• Published 5th May 2019
  • 6,676 Views, 559 Comments

Change: The New Kingdom - tom117z

It has been forty-three years since Queen Twilight Sparkle first discovered her lineage and claimed her birthright. And never has it been harder on her than when The New Kingdom is unveiled to the world.

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32 - The Hives

The council chamber was as it ever was. Ancient. Picturesque, perhaps. Some might even argue it to be stagnant, standing all but the same since the rise and fall of the Empress who once used it as her seat of power. Whatever one were to perceive of the storied chamber, its significance could never be denied, with all the power of the changeling hives brought to bear.

Nineteen Changeling Queens all sat atop their pedestals lining the room. A steady incline from the losses they had suffered in prior decades. Chrysalis, Crudelis, Vespula, Draco… New blood as the daughters of the hives rose to take their places either as the ruler of their forebearers' or an entirely new domain.

Queen Twilight glanced across the chamber towards her fellow princesses, her generation, so to speak. Insecta and Imperious, each long have risen to the height of monarchy in their own right. Yet, all throughout the chamber not a single new princess stood amongst them. No new blood curiously watching their mothers decide the future of their kind, displaying the actions they themselves would be responsible for in the years to come.

Not anymore.

And the circumstances leading to those events were no longer unknown to them, Twilight concluding her recounting of recent history. Their expedition. First contact upon the shores. Early hopes dashed all too soon. And Avia, so full of hope and wonderful idealism, led to her death through treachery and barbarism. The threats. And sheer hubris of these unicorns, and the war that followed their bold declaration of hostility.

Throughout the retelling, the other Changeling Queens looked on with practised neutrality. Their eyes remained calm but piercing, as if dissecting every word, if not every syllable, that came pouring from the lavender changeling’s maw. It was only natural, of course.

Twilight was the exact same way.

And with the conclusion, silence. The stares remained in place, but speech was replaced with a calculating air radiating throughout the chamber. She could see through their neutrality, each going back through the whole speech to ensure they had heard with ears unclouded. Then they judged. Made their own conclusions. Their own decisions.

It was only through a snide sneer that the peace was broken.

“Twilight Sparkle and her little expeditions…” Queen Tempora darkly mussed. “Why must it always be you? Perhaps you have brought back another artefact? What shall it be this time, further enslavement or simple elimination?”

Twilight’s pupils dilated in rage. “My child is dead. Do not make light of this.”

“Yet she is not without point,” Queen Antennae retorted. “It would appear these little ponies were content to drift in the middle of the sea until your curiosity awoke the beast and set all this into motion.”

“That a whole civilisation existed in a supposedly dead land was not anticipated. We all long believed the wendigos had destroyed any and all life on that continent,” Twilight pointedly stated. “And they were given every opportunity to return to their isolation. They chose the blade, not I.”

“And yet-”

Cocoon cleared her throat in quick interruption. “And yet, whatever you all may think of Queen Twilight’s scholarly pursuits, it is King Ignis’ ambitions that brought conflict to Equestria’s shores. Whatever the case, it is done. And the question is not on the benefit of hindsight, but our response to this insult. Not to mention the danger this new alicorn poses.”

“A danger, yes. But to us?” Queen Germanica asked. “The matter of insult aside, I doubt Ignis’ intent spreads as far as the next continent over. What quarrel has he with the griffons? Or the zebricans? Both of whom he would have to risk the ire of to reach this hive.”

“Yet some of us exist closer to the fire than others,” Nursei spoke up in turn.

“Perhaps. Yet only one hive sits front and centre; yours, Twilight Sparkle.”

“You are not incorrect,” Twilight admitted. “Yet you do not need to be in the fire to feel the heat. And even one hive being affected can have severe ramifications, this you all know too well.”

“Are we forgetting the primary point here? If you would allow me to return us to the insult?” Queen Arisana spoke up. “A Princess of the Hives is dead. A future lost, a new hive that shall never be. Our numbers still have never fully recovered from Crudelis’ betrayal, but ‘Queen Avia’ would have solved that quandary.”

“Indeed, Arisana has the right of it,” Queen Pupa concurred. “Our kind stood in decline for generations. Millennia. A reduced and scattered shell. Only in recent years have we seen even the smallest amount of growth. That this pony would cut that short is a challenge that cannot remain unanswered!”

“It is a loss both personal and logistical, I would be hard-pressed to believe it if one of you were to deny that single truth,” Cocoon lamented. “When the symbol of our future prosperity is cast down and smeared in blood, are we, the Queens of all Changelings, to merely ignore it?”

“My mother is right,” Insecta spoke out. “I knew Avia. And it was not so long that I myself stood in her position. And I know she would have been a bright, successful addition to this council. Much like her mother. The New Kingdom squandered her gift.”

