• Published 26th Mar 2016
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Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 2: Discord - Jeweled Pen

The new Avatar has defeated her greatest foe, but now she finds a new journey before her. Can she find out what happened to the previous Avatar, Twilight?

  • ...

Chapter 9: Rainbow

Rainbow hummed, while laying on her back with her eyes closed. It had been a while since Prism and Ironwing had finished their story, leaving the mare in quiet contemplation. Finally, she gave a soft sigh. “So the Avatar is missing two of her elements?”

“Yup,” Prism said softly.

“No idea where they are, but hoping that finding out what happened to Twilight will give some hint, or at least help the Avatar get stronger?”

“That about sums it up,” Ironwing said with a nod.

“Well... this is a nice little mess you've all ended up in,” she said before flapping her wings and going into the air. “I guess there's nothing more to say for it. I think I'd better meet this Avatar. Is she really as bad as you say?”

“Not anymore,” Prism added quickly. “She used to be horrible, but now... she has really matured. I'm beginning to see why she was chosen. Meadowbrook was a tough foe, but she really helped the Avatar come into her own.”

“Yeah, the right enemy can do that for a pony. Interesting little trick she had there, stealing a pony's cutie mark. Vicious little ability. So, where's the Avatar now?”

“Probably on the air ship. I can take you, if you like?” Prism offered.

“Okay. Race you!” Rainbow yelled, before taking off like a bolt.

Prism blinked, then took off after her. “Hey! You don't even know where it is!”

“That'll make it all the better when I beat you!” the pegasus yelled back.

Ironwing sighed and face hoofed, before getting to his hooves and racing after them.


Diamond stared at the ramp onto the ship. Just the thought of it made her stomach want to turn.

“Come on, Diamond,” Silver said with a comforting smile. “You're better now, it'll be fine.”

“But what if the potion didn't work? What if once we take off again I start... all over again?”

“It's fine. I've seen that potion used dozens of time. You'll be okay, I promise,” the mare said before giving her a pat on the back. “Besides, the ship is barely moving now. If you get on, it'll give your stomach more time to adapt.”

The alicorn nodded and stared. It was true, she knew it was true. She still didn't want to have to go up there. “Can't we just... wait for everyone else to get back before boarding? It might not be... safe, with so few of us.”

“Avatar, if you are so frightened we cannot force you,” Luna said calmly. “But do remember, if we are forced to walk, the dangers of the trip will be greatly amplified. Somepony could very well die in such a situation.”

Diamond nodded slowly, though the frown never left her face. Gingerly, she stepped forward and began to walk up the platform, step by step making her way into the vessel. A light shudder went through her body, but she did her best to ignore it.

The ship moved slightly from side to side and memories of being bent over the trash can filled her mind, but she did her best to ignore them. Her stomach felt slightly uneasy, but not nearly as uneasy as it had last time. In fact, it was likely just the nerves of being on the ship. “Okay, I'm in.”

“In the door, come on,” Acrylic said before grabbing her tail and yanking her inside. “We'll go and drop you off in the infirmary just in case. You'll be fine. Worse comes to worse, you can take another little potion of theirs and sleep the whole way there.”

Diamond nodded, though she couldn't help giving a slight whimper as she tried to follow after him. Her stomach didn't feel any worse, at least, just the small bit of unease. In fact, she was pretty sure if she needed to, she could eat something. Though the idea of food right now made her so nervous she wanted to run.

She stepped into the infirmary and climbed into the bed, laying down and taking a slow, deep breath. “How do you feel?” Silver asked softly.

“Better, honestly. I'm... sorry for putting all of you through this. I never meant to--”

“We know,” Acrylic said with a smile. “Besides, it's not your fault.”

“Yeah. It's mine. If I'd known you were... this, I could have tried to fix it, some how,” Silver said, hanging her head. “Maybe I could have--”

“It's not your fault, Silver,” Diamond said quickly. “There is no possible way you could have known. It'll be fine. Worse comes to worse, I'll just take some more of that potion and sleep the whole way there. It beats throwing up all over the place.”

