• Published 5th May 2019
  • 6,676 Views, 559 Comments

Change: The New Kingdom - tom117z

It has been forty-three years since Queen Twilight Sparkle first discovered her lineage and claimed her birthright. And never has it been harder on her than when The New Kingdom is unveiled to the world.

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10 - King

Unicornia was like Canterlot in so many ways. Unicorn architecture was extremely recognisable, timeless even. Something that they had taken over to Equestria with them, transplanting itself into the current capital city. A mountainside city, each district holding its own layer. The higher up the mountain you got, the higher the status of those living there. And there, at the peak of Unicornia, was the castle. The very same castle once host to a younger Princess Platinum and the unicorn monarchs of old.

Now the seat of power for this ‘New Kingdom’.

There were obvious differences to Canterlot, however. While the unicorn design style was as recognisable as it was, it was also… older. Whereas Canterlot was created with extravagant whites, golds and blues, Unicornia was largely constructed with cold stone that gave the city an overall drearier medieval feel. It was a testament to the city’s extreme age, making it all the more remarkable that it still existed as it had for multiple millennia. They seemed to have taken great pains to keep to the city’s ancient aesthetic, preserving it as best they could. Though a few modern innovations could be spotted if you looked hard enough, the houses were far less likely to fall over than they had been a thousand years ago.

Still, despite the modern elements visible in the lives of its inhabitants, it was almost like Queen Twilight Sparkle was walking through history itself.

She’d be even giddier about it if it wasn’t for the spiteful glares that they were receiving from the ponies around them.

“That’s a lot of unicorns,” Valiant noted as they were practically paraded through the streets, the guards accompanying the Changeling Queen staying at a safely close distance to her. “Not a pegasus or earth pony in sight.”

“I doubt you will find many. If any at all,” Twilight noted. “The unicorns of the Three Tribes were renowned for being isolationist, even more so than the aggressive pegasi or the stubborn earth ponies. Too proud of their heritage and accomplishments.”

“That left little mixing, then.”

“You’re catching on. Most ponies in Equestria have some kind of DNA from one of the other sub-species. These unicorns won’t.”

“I’d know, my mother is a unicorn,” he mused, getting a distasteful side glance from Stout Guardian for his troubles. “I guess these ones never took the Hearth’s Warming tales to heart.”

“I doubt they are even told it. They might not even be aware.”

If they were, she doubted they’d hold it in much regard. It wasn’t they who were chased to Equestria by the wendigoes, after all. They never learned that lesson, the power the Magic of Friendship holds. The isolationist policies of the past was still very much an active thing in this land.

A challenge indeed.

And it was made incredibly obvious at just how little these ponies trusted or even abided the existence of outsiders within their borders by those continuing stares. The civilians displayed incredible amounts of distrust, ushering their foals back into their houses and keeping a sizable distance from the party. The guards escorting them also showed little patience ever since their transports had landed lower down the mountain, even if they were more adept at keeping their features a little more neutral beyond the occasional glance.

The Queen couldn’t help but feel like a bit of a sideshow as they continued to walk, but she kept her head high and tried to seem less threatening. She was tempted to shapeshift herself into a more ‘acceptable’ form, but such deceptions would probably only make the ponies more suspicious. It was best she avoided that outcome.

It was best to be transparent, let them see changelings as they are. If she could show them that they, despite their differences, meant them no harm. That they could coexist.

That was the plan, anyway.

Travel through the city continued mostly in silence, with Twilight’s guards clearly on edge as they watched the local ponies for any hostile action. None came, however, and soon enough they were passing through an area recognisable as the seat of the nobility. The streets cleared out, next to no ponies now watching them from the side-lines. To be expected, the nobles had little reason to leave their homes, and most other ponies wouldn’t come this far up without rhyme or reason.

And this gave the group a clear shot of the castle.

“Know your place when we arrive,” Captain Stout Guardian commanded. “Speak only when spoken to, keep in your group and don’t wander off. Any deviance will be met as-”

“Hostile action, we understand,” Valiant stated.

“-and don’t talk back or otherwise interrupt the Captain of the Royal Guard,” he finished with another glare. “Behave. Or else.”

“We… understand…” he replied again, his voice clearly indignant.

“Do you know? Good. Make sure the others show the same level of intelligence. This is our home, outsiders. And we will protect it from outside interference.”

“There is nothing to fear from us,” Twilight spoke up. “We merely wish to coexist.”

“Coexist. Right…” he said doubtfully. “Either way, only the one you’ve identified as your leader will be meeting with the King directly. The rest of you will be forced to wait outside of the throne room.”

