• Published 26th Mar 2016
  • 1,484 Views, 52 Comments

Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 2: Discord - Jeweled Pen

The new Avatar has defeated her greatest foe, but now she finds a new journey before her. Can she find out what happened to the previous Avatar, Twilight?

  • ...

Chapter 26: Return trip

“It's finished!” Alicity finally said to the ponies he'd called, standing tall and motioning his hooves towards the small boats. “Judging by our speed and distance we'll need to travel, it'll only take a few days to get to the border. Once we get to the Fire Tribes, I can gather a few more ships and begin working on setting up communications and travel between here and the two. It won't be hard, but we'll need a guide who can get us here to--”

“I'll do it,” Sunset said, drawing all of their eyes to her.

“What?” Diamond asked, her mouth falling open. “I thought... you were set on training me?”

“I... am, eventually,” the mare said softly, before looking away. “But I just...” She took a slow, deep breath. “This shouldn't take long and I need some time to clear my head. Meeting and aiding the Fire Tribes and my village in communications should be helpful. It's... something my mother would have wanted. Besides, you've got your connection with my mother now, amongst... other aid,” she said before glancing over. “And I am unable to enter the Spirit World away from the portal. I'll be useless to you out of here. When all this is finished, I'll join with you.”

“Perfect!” Alicity said with a nod. “That'll make things a bit easier.” He glanced to Daring and Sunset. “Once we're near the border, we can split into two separate groups. I'll take Sunset and two of the ships to head south to Manehatten. Avatar, you can head south-west to Harmony.”

“Assuming we can even make it to the boundary in one piece,” Diamond muttered.

“Hah, you worry too much! These are my inventions!” Alicity said proudly. “Even if things go wrong, the chances of us all dying are only twenty-two percent!”

“...” The alicorn face hoofed. “Delightful.”

“We'll be leaving tomorrow morning then, everypony,” Silver called out, smiling. “I'll set about on deciding who's going home. We'll be taking needed staff for this first trip, along with those who need to return to Harmony, with the Avatar. Everypony, make sure you get a lot of rest, for tomorrow is going to be an interesting day.”


Button gulped and nervously leaned forward, lifting up his cup in his hooves and taking a small drink. No matter how much water he had, he couldn't seem to stop his mouth from getting dry. He nervously smiled at Luna. “So... I uhhh... how have you been?”

“I have been well,” the prince said, giving him the smallest of smiles. “But I take it there is more you wish to talk about than that?” He then sighed. “Is... this about the end of our journey coming upon us?”

“Yes. No. I...” Button sighed and then poked his hooves together. “I... I owe you... an explanation. And an apology.”

The stallion blinked, sighing. “Ah. I see.”


“This is... about my royal lineage, right?”

Button just stared.

“If you were only interested at first due to my... relationships and status in the Water Nation, I understand. Even so, the fact you were willing to risk your life and nearly die for me... shows you do care. Quite a bit.”

Button giggled, shaking his head. “Nahhhhh. I asked you out because you were really hot and I didn't think you'd give me the time of day, but then you did and I kind of--” He blinked and blushed, his cheeks burning. “But... I uhhh... your royalty had nothing to do with it. With any of it. I swear.” He lowered his eyes. “Luna... I just... I...”

Luna cocked his head to the side. “Yes, Dear Button? Whatever is the matter?”

“I... really don't deserve to be called dear. Listen. When I first started dating you... I thought... I...”

“What's wrong?”

Button took a slow, deep breath. “I thought you were a mare and I'm really sorry!”

The prince blinked a few times, before lifting up a hoof and snickering into it. “Truly? I hardly find that offensive. You would hardly be the first to make that mistake.”

“I... thought you were one up until a few days ago.”

The snickers stopped. “You... mean after... the Smooze incident?”

“What? No, no no. Before that. Like, right before that, actually. I just...” He sighed again.

“How? Dear Button, you must be one of the most inattentive--” Luna froze. “Wait a moment. Do you mean to tell me you are not... interested in one such as I, then?”

Button gulped, poking his hooves together shyly. “I... I don't... know. I mean, I-I like mares. I know I like mares. I never thought I liked stallions before. But... I just... you're... different. When I'm with you, when I think about you, I feel happy. If I'd known you were a stallion from the get go, I never would have flirted. But now... now I don't know what I think. I...”

“Why are you telling me this?” Luna asked, his voice turning cold.

