• Published 5th May 2019
  • 6,654 Views, 559 Comments

Change: The New Kingdom - tom117z

It has been forty-three years since Queen Twilight Sparkle first discovered her lineage and claimed her birthright. And never has it been harder on her than when The New Kingdom is unveiled to the world.

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16 - Foundations

There was snow falling today.

King Ignis sighed at the sight, little flakes beating against his study’s window like a chorus of drums amongst a marching band. Snow was not an unusual sight this time of year, or any time of year for that matter, though it should be. But this was a part of life for The New Kingdom, a bright sunny day suddenly blighted by an unwelcome downpour of ice and snow. It wasn’t all the time, in fact in this era it was the rarest it had ever been, but still not entirely uncommon.

That was the final legacy of the wendigos. Remnants of their magic still at work, only weakening with time, but fate saw fit to make it a slow process. Before his reign, entire crops could be ruined by random blizzards with no warning nor prior sign.

Now it was just a damper on an otherwise bright day, lest you were a foal seeking to make snow alicorns.

And yet Ignis could see it for what it was: a scar. A scar left by invaders from beyond their land, the last time any such invader was left unchecked and permitted to run rampant, still felt and suffered to that very day more than a thousand years later.

And now it served as a reminder for the thin ice he stood upon, Equestria lying in wait across the sea. Other ponies, it was to be said. But what was beyond that. The changelings? More? What would they let in should he pursue his curiosity?

And what scars would be felt by his people for another thousand years?

And yet…

Perhaps it was already too late, the floodgates were open. And if that were so, then what would be the price of ignoring the outside world? There were too many questions, and each one with an incalculable number of potential answers that themselves had an even greater array of consequences.

Choice and consequence, the fate of an entire country on his back. He didn’t enjoy it when they stuck him on the throne, he enjoyed it even less now.

But that was the hoof he had been dealt. Now, what to do with it…

The alicorn sighed again, turning from the window and approaching his desk. Notes, letters and proposals were scattered about. At the very top of the pile were the reports from his closest advisors, and they could not have been more divided on present matter.

Assisting Hoof with his cautious optimism, Stout Guardian with his steadfast pessimism. One advocating the careful application of an olive branch, the other a ready defence at a believed inevitable conflict. Two sides he was expected to balance, each loyal and dedicated but conflicting in their methodologies, and yet each pulling for his ultimate favour.

The snow kept on falling, increasing in its intensity, the patters on the glass pane increasing to an assaulting stampede on the stallion’s ears. A thousand voices all shouting their warnings, and yet drowning out just what that warning was in the process. Does he hide? Does he strike? How does he prevent another calamity like the wendigos?

Sometimes he wished someone would just come along and give him a definitive answer…

“Your Majesty?” the guard called up questioningly.

“My apologies, I was lost in thought,” the King apologised. “So, the letter?”

Yes, the letter, and the present source of his unease. It had just arrived, his little pony coming in and announcing such mere moments prior. And then the snow had started to fall, and the war inside him raged anew. To be honest with himself, he felt slightly embarrassed he’d spaced out like that in front of one of his subjects, but this was a situation for which he felt little comfort.

And now, it was time to make some choices…

“A message from Princess Celestia of Equestria.” He bowed as he presented the sealed document in his magical aura. “For your eyes only, as instructed.”

Ignis took hold of it, studying the closed parchment as if it were a ticking time bomb. “You have my thanks, Guardspony. Leave me, I must see to its contents privately.”

“Of course. We trust in your judgement, King Ignis.”

He appreciated that, giving the guard a nod as he departed from the room and left him alone. Though, this did leave a rather depressing silence around the alicorn, if not outright crushing.

Now, it was just him and the letter, one potentially containing the whole future of The New Kingdom within its written words. What was it his fellow alicorn across the sea wished from him? Peace, as the ‘changeling’ had professed? Or would it be something far more sinister?

The long-ago foal in him wished to ignore the letter and never find out, a cowardly child hiding beneath his bedsheets. But the fact was he could not afford such an indulgence, and so his undid the seal and let the sheet fold out before him.

Dear King Ignis, Sovereign Ruler of The New Kingdom and fellow alicorn across the western sea.

May I introduce myself as Celestia, Princess of the Sun and member of the Equestrian Triumvirate. My fellow alicorns, Mi Amore Cadenza, Princess of Love and Family, and Luna, Princess of the Night, also send their greetings and well wishes. As does the heir of Cadenza, Princess Flurry Heart.

This meeting is an unprecedented one, as unexpected as it is extraordinary. I must admit to you having me at a disadvantage, we had not expected your land to retain pony life after we fled the wrath of the wendigos. An event my sister and I experience first-hoof, we were there all those years ago, mere foals as our home and mother were both claimed by the snow.

They were there? The King found that hard to believe, and yet… Alicorns like himself were so long-lived, and her rule had supposedly lasted a millennium. So it wasn’t out of the question, but the sheer concept dumbfounded the pony. That the place of their birth was his home, not Equestria.

If so, that made them natives of The New Kingdom, or at least what had become so. Perhaps, then, that gave them more kinship than he had initially given them credit?

