• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,975 Views, 5,895 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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How it Began

It all started out like just about any other story of the Cooper Gang you've probably heard. Dad and his friends seeking to steal from a particular criminal mastermind, and crossing metaphorical swords with Mom. Of course, they didn't have any relationship of that sort yet. Dad would flirt, Mom would shoot, he'd get away...that sort of thing.

The big difference came with the particular criminal they were after this time, about two years earlier. A scorpion named Seft, an Egyptian warlord who had been ravaging the countryside of Africa taking whatever he wanted and pissing off several world governments in the process. There wasn't much known about him beyond the fact that his troops were locusts and frogs...and that he was cold, calculating, and cruel.

My first experience of him was terrifyingly unpleasant...and yet, I have to thank him. If not for him, I'd have never met Dad...and I personally feel that made my life orders of magnitude better...

Sly breathed a sigh of relief as he managed to slip into the main laboratory building of Seft's base. It had been harrowing getting through all the temporary buildings that were too flimsy to walk across the top of, maneuvering through narrow passages between the buildings unable to see where guards might be coming from, in order to even get to the one mobile structure that was sturdy enough to walk along the top of. Apparently, Seft believed firmly in being able to cut and run at any time while leaving a minimum of resources behind.

Sly had even almost encountered Seft walking around his base while trying to get there. Seft himself wasn't as big as some crime bosses Sly had encountered, not much taller from head to toe than Sly himself after all. Most of Seft's goons were bigger than he was. But his entire body was covered with black chitinous armor and rippled with muscle, and his tail dripped venom as it arched over his back. Sly had managed to hide, but as he'd waited, Seft had looked right at his hiding place...then smirked and moved on. Sly had almost called the whole operation right there, but he'd already spotted Carmelita making her move. Whatever Seft was capable of, the last thing Sly wanted was to leave Inspector Fox to face it alone.

He was rather surprised to discover that the building was more lab than base of operations. However, he was easily able to cross the rafters to get close enough to hear what Seft was saying to the scientists.

"So...will it work?" Seft asked calmly, no emotion in his voice.

"Y-yes sir," the frog scientist responded nervously. "The portal device has enough energy to seize a lifeform from the other side. Once we've done so-"

"Yes, yes, we all know the plan already," Seft interrupted. "Are you really going to start monologuing the entire plan so any spy can hear the whole thing so they know how to thwart us?"

"Y-you think there are s-s-spies here, sir?" the frog gasped out worriedly, his eyes darting every which way.

"I always assume I'm being spied on," Seft growled out. "It's how I've managed to not get beaten and dragged off to some international prison yet. Now just get it running already."

"Understood sir," the frog agreed readily. Turning, he started manipulating tech next to a large metal circle.

Sly lifted his commoculars to his eyes, letting Bentley see the portal as well and opening communications. "Any idea what they're up to Bentley?" he whispered, almost quiet enough that he didn't hear his own words.

"It's obviously a portal of some sort," Bentley replied, stroking his chin in the mini-view screen. "But to where, no idea. Whatever it is, it's taking a lot of power. Whatever they're trying to pull through...well, you'll have to wait until they do it to find out."

"That's not very reassuring," Sly replied. "I'm pretty sure Carmelita's down there too, Bentley. If that portal spits out some sort of demonic flesh-eating hellspawn..."

"Maybe you should worry less about the Interpol agent that wants to arrest you and more on what we need to do here?" Bentley chided gently.

"I'm 16," Sly countered dryly. "What do you expect?"

Bentley groaned, burying his face in his hands. "Well, I do have some good news. As badly made as that frog disguise was, Murray was able to gather some pretty good intel. Unfortunately, the documents are in code, and without any idea what they're supposed to be about, it could take a while to find out what they're about."

"Well, I think we're about to," Sly murmured as the portal activated, flaring with light as electrical energy arced between the metal of the ring.

"Be careful, Sly," Bentley warned as Sly put the goggles away.

The lightning flashed for a time, and then discharged something before shutting down.

"That's all we've got," the frog spoke up. "If the plan doesn't work out, we can't open the portal again for-"

"It will work," Seft interrupted bluntly, bending down and scooping up the tiny creature.

Sly's eyes widened as he caught sight of the figure. It was a tiny four-legged equine, smaller than Bentley's backpack, with a pale cream coat, two-tone blue mane and tail, pale blue eyes, and a mark of a purple fedora on her rump. She stared up at Seft in absolute terror. Sly couldn't help but think she was absolutely-

"Adorable," Seft muttered before tossing her at the frog. "Get her plugged in."

