• Published 5th May 2019
  • 6,675 Views, 559 Comments

Change: The New Kingdom - tom117z

It has been forty-three years since Queen Twilight Sparkle first discovered her lineage and claimed her birthright. And never has it been harder on her than when The New Kingdom is unveiled to the world.

  • ...

27 - The Traitor Within

“I do hope you like the tea. I know it’s your favourite, and you’ve never complained before, but I always have to ask. You know how I enjoy our tea parties, so I always need to be sure it’s just right.”

A tea set was placed gently down onto the wooden surface next to the voice’s owner, that of Fluttershy, steam gently rising from the spout of the teapot with two cups at the ready.

“I know it may lack the usual chaotic flavour you bring, but I think it’s nice to have a peaceful talk every now and then. I have a lot to tell you, and I’m not going anywhere until you hear every last thing. And then I thought I would keep you company longer still because… well, because I can.”

She placed a hoof on the bed containing her draconequus friend, biting her lip as he failed to respond.

“And… and even if you can’t talk back right now I’ll… just have to talk a bit more for the both of us. Um, if that’s okay…”

Discord did not respond, his eyes remaining closed as his bandaged form remained in deep slumber beneath the sheets of his bed.

“Fluttershy…” Princess Celestia softly addressed, glancing towards her little sister as she did so.

Luna shared her glance, before shifting it to the rest of the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony in the room, all in attendance except Twilight, who were all standing far enough back to give Fluttershy and Discord their space.

With another moment passing, and not hearing a reply, Celestia moved her eyes back to the yellow pegasus and spoke once more.

“Fluttershy, though we have removed the offending shard, his injuries remain severe. He cannot hear you, and I do not know if and when he shall wake.”

Fluttershy nodded, not looking back at the alicorn. “...I know. I just want to be here, so he wakes up to the smiling face of a friend.”

Rainbow Dash stepped forward, biting her lip as she regarded her fellow pegasus. “Shy, you… you don’t need to stay here alone, you know…”

“He is right here, so I’m not alone,” she retorted. “He needs me, and Twilight needs all of you. I can’t go anymore, you can.”

“Ya sure, sugarcube?” Applejack gently asked. “Ah know why, but she could still use ya too.”

“I know… But I can’t. Not until he is awake, I know she understands.”

“Yeah, uh, where did Twi go…?” Rainbow then enquired, looking around the room with a frown. “Wasn’t she just here…?”

“She slipped out, I’m surprised it slipped your notice,” Luna informed her.

“We’re supposed to be leaving any minute, dear. She has a lot to think about,” Rarity pointed out. “This has… not helped.”

“No kidding, nobody is exactly in a partying mood,” Pinkie Pie glumly noted. “Uh, what happened to that nasty black rock thingy anyway?”

“Yeah, what’s with that?” Applejack concurred.

Celestia sighed, her eyes eyeing the bandaged wound on Discord’s stricken body. Her mind replayed his final moments, his self-professed mistake as his mind slipped away with his ravaged body, leading to his collapse into a slumber from which he had yet to wake. How her immediate efforts to lend assistance had been… stifled. Blocked.

But that thing.

“Twilight did identify it,” she stated. “It’s a rare material, one we have encountered previously, back when our contact with the changelings first began.”

“A rune,” Luna clarified. “More refined, but made from the selfsame material. Designed to block out the flow of mana and any attempt at arcane manipulation.”

“So, uh… it makes ponies’ magic stop?” Rainbow said with a scratch of her head.

“Indeed. Though while the one utilised by Serpens could pick and choose its targets, the one wielded against Discord was crude by comparison. A shard of a greater whole, and in its unrefined state, haphazardly blocks the magic of any non-changeling entity. Even Discord was not immune to its effects, power be damned.”

“But it is out now…” Fluttershy said, moving her hoof compassionately to his shoulder. “He’ll be fine…”

“We hope. But it did pierce his heart, and as a being of chaos, he is intrinsically linked to the magicks he wields. Being cut off for a time has likewise negatively impacted his recovery.”

