• Published 5th May 2019
  • 6,676 Views, 559 Comments

Change: The New Kingdom - tom117z

It has been forty-three years since Queen Twilight Sparkle first discovered her lineage and claimed her birthright. And never has it been harder on her than when The New Kingdom is unveiled to the world.

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17 - Demands

Celestia very nearly spat out her morning tea as she read the parchment in front of her, the reply from The New Kingdom she had been expecting.

Though ‘expecting’ was no longer the optimum word. Perhaps it could be considered hubris on her part, but she had been far expecting a more positive reaction that… that. A polite decline at worst, at best a receptive outlook that promised further communication. But this? This was not the promise of further communication she had been looking for.

She took a breath, regaining her serene persona as she re-read the letter just to be sure there was no miscommunication going on. But no, if anything, King Ignis was very precise and clear in his intent and demands.

Emphasis on the ‘demands’.

Word for word, the only thing worse would have been a denouncement or even a declaration of war outright. But this was little better, and the hostility in his words oozed from the page. She didn’t need to be a Changeling Queen to gauge the emotional state of its author.

What was she to think? In just a moment, their hopeful intent of broaching a peaceful dialogue seemed to be in tatters. What changed? Why did his curiosity sour? Whatever the case, his contempt was quite clear. What was she to do?

“That bad?” Luna questioned from her neighbouring blue throne. “Your attempts at serenity can never fool me, sister.”

“Nor do I presume they do, they are not for you,” she said back, gesturing towards the guards and other ponies present in the throne room. “Speaking of, leave us. No further admittance for court is to be accepted today.”

They all bowed, retreating from the room until the royal sisters could speak in perfect privacy.

Celestia sighed. “No, it is not good. See for yourself.”

With the letter passed over to her, Luna started to browse its contents as her frown increased with each subsequent sentence read. “A tribute? That is a lot of gold, jewels… One could fund an industry with this. Not a small portion of the royal vault, that is to be sure.”

“It’s over half,” Celestia deadpanned. “So no, sister. Not a small portion at all.”

“In order to ensure the legitimacy of the intent of the Equestrian crown…” Luna muttered as she continued to read. “Does he think us so untrustworthy, and yet mere coin would satisfy him as to our intentions?”

Celestia stood from her throne, striding out along the throne room floor and glancing up at some of the stained glass windows. She found herself lost in their depiction for a moment as she ran through things in her mind. Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra, Tirek, Crudelis, Immortalis. Plus the happier memories too, Twilight’s image as a recently ascended lavender Changeling Queen standing out to her most of all.

What window would be used to remember these events she had to wonder?

“Something isn’t right,” the Princess of the Sun grimly noted. “Twilight described him as xenophobic, but fair. More so, he was genuinely curious about us. Why would his attitude change so quickly? And why would he risk the safety of his people threatening an unknown such as ourselves in such a manner?”

“It does strike me as odd,” Luna agreed. “Alas… perhaps not entirely unexpected. Their fear of the outside world is ingrained in their culture, a simple curiosity may not have warranted, in his view, a gentle approach to what they view as a danger to their people.”

“Perhaps. And yet, this is still an unacceptable response. We cannot cede to these demands; how would that make Equestria appear? Friendships are not forged from attempted blackmail and threats of reprisal should said blackmail not be met. Nothing good can come from such an exchange.”

Luna appeared unusually conflicted, hesitating a moment before moving to say something…

And yet she never got to do so, the door opening to admit a rather worried-looking Changeling Queen.

“I assume you don’t mind me interrupting?” Twilight uttered as she slipped inside, the guards beyond the doorway going to protest before being silenced by a glance from their ruling alicorns. “The guards announced an end to court early and I figured something was going on. The New Kingdom?”

“Your instincts continue to serve you well,” Luna complimented. “Indeed, the response has arrived.”

“I know. One of my changelings mentioned a courier arriving,” she replied. “So less instinct and more…”

“Spies in our court?” Celestia remarked in jest.

