• Published 21st Aug 2016
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Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Lost: Planning

Most of those listening were completely stunned at the enormity of the endeavor that was just asked of them, struggling to even conceptualize what they were now involved in, or caught in mental logic loops as they struggled to figure out how to approach it. Carmelita was not frozen thusly. "How much time do we have before the chaos he spreads wakes Set?" she asked carefully.

"That I do not know," Wadjet hissed out softly. "Hisss behavior sssince sssslaying the Cooper Ancessstor hasss been...erratic. He waitssss...and then sssstrikes without warning." She looked up at the River of Time, and then back down at the Divine River. "At bessst esssstimate...three weekssss."

"And how long until your ability to sustain us as rogue elements within the time stream fails?" Carmelita pressed carefully.

"If Ssssseft issss not sssstopped by then...two weekssss," Wadjet allowed apologetically. "At that point, my sssstrength will sssstart to fail, and I will be forced to choosssse between maintaining the River of Time or maintaining your pressssence."

"Then we'll have to plan fast," Sly spoke up calmly. "I'm assuming mortal weapons can't kill a god, even a Fell one?"

"That issss correct," Wadjet confirmed. "It musssst be made from sssspecial materialssss, and once crafted must be bathed in the Divine River, and bound with blood to the wielder. Even then there issss only one point on Sssseft's body that will be vulnerable."

"The old wound that let the water into his body," Coco deduced. "The one Dad put there with Mom's help."

Wadjet smiled down at the group. "Indeed...and it mussst be done by the onesss who wounded him for the energiessss to work properly."

"So you'll be giving us a list of materials we'll need to gather, general areas where they can be found, and then we'll have to figure out how to retrieve them without causing temporal disruptions of our own," Bentley deduced thoughtfully. "That means not being seen by anyone, not using any anachronistic technologies, and not leaving any trace behind...which means retrieving materials will be entirely up to Sly and Coco, with only a little help from us."

Wadjet's smile widened. "You adapt well. I am mosssst pleassssed. While ssssscouting to locate the materials will indeed need to be done by thosssse who have massstered sssstealth, othersss can sssstill help in retrieval if you are careful. Time isss ssssomewhat flexible in that regard."

"I can carry the heavy loads, once I know where to go!" Murray spoke up helpfully.

"I'll stay back here with Bentley and work on forging the weapons once we have the materials," Penelope offered quickly. "That's one thing we're both good at."

"I don't suppose there's anything in all this I can do until we've got those weapons?" Carmelita asked ruefully.

"You will need to determine what weapon of thissss time besssst ssssuitsss you," Wadjet observed carefully. "Then you musssst train in itssss usssse. Know, however, that ssssome weapon typesss accept the Divine Blesssssing to sssslay a god better than otherssss."

"In that case, I'd better train with a Nekhakha," Carmelita deduced, glancing over at Sly. "Pretty sure Sly's cane fits as a Heka, and they wouldn't be symbols of Divine Authority if they weren't naturally suited to Divine power."

"A wissse choice indeed," Wadjet confirmed as she produced the Eqyptian flail for Carmelita. "This one has magic within it, and will wield in a manner sssssimilar to how the Godslaying one will, though not exact. Practice until it isss sssecond nature, and you will be ready to face Sssseft. I will guide you assss I am able while you are here, and arrange for garb that will allow you to fight in thissss climate without weaknessss."

"And what materials do we need to gather?" Sly asked curiously, ready to make the list.

"There are four," Wadjet observed calmly. "Three are sssimple to come by, though disssstant. One, however, isss quite dangerousss, and you musssst be careful in retrieving it." She turned to the part of the River of Time Murray had tried to drink from and breathed on it, causing fog to take shape over the water before revealing an image. First was a silvery metal that glittered even when there was no light. "Firsssst isss Mithril, which will give the weapon the qualitiesss needed to absssorb the energiesss of the Divine River, and allow it to share them with you without burning up your life force. It can be found in the lake just outssside thissss cavern...but beware. The lake contains the energies of both Rivers within, and if you are not careful it could conssssume you."

"I get!" Deik-Beck offered helpfully. "Rust-proof metal body! No life force! No problem!"

Wadjet turned to the little robot and examined him carefully. "...indeed, you will be unaffected," Wadjet allowed, "and asss the lake is under my ssssupervisssion, you need not worry about dissssrupting hissstory." She then turned back to the fog and breathed again. The image faded, and then revealed an image of another metal, this one having the color of steel but seeming to support a mountain upon it, holding strength no earthly metal should possess. "Thissss issss Adamantine," Wadjet explained. "It will give the weapon the sssstrength to withssstand Sssseft's divine power. You will need to retrieve it from Greece, assss there issss none within our lands. Wadj-Wer will asssssissst you in reaching thossse landsss acrossss the Sssea that isss Hir dominion, but you will need to retrieve the metal yoursssself from the Young Godsss who dwell there, working to prepare the land for a new people. Diplomacy will be needed."

"I'll take care of that," Coco offered helpfully. "I'm better equipped for diplomacy than Dad anyway, not to mention a stronger connection to magical energy. That should smooth things over, right?"

"Possssibly," Wadjet allowed. "Sssstill, a good choice." She breathed again, and the image revealed was of a golden metal that seemed to float in midair. "While you are there, ssssee if you can find sssome Orichalcum. While not sssstrictly necessssary, it will help ssstabilize the mix of metalsss, asss well asss taking the weight the alloy will have off your own shouldersss."

"How careful do I need to be about technology while I'm over there?" Coco asked worriedly. "You mentioned the Young Gods are still preparing the land for a people. Does that mean there won't be a people there right now? Being able to program and use my Binocucom to scan for the metal's properties would help."

"Assss long asss the Young Godsss do not ssssee, it should be fine," Wadjet allowed nervously. "Do be careful." She then turned to Sly and Murray. "The two of you will need to work together to retrieve thissss lassst material...and you musssst not let Sssseft learn of itsss location!" She breathed on the fog, and revealed an image of a quartz-like material that seemed to pulse with inner light. "This is Naqahdah. It will allow the weaponsss to bond with you, and hold the energiesss of the Divine River ssso they may become Godssslaying weaponsss. Ssssly, you musssst locate the quarry which concealsss itssself, while Murray mussst retrieve it."

"Understood," Sly agreed nervously.

"We won't let you down!" Murray declared emphatically.

"I have faith in you," Wadjet avowed firmly.

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