• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,975 Views, 5,895 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Time Out: Family Ties

Once we managed to get Rioichi back to the hideout, we began planning our next move. We didn't really have time yet to give him the whole story, as things in the village were especially tense. We were, however, able to get more information about El Jefe. He was apparently even worse than I knew, having conquered or overthrown many countries for the highest bidder...and a true tactical genius. As I listened to his full profile, I couldn't help but think this was someone Seft would love to have under his banner...or possibly see as a rival.

We decided to start by getting a better base of operations if we could...and that meant retaking Rioichi's sushi shop. Rioichi was the only one who knew the inside, so that meant getting him in through the front door. Easy enough, with Dad using the armor to fake out the guards...but we were all in for a surprise at what happened inside...

Once Rioichi was inside, he pulled up his hood before retrieving his cane from under the rug at the front door. He had hated leaving it behind as he didn't feel complete - as a ninja or as a Cooper - without it, but it was better for it to be here waiting for him than in the hands of his enemies, and at the time capture was inevitable. Unlike young Sly's cane, Rioichi's was carved from a single piece of wood, with a secondary, smaller hook at the other end...and was actually two double-ended canes that could be held as one, hiding a second weapon completely.

With his weapon retrieved, he prepared to move forward. A brief message from Bentley showed him that even in the far future, the ancient ways of the Cooper ninjas were impressive. He then practiced his special technique to refresh his skills. By gathering his inner energy from atop a spire, he was able to launch himself great distances swiftly and silently, as long as there was a point where he could land at the opposite side.

Bentley's information revealed to him that the guards had his sushi knives, which were the keys to his ninja hideout within the shop. He would have to retrieve all three in order to gain access to each of the three doors. His pickpocketing skills proved to be more than up to the challenge as he filched the knives from each of the first two guards as he went, the future security devices he'd never encountered before proving confusing but not actually troubling. Much like any other security measure he'd ever encountered, 'not touching' proved the appropriate approach to dealing with it.

The last knife was more difficult to retrieve. The first chamber was patrolled by three guards, none of which carried the knife. Getting past them without alerting them proved a minor challenge for Rioichi, but a true ninja - which he was - was trained to handle challenges far greater than 'minor'. Once past the last security, he moved to pickpocket the last guard...only to find him investigating the door into Rioichi's true base within the restaurant, the kitchen.

As Rioichi approached, his eyes widened. From inside the kitchen, he could hear what sounded like small explosions...and an angry female? Moving quickly, he filched the knife from the guard before dispatching him so he would not interfere. Placing the knife in the door, he stood back as it opened...his jaw dropping at what he saw within.

Standing in his kitchen was the most beautiful, voluptuous vixen he had ever laid eyes on! Her curves were absolutely breathtaking, and the flex of her limbs showed firm muscle, a body that would put the kunoichi he had met in his time to shame. Her long hair accentuated both body and lovely face, and her stance showed she absolutely knew how to fight. Though the weapon she held was unknown to him, it was her outfit that caught and held his attention for how...scandalous it was. Even the kunoichi trained specifically for infiltration and information retrieval - who got information out of lords within the bedchamber - might balk at showing so much skin in public. Rioichi felt his mouth go dry as he tried to find a safe place to rest his eyes.

The woman spun towards him, leveling the weapon at him...only to lower it as she got a better look at him, a loving smile appearing on her face. "Cooper," she murmured warmly, her voice a sensuous purr. "Boy is it a relief to see you. I wasn't sure how I'd get a message to you."

"Though I do not know you yet, beautiful maiden, that is a deficiency I would desire to correct immediately," Rioichi responded quickly. "Perhaps over dinner I can make for you right here?"

The woman's expression suddenly hardened. "Wait a minute...you aren't Sly!" Her weapon once more came up.

Rioichi felt both relieved and awkward. Many things were explained...even if even more questions were raised. "Ah, I had wondered from whom the young maiden had learned her feminine wiles. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Rioichi Cooper. If you will allow me to activate my kitchen, I can reunite you with my descendants, Sly and Coco. I believe it is they whom you are searching for?"

The woman lowered her weapon in relief. "Thank goodness I'm in the right time period, then." She lifted a strange device in her other hand. "Knew it was a risk grabbing this 'Quantum Shift Beacon' to get away when I didn't know how to program or use it."

Nodding even though he didn't follow what she was saying, Rioichi stepped forward and pulled the lever in the center of his kitchen. The ovens blazed, sending heat and light through the massive dragon/fish that adorned the wall of his shop, the noise and light sending the guards working for El Jefe scurrying out of the shop.

As they waited for the noise to die down enough to reunite with the others, Rioichi turned to the vixen. "So tell me, how did young Sly manage to win the affections of such a gorgeous kitsune?" he asked playfully. "And might I know her name?"

The woman rolled her eyes at the flattery. "It's a long story. I'm Carmelita Fox."

Rioichi blinked in surprise. "Not...Cooper?"

"No," Carmelita confirmed. "We aren't married...yet."

"Then...you are not young Coco's mother?"

"Oh, I most definitely am," Carmelita insisted firmly.

"...I am very confused..."

Rioichi didn't know the half of it.

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