangerous, we could end up in the ground or in the air. But! I’m more so aiming for anywhere in the surrounding landscape away from them a decent way above sea level… Probably a small drop if this goes right, but it’ll give us a chance to slip away!”

“We’re ready,” Starry Night agreed. “Ponies, brace yourselves! Do it, your Highness!”

“Okay… Three, two, o-”

The shield exploded. It hadn’t been the force of the constant bombardment through the flames, oh no. Those had been denting their way through the young Changeling Queen’s defences, but with the added strength of the battle mages, it was slow work. But they had done damage, so when that final beam of dark orange, the same that had laid waste to their poor pilot, came careening from beyond the barrier it ripped straight through like it was barely there at all. The following detonation sent them all to the ground, ripping up charred grass and dirt as the magic continued to come.

“Stay down!” the Commander warned, bolts of magic continuing to fly overhead as their casters struggled to see through the flames.

And that was their only saving grace at that moment, the fires surrounding them stopping an immediate cascade that would end them.

But then there were more pops around them, and the assault began once more.

Several unicorns came running forward, giving cries of determination as the first reached one of the dazed thestrals and slaughtered them like a helpless animal.

NO!” Avia shouted in distress, using her wings to boost her forward as she whipped her head and sent a wave of magic at the duo responsible.

They were sent flying back, straight into the flames like one of their previous peers, screaming as they were consumed by the ever-hungry inferno.

She’d killed them.

The world slow as that fact infested Avia’s mind, memories of scattering wood and the dying howl of a timberwolf invading her memories. But this was worse, wasn’t it? They weren’t timberwolves, animals of magic and logs. They’d been ponies. Sapient, thinking, feeling ponies. And she’d burned them, their screams as they’d been overtaken…

But even as the horrified changeling came to this realisation, more soldiers were now piling in, engaging the remaining five Lunar Guardsponies in a vicious struggle for survival.

One of the mages had a particularly manic fighter leap onto him, Avia snapping herself from her shocked stupor to catch the solider and pull him from the vulnerable pony. But even as she did, the rest of her group continued to struggle.

The second battle mage created a half-shield of magic in front of him to stop a blow, but weakened from the previous strike, it shattered with ease before he was cut down by a blade. The earth pony of the group stuck by one of the thestrals, the other fighting nearby in an attempt to get back to Avia. The former’s rifle found a target, blowing them away while their thestral partner attempted to parry back any of the unicorns that got close enough for a strike. Back up close to the wall of fire, it proved a reasonably effective strategy as another was knocked away by the bat-winged Lunar Guard before another crack of the earth pony’s rifle signalled another death.

Starry Night rammed into a unicorn, knocking them to the ground before his hoof blades dug into their belly between the plates of their armour. Avia threw the squirming pony in her magic aside, the Commander approaching and dealing with the stunned unicorn as he went. But as the thestral turned back to his companions, the other thestral was hit in the wing by a magic bolt that sent them to the ground. The guard was then pounced upon by several unicorns, their earth pony compatriot letting off one final shot at one of the attackers before a unicorn returned the favour done upon their friends by turning and bucking the unfortunate guard into the fire that had previously been protecting his back.

Despite several New Kingdom soldiers having fallen to their stalwart defence, the group was now down to three.

“GET BACK!” Avia shouted in anguish, sending another wave of magic that sent an entire cluster of soldiers through the fire and out the other end. She knew not whether they were set alight or landed safely, but it gave them some breathing room nevertheless.

“We can’t stay!” the Commander shouted out as he parried a sword and kicked its own back.

“Commander, Princess, fly!” their unicorn ally told them. “Go!”

“What about you!?” Avia asked in a panic.

“Never mind that! Just-”

The point was made moot as another bolt of magic came through the fire from behind them, striking the mage in the head and ending their life then and there.

“Shit! Ah! We can still do this, Avia!” Starry Night shouted, striking against several fighters that moved to corner them, though Avia’s continued waves of magic was pretty much the only thing stopping them from being completely overwhelmed.

But she wasn’t a fully matured Changeling Queen. She wasn’t her mother; she couldn’t oppose whole armies with just her will and wit.

What she was, was tired.


The flames around them roared up, a force taking hold of both the Princess and the Commander and sending them flying back to the centre of the ring where they were slammed down with enough force and entirely take the wind out of them.