“Now hold on,” Valiant protested. “We’re charged with Queen Twilight’s safety; you can’t expect us to leave her entirely undefended.”

“And we won’t have armed strangers approach our ruler. It would be best for you to comply if you wish to go any further.”

“It’s okay, Captain,” Twilight assured him. “You know I can look after myself. But I don’t think it will come to that.”

Valiant seemed hesitant, but he did not argue with her. “Very well. If you really think it’s for the best.”

“I do. This is their home. For now, we play by their rules.”

“Huh. That is… gratifying to hear,” Stout commented. “But quieten yourselves, the castle is just ahead.”

Indeed it was, the road coming up to a giant portcullis that seemed to serve as the entryway to the castle. There were guards on the wall above, all staring down at the arriving ponies and changelings with their rifles held at the ready within their magic grasps. The Captain called for the gate to be opened, a deafening screech filling the air as heavy chains pulled the gate out of their immediate path. They didn’t stop during the process, moving straight on through before the gate was shut back up behind them.

Next was a set of giant wooden doors, rather plain and brown in nature. They too were opened up to allow them entry, revealing the stone entrance hall decorated with several of The New Kingdom’s flags. A couple of servants had been passing through, freezing on seeing the changelings and quickly scurrying back the way they came.

So much fear for what they didn’t understand…

“The courtyard in question is just through here,” Stout Guardian directed, trotting up a single flight of stairs and towards a subsequent corridor. “Once it is secured, your ‘Queen’ will be led to the throne room for her meeting with King Ignis.”

“Thank you,” Twilight responded. “Lead the way.”

He nodded, continuing to lead the way until they came upon a segment where the corridor opened up into a square courtyard sitting beneath the bare sky. It was bordered by a stone barrier decorated with ornate grey pillars, the courtyard itself containing several bushes filled with flowers and a single decorative well at its centre. A few birds were chirping as they hopped along the ground, only to be disturbed and take flight by the rapid approach of so many sets of hooves.

“Alright, file in,” the Captain demanded. “Gather around the well. No funny business.”

“Do as he asks,” Twilight asked of the others, gesturing with a gossamer wing for them to enter the courtyard before following on.

She then gathered with them, glancing around her as she saw the unicorns take defensive stances all around the exterior edges of the courtyard. They were all looking inwards, weapons drawn and standing vigilantly in a manner that suggested they truly expected the visiting party to start some kind of trouble.

“Remain calm no matter what they do or say,” Twilight commanded her changelings over the hive, each of them standing up straighter and more confidently in response to her voice.

“Unicorns of the Royal Guard, you will stand your ground and watch these ‘people’ like the seasoned warriors you are,” Stout ordered the helmeted guards. “You two, accompany me as we take their leader to the throne room. Flank her from behind, I will lead on from the front.”

“I am ready to cooperate,” Twilight said placatingly. “Please, honour me with an audience with King Ignis. I do look forward to making his acquaintance.”

“Do not underestimate our king. His magic is powerful, I wouldn’t advise believing yourself in a position of strength here,” the Captain warned.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” she answered. “This is your castle. Your territory. I am but a guest here, I await your directions.”

No need to tell them about the sheer magical power she also was able to produce.

“Good. Leave your associates behind and follow on, the King will not be kept waiting.”

With that, once again, Twilight was left to follow the Captain’s movements. Valiant offered her a look of worry as she was led away from the courtyard, but he quickly fell out of view as they headed deeper into the castle. She remained silent for the moment, content to let Stout Guardian to believe her defenceless and pacified. His sense of superiority over her clearly made him more comfortable in her presence, she would let him have it for the time being.

Such mistrust wouldn’t go away immediately, after all.

Still, she was heading towards what was hopefully the start of changing that. King Ignis, whoever this pony was. Would he see reason? What kind of a ruler was he? Benevolent? Tyrannical? She had to hope for the former, it would be much easier to work with. Either way, if she could just make him understand their peaceful intentions, then they could begin a rapport.

It would also be interesting to see, in their isolation, just how much they actually know about the state of the rest of Equus.

They turned again, moving past a fantastic view of the lower sections of the city. But then, up ahead, a smartly bearded pony in a tuxedo came into view. He seemed to study Twilight before turning his attention questioningly to the Captain of the Royal Guard.

“Captain, I assume this is their leader? She is different than what I would expect.”

“Yes. Some strange insectoid pony hybrid.”


“Not the word I would use.”

“I have many words I would use over your definition, guardspony,” he snarked. “But alas, that is not for the here and now. I shall accompany you.”

