• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,974 Views, 5,895 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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The Cruel Fate

Coco clung tightly to her cane, unsure if it was because she thought it could protect her somehow or because she feared to lose it. Then again, even if the cane couldn't protect her from Clock-La, she refused to be helpless before Seft like the last time. She had been trained, taught, groomed into a worthy heir to the Cooper line, and an effective cop to boot, not to mention her skill with her magic. She would not wilt like some helpless damsel or terrified infant!

"You don't seem to be screaming anymore," Clock-La spoke up cruelly as she flapped her way around the floating station. "Out of breath?"

"Not giving you the satisfaction!" Coco snapped back.

Clock-La laughed pitilessly. "You actually think you'll come out of this somehow? That you'll somehow beat Seft? You are foolish, a child playing grown up games. I look forward to your screams when Seft hooks you up to his machine."

"You won't get that far," Coco insisted firmly.

"You think your family can save you?" Clock-La taunted. "It won't be long before we're over Paris. While two batteries would have accelerated the effects of the hypnotic light show, one will suffice! And once I've absorbed that, I will truly be unstoppable!"

"Clockwerk thought he was unstoppable, too," Coco pointed out flatly. "Look what that got him."

"And what do you think your family can do to save you from there?" Clock-La demanded cruelly. "The blimps are too slow to catch me, and the station too cumbersome. How do you expect them to reach me, build a giant catapult and launch themselves at me-"

The sound of creaking timbers, a woosh of metal through the air, and Bentley's terrified screams caused both of them to turn their attention towards the station just as Bentley slammed into the center of Clock-La's back and Sly floated down lightly with his glider. "Sly, you try and free Coco! I'll hack the Clockwerk parts and see if I can steer Clock-La close enough to the station to pick up Murray and Carmelita!"

"You think you can take control of my body from me?" Clock-La demanded angrily as Sly raced down to the talons to try and free Coco. "And how do you expect to do that?"

"A crazy gamble!" Bentely countered as he plugged his computer into the parts, surprised to actually find an outlet for data uplink there. Once plugged in, he rapidly typed a message before sending. The message was simple.

If you do nothing, Seft bests the Cooper's in your place.

"And what is that supposed to-WHA?" Clock-La's voice changed from disdainful to shocked as her body suddenly swerved towards the station, flying under it slowly enough for Murray and Carmelita to leap onto it.

"Got her!" Sly called out as the talons jerked open, catching Coco's cane by the loop in his own and swinging her up to the other talon so she could grasp the leg. "You steady, Coco?" he asked worriedly.

"I'm good!" Coco called out. She proceeded to climb up onto Clock-La's back. "Let's ground this bird!"

The group went to work. Between Murray's fists, Carmelita's gunshots, Bentley's bombs, Coco's Flame Fu strikes, and Sly's cane strikes, it wasn't long before Clock-La could no longer maintain altitude, and she fell towards the ground at the edge of the sea, her metal body absorbing most of the impact for the Gang as they jumped off just before impact. Clock-La, however, plainly wasn't about to give up. "I may not have pure hate to make me immortal, but I will not fail here! Already my body repairs itself! Already I climb for the skies again, the reaper seeking her quarry!" Lasers erupted from the fallen metal body, creating an ever shifting deadly net.

"What does it take to make this thing stay down?" Sly demanded angrily as the group hid behind a rocky outcrop.

"Jean Bison mentioned Arpeggio talking about a 'Hate Chip' when he took the Clockwerk Brain!" Bentley spoke up quickly. "If we can pry the beak open, I should be able to locate the Hate Chip and remove it. That should stop Clock-La from attacking!"

"Leave that to me!" Murray proclaimed as he leapt over the outcrop.

Despite her objections, Sly and Carmelita held Coco down behind the outcrop so she couldn't see what was happening. All she could hear was Clock-La's enraged cries, Murray's shout for Bentley to come get the Chip...and then Bentley's sudden pained cry.

"Bentley!" all three shouted out as they leapt to rush to the turtle's aid, the lasers having shut off...and the beak slammed shut.

As they managed to manhandle the beak open, Bentley looked up weakly, the large chip clutched in his hands. "I...I can't feel my legs..." he whimpered out softly.

Tears in his eyes, Murray scooped Bentley up and carried him back. Sly moved to do the same to Coco...only to pull back as a dark aura suddenly surrounded her as she turned towards Clock-La. "Coco..." he called out warningly.

Coco didn't hear. All she could hear were the voices of her own rage. Clock-La had torn her family apart, sought to steal her very essence...and now had broken her Uncle. Mercy was no longer an option. "So you want to be immortal?" she growled out, her voice barely above a whisper and yet shockingly loud in the suddenly silent world.

"I will get the Chip back..." Clock-La growled out. "I will be immortal...indestructible..."

"Yes...you will," Coco responded, her voice dead. Lunging in, she slammed her hooves against the metal bird skull, and all the death magic gathered in her aura discharged into it, separating it from the rest of the body as the parts fell every which way. "I have taken from you the capacity to die," she stated flatly. "No matter how time weathers you, how the world tears at you, how great your pains...you will never shuffle off this mortal coil."

Clock-La's eyes glowed for a moment eagerly, but that light soon turned to fear as the skull started to roll towards the edge of the bluff they had been fighting on. "Wait! Why would you do that for me?"

"To you," Coco said softly. "Enjoy your immortality in your watery tomb." Spinning, she delivered a double hind leg kick, sending the head flying off. "Your immortal life force will weigh the skull down, and drag you into the depths!"

Bentley stared, stunned, as he mentally calculated where the skull splashed down as he took in their surroundings. "That's...that's in the middle of an ocean trench..." he murmured softly. "I...I'm not sure which one..."

"One of the deepest parts of the ocean," Coco stated softly, "where she will stay for eternity in darkness and cold and crushing pressure that will never allow her to sleep, in a body that will never die no matter how rotten or decayed or crushed it becomes."

"Don't...don't you think that's a little harsh?" Carmelita asked softly.

Coco glanced from Carmelita to Sly, to Murray, and finally to Bentley. "No," she replied finally. "I just gave her what she wanted..." Saying nothing more, she curled up to Bentley with tears pouring down her cheeks.

Miss Ruby taught me those spells of necromatic power, of darkest magic, so I would know them and could protect myself from them, on the assumption that someone like Clockwerk might rise again to fight us. The shame of having used them like that...I will carry that with me for the rest of my life.

And yet...I can't bring myself to regret it. That will keep me awake nights forever...

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