“I... didn't want to lie to you. You deserved to... you deserve the truth,” he said gently, closing his eyes. “I know it would be easier if I just... kept it to myself. But I don't know what I'm thinking any more. I don't know what I'm doing. I just know... I do like you. I know I definitely like you.”

“But you don't know if there is truly any future for our relationship?”

Button slowly nodded. “I'm sorry. I wish I... could tell you I had this all figured out. I-I'm trying, but I don't want to... hurt you.”

Luna sighed and glanced to the side. “I do not know what you wish for me to say.” A little red came to his cheeks. “I... do like you, Button. But if there is no future for us, it is best that this ends now.”


“Don't,” the prince said, raising a hoof. “Perhaps in... the future. When you decide what it is that you want, there will be a future for us. A real future. But... for now, our time together was bound to fade anyway. Let us let it end like... this. Mutually.” He got to his hooves. “Goodbye, Button.”

The earth pony stared down at his plate, sighing softly as he heard the stallion walk off. “This is for the best, isn't it?” he asked himself. “I... I don't like stallions... do I? I thought I...” He groaned and reached for his cup of water, trying to take a drink. It slid down the glass, a solid block of ice, hitting him in the face. “Ow!” he squeaked, putting it down and holding his mouth. He then groaned and face tabled. “Guhhhhhhh. Why are relationships so harrrrrrrd?”


Celestia glanced up as the tent flap opened. “Hey, Luna. What's--” She paused when she saw the stallion's face. It was completely blank and emotionless. “Heyyyyy. What's wrong?”

“Nothing,” he said coldly, before walking to his cot and plopping down on it.

“Come onnnnn. You can tell me. Did Button do something stupid?”

“No. I... broke up with him.”

The mare blinked a few times, before looking down at him. “You... what?”

“I... broke up with him.”

“What? Why? What could possibly possess you to do that? You were happy with him! Sorta. Buck, you were being snippy to our grandma about him. Just today, even. Why would you break up?”

“It was... bound to happen, anyway. Our relationship would never truly be approved by the Water Nation. He is an earth pony and I--”

“Oh, don't you give me that buck,” Celestia said with a shake of her head. “Those ponies can go suck an egg for all either of us care. Come on, tell me what it is. What really happened?”

Luna closed her eyes. “He was going to break up with me, anyway. I could see the signs. I merely... beat him to it.”

“Why would you say he was going to break up with you?”

“He... told me...” Luna poked his hooves together and then rolled onto his side. “He doesn't like stallions. He thought I was a mare.”

Celestia blinked a few more times, then cocked her head to the side. “... Wait, really? He told you he didn't... I'm going to kill him,” she said with a growl, turning around and storming towards the door. She let out a yelp when her tail was grabbed.

“N-no,” Luna said softly, shaking his head. “He... just... he said he didn't know what he liked. He didn't think he liked stallions, but he said he liked me and he just... it was in the cards. He was going to break up with me when he finally realized it and just...”

Celestia blinked a few more times, before face hoofing. “So... he likes both stallions and mares, but he thought he only liked mares? You broke up with him because of that?”

“No. Yes. I don't know!” Luna said, shaking his head. “I am a prince, he is a... pony from Harmony. There are no alliances to be won, I just--”

“Don't even try that royal duty with me,” the mare said before trotting over and sitting by him. “Luna... come on, what's bothering you. Really? There's more to it than that, isn't there?”

“... I do like him. I... like him a lot,” Luna said gently, poking his cot with his hoof. “What if... what if I start to like him even more?”

“So? You're dating and--”

“And then he decides he doesn't like me after all?”

Celestia sighed. “How... long has he known?”

“He says he found out just before the... Smooze incident.”

The mare cocked her head to the side. “So he knew, and he still jumped into the Smooze after you? It sure sounds like he likes you.”

“For now. But what happens when a mare appears he likes more?”

“We hide the body, obviously.”

“Sister!” Luna snapped, sitting up, his face bright red.

“I'm kidding of course! Come on,” Celestia said, reaching out and patting his shoulder. “Don't write him off like that, though. You seem pretty happy with him and he's definitely happy with you. He nearly got himself killed trying to save you.”

Luna groaned, collapsing on the bed and hugging his pillow to his chest. “I know. I know. I want to but...” He glanced down. “What if he tries to leave me for... you or Colgate?”

“... Then we hide HIS body,” Celestia said dead pan. “That's not going to happen. He likes you, he's just confused. It happens to all of us.”