“How did you manage to remove it without magic?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Very carefully,” Luna deadpanned. “And the steadiest-hooved surgeons this nation has to offer.”

“I’ll… not press for details.”


“But it was a changeling thing that did it, huh?” Rainbow Dash asked, despite already knowing the answer. “What was he even doing!?”

“Looking around, his own idea, but with my approval and behest,” Celestia guiltily noted. “I do not know what he found, or who, but they were ready for him. Whatever force is at work, they are no fool. They knew he might come, and found a way to tackle a nigh-invulnerable force with expert precision.”

“And Twilight has undoubtedly been disturbed by the implications, and what it means for this war,” Luna added. “Those who are not to stay at his side, you should go to hers. Now. She shall not delay her departure I fear, not at this hour, and not knowing what she does.”

“You will look out for them both, yes?” Rarity asked, looking toward both Discord and Fluttershy.

“Of course, and she may stay as long as she likes,” Celestia confirmed. “Go to my daughter, support her as only you can. This Council is going to test her, and all to come.”

“Alas, we would do so ourselves, but the current situation does not allow for such luxury,” the lunar alicorn remarked. “Our attention is required to the west, while you must travel eastwards…”

“We’ll watch her back, don’t ya worry none,” Applejack confirmed. “Fluttershy, you good?”

“I’m fine. Go with her, I’ll be here when you get back.”

Applejack nodded to her, before levelling the rest of the girls with a solemn look. She then turned and headed for the door, requiring no further prompt.

“I guess it’s another adventure, been a while,” Rainbow remarked, moving to follow.

Pinkie Pie nodded as she did much the same. “You’re telling me! But we’ll keep our spirits high no matter what nasty things are going on around us!”

Rarity watched them go, then turned to Fluttershy before making any movement of her own.

“Darling, you are sure? I know it has been asked, but I worry for you being here as you are.”

“Rarity, I…” She clenched her eyes shut. “I know it’s not likely, but maybe it’ll be the smell of the tea or… o-or my voice or something else familiar that’ll wake him up. Maybe some chaos, maybe just being here, I don’t know… But Twilight still has all of you, but he only has me. I need to be here.”

Rarity gave a relenting sigh. “I know. But I had to ask. Hopefully, this sordid business will be over quickly, and we’ll be back as soon as we are able. Do remember to look after yourself in the meantime, Discord wouldn’t want to wake up to your exhaustion either.”

“I know, thank you, Rarity.” Fluttershy offered her a small smile. “I’ll be fine. I promise.”

“Well, alright… We shall return soon, be careful.”

With that, Rarity moved to follow behind her friends and left just the princesses present alongside the buttery mare.

A silence fell, Fluttershy watching the last of her friends leave. She looked on at the door a moment or two more, before finally turning her gaze once again towards the Lord of Chaos in her care. She returned to her idle chatter, fidgeting with the tea set as if it were merely another of their usual meetings…

This left the two alicorns feelings rather out of place, the younger of the two awkwardly clearing out her throat.

“Well… Then I suppose that is that. Sister…?” Luna looked towards her elder sibling. “I do believe we have other duties to attend to.”

“Indeed,” Celestia confirmed, nodding to her sister to follow as they too left the chamber. “And Twilight hers… They will be leaving soon.”

“Yes, to make good on our alliance,” Luna responded. “And yet, perhaps into the jaws of a traitor as well.”

“A Changeling Queen… It is plain Ignis is not the mastermind at play, just a piece on the board.”

“For one dissatisfied with current affairs, I’m sure The New Kingdom was the perfect opportunity. And if Ignis is aware of my involvement in Avia’s…”

“...You worry this traitor will as well, and Twilight’s discovery is a real possibility.”

“A worse way than hearing it from my own mouth.”

“Either instance could shatter her already fragile mental state, but it is possible…”

“Then, Tia, what are we to do…?”

Celestia sighed. “I wish I was an omniscient goddess who had all the answers, Sister, but I am not. Is Ignis aware of this third party, actively working with them as opposed to the usual changeling manipulation? Is this Queen aware of all Ignis does, and the full truth of Avia’s demise? I know none of these things, only that we walk a tightrope that is ill bound on both ends.”