As Insecta spoke, one of the Changelings Queens present offered her a wry grin.

Vulgaris settled her hooves in front of her, leaning back on her throne and studying the younger monarch. Her amused hum attracted a multitude of eyes, least of all from Queen Twilight herself, before she finally spoke her mind.

“Perhaps. But I see not why another cannot be created.”

“Mother!” Queen Imperious hissed from the throne to her right.

“She is hardly lacking in companionship, this is little more than a minor setback,” Vulgaris swiftly dismissed. “And yet this ‘King Ignis’ does sound bothersome. And I do so hate bothersome entities.”

“We are so glad for your ‘support’,” Cocoon mocked.

“We are neglecting one of our chief concerns,” Queen Ingrica stated. “As Antennae so kindly pointed out, for most of us this conflict is far afield. Why should many of us do anything at all? An insult this was, I do not deny. Yet is one life enough to put our subjects’ lives in danger.”

“Indeed. What could we possibly have to gain from decisive action?” Vulgaris asked rhetorically. “But the answer is, of course, simple. Equestria.”

Queen Austriaca shared a glance with Queen Ingrica, the former being the one to voice their shared thought. “Indeed? And you, Vulgaris, have never been much of a supporter for our equine allies.”

“Oh no, that I can never deny,” Vulgaris admitted. “Our closeness is a weakness. This I have ever believed. And yet that weakness has now been exploited, and it cannot be ignored.”


“Need I? I’m sure Queen Twilight is more than willing to spell it out.”

Twilight stared pointedly at Vulgaris for several moments, renewing that calculating and emotionless gaze digging into the red changeling’s being. She then released her stare with a sigh, rubbing the right side of her temple with a hoof.

“If I must. But I should think the threat clear.”

“It is clear. For most of us, I should think,” Queen Xerox spoke. “It has to do with the ‘closeness’ Vulgaris so aptly mentioned.

“My hive has gained a plethora of trade agreements throughout the ponies’ lands,” Queen Acadica stated. “As have most of you. Is that not so, Tempora, Ingrica?

Tempora set her jaw, glancing aside. “…You have the right of it. To some extent.”

Vulgaris rolled her eyes. “Indeed, indeed. So many ties and binds with Celestia’s little ponies. Even my own drones can’t help but be involved with their kind. My own daughter…”

“…To great benefit,” Imperious noted. “We all have embassies in Canterlot. Drones, love collectors and otherwise, operating in their nation sanctioned and supported.”

“Love energy. Freely given, flowing into each of our reservoirs so that no changeling young need starve. No new royal at risk of perishing due to a shortage…” Twilight spoke from painful experience. “One benefit of multitudes. Trade. Security. Political outreach. Even beyond Equestria! I could categorically list off every beneficiary, diplomatic link and agreement we have made through Equestria to other nations. Every single one has been conducted with Equestrian support, guiding us through a process for which our kind have become woefully inadequate. Operating in the light as opposed to the shadows.”

“By refusing aid, we risk all of these benefits through our inaction,” Cocoon further pressed the point home.

One of the others, Plastron, nodded along to her words. “Even were they to be so characteristically forgiving, the damage brought by warfare may cause severe disruption if not the complete collapse of certain sectors should the damage not be mitigated where appropriate.”

“And what if Equestria were to lose?” Queen Pensylvanica asked critically. “What would Ignis do with a nation brought to heel? Given New Kingdom policy, annexation is unlikely. Perhaps he will orchestrate a shift in government, and who can say what their stance on the hives shall be?”

“Or burn it entirely, leave naught but ash,” Pupa added to the other queen’s statement.

“…The Equestrian Hive almost certainly with it,” Queen Orbata, the last of them to speak to this point, finally concluded. “A further reduction of our numbers to top off the list of losses brought about by such a disaster.”

Arisana nodded. “Then surely this cannot be allowed to stand. Whether you act on principal for the death of Princess Avia or the practicality of it, the threat The New Kingdom poses to the hives is very real.”

“The surely the solution is both obvious and inevitable,” Vulgaris remarked, her eyes glaring into Twilight’s. “You came here for soldiers. Spies. Infiltrators. Changeling support on the front lines and behind it too. To bring those unicorns chaos and death like they’ve never known.”

“In less brutal a description…” Twilight’s reply began. “…but yes. I would request you all spare what you can. Yourselves included if feasible. Our infiltrators can confuse their forces. Our warriors can bolster the EUP’s defence. A single one of us should be a match for the treacherous wretch sitting atop of it all, so what could several do?”

“Do we know the alicorn’s capabilities?” Imperious enquired.

“I know mine,” Twilight dangerously responded. “And so will he, in due time.”