The frog turned as the pony began to cry. "Y-yes sir-" His words were cut off as a blast of energy hit him, knocking him prone.

Carmelita leapt forward, scooping up the filly in one arm as she leveled her stun cannon with the other. "Seft, you are under arrest for acts of terrorism, grand theft, kidnapping, and..." She gestured at the portal. "I don't know what that is, but I'm pretty sure I can find a crime in it somewhere!"

Up above, Sly buried his face in one hand. He couldn't believe Carmelita thought that would work.

Seft, for his part, brought his pincers together in a slow clap, the hollow sound echoing through the room. "Well done, Inspector. I must say, I didn't expect you to have the guts to take me on alone and without backup. But then again, what should I expect from someone who made Chief Inspector so young? Only 19 and so much responsibility already? You have quite a lot to prove, don't you?"

Sly was torn. On the one hand, he didn't really like how Seft was talking to her, and wanted to rush in and help her even if it was suicidal at this point. On the other... She's only three years older than me? Nice. He couldn't help but look Carmelita over again, noticing just how kind puberty had been to her-

"Sly!" Bentley snapped in his ear, bringing him back to the present and the fact that Carmelita and the filly she was holding were in immediate danger.

Carmelita, for her part, looked angry. "Okay, just for that I'm kicking your ass," she growled at Seft.

"I'd just love to see how you intend to manage that from there," Seft pointed out dryly. "After all, you're way over there, and your stun cannon's rounds travel incredibly slowly. I could dodge them easily. Bullets, on the other hand..."

Carmelita flinched as the sound of several guns being cocked caught her attention, and an entire wall of frog soldiers stepped out of the shadows, leveling their weapons at her. She glanced around, looking for an exit.

"Don't bother," Seft warned. "They guard the only exit on this floor, you're not agile enough to leap to the rafters while carrying that filly, and the guards are only aiming in one direction...though above, below, and to either side of you. Ducking and letting them shoot each other isn't going to work."

Yikes! Sly thought to himself as he heard all that. This guy's actually competent! I may be in over my head here... Noticing Carmelita's expression tensing as she tried to hide her fear, he silently added, And so might she.

"Well?" Seft asked. "What's it going to be? Go down shooting? Or surrender peacefully?" His tone was almost bored.

Sly carefully raced over the rafters, gripping his cane at the base while wrapping feet and tail around the rafter. He was only going to get one shot at this.

To his surprise, Carmelita smirked. "You want her, right?" she asked, lifting up the filly, before throwing her straight up. The troops all started forward to catch her as Carmelita spun and fired several stun rounds.

Sly, for his part, acted. Leaning out precariously, he caught the filly in one arm even as the curved hook of his cane caught the back of Carmelita's belt. In the confusion, he pulled them both upward to get out by the roof.

Behind them, Seft smirked. "Cooper? Well now, this will be interesting after all..."

As he raced away with them in tow, Sly did his best not to be distracted by Carmelita's curves pressing against his back as he leapt around the temporary buildings, heading out of the base towards the Gang's temporary hideout. "Seems you were in a bit of a sticky situation, Inspector," he offered teasingly. "In over your head?"

"If you're expecting a thank you, don't hold your breath," Carmelita scolded irritably. "How's the girl?"

Realizing that was a valid question, Sly looked down at the filly in his arms. She seemed to be unhurt, and was looking up at him nervously. "What's your name little one?" he asked softly.

"Coco," the filly offered softly, her voice high pitched and showing just how young she was. "Coco Pommel." Sly estimated her being maybe four years old, maturity wise. Her next words confirmed that suspicion. "Are...are you my Mommy and Daddy?"

Carmelita started to open her mouth, but Sly quickly responded, "Yes."

"What?" Carmelita demanded angrily.

"Do you want her screaming about strangers?" Sly hissed back.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Coco called out happily, doing her best to hug both of them. Sly looked startled. Carmelita looked torn between pissed and consoling. As angry as she was with Sly, she obviously couldn't bring herself to upset a child so young.

Yeah...probably not the best beginnings to a 'happy family', but it did what it was supposed to. Of course, it wasn't over then. Seft was not one who took being thwarted lightly...and when his plans were revealed...well, I'll save that for next time.

Author's Note:

Looked it up, and yes, apparently Sly was only 18 in Thievius Raccoonus...and 21 in "Honor Among Thieves".

Carmelita, as it happens, was 21 in Thievius Raccoonus, making her only three years older than Sly. Interesting, huh?

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