Twilight blushed. “I- Huh? No! It’s not like it was a secret… And you still know what buttons of mine to push.”

“I apologise, but some humour was required,” Celestia remarked, before frowning and levitating the letter over to the changeling. “Because this holds little laughter.”

Twilight tilted her head as she took the parchment and looked over it much as Luna had.

“What!? This is… Wow, that’s a lot. You aren’t considering this, right?”

“So you agree that it is not to be considered?” Luna inquired. “Even if it secured peace between our nations?”

“This is not a good way to start a friendship,” Twilight pointed out. “I… I do not think accepting it would be a good course of action. It might give the impression that they can do so again because we’re so desperate to keep the peace.”

“So what would you have us do?”

“I can’t decide that for you, of course,” she responded. “But maybe you should respond. Politely refuse, and try to placate Ignis somehow? Failing that, maybe we should just let them be for the time being. They might just not be ready for friendship yet. Not now, anyway.”

“They seemed sincere in their hostility,” Luna stated. “I do not deny further demands would be untenable. But this one… They are a people out of time, perhaps they truly do need a token of our sincerity. If we are to crack their shell, we may need to play on their terms. And with their King’s tone in the letter, I fear that refusal may be met with inevitable hostility.”

The alabaster alicorn and Changeling Queen both blinked at the Princess of the Night in surprise at her words, each glancing at one another before looking back at Luna in confusion.

“Sister, if I may, this line of thought seems unusual for you,” Celestia mused. “I would have expected you to be, of all of us, the most displeased by this response. More so than us, you have typically been the more aggressive of us.”

“And perhaps your aggressiveness has increased since your experience with Daybreaker, sister.”

Celestia frowned. “That’s not fair.”

“I’m not trying to be,” Luna shot back. “I’m trying to make a point. Nightmare Moon, Daybreaker, Immortalis… I am tired of conflict, sister. These past years have been a much-needed change from the strife of the past, the realisation of Equestria’s dream. But I see this letter and I recall the devastation of Manehatten and other such losses we have taken. I would not see our Equestria come to an end over a bit of gold.”

Celestia placed a hoof on her shoulder. “I know, sister. I know our struggles have weighed heavier on you than I, for the darkness in your past. But it is our resolve to do what’s right that keeps the dream of Equestria alive. And this demand is not right.”

“I agree,” Twilight voiced. “The Magic of Friendship isn’t built on threats and bullying. We can solve this another way. We have to if we want to truly keep the peace.”

“But with one so fear bound as Ignis, can you be certain of that?” Luna questioned.

“It’s what my life’s experiences are telling me.”

“We should contact Cadance and inform her of this,” Celestia decided. “And perhaps we can yet salvage this, Twilight, what do you think about-”

Luna phased out their conversation, letting out a breath as conflict stirred in her heart. They weren’t wrong, this demand was an unwelcome occurrence. Before Immortalis, she would have shouted to the high heavens at the absurdity. She should be shouting to the heavens at the absurdity.

But now?

The flames of Daybreaker. Manehatten beneath the waves. A swarm of changelings tearing up everything in its path.

The last conflict to ravage their lands had devastated Equestria to its foundations. To see something like that again… She could no longer stomach the thought.

She had to stop it.

“To do what’s right…” she whispered to herself, mirroring Celestia’s own words, wondering just what ‘right’ might be…

The Crystal Empire

Prince Shining Armor looked out over the Crystal Empire, much on his mind as he imagined the distant ocean over the horizon. It was only recently the ageing stallion had returned from Canterlot after being forced to bury his own parents, and now they had just received a message that all but necessitated their return.

As one might imagine, he was not having a very good time.

He groaned as he turned from the balcony and made his way back inside. His armour was scattered rather unprofessionally on a nearby table, the purple metal looking rather worn and dusty. It had been some time since he had even donned his old gear and was rather hoping he yet wouldn’t be required to do so.

And yet he had enough experience as a guard to know when a situation was heading towards an unfortunate outcome. And this business with The New Kingdom? That screamed inevitability.