“To be clear, your mistakes have led us to this mess,” Vulgaris mocked. “Yet, the bother that this is, I wish to see it resolved. I have a hive to run, so if you want his head, I see no reason why it shan’t be yours.”

“Are you volunteering?” Cocoon asked with a quirked eyebrow.

“As I said, I want this resolved. It would behove me to see to it myself.”

“I would also accompany Queen Twilight. My mother too, I imagine,” Insecta stated, receiving a confirming nod from Cocoon in turn.

“…I can spare a handful of infiltrators. But I will attend to my hive, my place is there and there alone,” Tempora decided.

“Before deciding about the who and what, I believe we need to confirm this course of action shall actually be taken,” Cocoon pointed out. “If Queen Twilight is satisfied that this discussion has reached its zenith.”

Twilight nodded. “I am. You all know what’s at stake here. Equestria has been our friend for decades. A friend who has stuck by our kind even when it has every right to turn away. It has been my home for far longer than that. I will fight for its future and ours. Friends do not abandon each other. Especially not to a bully such as Ignis. So vote, vote and let’s get this done with.”

The result was, of course, unanimous.

Ignis’ image flickered in the smoke before Queen Vulgaris, the changeling safely sequestered away in the private chambers set aside for her, an expectant look in his eyes as he regarded the Changeling Queen. He took a moment to study the faint surroundings behind her, the dark stone and chitinous materials, alien and almost menacing in design…

Not as menacing as the creature herself, alas. Her eyes brimming with what he would almost call excitement, or perhaps hunger…

“There has been development, then?” he asked, knowing full well the answer.

“Twilight Sparkle laid out her grand plan, and I played the part required of me,” Vulgaris pridefully responded. “I shall be departing for Equestria soon with a host of drones, as will several of the others. Some of the details are being worked out but be assured I will provide all the details once they are available.”

“Be sure you do. You are presently informing me that our army will be rife with shapeshifters, I would quite like to know who they are, where they are, and what each intends before it becomes a problem for us.”

“But of course…” At least, that of her most pressing rivals. What was the harm in letting a few slip through the cracks and soften those little ponies up? It would make for certain assurances when the war was all said and done…

“Let them burn with all the rest.”

“You will have your names,” Vulgaris continued. “And we can enter the next stage of this farce. I will be right at the princess’ side, doing my piece to secure our nation’s future… Don’t be alarmed if one or two of my drones steal away some information here and there. Appearances are so important.”

“Nothing vital. And no bodies. No deaths,” Ignis warned. “If you really require it we can arrange an ‘exchange’ where necessary. But if I find out you have taken more than agreed upon…”

“Again, with the hostility, why, are we not allies? For now,” Vulgaris purred. “Our interests yet align, so I’ll do what I must. Play your war. I’ll win it for you with whispers and suggestion.”

“We shall see…” Ignis replied dryly. “I expect those names. Do not delay.”

The smoke drifted away, the alicorn’s visage vanishing to nothingness. It was a rather delightful metaphor in Queen Vulgaris’ eyes. A fitting future for the spoiled princeling, and ponykind as a whole if all came to fruition. One step at a time, one battle, one meeting after another. Little lines of fate all coming together, and vengeance would be had.


She wasn’t entirely sure why the thought sounded as sweet as it did. But it wracked her every waking thought. Her entire being demanded it be satisfied. A persistent thought in her head that would not let her be. Equestria would pay, the changelings would be their own masters once more, and she would reign as their liberator and ruler both.

It was all so close now. After all these years…

“So… so long…”

Vulgaris lit her horn and draped a cover over the cauldron, turning her back on the magical device and heading for the door.

She wasn’t expecting the visitor patiently waiting for her exit.

“Mother.” Imperious casually greeted.

“Daughter…” Vulgaris greeted in turn, albeit with far more caution. “I did not realise you wished to speak with me.”

“Do I need a reason? I am your child. And you yourself did bid me visit you again, no?”

Vulgaris was silent for several moments before giving a slow nod. “Quite right… What do you require?”

Imperious frowned. “That was quite the display back there. In the chamber… You surprise me. Your quick action in going to Equestria’s defence was a refreshing change of pace. Even in your own seething manner.”

“It is only a logical course of action. Nothing more.”

“Oh, I quite agree. That expanded trade agreement I mentioned? It went quite well, I for one would quite like to protect my investments,” the younger changeling noted. “Much unlike yourself when we last spoke, now that I consider it. Passing strange.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“When we last spoke you decried our ties to Equestria. Bemoaned your own humiliation, all but made them out to be our slave masters. Called me a fool in more than one way for my disagreement with your assessment.”

“I recall mentions of a ‘stubborn old mule’,” Vulgaris deadpanned in response.