“It didn't happen to me.”

“Well, aren't you the lucky one?” she said flatly. “Don't let a good thing go just because he's confused. Do you really think he'll dump you?”

Luna sighed and buried his head in the pillow. “Tomorrow we're leaving, and--”

“And you'll only have a few more days with him before we return home. Then it'll probably be months before you can see him again. Do you really want to waste that time fretting about what might happen?”

“Noooooo,” came a muffled answer.

“Then I think you should go talk to him again.”

“I don't want tooooo...”

“Then I will,” Celestia said, getting to her hooves, before letting out a yipe when she was pulled back by her tail.

“Tomorrow,” Luna said with a shake of his head. “We... can talk tomorrow. I just... right now I just want to sleep...”

The mare eyed him for a moment before sighing. “Fine. But tomorrow, you better talk to him or I will. And trust me, I won't hold back any punches.”

“You never do...”


Diamond glanced up after hearing a light few smacks against the side of her tent. “Yeah?”

“Hey uhhhh... it's me. Daring. You mind if we talk?”

“Huh? Oh! Come on in, it's not locked! Not... even sure it can be!”

The tent flap opened and Daring stepped inside. The mare looked off to the side, nervously. “Hey. I uhhh... I wanted to... talk with you. If that's okay. I mean, I know that...”

“It's fine, I won't be sleeping for a bit anyway. What's wrong?”

“Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to talk with you and ask about...” The pegasus nudged the ground with her hoof. “I mean, I just... okay! So you talked with my mom, right? I mean, you were talking with her?”

Diamond cocked her head to the side. “Yeah? After I got her out of the Smooze, she was just fine.” A smile spread across her lips. “Ohhh, I see. It's like I told you. She said she was proud of you.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know. I just... it's silly, I know. Kind of... stupid. But I just...” She sighed and rubbed her head. “I just... I need to know, you know? It won't change anything. I don't know if she'll want to talk about it. But I have to know.”

The alicorn blinked a few more times, just looking confused. “What? Know what?”

“How... how did my mom die? I need to... I need to know. I just...”

Diamond froze. “Daring. I don't think that's--”

“I know, I know! It's not... really important. She's dead. She's gone. Nothing can change that. But... I just... I mean, if your mom died and you just...”

Diamond's eyes lowered. “My... uhhh... my mom is dead.”

“O-oh. I... I'm sorry... how...?”

“I don't know. Dad doesn't really... like to talk about it. But I never really knew her. She died when I was... young. Really young. I can't even really remember her and--” She closed her eyes and shook her head. “No, it's fine. I understand. If it'll help bring you peace, I'll try, okay? Just uhhh... it might take a bit. I'll try tonight, but I probably won't have anything until tomorrow. Promise to try and get some sleep?”

Daring nodded. “Of course.”

“Okay. Then I'll try my best.”

“Thank you, Diamond,” Daring said before turning and walking out of the tent.

Diamond sighed and sat up. “Well, not like I have anything better to do,” she muttered to herself. “Silver is getting everything organized, so I just need to lay here and wait, I guess.” She closed her eyes and took slow, deep breaths. She blushed and slowly started trying some of Celestia's advice, gently swaying her body from side to side, just enough she wasn't sure if she could feel it, or if she was imagining it.


Diamond opened her eyes, once again in the dark void. She took a deep breath and looked around. “Twilight? Are you here?”

“That was quick,” the purple alicorn said, appearing in front of her. However, she didn't look nearly as solid, her body almost see thru and occasionally parts of it disappearing entirely.

“What happened?”

“Our connection is no longer as--” She disappeared and reappeared a moment later. “-as once was. It can be difficult without much time between. Please, tell me what it is you need, quickly.”

Diamond took a deep breath. “I need to know how you died.”

Twilight blinked. “Diamond, that--”

“It's not for me. It's for Daring. She... wants to know. She needs to know. She needs the closure.”

The purple alicorn froze in place, before slowly lowering her eyes. “Very--” Once again she faded. “--for Daring. It will be easier for me to show you.” The alicorn reached out, putting her hoof to Diamond's chest. After a moment, there was a small flash.


Diamond gasped and fell out of bed, her hoof over her chest as she panted with exertion. She could almost feel it, the blade of ice as it pierced her chest, moments before turning to poison and burning through her veins.