Not that he didn’t trust his sister and the Princesses of Equestria to find a way to avoid such an outcome, they had done so before. But the need to be ready was not lost on him, so the armour was removed from storage and laid out before him now.

His horn lit up as he picked up his helmet and stared straight at it. It still had a couple of dings in it from previous engagements. One dent in particular he recalled came from an all too close encounter with a changeling’s bolt of magic as their horde had pounded against the defences of Canterlot. He remembered his feral sister being forced through them via a will not her own, and then their encounter with Queen Vulgaris before she’d been swiftly pummelled into submission by Princess Luna.

None of them were pleasant memories. One’s he thought long behind him. But then, Twilight being Twilight, she had to discover a long-lost civilisation.

“It’s not her fault. If not her, then some other scholar,” Cadance remarked as she entered the room, her daughter following closely behind.

“Huh? What?”

“You were thinking about Twilight’s penchant for unearthing ancient evils and how you don’t want to stick that armour back on because of said evils.”

Shining Armor blinked. “You’re scary. You know that, right?”

Cadance giggled, her ethereal mane swishing playfully with the noise. “Shining Armor, how long have we been married? I can read you like she does one of her books.”

“…Is it bad I can never see what you’re thinking?”

“You’re hopeless.”

He pouted. It wasn’t like it was just him. Broad Sword complained of the same problem with Scarlet. Maybe it was just a stallion thing? Carduus never complained like that, nor Façade. But they were changelings, hearing the thoughts of their loved ones was a way of life for them.

“So, do you really think it’s as bad as Aunt Celestia made it sound?” Flurry Heart asked worriedly. “That these other ponies might actually attack us over this?”

“Only if Twilight doesn’t succeed in calming things,” Shining stated. “So don’t bank on a war just yet. Still, demanding a tribute isn’t exactly the best way to make an impression. And we won’t pay it.”

“I’d hope not,” Cadance remarked. “It’s like a foal demanding another’s lunch money. And that’s just mean.”

“A bit simplified, but not inaccurate.”

“Sometimes simple is best, it’s why I married you.”

“Oof!” Flurry laughed. “Ouch. You gonna survive that burn, Dad?”

“Very regal, the both of you,” he deadpanned. “Truly living up to the mythical godhood of the alicorns.”

“Pfft, you don’t count. You are my Dad,” Flurry dismissed. “You never let up on me.”

“No. No, I didn’t,” the Prince conceded. “But you should brush up on that regality since we’re leaving you in charge.”

“Come on, I’m hardly a filly anymore, not for a long time. Nor am I inexperienced in running the Empire while you’re off saving the world. Or actually saving the world myself, you know. Forgot my window in Canterlot?”

“You save Equestria from one goat and you’ll never let us forget it.”

“You brought it up!”

“And this kind of backchat is why you’re still our little filly,” Cadance joked.

“And you are meant to be on my side, Mother.”

“I’m on my own side.”

“And I need to finish packing!” Shining Armor announced. “Twily needs us in Canterlot and I’d feel better leaving sooner rather than later. It’s a good thing we haven’t fully unpacked from the last trip up. Had we known we’d be back so soon; we’d have just stuck around.”

“Well, this time we will until we’re sure things are okay again,” Cadance reassured her husband. “Flurry, you can actually come with us if you want. I know Twilight would appreciate having you there.”

The younger alicorn shook her head. “No. Tempting, but we both know the Empire would be better off with at least one of us here. The Crystal Ponies hate it when we all gallivant off somewhere. You go and give her my love.”

“I always do,” she confirmed, caressing her child’s face with the tip of one of her wings.

Shining only hummed, returning his attention to his armour and picking up his helmet again. His mirror image stared back at him, meeting his own eyes in what little of the metal’s surface still held a clear reflection. Old. Tired. He wasn’t a young pony anymore…

But he could go for one more round.

For Equestria? Perhaps.

But for his little sister? Forever.