“That you are. At least, that’s what I expected.”

“I believe I explained my reasoning well enough in the meeting,” the elder queen retorted. “This new alicorn is a blight in need of excision. I won’t suffer further disruption from those pastel brats.”

“Now that I believe. Yet I find it difficult to accept there isn’t another advantage you see in this. I had expected you to sit idly by and offer token support at best, not wade into the mire yourself. Not for them, no matter what you claim. I know you, mother. You would have no interest in doing so for the sake of preserving this alliance. No, you have another reason…”

“Or perhaps you underestimate me, daughter. You and all the other ingrates on the council,” she shot back, Imperious gritting her teeth at the jibe. “What do you wish me to say?”

“That you’re on our side.”

“Excuse me?”

“Tell me that you're on our side. That you won’t make yourself a problem.”

“So, you have that little faith in me?”

“Promise me. Now.”

“I am on the side of our kind and our best interests. And right now, that means going along with Twilight Sparkle and her standard lunacy.”

“And you’re certain of that?”

“You bid me swear, and I have. There is nought more to be said!” Vulgaris stamped her hoof in emphasis of the point. However, her posture softened a little, and she gave a small sigh before speaking again. “If nothing else, one truth is I shan’t do anything that would see harm come to you, daughter. I work for the future of our kind. You most of all. That has ever been my foremost priority.”

Imperious studied her for several moments. Doubt and suspicion remain etched across her face, and yet that essence of familial affection began to eat away at it all too soon. She quickly gave a sigh of her own, letting any and all tension leave her frame.

“…Okay. Then let us be about it. At least we shall be together for some time yet, mother. A change that may do us both good, it has been some time.”

“Indeed. I look forward to that, at least.”

Imperious nodded, starting to turn and walk away. She couldn’t help but stop and glance over her shoulder with remaining concern, but soon let that fade too as she made her departure.

Vulgaris watched her go. Her eyes hardened as she turned a corner, leaving the Changeling Queen alone once more.

Lies. Half-truths. Real truths. When to tell which. How to mix them. How to truly deceive, blend them so which one is which becomes all but indiscernible. She had always been so good at that. All three together, the ultimate lie…

Imperious would forgive her one day.

She wouldn’t have a choice.

Comments ( 15 )

Vulgaris settled her hooves in front of her, leaning back on her throne and studying the younger monarch. Her amused hum attracted a multitude of eyes, least of all from Queen Twilight herself, before she finally spoke her mind.

“Perhaps. But I see not why another cannot be created.”

“Mother!” Queen Imperious hissed from the throne to her right.

Wow, that's low even for Vulgaris. Even her own daughter is sick of her shit.

I get the distinct feeling Imperious is on to her mother, a least i hope, with whats coming Vulgaris might lose her daughter

11524889 I think Imperious has been sick of her mother's shit for awhile now.

Vulgaris, vengeance is bad for your complexion.

She's going down, but not before she takes other with her in a fit of pique.

Lies and half truths are all well and good (from your point of view, Vulgaris), but you just made an oath there. Those are a bit more binding, and the consequences of breaking one will not be kind to you should that "right now" not stretch as far as you think it will.

Edit: And on a related note, even more fodder for my "the ***** be posessed" speculation. Nothing like seeing your Baddie come to the cold realization that the whispers in the back of their head aren't coming from their subconscious.

Maybe she should have a chat with Luna, because that encounter went so well for Vulgaris back in Queen of the Hive. :trollestia:

Yay! New chapter :yay:

I predict that Imperious shall kill Vulgaris in due time.
"Since you prefer the old ways, Mother, I am taking over the hive in the most ancient way. With your demise!" shouts Imperious as she attacks Vulgaris.

Like a lot of "plans", this won't end well.

Is skijamas going to read this too or am I going to have to read it myself

I can't wait for the next chapter of this story to release I hope the author hasn't forgotten it and is alright it would be a shame to see it incomplete when it's so late into the story

The Final Fantasy crossover is still updating, so the Author is still around. Maybe I should start reading that one while I wait.

...but that would probably require prior knowledge of the lore of an MMO, a section of gaming I ******* HATE with the burning passion of a thousand fiery suns. The Author is asking for a lot from me right now.

*Goes back to failing at the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Piano minigame*

FFXIV is an RPG first and MMO second. Its story is near-fully playable single-player without any real grind. Said story is also feel city lol.

And though that knowledge would help, it's not necessarily required. Twilight's kinda the audience surrogate for those out of the loop.

And yeah, it's been a bit. But between real life and a sense of burn out that never really faded I can't really update more than one fic at a time atm, and even then with Skijarama's assistance. But we'll be back. I don't like leaving things unfinished.

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