Avia’s vision swam. Her mind was racing with a whole host of final efforts she could do to escape this situation with Starry Night. That blind teleport she had attempted before. Flight, as had been the other guard’s final suggestion. Either would give them a chance…

But everything had happened so fast. In but a minute they’d been completely overwhelmed. Battered. Beaten down until, now, Avia’s body just ached as the strength to escape bled away. And she wanted to. She so very wanted to. But the fight in her was gone.

What had she been thinking…? If it had been her mother here, she could have done so much more. Quelled the flames, saved those who had accompanied her. Beaten back their attacks with the full wrath a Changeling Queen could channel. But she didn’t have that strength, did she? She was just an inexperience Princess, led into a trap by the audacity to believe she could stop a war.

She’d so wanted to believe she could.

But she’d failed.

As her vision began to regain focus, a shape emerging from the flames before them. An equine shadow, wings spread wide with its horn alight. Avia’s eyes dilated as the scene around her suddenly seemed familiar. The flames. The alicorn…

It was her dream. Exactly her dream from before the original expedition.

What a fool she’d been…

King Ignis stepped out of his inferno, eyes trained evenly on the stricken Princess. He stared down at her, almost like her was studying her with great curiosity. And she couldn’t tell whether that was regret and pity or contempt she was detecting with her senses, as frazzled as she was…

“You know, I had hoped not to escalate this,” he said with a sigh. “Your escort was of no interest to my country’s security. I would have let them go quite happily, had they not slain my ponies as they had. I wish you hadn’t panicked; this could have been avoided.”

“We… we did as you asked…” Avia managed to say. “Why…?”

“Because, whether you realise it or not, child, Equestria’s peace is a lie.”

“What are you… talking about…?”

Ignis shook his head. “It matters not. But Vulgaris made it quite clear that your kind would be Equestria’s thralls in the war to come. You should be thanking me in a way. When this is done, you people will not have to bend the knee to Canterlot anymore.”

Avia’s eyes widened. Vulgaris!? Queen Vulgaris!? She… another Changeling Queen… of the Queen’s Council…

They’d been betrayed.

“The Queen… she won’t-!”

“Save your strength, the time to come shall be… difficult,” Ignis gently interrupted. “Everything will be alright. But I can’t have your mother bolstering my fellow alicorns’ strength. So, to show just how Luna has used your kind, you must be removed from the equation.”

“N-no!” Starry Night choked out, risking to his hooves with his hoof blades gleaming in the flickers of the flames. “I’m not out yet!”

He struck forwards, taking flight with his wings giving an almighty beat against the air as she shot towards the alicorn stallion in defence of his charge.

And then, in one quick motion, while Ignis didn’t even flinch, Stout Guardian was there. He moved between Ignis and the Commander, the Lunar Guard only having the briefest of moments to register the flash of steel as the Captain’s blade was thrust into his gut. Night’s own momentum carried him into its cold embrace, the thestral giving a surprised gasp as he found himself stopped in place at the end of the unicorn’s blade.


Starry Night swiped up with his left hoof blade, Stout letting off a shout as it streaked across his cheek and gored it viciously. With blood pouring from the wound, his pained shout turned enraged as he twisted his blade until the guard fell silent. He then extracted the weapon, letting the deceased equestrian fall to the ground in a bloodied heap.

“Think you’re tough, you freak of nature!? Huh!?” the Captain shouted at the corpse, moving to desecrate it further before he found his blade caught in an orange aura.

“That’s enough, Stout,” Ignis said calmly. “He is dead. You need not dishonour him for protecting her.”

“Have you forgotten what they intend for us, Majesty?”

“No. All the more reason to show respect on the battlefield where we expect to receive none. Now…” Ignis approached Avia, standing tall over her battered form. “I am sorry to take you from your home like this, but my ponies come first above all. I am sure you understand, I must protect them as these ponies so valiantly protected you. Only I shall succeed.”

She couldn’t move. She tried to stand, to light her horn, to do anything! She was a Changeling Queen! She had to do better! She still could! Come on!

But nothing came. No energy. No strength. Only pain.

King Ignis’ horn lit up.

“This will be painless. I promise.”

She closed her eyes.

“Mother… I messed up. I’m so sorry…”

“…Avia!? Where the heck are you? What’s going on!? Answer me!”

“I love you, Mum…”


Nothing but silence answered Queen Twilight Sparkle, and she could feel her daughter’s presence in the hive no longer.


Author's Note:

So, um... Is it too late to ask you to put away the pitchforks? Yes? Okay...

Proceeds to emergency fallout shelter. I think Stable 84 will do.