• Published 21st Aug 2016
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Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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By the time we got Dad outside, it was plain he wasn't faking...not that I could think of a reason why he would fake it. Dad had...no memory of anything. He didn't even recognize his cane. He seemed to know Mom and me, in the sense he felt he should, but there was nothing in there to connect to it. Any time he tried to think on it, he wound up clutching his head in pain. Mom decided it was best to keep him away from the others for now, in case too much input from that part of his brain overwhelmed him while he was still healing from the double impact to his head. That left me to deliver the news to the others.

...they didn't take it well...

"What?" Bentley asked in shock. "Sly's...lost his memory?"

"He has amnesia?" Murray asked, stunned.

"It sure seems that way," Coco confirmed. "He...he didn't know me or Mom. Not...not the way he should. And when he tried to think, it hurt his head."

It may be just physical injury causing this, Guru observed. However, given how close Sly has come to death recently, there may be spiritual scars as well. If you think he can handle it, I would like to look into his aura through Dreamtime. I might be able to perceive something useful about his condition.

"Please do," Coco agreed readily, struggling to hold back her tears. The sight of her Dad not even knowing her, looking at her like a stranger...it had torn at her heart.

As Guru went to see to Sly, Panda King rested one massive paw on her back. "Do not worry too much, little one," he offered gently. "The bond between parent and child is not so easily severed. You have been a large part of his life for a long time. That bond remains, even if he does not remember it. In all likelihood, short of a miraculous cure that love will return full force before the memories, and likely bring with it the memories in its wake. He is still your father, and you are still his daughter. I have seen into his mind as he saw into mine...and nothing could shatter that."

"Don't ya doubt that for a second, lil' Coco," Mrs. Ruby confirmed. "Trust me when I say Sly'll make a full recovery...eventually. Just be patient and lovin', that's my advice."

"Sly's a tough old coon," Muggshot agreed. "So he's a bit more banged up this time than normal. He'll be leaping from rooftops in no time, you at his side."

"So what should we do?" Penelope asked curiously. "To help Sly, I mean."

Coco thought to herself for a time. She knew what her Dad would do. "The Vault's broken," she said finally. "That explosion damaged the structure of the mountain. It's going to collapse in all likelihood. There are flying machines of all sizes inside. Penelope, get as many of them running as you can. Mrs. Ruby, Muggshot, Uncle Murray, Panda King, get as much of the treasure in the Vault into the flying machines as you can without compromising flight capability or putting yourselves in danger. Everyone take whatever you think is fair payment for this job out of the gold coins and loose gemstones sized for easy disposal in the market. Put any artifacts, paintings, or culturally significant items together. We'll take those to Uncle Scrooge, and he'll find a safe place to store them for us, as well as the rest of the contents of the Vault not divided up to the rest of you."

While most of the group nodded soberly, Penelope looked stunned. "Whatever we think is fair?" she asked in shock. "You trust us that much to not rob you blind?"

Coco shrugged. "I do trust all of you to be our friends. I also trust that even if you all took as much as you could carry on your own blimp from in there, it wouldn't be a drop in the bucket compared to what's in there. Besides, I only care about the stuff that has cultural or family significance, which you wouldn't be able to dispose of on the black market, anyway."

Panda King and Mrs. Ruby both chuckled at that, while Penelope's jaw dropped at that description of just how much there was.

You need not set aside a portion for me, Guru spoke up as he returned. I have no need of worldly possessions, and the experiences of this journey is more than enough payment for my efforts. All I need in life is a quiet land in which to meditate, and the land will provide what I need for survival and comfort.

"Should the Outback ever prove too noisy for you, feel free to come to my lands," Panda King offered. "I have plenty of space, and can easily find a quiet spot for you to be undisturbed."

Guru nodded his thanks for the offer. I have examined Sly's Dreamtime Aura, he continued, his tone more grave. Assuming I am not misinterpreting...it seems his memory is fractured between past and present. He is aware of those he knows in the present, but the connections to his memory of them is damaged. It would be best to limit his contact with those he knew well - beyond yourself and Carmelita - until his memory begins to return. Otherwise, I fear permanent damage to his memory as it tries to force itself.

Coco nodded slowly. "Alright. We'll...we'll stay close to him." She turned to the group. "For the rest of you...I guess this is goodbye."

"Only for now, little one," Panda King offered gently. "We will surely see each other again, when Sly is once more himself. Until then, I bid only adieu."

Coco nodded, watching as the group moved to take action. Mrs. Ruby moved into the vault first, shifting everything of cultural or family value onto the boat she'd grown for their trip here, filling it with valuables once that was complete. After that, she began manipulating the water to send large batches of gold and jewels up to the blimps and larger flying machines Penelope and Bentley were reactivating. She watched that pair talk eagerly about something or other for a time, then turned back to get her Mom and Dad.

It was a long sail to Duckberg...but maybe Uncle Scrooge might know something about amnesia that the others didn't. She would just have to hope there.

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