His interest growing, he progressed further down the letter.

Queen Twilight Sparkle has expressed to me that you and your people too bear the mark of that terrible time. I cannot truly fathom what I must have been like for your ponies, those who stayed and fought for their home, to survive the conditions they did. But I can appreciate the distrust that may bring to those outside your way of life. For that reason, I am not prepared to initiate any diplomatic relations that you yourself are not ready to initiate.

Humbly, I ask only to correspond and come to know one of the few alicorns left in our world. I believe you have much to tell us, and perhaps I wouldn’t be so bold as to presume we too have much to tell you?

The New Kingdom’s rulership over our old home shall be respected, it is as yours as Equestria is ours. But I hope, one day, the gap between us shall heal.

You decision in this matter shall be honoured, but I look forward to hearing from you.

With much regard,

Princess Celestia.

…Well, as far as letters from foreign powers of unknown intent go, he had to admit he was pleasantly surprised. No demands, no requests for grandiose alliances or unwanted trades, just an expression of well wishes and a personal desire to learn more about them. A desire he could relate with as far as it was with those other alicorns.

Celestia. Luna. Cadenza. Flurry Heart.

For the time going forward, there would be no meetings. No exchange of diplomats or disdainful intrusions from those not welcome. But, perhaps, for now, a reply in an unofficial capacity would be a good first step. If nothing else, he could secure his land’s independence and separation despite its unveiling to the world.

Or, at least, that was the hope.

A knock came on the door.

“Yes? Enter.”

In entered Stout Guardian, the Captain of the Royal Guard looking typically grim about something or other. Ignis could already imagine his reaction to the letter, one of incredulous distrust. Perhaps it would be best to keep it private for the time being.

“Captain. Do close the door behind you.”

He did so silently, then approaching the desk with an almost expectant stride.

“What can I do for you, Stout?” he asked.

“I trust that is the letter from those wayward cousins of ours,” he asked bitterly.

“It is. But I am afraid that I must insist on keeping it for my eyes only for the time being,” he informed the unicorn. “I am sorry, but I require time to… think about things.”

“I see…” he replied evenly, wandering over to that same window as the snow continued to fall. “Though I can imagine it’s contents. The typical platitudes and ‘friendship’ that they spout. The usual lies and misdirection to lure your ponies into their grasp.”

Ignis frowned. “Captain?”

“That is how they operate, you know. As I have seen myself, suffered personally. A dialogue to turn into servitude, and you won’t even realise it until you are too far into the trap.”

Ignis’ frown deepened, the alicorn slowly raising from his position behind the desk with the first embers of magic dancing around his horn.

“You are not Stout Guardian. So I ask, who are you?”

‘Stout Guardian’ smirked. “And yet you believed it long enough, did you not? I had contemplated remaining as such, but I believe both of us would be served better by a far more blunt confrontation.”

“Again, who would I be conversing with?”

The smirk only grew as green flames swirled around the faux pony’s form, the equine rapidly growing in size as the fur and armour melted away to reveal a deep red chitin and the predatory eyes of a Changeling Queen reflect back at Ignis in the window’s reflection.

And then she looked towards him.

“You may call me Vulgaris, Queen of the Changelings.”

“Another one of you,” he growled. “What is the meaning of this, creature? Was the last one not content to simply let things be?”

“I am not here on behalf of Twilight Sparkle,” she shot back. “I would never willingly submit myself to her or her Equestrian masters. But willingness has since become irrelevant as far as they are concerned.


“You saw it for yourself, a Changeling Queen doing Equestria’s dirty work in coming here. Our race was once proud. We kept to ourselves much like you do, isolated our people from those who would threaten them. But that is of the past, and now we are enthralled to Equestria. We do their bidding, my peers so enamoured by their ‘friendship’ that they don’t see that who we are is being slowly stripped away piece by piece. One day, there will just be Equestria, and the changelings as the world knows them will cease to be.”

“We are not changelings,” he sneered. “But why should I even believe you, shapeshifter? You, who have infiltrated by castle under false pretence.”

“Yes, you do lack the safeguards of Canterlot, don’t you?” she noted. “And yet I am here, my own face and my own words. I do not hide behind the prettied presentation of a letter, words twisted to hide their true intent. Oh, I do not expect you to like me. I expect you to find me as repugnant as I find you ponies. But tell me, can you truly trust anything Equestria says either? At least I am being honest.”

“…Yes, I suppose you are,” he replied, taking note of her lack of attempt to hide her clear hatred for him and his kind. In her honesty, perhaps she did have a point. At least one to humour for the moment. “So, ‘honestly’, what is your intent, Vulgaris?”

“My people are being wiped out by falsehood and deception. I am desperate to stop this, but I am alone in my efforts,” she admitted. “And here you are, the latest prey they have in their sights. Does that letter not wish for you to begin a friendship? Small, insignificant. A simple bond seemingly harmless?”

He tilted his head. “That is exactly what Celestia proposes.”

