• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,972 Views, 5,895 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Setting the Stage

My name's Coco Pommel. Well, that's just for short. Personally, I consider my full name to be Coco Pommel Cooper-Fox, but that's too much of a mouthful even for me. But you're not here for my name, you're here for my story. Then again, the reason for my name is rather intimately tied up in my story anyway...

I'm not too good at this whole story-telling thing. I guess I'll just jump right into it, as I decided to lend a bit of a helping hand - or hoof, in my case - at the start of one of Dad's biggest missions...

Inspector Carmelita Fox looked up from her desk when she heard a knock on the door of her office. This was rather confusing for her, as she was fairly certain she was alone in the building, specifically to set a trap for that ringtail, Sly Cooper. She had the file on those who'd stolen the Cooper family book, the Thievius Racoonus, in her safe, and she knew that information had been accessed circumspectly in the Interpol database. Cooper would definitely come after it, and she'd gone to some trouble to make sure she was alone here so she could spring the trap on him when he least expected it.

She cautiously stood up from her desk. Her shock pistol was already strapped to her hip against her tight fitting blue jeans, and she'd chosen a shoulderless top combined with an open jacket for equal parts warmth and freedom of movement. Admittedly, the look stood out against her orange fur, but she wanted Sly to know just who was taking him down the moment he laid eyes on her.

The knock came again, close to the floor against her door, and she suddenly realized who it must be. Sighing, she walked up to the door and opened it, staring down at the tiny off-white pony, her two-tone blue mane and tail shining against the dark blue onesie pajamas she was wearing with the image of Sly Cooper's calling card - the raccoon mask - on the front. She clutched a storybook in her forelegs as she stared up at Carmelita, her pale blue eyes shining in the lights of the office. "Read me a story, Mommy?" she pleaded hopefully.

Carmelita shook her head ruefully. "Coco, what are you doing here?" she demanded softly, almost unconsciously bending down to scoop the filly into her arms.

"Want a story," Coco pointed out logically, nuzzling into Carmelita's arms. "You do it better than Daddy or Uncle Bentley or Uncle Murray."

Carmelita chuckled softly. "I suppose I do," she admitted, not even thinking about it as she walked towards the break room, figuring Coco would want a snack with the story and she could sleep on the sofa there, tucked in under Carmelita's jacket. "How'd you get all the way here, anyway?" she asked curiously.

"Hitched a ride with Uncle Murray," Coco explained. "He was coming around here anyway."

Carmelita's steps slowed. "And just what is he doing in the area, anyway?" she asked suspiciously.

Coco looked up at her innocently. "...sightseeing?" she offered hopefully.

"Speaking of," Carmelita added, "just why were you looking for me here? Normally at this time of night I'm at my apartment, and that's where you're normally dropped off to spend time with me..." Her eyes narrowed. "Does your father know where you are?" she demanded coldly.

Coco's ears fell flat against her skull. That was all Carmelita needed to see. Turning, she stormed back to her office, Coco still in her arms, and threw the door open, startling Sly into dropping the file he'd just pulled out of her safe, scattering the documents over the floor. "Cooper!" she snapped out angrily. "I knew you were a dirty, rotten thief, but this is low even for you!"

"Carmelita," Sly began smoothly. "What an unexpected-" His words stopped as he spotted Coco, and he promptly crossed his arms over his dark blue jacket, the Cooper family hooked cane tapping against his shoulder as he glowered down at her. "Coco, you were supposed to stay in the van with Murray and not be involved here so you didn't end up between your mother and I on this!"

"But..." Coco whimpered softly, her storybook tilting downwards towards the scattered papers as she pawed at the back. "I don't like it when Mommy shoots at you. I thought...if Mommy was reading me a story...you wouldn't have to fight..." She sniffled as she buried her face against the back of the book.

Groaning, Sly walked forward and picked Coco up out of Carmelita's arms. "Coco, you just don't get it," he explained calmly. "Your Mom and I are on opposite sides of the law, and we're in agreement not to involve you when we clash so you're never forced to pick sides, because we don't want you to have to." Leaning in close, he whispered, "Besides, even if she'll never admit to it, your Mom and I enjoy these little fights of ours. Gives things a certain zest."

"Just what are you telling her?" Carmelita demanded, crossing her arms.

"Nothing important," Sly replied readily. "Sorry about this, Carmelita. I swear as her father I never told or taught her to do anything like this to you. I'd never involve her in our struggles. I'll just take her home and we'll pretend this didn't happen tonight, alright?"

Sighing, Carmelita nodded. "Fine. The last thing I want to explain to the higher ups is how Coco was involved in all this."

Nodding, Sly made his way down the fire escape, Coco in one arm as his other went to his ear. "Bentley, Murray, which of you took your eyes off Coco and let her wander?" he demanded, his voice irritated.

Silence greeted him. Eventually, a heavy voice responded sorrowfully, "Sorry, Sly. She just said she wanted some air. She looked like she was getting overheated in here..."

Sly sighed. "It's alright, Murray. Still, the op's blown for tonight. We're going to have to try getting that file another night."

Before long, Sly and Coco had joined Bentley the Turtle and Murray the Hippo in the van as Murray drove away. "Bad news, Sly," Bentley explained. "I don't think we'll be able to do this again. From the looks of it, Carmelita cleared the headquarters tonight specifically so she could trap you. You won't be able to get back in another night."

Sly groaned, rubbing his head in frustration. "Meaning we'll have to go by what little I managed to glimpse and remember of the papers when I was focused on dealing with Coco..." He turned to give Coco a disappointed look.

"Not necessarily..." Coco offered, a wicked smile on her face. When all eyes turned to her, she slid the book jacket off her story book, revealing the camera embedded in the front cover and the Take Picture button in the back cover. Opening it, she lifted up the inner binding of the front cover and pulled out the picture drive, handing it over to Bentley.

After plugging it into the computer, Bentley whistled in appreciation. "Sly, she managed to get a clear picture of every bit of paper in that file while it was scattered over the floor! We've got the whole file right here, and Carmelita doesn't even know it!"

Sly turned back to a grinning Coco, his expression torn between pride and frustration. "Was that a backup plan in case you failed at 'distracting' Carmelita?" When Coco nodded, Sly sighed. "Great. I'm proud of you for mastering these skills so quickly, but I'm seriously disappointed that you used them on your Mom. At the same time, we do need the information you managed to bring us for our next mission." Finally he frowned. "So I can't ground you over this...but you still don't get any dessert until we get the Thievius Raccoonus back."

"Aww!" Coco whined as Murray gasped in sympathy.

"Sly, that's just cruel!" he offered in a conciliatory tone. "Can't you ease up on her a little? She just wanted to help."

"Rules are rules, Murray," Sly countered firmly.

"I'm the one who let her out of the van!" Murray offered desperately. "If I give up my desserts until we get half the book back, can you cut her punishment to that, too?"

"I'm not your parent, and she's the one who broke the rules," Sly countered firmly. "And don't let me catch you sneaking her half of your desserts, either!"

Now I'm sure you're wondering by now, "Coco, you're a pony! How can your Dad be a raccoon, your Mom a fox, and your Uncles a Turtle and a Hippo? You even walk on different numbers of legs!" Well, part of that should be obvious, I'm adopted...but that's not what you're asking. You're wondering how it all happened.

Well, that's a long story. Dad tells the beginning part of it better, how he and my Uncles came together in a gang...mostly because I wasn't there for that part. But as for how I wound up adopted by them and with Carmelita as my Mom? Well...that part I can tell you. And trust me, it's a doozy.

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