She could definitely feel the pain and confusion, the surprise. The betrayal. She had offered Trixie a way out, a way to have a life again. Yet the mare had betrayed her, cut her down under the guise of accepted friendship. She laid there on the ground, her blood pumping in her ears as she tried to calm down, but her heart was pounding too heavily for that. She finally rolled to her hooves and stepped out of the tent.

It was late, very late. The camp was all packed up and quiet for the night. There were a few ponies still working to pack up the boats, but even they were already almost done. She considered going back to her bed, crawling in. It was so late that nopony could possibly be up.

But she couldn't, her mind was going a mile a minute and she needed somepony to talk to. Daring and Sunset were out, they were a bit too close to the subject matter. So instead she went to what she realized was becoming her default choice, Silver. She trotted through the camp and reached out, knocking on the tent wall. “Silver? Are you up?”

“Hnnng?” a groggy voice asked. “Diamond, is that you?”

“Yeah. I uhhh... can we talk?”

“What time is it?” Silver asked, before giving a small yawn.

“Late, I think. Sorry, I can go if you want, I just... I need somepony to talk to.”

Silver blinked, before sighing. “Come in.”

The alicorn stepped inside and gave a small smile to the other mare. “Sorry. I just... well...”

“What is it?”

“I talked with Twilight.”

“Mmmm hmm.”

“And... well...” Diamond walked over and sat on the edge of the cot. “I just... Daring asked me to see how Twilight died. She just... wanted to know how she died.”

Silver froze, her eyes widening. “You... were able to?”

“Twilight showed me. I... think it tired her out a lot, though. But yes. I saw and...” She lowered her eyes. “Trixie. It was... Trixie.”

“How did it... happen?”

“You won't believe this. Twilight went to her. She offered to save her. She offered to HELP her! And you know what Trixie did? She stabbed her through the chest! Stabbed and poisoned her! She held out her hoof in friendship and the mare just killed her for it. Can you believe it?”

“No, I can't,” Silver muttered softly.

“I just... ugh. Is this what it's like? What if Trixie had still been alive? Would she have tried that on me?”

“I-I don't think she would have. I mean, she and Twilight had a past. A deep past.”

“I know, but she still just killed her.” She glanced to Silver. “This is what I'm going to have to do, isn't it? When the time comes, what happens when my Trixie comes around? What about Meadowbrook? If I had just... maybe I should have finished her? What if now she decides to strike? What if she tries to kill me when I offer her help?”

Silver gulped. “D-Diamond, you're not Twilight, you don't need to--”

“When the time comes, I won't be,” the alicorn said softly. “If... if I have to, I'll have to learn to strike first. To kill... enemies, I guess.” She shuddered. “I don't know if... I don't know if I want to, though.”

“Not all ponies are like Trixie, though. She was... she was different, right?”

“She said she still had Discord in her,” Diamond said with a shake of her head. “Or at least, she heard him. Could you imagine that? Hearing him of all things?” She shuddered. “I hope I never meet a pony like that.”

“What would you do, if you did?”

The alicorn shrugged. “I guess I'd have to strike first. Either... kill them or just... stop them. Somehow.” She put a hoof over her chest. “I could almost feel it. Feel the blade of ice pierce my chest. It was terrifying. Why did she have to do it? Twilight was going to help her! Was going to save her! And she just turned around and stabbed her in the heart! I could... see it. I felt it. It was all...”

“I don't... I don't know,” Silver said softly, before reaching out and patting her side. “Maybe she just... she was a bad pony. A horrible, awful pony. But... you learned, right? If the time ever comes... you'll just strike first. You need rest. You're... shaken up. Really bad. You need to just... calm down.”

Diamond nodded. “Yeah, I'll... huh? Silver? Are you okay?” She reached out and patted the earth pony on the back.

“H-huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine, just... tired,” the mare said, wiping her eyes. “You know how it is. I'm sorry you had to go through that. It seems pretty horrible.”

“It was horrible. I don't... think I want to see how any of the other Avatars died.” She sighed and leaned back. “In a few weeks, I want to try digging deeper, though. Or talk to Twilight more. Learn about my past better and all that. Well, the Avatar past.”

Silver nodded, a forced grin on her face. “That's... wonderful. It is pretty late, though. I really need to get some sleep. I think you do, too. After that... ordeal. Is there anything else you need, or is that all?”

Diamond grinned. “That's all, but if you're okay with it, I'd like to talk more. I--”

“Not tonight, please,” Silver said with a shake of her head. “I am really tired and tomorrow is going to be a busy day, okay? I just... really need some sleep.”