Silver nodded. “Right. Sorry. I just... sorry.”

Diamond closed her eyes and laid back, taking a soft breath. “I really don't feel bad now, either. A bit nervous, but nothing severe. So it's fine.” She reached down and rubbed her stomach. “Though I'm a little worried about when we leave...”

“It'll be fine,” Acrylic said with a nod. “As long as you're unconscious, shouldn't be any issues. Do you want to get some rest?”

“Please,” she muttered.

The ponies nodded and, one by one, walked out from the room. Once there, Button turned to Luna. “Soooo, I got you something.”

The stallion blinked and then cocked his head to the side. “Truly? There was no need for that.”

“I-I know, but, well, errr... you're my... kinda...” The earth pony blushed and shuffled in place. He then reached back and pulled out a small red and yellow circlet. “It's a uhhh... Fire Tribe tail ring. I thought... you know... I-I know your dad was from the Fire Tribes, so, ummmm...”

Luna paused for a moment, before smiling and plucking it up. “Thank you, it is delightful.” He didn't have the heart to tell the stallion he already had dozens of such things back home. He glanced to Silver. “We will be departing shortly, correct?”

“Yeah. The Fire Tribes offered us some supplies to aid in our journey, so they're still being brought on board. After that we'll probably leave. Well, assuming Prism and everypony else is back. Still have a few out there, but they should be back soon.”

“Delightful. I think I shall retire to my room with one of the books I picked up.” He walked a few steps before pausing. “Button? If you'd like, you may join me for dinner on the evening.”

Button blinked, then nodded. “Yes, I'd like, I'd like!”

Celestia quickly galloped after the prince, walking besides him and then glancing over once they were out of ear shot. “Okay, really? He is sooooo dopey. How can you like a guy like that?”

“Yes, he is very dopey. But... he has a certain charm to him.”

“You know that tail ring is just a cheap knock off, right? I don't think it's even metal, probably some cheap plastic and the symbol is all wrong.”

Luna nodded. “Indeed. But it is the thought that matters, is it not?”

Celestia shrugged. “Yeah, but when there's barely a thought in that head of his...”

“Sister, I don't complain about the consorts you spend your time with,” Luna said briskly. “However, if you wish me to bring up a few, perhaps the week you spent with Sir Goldenbeak, that pirate.”

“Fine, fine!” Celestia said with a shake of her head. “But he was a pretty cool unicorn, you know. Obsessed with griffons, but still cool.”

“Yes, yes.”


“Oh, poor thing, she looks exhausted,” Prism muttered as he looked over the sleeping Avatar. “I'm sorry, mom, but--”

“HEY! WAKE UP!” Rainbow yelled in Diamond's ear.

The alicorn shrieked and sat up, her hooves waving out frantically as she looked around for whoever was attacking her. “Ahhh! Yah! Who, what? What are you, who? You!” She pointed at Prism. “And you!” Then at Ironwing. “What are you and...” She blinked and looked to the old, blind mare. “... Your... grandma?” she asked blearily.

Rainbow blinked a few times before bursting into laughter. “Hah! Grandma, that's cute. Do I really look that old?” she asked, looking to Prism and Ironwing.

The two shared a look, before coughing into their hooves. “No comment.”

That knocked the smile off the mare's face. “I'd like to see how you look after dealing with half the junk I have. Aaaaaanyway. You must be the newest incarnation of Chickenwings. Nice to meet you, I'm Rainbow Dash.”

Diamond's eyes widened. “My name isn't Chickenwings!” she said instinctively, before pausing. “I mean... my name is Diamond Tiara. So... you're... that Rainbow Dash?”

The mare grinned, nodding. “So, you've heard of me? Master air bender? Amazing Wonderbolt? Developer of wind sight? First non-avatar to perform the sonic rainboom? One of the Elements of Harmony? Tell me, kid, which of my awesome stories have you heard?”

