• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,971 Views, 5,895 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Gathering: Take 11

Although it was agreed to be a fair fight between three planes and pilots determined solely by skill, there was still a rather large difference in terms of planes themselves. Muggshot's plane was much larger, mostly due to the fact that it had to carry his weight. The Baron's plane also had stronger engines, and RC guns that could shoot in more directions than just straight forward. Dad's plane was the standard model, though. This was going to be a tough fight for him, especially since - by the rules - Muggshot would have to be shooting for him as well...

Sly jerked the controls as he sent his plane into a dive. The Black Baron was fiendishly clever in the air. Rather than focus on one of them or the other to take them down, he kept his distance and waited until Sly or Muggshot started shooting at each other before focusing on whoever was in pursuit, and using a strafing sweep to hit both of them. As a result, both Sly and Muggshot's planes had taken some significant damage, while the Baron's plane had barely taken any.

"Give up you fools!" the Baron declared proudly as he swooped in, ready for another strafe to take them down as Muggshot brought his heavier plane down and Sly climbed into the air to try and get some distance. "I am supreme in the air! It was your mistake to give me no targets but yourselves in the air! In a faceoff, I am unstoppable! You will never take me out of the sky!"

"I wouldn't be so sure of that," Sly growled as he flipped his plane over before going into a dive. "I'm not trying to win. I just have to take you out of the air."

"And how do you intend to do that," the Baron began as his guns went off, taking out Sly's own as well as his engine, "when you have no weapons left?"

"That's where you're wrong," Sly argued as he shifted the course of his plane. "I have one weapon left." With that said, he leapt out of the crashing plane, using his para-glider to coast slowly for a landing.

Chuckling, the Black Baron turned towards Muggshot below...only for his motion sensors to go off, leading to him bailing out of his plane just before Sly's crashed into it, taking both planes out of the air. The Baron landed heavily on Muggshot's plane wing as Sly landed lightly on the other one. "You haven't won yet, raccoon!" the Baron declared angrily. "You may have destroyed my plane with your own - a clever strategy, I must admit - but as you can see, we are all still airborne! There is still no victor, and you have placed yourself at your opponent's mercy!" He clicked his heels together, causing his boots to affix to the metal wing magnetically. "All he need do is roll the plane, and you will go flying to your doom!"

"And leave you here to toss me out and take my plane?" Muggshot groused. "Even if the flaps weren't locked from your heavy landing meaning all I can do is glide slowly down in a circle, I wouldn't do that!"

"I guess we can consider Muggshot out of the running, if he can't do anything but keep us level," Sly deduced as he leveled his cane. "So if it's between us, let's settle it."

"Beware, m'boy," the Baron warned. "I've trained ten years at pugilism. Fisticuffs is my passion!"

"In that case, this should actually be fun," Sly quipped back, spinning his cane aggressively.

As the Baron charged forward to punch, Sly ducked under the strike, jabbing forward with the base of his cane into his opponent's belly even as he spun it to catch the Baron's lead foot in the hook, pulling him off his feet. The Baron rolled away from the trip, coming back to his feet as he ducked under a sweeping strike to deliver a quick flurry of punches aimed at Sly's ribs. Sly backed away, spinning his cane in front of him to deflect the blows that hadn't already connected. Growling, he stuck the base of the cane into the wing before flinging himself forward in a flying kick, striking the Baron in the head.

To Sly's surprise, the strike of foot to helmet made a hollow 'clonk', as though there were empty space beneath the helmet before it reached the head inside. As the Baron staggered and righted himself, Sly raced around him to strike lightly with the base of his cane at the helmet, sounding out the interior. As the Baron turned to charge, Sly leapt over him, his hook coming down to catch under the helmet before jerking it off, sending it flying.

Smoke and sparks poured out of the Baron's neck as Penelope coughed, the Baron's hands coming up to wipe her glasses. "Okay, okay, I give!" she gasped out before coughing a few more times. "Geeze, I should have known better than to think this thing was up to hand-to-hand with a Cooper, even in midair..."

Sly's eyes widened as he recognized the voice, having not actually seen Penelope before. "Penelope? I thought you were the Baron's mechanic!"

"Can we talk on the ground where it's safer?" Penelope pleaded. "The suit's starting to fall apart as it is."

"I'll take us down," Muggshot offered, immediately turning the plane to a landing vector.

"You said you couldn't do anything but fly in circles!" Penelope complained angrily.

"And I couldn't!" Muggshot countered. "If I did anything else, Sly couldn't beat the Baron."

"You colluded!" Penelope snapped angrily.

"Can't prove it from anything inside the match," Sly pointed out teasingly.

Penelope ground her teeth for a time, then sighed. "I guess you did win, anyway..."

Once everyone was on the ground, Penelope caused her Baron Suit to unfold, stepping out as everyone got a good look at the real her...which was much different from the picture she'd used as her online photo. She was actually a slim figured mouse girl with pink fur, brown eyes, and blonde hair, somewhat shorter than Sly. She wore an orange shirt, blue work coveralls, grey gloves, a red kerchief to hold her hair out of range of machinery, a tight band to keep the rest of the long hair in a ponytail, and thick glasses. "Sorry about all that," she explained, her rather cute voice showing she was younger than she'd seemed before. "The ACES competition was about to start when you first sent me the message, and The Black Baron couldn't exactly bow out. But now that you're the champion Sly, I can put this suit to rest. I only made it because five years ago when I wanted in on aerial dogfighting, I was too young for the age requirements. You have to be 18 minimum to compete, and I only just turned 20 this year. Of course, once I was champion, I couldn't exactly stop...and it was honestly kind of fun, having all that respect and admiration." She sighed as she leaned back, glancing around at those around the table. "I'm glad to be out of it, but...well, look at me!" She gestured to her - at least in her eyes - rather understated figure. "Who's going to be looking at this with almost worshipful admiration?" She glanced enviously towards Carmelita.

"Perhaps the one right across from you?" Carmelita suggested, pointing to where Bentley quickly jerked his face away, blushing brightly and twiddling his thumbs. Penelope's ears - which had been falling flat against the side of her head to the point her glasses started to slip as she talked herself down - perked up in surprised interest. "I know he may not look like much himself, but he's certainly carrying a torch for you...and he'll literally move heaven and earth for those he cares for." She chuckled softly as Penelope's cheeks colored. When did I become Den Mother to these overgrown teenagers? she thought silently to herself.

Coco giggled as she nuzzled her mother's hand, making the officer smile down at her.

"So you'll be joining us for this job, then?" Sly asked Penelope curiously.

"Once I know a bit more about it," Penelope countered aggressively. "I'm not going in blind."

"Once we've finished recruiting everyone we'll need, we'll be breaking into the Cooper Vault," Coco explained, "where all the treasures the Cooper Clan has ever stolen are stored."

Penelope's eyes lit up. "Now that sounds like the job of all time!" she purred happily. "I'm in."

"Next stop, St. Canard!" Coco declared eagerly. As all eyes turned to her, she smiled. "I promised Muggshot we'd go there next to help Mrs. Ruby with something in exchange for his help winning here."

"I can give you all a lift!" Penelope offered. "I've got just the plane for it."

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