Diamond blinked, before nodding. “O-oh. Right. Yeah, uhh... thanks for this. For talking with me. It... really has helped.” She got back to her hooves. “So... see you in the morning?”

“Yeah, yeah. See you in the morning.”

Diamond turned and walked out, glancing back after a few moments. She couldn't help but feel she'd upset Silver somehow, though she couldn't imagine how. She hoped the mare wasn't anxious about their trip tomorrow. She still couldn't feel like going to bed, though. Her heart was still pounding and she felt horribly uneasy.


Button grumbled darkly as he pushed his breakfast around on his plate, his mind flickering back to Luna again and again. He tried to figure it out, tried to understand it, but he just couldn't. He imagined himself kissing other stallions, but that had just kinda icked him out a bit. He'd imagined dating other stallions, it had done nothing but seemed awkward. He'd seen a few stallions over the years he had noticed were attractive, but even now they didn't interest him in the slightest.

But Luna did. He wanted to snuggle and cuddle him. He wondered if it was because the prince was so feminine? Or maybe because he'd returned his advances? Or at least allowed them? And he'd hurt him for it.

But what if it was none of that? What if he just LIKED Luna, no matter what he was? But what if he didn't like stallions? He flicked a potato slice off his plate in annoyance.

“Not hungry?” Luna asked as he sat by him.

“No, just got a lot on my mind. You know, about--” He then yiped and tossed his plate into the air, the unicorn deftly catching it in his magic. “L-Luna, you're... uhhhh...”

The prince blushed and slowly lowered the plate. “I'm here. I... think we should talk.”

“Listen, about last night, I--”

“No. Let me go first,” Luna said before taking a slow, deep breath. “What you said last night it... hurt. The fact you don't... know if you liked me or not, it cut. Deeply.” He gently reached out and put a hoof on his. “But... I... don't want that to... I don't want it to end because of that. If it's going to end, I want it to end because... we just aren't good for each other. Besides, we... still don't know what's going to happen over the next few months. When I return to the Water Nation... it could be months before we can see each other again.”

Button nodded slowly. “So... what are you saying?”

Luna smiled softly to him. “I... still like you. I don't know how you feel about me, and I don't think you know either. But we have to part ways soon and... I don't want to regret it. So... I... ummm...” He gulped. “I think for now we should stay... broken up. I'll give you time. If you decide... you want to... continue our relationship, then perhaps we can. But...” He then lunged forward, grabbing his withers and pushed forward, their lips connecting. He held the kiss for a few moments before pulling back, his cheeks red. “I... hope that'll help.”

Button squeaked.

Luna gave a small smile. “But now, I think it is best we have space, Button. This voyage will be best for that.”

“Hey, Luna, Button, you two will be on the third ship, okay? We're having all the non-fliers be there,” Silver said as she trotted up.

The two blinked a few times before sharing looks. They then simultaneously face hoofed.


Diamond let out a soft sigh as slowly the boat began to rise into the air. There were only five of the ships and each one could only comfortably hold about ten ponies, so the majority of their forces were staying behind. There was just the one deck on each boat, the majority of it taken up by their supplies for the voyage.

But it would be enough to get them home. Her airship housed her, Silver, Alicity, Secretary, Luna, Celestia, Acrylic, Button, Sunset and one of the healers. The majority of their remaining forces were either pegasi or a few non-pegasi who had artificial wings.

Once the five vessels were in the air, Alicity cleared his throat. “Okay! Everypony! Flip the red switch!”

For a moment, there was a long, ominous hum as the engines sprang to life. Everypony held their breaths as they waited and watched.

Then, one by one, the barriers appeared around the ships. A long sigh of relief escaped the ponies. “And it's ready! Go! Onward!” Alicity yelled, thrusting a hoof forward.

Diamond looked around worriedly as they started to head out of the protective barrier that surrounded the small village. The five ships remained close together, ready for any dangers that would hit them. Now all that remained to be seen was if the barriers would hold against the weather.


“Oh my gosh you have got to be kidding me!” Silver yelled, glaring at the sky.

“Oh, fret not, daughter!” Alicity said proudly. “We will face this ordeal with the stiff upper lip of our family!”

Secretary sighed and shook her head. “It seems they work, at least. If they didn't, we would have been hit already, sir.”