“Ummmm... mostly that you're the reason Ironwing and Prism keep trying to kill each other.”

The pegasus froze and turned towards those two. “Really? REALLY? You guys are at each other's necks so much that you're actually drowning out my AWESOME?”

Prism took a step back. “E-err, mom, I can explain, we--” A sudden wind blew through the air, slamming Prism and Ironwing into each other.

“I don't know what the buck I did wrong raising you,” she said with a shake of her head. “I told you a dozen times. It was my problem. My fault. You two need to let this dog lie.” She turned back to Diamond, who was now giggling into her hoof. “So, kid, tell me. Just how bad are those two?”

“They've just about killed each other a few times. Like all the time, even.”

Rainbow sighed and put a hoof to her face. “Yeah, shoulda--”

“Not like you have much room to talk,” Diamond muttered.

The pegasus froze. “Ex... cuse me?”

“I don't know the full story, only because nopony will tell me anything. But you run off after... something happens, abandon your family for years and just expect them to take that all lying down.”

Rainbow frowned. “Hey, kid, you've got no idea what you're--”

“No, I don't. Again. Because NOPONY WILL TELL ME. But I can see that it did a lot of damage. Look at those two! Or... whatever it is you do. Listen to those two. They were apparently the best of friends! Now Blaze has to hide the silverware so they don't kill each other! What the buck happened to you to make them so... like this? Is it because you're blind? Is that what happened?”

The pegasus sighed and shook her head. “Listen, kid, you don't--”

“Yes, I do. I want to know exactly what's going on. I'm stuck in the middle of this, helpless and watching. If I have to suffer through it, I want to know why.”

Rainbow sighed and shook her head. “I screwed up, okay? It cost me my husband, the lives of those under my command, and my...” She took a slow, deep breath. “It cost me a lot. It didn't cost me my sight, that was something else. Buck, I probably deserved that one. Charging in like that. But I didn't...” She shook her head. “But I was the one who screwed up. It was my fault.”

“Mom, it wasn't your fault. If Ironwing had the Shadowbolts move out when he had the chance--”

“The Shadowbolts?” Ironwing snapped, “She was a Wonderbolt problem. If you hadn't hidden what she was capable of, I would have sent more ponies after her. I--”

“Enough!” Rainbow roared. “She was my student! My mistake! There was nothing you could have done to her! The Shadowbolts didn't have a chance and Prism, if you had been there you'd have just gotten in the way. You weren't nearly strong enough to fight somepony like her.”

Diamond sighed. “And this is what happens when things go wrong and you just... run off,” the alicorn muttered, waving a hoof towards them. “Why were you hiding out like that, anyway?”

Rainbow shrugged. “I... wasn't going to be gone that long,” she muttered. “I just needed a bit of time to cool my head. A few days... turned into weeks, then months and then...” She sighed. “Listen, I just don't... I felt things and...” She shook her head again. “Listen, kid. You aren't Twilight, don't act like her. I don't have to explain myself to you.”

“Fine, then don't. But you should at least explain yourself to them,” Diamond said before pointing towards Ironwing and Prism.

Rainbow glanced towards them, before giving one last exasperated sigh. “Yeah... buck it. I should. Come on you two brats. Let's go have a nice, long talk.” She trotted out of the room, the two following behind her nervously, rubbing their heads.

Diamond collapsed back in her bed, closing her eyes as she tried to drift back into merciful sleep.


Rainbow took a slow, deep breath as she stared at the two across the table from her. As well as a blind pony could, at least. “So, you two. You guys used to be the best of friends, now you're like... this. Why?”

Both ponies looked away, their eyes towards the ground.

“You know, just because I'm blind doesn't mean I can't see,” Rainbow muttered. “Come on, you two. None of this is your fault, I was the one who just... ran. I couldn't handle what happened. Buck... honestly I still don't think I can.” She ground a hoof into the table. “Everytime I think about Blast and how hard I trained with her, how... much effort and time I put into her. How hard we...” She shook her head. “I just feel this... hatred and sadness in my core. And it was my fault.”