“Then we are at the whims of fate.”

“In part, but be it luck or careful planning, Twilight is in much peril. She may not believe any such claim should it occur, or…”

“This Council may well decide all our fates, and my folly shall play its part.”

“As will mine, and that of all of us,” Celestia mused. “Come what may, I shall ever be at your side. As I will hers, and we will come through this trial one way or another.”

“Ah, ever the voice of optimism. It does get droll.”

“And yet…”

“And… I appreciate it nonetheless,” Luna slowly admitted. “I… Thank you, Sister. And I do pray for Twilight’s safety, whatever awaits her in the shadows of the First Hive.”

Celestia hummed, steadily walking towards a nearby window overlooking one of the castle’s many gardens.

“We shall just have to trust in her, as we have done many times before. In her and her friends, may the fates guide them in all yet to come…”

“My Queen, are things prepared?”

“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.”

“Hard not to, considering…”

“Really, I’ll be alright. My friends are coming, my husband is here… I’ll get through it, I am your Queen.”

“That I cannot deny. Good luck.”

“Thank you, Carduus…”

Twilight let her mind drift away from the connection, the former captain’s voice going silent. She glanced up at the low hanging moon, the first embers of a new day creasing over the distant horizon. The early morning air was bitterly cold, making the Changeling Queen idly wish for a ponies’ fur over her chitinous outer form.

Alas, she resisted the urge for any kind of shapeshifting for the moment, instead turning to the gathering of changelings filling up carriages around her and the small group of mares emerging from the castle and approaching them.

“Girls… Is Fluttershy…?”

“Staying, until his eyes open once more,” Rarity was the one to respond. “Not that you can blame the poor dear…”

“No… No, I can not.”

A pang of rage welled up within the changeling, memories flooding into her being as what she learned caused the Lord of Chaos’ horrific state…

The weapon that so haphazardly struck into his heart… was of changeling origin.


Once upon a time her own grandmother, another Avia stolen away by the machinations of monsters, had held such a weapon. Perfect, albeit. A piece of her legacy perverted into aiding those who gave her the scar that yet burned in an eternal reminder of the pain haunting her each and every step.


Crudelis, Immortalis, all of them. Just what did she have to do to escape their accursed legacy? The shadow and rivers of blood they’d left in their wake? How were her hooves still dragging through such a mire where, even as she’d gazed at an enemy from across the sea, her own people yet endeavoured to stab her in the back!?

And now another friend was hurt. Oh, she’d find her. Whoever she was. Whichever bitch betrayed them, sold them out, killed her child.

If Discord awoke, he’d tell her.

If not, the Queen would find her.

And then she was going to kill her.

“Twilight?” Rainbow called out, waving a hoof in front of Twilight’s to bring her eyes into focus. “You’re kinda spacing out on us there, Sparkle. Wanna clue us into what your thinking?”

Twilight sighed. “Sorry, girls. Just… A traitor waits for us in the hive, someone who is fueling this war. Because of course… of course, it would be one of them…”

“Don’t go blamin’ yourself none,” Applejack remarked. “Decades of peace, all happy and quiet, nopony saw this comin’. We all thought those days were behind us.”

Twilight gave a bitter, humourless laugh.

“Oh, I’m not. I blame whichever Changeling Queen got the bright idea to follow in the hoofsteps of dead mares. History serves as an example, and so it shall be…”

The ponies all looked between each other, each one seeing the same glance of concern in the eyes of the other, before returning their full attention to the seething changeling.

“Well, while I am certainly partial to seeing such ruffians getting their deserved comeuppance,” Rarity began. “We mustn’t forget to maintain cooler heads, a good investigation requires clear thinking and sharp vision.”

Pinkie Pie gave the fashionista an odd look. “Really? What am I thinking right now?”

Rarity’s eyes turned deadpan. “Cake, darling.”

“Ohhhh, you are good!”

“What they mean to say is…” Applejack interrupted, rolling her eyes. “...that we’re by your side through thick and thin, as we’ve always been.”