It had been nearly a full day of travel and the weather had been passable the entire time. They'd been hit by a bit of hail and the winds made sure that the five boats had to keep a decent distance from each other, with the pegasi flying from boat to boat to make sure there weren't any problems. But not a single thunder cloud had appeared.

“What is wrong with you?” Silver yelled at the weather. “You think this is funny, don't you? Argh!” She covered her face with her hooves. “I hate this place. With every fiber of my being.”

Diamond chuckled, before glancing across at Button. “You got any threes?” Some cover had been set up near the back, allowing everypony to relax without getting hit by the sudden weather shifts.

“Nope, go fish,” he said before glancing off towards the right. Celestia and Luna were off on their lonesome, talking. The two had spent the majority of their time there, reading books and chatting amongst themselves. He then glanced a little further to the very back of the ship. Acrylic was sitting with his back against one of the crates, a magic book in front of him that he skimmed over.

“Button? You okay?” Diamond asked.

“Huh?” the earth pony asked, glancing up. “Oh, uhhh... got any threes?”

“Didn't I just ask you that?”

“What? Oh! Right, uhh... twos? You got any of those?”

“Go fish. Are you okay?”

“I'm... fine,” he muttered softly, drawing a card.

“If you wanna talk about it--”

“I don't. Your move.”

Diamond sighed and gave a nod.


A loud bell went off, waking the ponies up. The sun had been down for hours, making them groggy and confused as the bell wailed. “W-who? Wah?” Diamond asked softly.

“Pirates! There are pirates!” a voice rang out.

The alicorn stood up quickly, racing to the front of the vessel. She squeaked when the vessel came within sight, no lights on it and it was almost upon them. The five life boats were tied together in the night, to ensure they wouldn't accidentally veer off from each other. Unfortunately, it made them slower and a bigger target. It seemed nopony had noticed them until they were almost upon them.

“Buck it! Fire the cannons!” Alicity yelled.

“We haven't been hit by any lightning, there's no charge for them, sir,” Secretary said. Diamond couldn't imagine how the mare looked as prim and proper still, not a single hair out of place. Had she been awake all night?

Diamond groaned and then jumped into the air, spreading her wings and flying at the vessel. It took only a moment, but four more blurs joined her. Prism, Rainbow, Ironwing and Daring.

“I know these guys,” Daring said with a chuckle. “Redbeak. Don't worry, he's dumb as molasses and his crew ain't any better. They won't start firing unless they think they're in trouble with how small our ships are. I can start disabling them and--”

“I'll come with you,” Rainbow said quickly. “Kids, see about getting them off the boat's flanks!”

Diamond nodded, her horn blazing to life as she flew out over the top of the vessel. The flames illuminated the griffons and pegasi on board. “On it!” Diamond yelled, before sending a searing ball of flame forward and erupting it against their balloon. To her disappointment it dispersed against it. “Bucking...”

“Get them!” one of the griffon's yelled, pointing a scimitar at her. She glanced back at Ironwing and Prism.

“We'll cover you, Avatar,” Prism said quickly. “Just see about breaking that balloon! Ironwing!” he called out.

“No,” the other pegasus said.

“Come on.”

“I don't even think we can--”

“Just trust me, okay?”

“Ugh, fine! But if you screw this up, I'm going to break your wings in three places!”

“I won't!”

Diamond looked confused, then yiped as Ironwing darted in front of Prism. The air bender then kicked out with a hoof, propelling Ironwing forward like an arrow. The pegasus twisted in mid air, his hooves connecting with a few of the griffons and pegasi as he rocketed forward, sending them flailing to the ground. He flew right at the griffon with the scimitar, who took a swing. Ironwing flared out his wings, changing his trajectory and spinning around the blade, arcing himself over the griffon and onto his back. Three quick taps later and the griffon collapsed to the ground, twitching.

Prism darted forward next, sending out a burst of air as he joined his comrade.

Diamond yelped, shaking her head and looking up at the balloon. She still had a job to do. She flapped her wings and propelled herself up at it, spinning around while flames enveloped her body. She rammed into the balloon, horn first.

The balloon started to give, making her grin.

Then it bounced back, making her yipe, before sending her rocketing back to the ground. She slammed into the deck and bounced three times before coming to a skidding stop, swirls in her eyes. “Owwwww...”

A blade flashed at her head and she barely rolled to the side in time to avoid losing it. She yiped and spun, sending out a small circle of flames around her body. A few griffons had her surrounded, blades raised.