“How familiar. Celestia started with Twilight Sparkle for us, an almost motherly bond she expertly crafted to manipulate her. Then came Twilight’s mother, the then-Queen Chrysalis. And as the years passed by, we became increasingly dragged into their scheme until we reached the present year. Equestria influences us more and more, that is their ploy. They are very good at long games. Celestia IS an alicorn, her life is theoretically infinite. She has all the time in the world to pull your strings. All of it, on paper, would appear to be nothing but beneficial. But that façade falters when their friendship turns into subjugation.”

Vulgaris hissed in anger, picking up the letter and examining its contents for herself. She gave a humourless laugh, throwing it aside before turning to face Ignis once more.

“What do I want? I want my changelings to be free. But I cannot. But you are, soon, to suffer the same fate. So, while we will never like each other, an alliance of convenience is what I offer. Equestria will not stop until the Queen’s Council and The New Kingdom are but a memory. So, Equestria must burn for the good of all our kinds.”

“Burn Equestria? You are a mad little bug, aren’t you?”

“Spare me the insults,” she spat back. “You consider the unicorns the pure race of ponies, do you not? That is all to fall, everything you are! Every last pony who looks to you to guide them! You WILL fail them if you allow Equestria in. Many have so happily galloped to their own graves in such a manner.”

“Assuming I would ever agree to such a proposal. What would you do should we succeed?”

“I care little for your ‘kingdom’, you can float back into the ocean and do whatever you wish for all the care I give,” she stated. “Equestria’s ashes, meanwhile, shall be for the changelings to do with as they please. We can hate each other from afar all we want, but the ocean shall keep us separate forevermore.”

Until it won’t.

“And yet I could deal with you now, and Equestria may yet be grateful,” Ignis threatened. “The thought that I would believe the word of a being like yourself over another alicorn.”

“And yet you must,” she declared without hesitation. “For the sake of your little ponies.”

“Oh? Must I?”

“Yes. You must. Our dealings shall be swift, we will eliminate the threat to both our peoples, and then the future is yours to do with as you will. Can you truly deny that when the alternative is intertwining yourself with Equestria to the point that, WHEN you see that my warning was just, it will be too late? Are you willing to risk every last stallion, mare and foal to satisfy your own curiosity of some alicorn female across the sea? I can smell that curiosity on you, and that’s what drives you, isn’t it?”

He grit his teeth. “What you are saying… If it is true, if Equestria is preparing to entrap us with a false promise of peace and friendship, then what you suggest would hold merit. I would do ANYTHING to keep my ponies safe. Even this. But, if I were to agree, I am uncertain we have the funds for a full campaign. Not to mention you are but one changeling, the rest are already in Equestria’s thrall.”

“My brothers and sisters will follow, I am… creating plans for that. But we need this war for them to succeed,” she explained. “As for funds, I anticipated such an even. Send a demand to Equestria, a large tribute of precious resources in return for the ‘peace’ they so desire.”

“And they’d just give them to us?”

“Why wouldn’t they? If they succeed in their plans, they’d get it all back. Lure them in as they would lure you. And then, when the time comes, we end their plotting before it is too late.”

Ignis was silent, studying the Changeling Queen with clear contempt.

And yet…

He had been so close to believing Celestia’s claims. But, despite how much it loathed him to admit it, Vulgaris’ warning made sense. It was all they had feared. Assisting Hoof would likely protest, but he knew Stout Guardian, despite his own inevitable and definite hatred for Queen Vulgaris, would agree that pre-emptive action was necessary.

But would he be swapping one devil for another?

Choice and consequence. Paths unending and shrouded so their contents were unclear. Too many permutations, too many variables.

But he could no longer ignore the possibility that Vulgaris was right. And the process of finding out on Equestria’s terms was one he could not afford to undertake.

His ponies came first. And to save them, he would do anything. Even ally with this changeling for the time it took to see victory take place.

May the universe forgive him for what he was about to do.

“I must discuss with my advisors…” he told her. “There is much to decide. Preparations to be made. But when the time is right, we will send that demand for tribute.”

“Ah, so it is. I shall remain here until my hive requires my return, ensure our little… cooperation continues as intended.”

“We will be watching you. One wrong move…”

“And I die. The feeling is mutual,” she responded with a dark chuckle. “I detest this necessity as much as I can feel you do. It oozes from you, but we must bear it. For now.”

“Indeed,” he tentatively agreed. “One last thing… The hives. How would you intend to turn them to your cause?”

“Oh, I won’t. Twilight Sparkle will do that.”

He gave a confused frown. “Twilight Sparkle? As I recall, she is more beholden to Equestria than any other.”

“Yes. She is,” Vulgaris confirmed. “But my, she does have her mother’s temper when correctly… applied. And as much as she believes in ‘friendship’ and ‘harmony’, she has one weak link that could see it all undone.”

“And that is?”

Vulgaris smiled. It was a fang-filled smile, one that suggested intense pleasure and anticipation for what would come next. Should the opportunity present itself, it would see all her intent realised. But it went deeper than that, there was a niggling part of her, something deep in the depths of her mind that felt deep satisfaction and vengeance for what had to be done. The final blow that would see to Twilight Sparkle’s destruction.
