• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,942 Views, 5,894 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Time Out: Oh, I Come From A Land, From a Faraway Place

We intended to make a quick stop in the present to get Uncle Bentley some medical treatment, but Felicia warned us against it. Apparently, time was in a rather strong state of flux just now, and taking Bentley to the present might cause backlash since he was the focus of a recently collapsed paradox. Instead, we had to use the gold coin Mom had grabbed from Le Paradox' warehouse to head to Ancient Arabia, in search of Salim al-Kupar. We just had to hope someone there would be able to give Uncle Bentley some treatment.

Salim al-Kupar was a founding member of the legendary 40 thieves, so we expected to have plenty of help at this stage...though weren't surprised to discover that wasn't the case. Apparently, by the time of our arrival, most of the original 40 had retired already...and there was no trace of Salim. On top of that, several of the guards wandering around were armed with modern weaponry bearing Le Paradox's mark. We would need to be careful if we wanted to find our way around without drawing excessive attention, and possibly getting caught.

It was during our scouting mission that Uncle Bentley's condition started to worsen...and Penelope stumbled across an unexpected ally in our quest...

Penelope carefully but desperately escorted Bentley around the desert oasis city as he struggled against his back and his wheelchair, gasping for breath as they sought out both a clue to Salim's location and a hideout for the gang...or somewhere to hide Overlord Mark II - their transforming plane/boat/mech - as a native building. "Come on, Bentley," she whispered quietly. "It won't be far now..."

"I'm...I'm okay," he gasped out, sweat beading his brow as he pushed against the pain. "I just...need to rest..."

"Pain of the back?" a purring voice suddenly asked from an alley. "I can help with that. Come, come..." A beckoning hand guided them towards the alley. "Quick, before the outsiders see."

Penelope did not want to trust the beckoning voice, but she knew she didn't really have a choice. Bentley needed treatment, and now. "Okay," she whispered as she guided him into the alley.

Before she could react, she and Bentley were both seized by many hands and hustled into a building. To Penelope's surprise, the place was filled with women her age in...well, given the time period, it was highly appropriate to refer to it as 'harem garb', even if it showed more than even modern interpretations of it suggested. As she looked around, she considered herself lucky to find her eyes on a girl wearing as much as a harem vest and thin silk pants.

An unknown vixen garbed in a veil, thin top, vest, and pants quickly pushed Penelope into another room. "The girls will see to your man," she insisted firmly, "but if you do not wish to bring more danger to him, you will change quickly. You stand out like a diamond in the dungheap!"

Caught up in the intensity, Penelope changed costumes as instructed...and found herself in an outfit not unlike that worn by the one who'd pushed her in, complete with veil. At first she considered going without the veil, but quickly set the notion aside. It wouldn't have been provided if it weren't needed.

Stepping back out in the outfit, she found Bentley laid out on his stomach as many of the girls expertly tended his back and legs, the expression of absolute relaxation on his face showing they'd definitely eased his pain. "He's going to be okay?" she asked worriedly.

"The damage is not severe," the vixen answered readily. "My girls know their work. The medicines we have will ease things, and careful exercise will repair the rest."

As she turned to face Penelope, the mouse girl gasped. "Ca-" she began, only to cut herself off. Yes, this girl bore a striking resemblance to Carmelita...or at least a younger version. Penelope estimated her to be at most 21, if not 19. Then again, given the time period, that wasn't that young by societal standards.

"You have heard of me?" the woman asked in surprise. "I am Ca li-Ta. What is it you were seeking, that had your man in such state?"

The commonality of name...Penelope decided to gamble. "We're seeking Salim al-Kupar," she offered softly. "We wish to aid him in driving out the outsiders that hunt him."

Ca li-Ta's eyes narrowed. "And you assume I know something?" she asked carefully.

"Let's just say...I have reason to believe you either are or will be romantically involved with him," Penelope explained carefully.

One eyebrow lifted. "Do you now?" she asked coolly. "And where have you gotten your information, hmm?"

"That is...difficult to explain-" Penelope began, only to gasp as the vixen blurred forward and she found a knife at her throat.

"Simplify it," Ca li-Ta growled.

Penelope swallowed nervously. "Would you believe we're time travellers and he's the fourth male of the line we've encountered in a relationship with a vixen almost identical to you in appearance?"

Ca li-Ta stared at her firmly. "Your words are nonsense...but your voice has nothing of deceit." She pulled the knife back. "Your man will stay here. Return with another male of the line and one of these vixens, and I shall heed your words. Fail, and he dies."

Penelope smirked. "It seems personality is consistent as well." With no more than that, she slipped out to contact Sly and Carmelita.

It didn't take long for Penelope to return to where she left Bentley, with Sly, Carmelita, and Coco in tow. Ca li-Ta gazed upon Sly and Carmelita in surprise. "Though age is quite different, the resemblance is uncanny," she murmured in surprise. "You are the male of the line?"

"Sly Cooper, at your service," Sly greeted with a graceful bow.

Ca li-Ta nodded. "Salim is in a boat out back," she observed calmly. "If you can return him to himself, I will be in your debt. Our children need him."

"Children?" Sly asked in surprise.

"He's not himself?" Carmelita inquired.

"See for yourself," Ca offered sadly, gesturing to the back door, where a boat could be seen moored on the river.

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