A moment later three of them were sent flying into the air by a cannonball of Ironwing. Then another three were sent flying when Prism slammed into them, sending out bursts of wind. “Avatar, what is the problem?”

“The balloon won't pop!” she said defensively. “I've been trying, but it's not--”

“Then attack the attachments for it!”

Diamond blinked and looked up. The balloon was tied to it with ropes and attached to a great wooden platform. She face hoofed. “Oh.” She flew to the air, enveloping her body in flames again as she rocketed forward. She turned and bucked as hard as she could into the wooden platform, plowing clean through it with ease. She yelped, flailing her hooves wildly as she tried to slow herself, but slammed straight into the rigging. “Eeeee!”

She hit it, squeaking softly and fighting against the ropes, before once again shrugging, and spewing fire in all directions until finally the ropes snapped, releasing her.

“Avatar, Avatar!” a voice called out, making her freeze in place while Prism hovered a few feet above her.


“We've won,” the stallion said, motioning below.

The crew were staring up at them with looks of horror, their weapons thrown at the ground. The ship had veered off heavily to the right, the balloon having lost most of its attachments now. “So they gave up? Already?” She cringed as she eyed some of the crew on the deck, strewn out and nursing plenty of bruises. Ironwing flew up towards her as well. Neither of the two had a mark on them.

“Indeed. We're letting them go to ground, then destroying the balloon. If we had the space, we'd take them with us, but we can't.”

She nodded slowly.

“So, you two still got it, then?” Rainbow asked with a grin, making Ironwing and Prism freeze.

“Mom? How long were you--”

“Most of that,” she said with a snicker. “Had to make sure you two weren't screwing anything up or getting hurt. See? I knew you two were good. You always were naturals, born to fight together,” she said with a chuckle. “Reminds me of when the two of you were kids, when you had your little... mega bolt thing, or whatever it was.”

Ironwing covered his face with a hoof. “Miss Rainbow...”

“Oh, don't you give me any of that. Come on, let's deal with these pirates. I ever tell you about Lightning Dust? Now she was a pirate. Bit rough around the edges, but...”


Diamond sighed when she finally crawled back into bed. Dealing with the pirates had been simple, if tedious. Once the ship had been grounded, they'd tried launching a surprise attack.

The fact the ship was now far away enough from their ships to not get caught in Rainbow's wind tunnels meant the attack only lasted a few seconds before they gave up. They'd tripled the night watch and were now keeping an eye out for any signs of pirates. Rainbow had joined in the night watch as well, using her air sensing to help.

Of course, that did mean they were still vulnerable. They had wonderful shields and cannons to protect themselves against the pirates and any magical attacks they may have, but without the lightning hitting them, there was no way to get the cannons to work. At least, at first.

“GAHHH DON'T DROP ME!” Celestia's voice screamed out.

Alicity had come up with the perfect solution to charge them up and right now the poor fire bender was one by one charging the ship shields, using her lightning bending. She'd have to do it a few times a day, something she was not exactly thrilled by, especially since it was being done in mid air. Still, they were suffering far less damage than they had on the way here, even if they were no where near as comfortable on such small ships.


Button coughed as he gently reached out a hoof, nudging Luna.

“I am awake,” the stallion said softly. “What do you want, Button?”

The earth pony yiped, his cheeks going red. “I just... I wanted... I mean, I-I...”


“I uhhh... I... I don't know...”

“I'm becoming startling aware of that fact.”

“No, I mean I don't... know what I want,” he muttered and poked his hooves together.

“I know. We've talked about this.”

“But... I think... I think I want... I want to... try. I uhhh...”

“Huh?” Luna asked, glancing to him.

“We still... have a few days and... I mean, it'll be a while before we can arrive at Harmony and... I uhhh...”


“If we have to separate when we get to Harmony anyway...” He took a slow, deep breath. “Can... we keep... going until then?” His face turned even brighter red. “I just mean since... I want to get to know you more. Better. I want to know all the little things about you. What you like, what you do. How ummm... you feel about... stuff. If that's okay.”

Luna stared at him intently. Then, slowly, he lifted up the side of his blanket. “Very... well. If you so desire we can... speak. Here, come out of the cold.”

The stallion smiled and slid into the covers next to him. “So, uhhh, what's your favorite flower?”


“Wait, really?”