“Mom, it wasn't your fault. We--”

“You were a little brat and the Shadowbolts were nowhere near prepared to handle something like that. All that would have happened if you two had been quicker was more ponies would have died. Heck, I was there and even I ended up getting caught in it, almost dying. In the end, it all comes down to the mistake I made. If I had just ended her when I had the chance the first time, none of this would have happened. All those ponies would still be alive. Including your dad and...” She shook her head. “Anyway. It's not your fault. Its mine. So knock it off! This isn't the kind of friendship I taught you about. Friends don't push each other away when they need it and they most definitely don't try to hurt each other.”

“We're not friends,” Prism grumbled. “He abandoned us.”

Ironwing glared. “I abandoned you? You were the ones who--”

“ENOUGH!” Rainbow yelled. “Seriously! Let it go! Things happened, ponies got hurt and died. There was nothing you two could have done about it, buck, I should know. I was there!” She waved a hoof dismissively. She then gave a soft sigh and buried her face in her hooves. “Damn it. This is my fault too, isn't it? If I hadn't left, I just...” She sighed.

“Mom... it's not your fault,” Prism said softly.

“You've given more than anypony could ever ask you,” Ironwing said with a nod. “None of this is your fault.”

“Oh, finally, something you two can agree on. Arguing with me,” Rainbow said with a shake of her head. “Just... buck. You two. I thought you'd all be okay without me. Why would you... ugh.” She put a hoof over her eyes. “I'm sorry, okay? I just... after all that, after it... happened and I just... I just couldn't handle it. It all just added up to too much and I needed some alone time. I needed to get away. Couldn't breath and I just... ugh.”

“Mom, it's okay,” Prism said before getting to his hooves and walking over, giving her a hug. “You've given up more than anypony I know to help this world. If you needed alone time, if you needed to be alone... then that's fine. That's what you needed. Nopony could possibly blame you.”

Rainbow sighed, before giving him a light shove off her. “Yeah, yeah. Bucking... I've been spending too long moping around anyway. Ugh. Twenty, thirty years ago I would have pounded myself into the ground for this. Turning into a big whiner... well, buck it. I've been out of the game too long anyway. What're you all doing again? Trying to find out what happened to Twilight? I'm in.”

Prism paused. “Err... what? But, mom, you... errr...”

“If you say I'm too old, I can and will dangle you off this ship.”

“N-no! I just, I mean, it's... err... its been...” The stallion coughed. “T-that sounds... wonderful.”

“Good. How about you, Ironwing? Got any objection?”

“Of course not,” the stallion said quickly, shaking his head. “I know better than that.”

“See? You two are pretty smart kids. You're going to make up on this trip, too. One way... or another.”

The two shared nervous looks, gulping.


Silver hummed as she laid in her bed, staring up at the roof. She'd never have imagined the Avatar would have such a simple weakness. 'Air sickness? How does a flying pony get air sickness? She'll be the laughing stock of the Avatar line!'

She glanced towards the safe in her room, locked and hidden behind a portrait of her. 'If I unleashed one of the spirit marks now, it would be simple. I could capture her and make her do what I want. Fire would be the obvious choice. But that might tip my hooves too soon,' she thought to herself. 'Slow and steady. There's no telling what I'll need her for later. The old Avatar was clever. There are any number of traps I might need Diamond for.' She sighed and stared up at the roof. 'Besides, the potion should help. If I really, really need her to be sick again, I can just... do something. Find a way to neutralize that. There's no harm in letting her be okay for now.'

'Is there?'

She rolled over onto her side, grumbling lightly to herself. She blinked as she heard a loud alarm go off through the intercoms. “Well, looks like everypony is back on board. Time to get back to work,” she mumbled to herself before sliding off the bed and trotting towards the door.