• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,972 Views, 5,895 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Found: Job

"Turn right into Dimension Harmony-Vector-16," the VPS system announced as the van moved past the Reunion Plaza. "Be certain to turn only into Harmony-Vector-16. Harmony-Vectors 1-15 are stabilized, and will violently reject the vehicle. Vectors 17-20 are presently unstable, and entering will cause unexpected backlash into Vector 16. Vectors 21 and upward are still forming at this point in relative space-time-dimensions, and will not accept intrusion. Keep an eye out for elements from Harmony-Vector-7, as they have a tendency to ignore many laws of reality in pursuit of fun."

"At least they're numbered," Murray mused as he turned the van into the dimensional path marked with a large '16'. "Here's hoping the one from number seven-"

"Intrusion detected!" the VPS announced as cupcakes on plates appeared in front of everyone, Coco's saying 'Welcome Home' atop it in bright pink icing. "...intrusion classified as harmless. Enjoy the reality breaking sweets."

Chuckling, Coco took a bite of her cupcake...only to moan softly before blushing brightly. "Hope I get to taste something that good again soon," she muttered under her breath. "...even if it's not a cupcake."

"Turn left into Manehatten before thinking too hard about the nature of sweet treats," the VPS intoned firmly. "Turn right into the Plaza Hotel Carriage Parking Lot, and find a parking space. Proceed on hoof to floor seventeen, room 5, to intersect original timeline."

"That's for me," Coco said quickly before anyone else could try their cupcakes and discover what sort of reaction she'd had to trying hers. Quickly slipping her thief gear into her folded space where she stored the tools she wasn't actively using, she left herself in just the sailor collar, ascot, and hair clip she'd been wearing when she was first pulled through to Sly's world. "Wish me luck!" she called out before hopping out of the van.

"Stay in contact!" Bentley called out as he and Penelope got the van's communications rig online.

Smiling, Coco tapped her ear where a communicator bead was hidden, matching her coat perfectly. With that, she headed for the nearest stairwell before heading straight up to the seventeenth floor. She was unsurprised to discover she wasn't even winded...and wasn't certain whether or not she should act like she was. How much of that was a result of all her training, and how much was what she was already capable of?

Before she could think further, the door to room 5 burst open and a mare stormed out, sneering dominantly at Coco. The mare was light pink with a purple mane and tail and a Cutie Mark (how did she suddenly know that term?) of three different colored buttons, wearing a two-tone blue scarf and an off-white headband to hold her mane up. "Well there you are, Coco!" she snapped out irritably. "What kept you? I don't pay you to slack off and leave me hanging!"

"No Miss Suri," Coco responded immediately, affecting a cringe. While the behavior was a result of interpretation on how this mare plainly expected her to act, the name came of its own accord once she spoke that way. She already didn't like this mare and was considering hitting her in the back of the head with something as soon as her back was turned.

"Now Coco," Sly chided through the communicator bead, "I know that twitch. Give her a chance before judging her-"

"Well get in here already!" Suri snapped out, pushing Coco into the room before slamming the door shut. A few dresses that showed signs of Coco's hoof were set on ponnequins as an obvious distraction, and a roll of absolutely stunning brilliant purple fabric with glittering streaks of gold, silver, and other colors almost hidden within was placed against some empty ones. "Prim Hemline's rehearsal starts soon, and I managed to get an absolute stunner of a con pulled off! A foolish idealist from some nowhere town is competing, and while she doesn't have brains she's got talent. I managed to con a whole roll of her 'special fabric' she made her line for this show out of, and I fed her a 'show time' a half-hour later than standard. If you get off your flank and pull your weight for once, we can have the entire line copied under our name before she even gets there, and she'll have to bow out or look like a copycat!" She turned to the ponnequin. "Now don't just stand there, hand me that ruler! I need to make sure this line is straight-" Suri slumped limp as the ruler struck her just right across the back of her head, sending her into unconsciousness.

Coco calmly caught the ruler as it bounced back to her. "Any ideas where we can stash her?" Coco asked her family calmly. "Because I have this overpowering urge to start experimenting on her with the Mask of Dark Earth just to see what happens in this world where the magic is so much stronger, and I don't think I have time for that and the show."

"...I want to chide you for rash action," Carmelita began awkwardly, "but if you hadn't done that, I'd have found a way to do so."

"From the sound of it, she's a lot like the kind of crooks we went after originally," Murray pointed out happily.

"Looks like we've still got some work to do, then," Bentley observed calmly. "Penelope's on her way up in a stealth suit to stash Suri. What's your plan for the show?"

Coco glanced over at the clothes that showed her hoof-work, and noticed a certain...animal theme to them. "I think I have an idea..."

It had taken a bit of smooth talking and a lot of effort seeming awkward, innocent, and adorable - not to mention lying through her teeth - but with one of the contestants 'missing', Prim Hemline had taken a glance at the outfits Coco had made 'under Suri's tutelage' that the mare had 'praised so avidly'. The fox and raccoon patterned dress and suit that could contract into tight-fitting bodysuits at a twist of fabric (for 'one size fits all' that actually worked), the turtle patterend 'dress uniform' that could function as armor as well, and the feathered gown that seemed to almost float in the air of its own accord...it had immediately been put into the running alongside Rarity's special line.

Rarity herself had praised Coco's creativity and technique effusively, eagerly pressing her for details...though Coco hemmed and hawed about 'just a few tricks she'd picked up'. Still, it was nice talking to someone who was as passionate about fabric as she was, if not more...even if having her family cooing in her ear about 'making a friend' was distracting.

"What do you call this line, anyway?" Rarity inquired curiously.

Chuckling under her breath, Coco managed a smile. "Cops and robbers," she answered readily. At Rarity's confused look, she shrugged. "It's an inside joke. It'd take much too long to explain. But speaking of...robbers..." She carefully handed Rarity the roll of 'special fabric' back. "While I've no idea where Suri is, when I got back to the room I found this fabric next to empty ponnequins, along with a bunch of tools. I...think Suri was planning on stealing your line..."

"Oh...oh goodness!" Rarity gasped in shock, one hoof to her lips. "I...I really should have thought of that possibility before lending out a whole roll before the show. I could have been in so much trouble." She carefully took the roll in her magical aura as her horn glowed. "Thank you ever so much, Coco. I'm so glad to know you aren't the sort to do such a thing."

"Oh, I'd never do that!" Coco avowed in a soft gasp. "That would be stealing, and that's just wrong!"

I really could have done without all the derisive laughter in my ears right then...even if it did help me keep up the flustered act through the rest of the show.

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