“And… you are?”

“Assisting Hoof, assistant to our fair King Ignis,” he replied with a courteous bow. “And you, my lady?”

“Twilight Sparkle. Queen of the Equestrian Hive.”

“Queen? Well well, a royal visitor is a rare sight to behold.”

“Don’t fraternise with the outside, Hoof,” Stout moaned.

“It is a rare opportunity you people don’t seem to comprehend. I understand our natural concerns, I share them. But it is still no reason not to see the opportunities as well, nor to lose our decorum.”

Stout Guardian grumbled under his breath, the Queen finding herself growing to like this pony. He was the first, despite his own suspicious glint she could detect in his emotional state, to show any degree of actual respect or courtesy.

“I appreciate your opinion,” Twilight said to him. “I understand that The New Kingdom isn’t usually welcoming to those outside of this land.”

“The cold of the wendigos is taught to us all from a young age. The disastrous outcome of outsiders coming to our land,” he recalled. “I do hope you intend no such devilry, but it is cautious optimism. I hope you realise how unusual you are to be in this place.”

“I appreciate the reality of it,” she confirmed. “But we are not the wendigos, and we have a close relationship with the ponies of Equestria.”

“Yes, we have heard some of this ‘Equestria’. Platinum’s experiment. Until now, we have been content to let it sit on the other side of the ocean.”

Stout scoffed. “That land of misguided idealism brought those ice spirits with it. It is better we leave them to their chaos.”

“Quite true. But still… One does wonder.”

“Equestria hasn’t had contact with wendigos since just before its official founding,” Twilight explained. “I think you misunderstand a lot of how things are in this day and age.”

“Should you speak true, I look forward to hearing it.”

“Don’t humour the insect,” Stout chided. “We are safe away from their world. Not that they appreciate that.”

“What of your ruler?” Twilight inquired.

Assisting Hoof raised an eyebrow. “What of the King?”

“What is his position? And what kind of a pony is he?”

“His position is as it ever was, we are safe united as all unicorns should be against the dangers of all that is alien,” he responded. “But he is a reasonable pony who has guided us for many years. Healthcare for the sick and elderly has blossomed under his tender hoof, our ponies have food in their bellies and warm homes over their heads. He has given his life to serve his people, not the other way around.”

That sounded familiar.

“He was a blessing to this country. Some of his predecessors prioritised their pockets over the safety of their subjects, cutting corners and creating ridiculous tax rates,” the pony admitted. “King Ignis has funded many projects from the royal vault. Built new towns. Schools. Orphanages. Every action he takes is because he loves us like his foals.”

If that was true, and he was something of a Celestia to these unicorns, then that definitely boded well for the task ahead.

“Then I wish to meet him all the more. Take me to this unicorn.”

Assisting Hoof chuckled. “Unicorn? You haven’t informed her?”

The Captain shrugged. “It isn’t important.”

Huh? What were they on about? Twilight had to wonder…

“Well, she will find out soon. Come, the King awaits,” Ignis’ assistant finally decided, turning and gesturing for the others to follow.

And so they did, making the last leg of the trip through the corridors of Unicornia’s royal abode until they came across a large guarded pair of doors that just screamed ‘here be the throne room’. The door, much like the rest of the castle, was quite bare compared to the likes of Canterlot Castle’s. But nevertheless, the guards saluted the Captain as the group approached and moved to open the door to allow their entry.

The throne room beyond was easily as long as Celestia and Luna’s throne room in Equestria. A purple velvet carpet led to the lush throne, the sides of the room decorated in more of their flag between plain windows letting in the sun’s rays.

And there, at the end…

Twilight stopped, her eyes going wide as what she saw before her caused her brain to do a backflip. The pony matched the one on the banners, orange with a mane resembling the colouration of a red flame. The effect was increased due to the fact that this notably tall individual’s hair was flowing. It wasn’t like that of Celestia, Luna or Cadance. No, it was far shorter and more masculine in style. But it was definitely ethereal, flickering almost like a small fire around his long and slender horn. His cutie mark was that of a golden crown backed by a red sun.

Ignis stood from his throne, two appendages either side of his barrel extending outwards in a display of dominance as he laid eyes the Changeling Queen.


This pony was an alicorn.

“Welcome, I am King Ignis,” the alicorn announced, standing triumphantly over the shocked form of Twilight Sparkle. “Now, tell me, why are you in my kingdom?”

Author's Note:

And so we have Ignis, whose name was helpfully suggested by Skijaramaz.

I wonder how his arrival will change the political situation...