“Oh, that rhymed!” Pinkie chirped. “Ha, the evil-lings don’t stand a chance!”

“Well, we’d better figure out which one it is. Before more end up like Discord,” Rainbow noted. “And when the New Kingdom’s airships come, I’d like to know the guy next to me isn’t about to glow green or blue or whatever and jump me.”

“That would be bad, yes…” a new voice noted, rapidly approaching the group.

Facade walked up to his wife’s side, a few other changeling drones in guard attire keeping a respectful distance behind him.

He nodded at the Element Bearers, horn lighting up as he removed his helmet and held it tightly to the side of his barrel. What measure of emotion could be gleaned from his two luminous orbs appeared… tired. Equal, if not somehow more, to that as his Queen. Despite being upright and rigid, it was clear the Captain had slept little in recent days.

Yet, in spite of all of this, he stood tall, giving Twilight a brief nuzzle before he took a step forward and addressed the group.

“My Queen, ponies, I do believe everything is ready to go,” he announced. “The escort is prepared and all bodies accounted for, cargo is hitched and catalogued, every last item on the list checked off and even a few extra added because I do know how much you love expanding these things…”

That little quip earned him a smile, despite its clearly forced delivery.

“You know me so well…” the Queen responded.

“I’d hope so, I married those checklists you know.”

“Did you now?”

“What would checklist ponies look like…” Pinkie spontaneously pondered.

“Efficient,” was the Queen’s answer. “But that is neither here nor there. Girls, have everything? I don’t want to turn around ten minutes in because somepony forgot their uniform.”

“One time, Twi,” Rainbow retorted in irritation. “One. Time.”

“Sure it was, Sugarcube,” Applejack jested. “But really, we’re fine. Had everything packed ahead, even some extra for Fluttershy. But ah don’t suppose she’ll need it now…”

“A bit of added redundancy never hurt anypony, or anyling for that matter,” Rarity said in turn. “Now, I am ever so eager to see this First Hive for myself. Honestly, all these years and not even a peep!”

“Eh, you see one hive you see them all…” Rainbow dismissed.

“But this one is so full of history, I can already feel the inspiration!”


“Well, critters like us ain’t usually welcome,” Applejack pointed out. “So… thanks for letting us ride along for this one, huh?”

“This time, I know I’ll need you there…” Twilight solemnly noted. “When we arrive I have arranged to meet with Cocoon, as I usually do. Hopefully, she might have some insight into the recent behaviour of some of the other hives, and what reception we can expect at the Council itself.”

“I imagine they have already departed,” Facade stated, rubbing a hoof against his chin. “Insecta too. I’d be surprised to have any of them sitting out of this one, it does concern the security of the realm.”

“I’d hope so, all the more difficult to find a traitor when you can’t look them in the eye. But we will find them, drag them into the light and then… End this.”

“Soon. Vladimir is older than we are and he’s the one leading the defence in Vanhoover. Guy really needs to retire.”

“He’ll get there when he gets there. Hives, let us not deprive him of a use for that wing of his…” Facade laughed. “Not that you’re as sprightly yourself, Ms Dash.”

“Well, I still know not to leave a friend hanging when- Wait, you just call me old?”

“Your imagination, I’m sure,” Facade calmly replied, though didn’t bother masking his smirk, as he replaced his helmet and began to return to his underlings. “Well, Celestia is offering us this new day and politics awaits.”


Rarity smiled at the prismatic pegasus. “You could stay behind, dear.”

“Oh, no way. We’re a pegasus down as it is. So, if we’re doing this thing let’s not waste any more time. Right, Twi?”

“Right,” she confirmed with a nod. “To the Council Hive, then…”

Twilight looked up at the sky, the glow of the sun breaking through the early morning clouds, the ominous breeze snaking through her mane…

Her glare hardened, locking onto the general direction of their faraway destination. Where she was sure to lay… whoever she was. Whatever one of them did it. Betrayed them. Manipulated them.

Killed her.

She was coming for them.

And for that wide, gaping hole that would forever sit within the hive mind… There was no wrath too great, no punishment too severe, to fall upon the one who took her child from her…