“Oh my gosh, did you see that? I was totally awesome!” Daring said as she flew in a tight circle around Rainbow. “That griffon was all 'I'm gonna get you!' and I was all like 'Woosh, right between the legs, can't touch this!' and he was all 'Where'd you go?' and then I was all 'Ha, behind you, you over sized canary!' and then bam, straight buck to the head!”

Rainbow chuckled as she rested on one of the crates, occasionally sending out weak bursts of wind to sense around the vessels. “Yeah, you were pretty awesome.”

“You were super cool, too,” Daring said with a nod. “The way you just sent a burst of wind out and bam, slammed all those cannons back. I wish I could do that, I'd be an awesome air bender.”

The air bender shrugged. “Eh. I don't know, you're pretty awesome already. It's a shame you missed Ironwing's fighting. I did see you use a few of his strikes, though. Not bad for a FUTURE Shadowbolt, eh?” she said with a teasing smirk

“Oh yeah, he's been drilling into me. 'Dodge, always dodge!' and you know what? It's working pretty good. If they can't touch me, then bam, all I need to do is make that counter attack and I've got them toast.”

Rainbow snickered, nodding. “Pretty much.”


“Sir, I've puffed your pillow,” Secretary said before sliding it back under Acrylic's head. “Is there anything else you require?”

“Hm? No. I--” His eyes shot open and he sat up. “Secretary, take some notes!”


“I just had the most fascinating idea! What if we could set up these cannons as propulsion devices?”

“I'm... sorry?”

“Imagine,” Alicity said before putting a hoof over her shoulder while the other motioned towards the horizon. “The artificial wing technology, but on a grander scale.”

“Errr, you have, sir. Remember, it wasn't feasible?”

“Yes, yes, because the ships were too large. But what if instead of just flying on the magic in the air, we used it to help feed special cannons to propel forward?”

Secretary blinked. “I... don't know if it'll work, sir.” Her horn glowed and she lifted up her notebook and pen. “But whatever you need.”

“Wonderful! Now, see if you can find any coffee. Tonight is going to be a long one.”

She gave a soft sigh. “Of course, sir.”


Diamond gave a soft yawn as she looked out over the horizon, before quickly lowering her eyes. All five of the ships had been tied together again, due to the fierce weather. Lightning struck across the barriers, again and again, as if they were trying desperately to break them. Fortunately, they hadn't managed to have any success. The five ships had expanded their barriers out, allowing the lightning to strike across and then disperse with ease. Now that the shields were charged, it seemed the weather was trying to break them for real.

Every few seconds the cannons would go off as well, sending off great fireworks into the distance. In a way, it was quite beautiful, a marvelous sight of light and electricity.

On the other hoof, it was giving her a head ache and loud as buck. Many of the others had taken refuge under cover, dampening the sound as best they could. Those who were forced to bee out in it were wearing sun glasses and sound dampening devices over their ears. It didn't help that it was pouring ice cold rain, freezing most of them to the bone and making those on watch all the more miserable.


Diamond sipped from her canteen, wiping the sweat from her brow. It hadn't even been a day and they'd gone from fierce lightning and rain, to so sweltering and hot that she was sure she was going to drown in her own sweat. It felt like they were back in the Fire Tribe lands, the heat so bad that she was beginning to worry they'd all dry up like prunes.


Snow. So much snow.


She was boiling in her skin, she could feel it.


So much hail, she couldn't believe nothing was breaking.








The border, they were almost there. Diamond held her breath as one by one they traveled over the border. They'd done it. They'd made it across, safe and sound. All five boats had made it across without any casualties. None of them had exploded. The shields had held together, the cannons worked. Everything was going right. She looked around anxiously as the ships began to spread apart and Sunset left them to travel with Alicity and Secretary, but nothing happened. They didn't get so much as a broken hoof. Then, finally, the three remaining vessels began to make their way towards Harmony.

Their radios had unfortunately been cannibalized to make the shields, but they would probably be able to stop somewhere on the way to send a message home and let them know. The Avatar was coming home.

Author's Note:

Ah, relationships can really be confusing sometimes, can't they? I'm sure most of us have experiences in our life when we had no idea what we liked, who we liked, all that fun stuff that can just creep up and flood your mind. Still, how do you guys think about how Luna and Button handled it?

Also, don't you just HATE it when the weather trolls you? I swear the weather here is doing it now. 'Ha, weekdays are sunny and hot! Weekends? RAIN! ALL THE RAIN!' Doesn't affect me much since I haven't really had a day off in like a month, but other people? Probably annoying them a LOT.