• Published 26th Mar 2016
  • 1,491 Views, 52 Comments

Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 2: Discord - Jeweled Pen

The new Avatar has defeated her greatest foe, but now she finds a new journey before her. Can she find out what happened to the previous Avatar, Twilight?

  • ...

Chapter 2: Making plans

Diamond pulled her blankets tight around herself. Mmmm, so warm, so comfy, so--

“THE BUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” a voice yelled from downstairs, followed by the slamming of... something. Then the sound of shattered glass.

The Avatar's eyes opened. Dang. Nab. It. Again. She glanced out the window. The moon was high in the sky, it had to be past midnight. How could they be going at it again? She slowly climbed out of bed, yawned softly, and trotted down the stairs. She could already hear the two continuing their yelling fits.

“You stole my cinnamon bun!” Ironwing snapped.

The alicorn groaned.

“You stole my last box of cinnamon cubes!” Prism countered.

“I did no such thing, I wouldn't touch those... those nasty squares!”

“Don't you--”

“ENOUGH!” Diamond yelled as she slammed open the door. “Do you two have ANY idea what time it is? It's-- eep!” She recoiled at the glare she received from the two of them. If looks could kill, she'd have been a charred pool of hair and feathers. There was only one thing to do in this situation. “I'm getting Blaze!”

“Wait, no!” Prism yelped. But it was too late, she was already racing back up the stairs towards the room. She swung open the door.

Blaze was laying in her bed, a pair of earmuffs over her ears. Diamond walked over, yanked them off. The pegasus rolled over and glared. “Diamond. There better be a good reason for this. Someone better be bleeding or dying. Or they will be soon.”

“I'm going to kill your husband and friend,” the alicorn said with a growl.

Blaze face hooved. “Again? What is it about this time?”

“He started it!” two voices came from below.

“...” Blaze groaned and rolled over. “Kill them if you want. I'm tired. Don't even care.”

“I would but I don't know Ironwing's weakness.”

“He turns to the left slowly. Attack from there,” Blaze grumbled before grabbing the ear muffs and yanking them on. “Now let me get some sleep.”

Diamond grumbled and trotted back down the steps. When she made it to the kitchen, only Prism was there. “Where'd Ironwing go?”

“He ran off, the coward. Probably going to visit his mom or Styx,” Prism grumbled darkly. “You didn't need to wake her up. I had it handled.”

“You two were screaming in the dead of night. This is the exact opposite of handled,” Diamond grumbled. “Why can't you two just let it go? I get it, your mom got hurt. But it doesn't seem like--” She yiped at the glare she received. “Fine, whatever. Try to find him somewhere else to stay, or have him move out. I really don't care which,” She said before face hoofing. “The entire bucking thing is just driving me nuts.”

Prism sighed and moved to the table, sitting down. “Only a few more months, then it'll all be over. Things'll be settled, everypony will have their homes back and we can get back to living our lives.”

Diamond nodded. “Yeah, another month or two,” she said softly, sitting down across from him. She stared for a moment. “Prism?”


“I've been... thinking. My training has been going pretty well, right?”

“I'd suppose so. You still have a long way to go before your wings are ready, but you're picking up air bending at an astounding pace for a pony who couldn't even do the basics.”

She nodded. “Exactly. And you know I've been having trouble with... well, with everything. I mean... the spirit world.” She took a deep breath. “Connecting to my past lives. Connecting to Twilight. I think... I mean... I've browsed through some of the books she left behind. All the notes, the information. The mare was a massive book worm, by the way. But there are just...” She shuffled her hooves a little. “I want to... I want to go where she went.”

“I'm sorry?”

“The Badlands. I want to travel to the Badlands, find out what happened to her. I--”

“You are not going to the Badlands alone!” he snapped, his wings going up in an aggressive stance.

Diamond flushed and shook her head. “N-no! Of course not! I just... I thought I could go with my friends. Maybe... get some help. Find out what happened to her.”

There was a momentary pause, before Prism nodded. “Oh. Well, I suppose that wouldn't be so bad. I'd suggest talking with Zecora about getting a guide. Or maybe Styx.”

She blinked and smiled. “So... you're not mad?”

He shook his head. “Why would I be mad? If you wish to learn more about Twilight, I have no objections. So long as you do it safely and tell us your plans. That's the important thing. You're important, but your connection to your past lives is one of your greatest strengths. If you feel that visiting that site will make it stronger, who am I to object?”

She grinned up at him. “Really? I thought you'd be furious!”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Why? As strange as the Badlands are, it's hardly a suicide mission. As long as you keep up your training, I see no problems with it. And if it makes you stronger, that's good. You need that.”

She nodded and smiled up at him. She couldn't believe it. She could actually do this.


Diamond frowned as she stared at the small letter on the breakfast table.

“Are you going to open it?” Prism asked.

“Yeah, of course. Just... working up to it,” the mare mumbled.

It was from her father. The father she had accidentally completely forgot to send any notes, letters, packages or messages to since she'd arrived in the city. It wasn't that she hadn't wanted to, but things had gotten a bit hectic and out of control. Then by the time she thought about it, she felt so guilty she kept pushing it off. Besides, she knew her aunt, Sassy, was sending messages back home about her. So it wasn't that she NEEDED to send him some.

But then things had gotten out of control and worse and worse. The mail had been delayed and this was the sixth letter she'd received this week(though the first five had been delivered late). This one was new. Almost brand new. Had arrived apparently only a few days prior.

“It's just a letter from home. It'll be fine,” he said with a chuckle.

“It's been months since I've talked with daddy. Sent him anything. It...” She took a deep breath. “It feels like it's been years since I've seen him. I've changed so much. What if he's changed a lot? What if he doesn't... approve of me like this?”

“Have you told him what's been going on?”

She fidgeted slightly in her seat. “I'm... sure my aunt has...”

Prism face hoofed. "I thought you were going to write him a letter?"

"I... was. I started one a... few times. A dozen times. But it just never... felt right. And I was so busy and I know my aunt was going to write him..."

“When's the last time you talked with Sassy?”

She fidgeted a little more. “W-well... I... saw her... the day we were celebrating the defeat of Meadowbrook.”

The pegasus groaned. “And... since then?”



“I-I've been busy! There's so much going on! I-I've seen her, sometimes. She's with the council a lot, too. So I know she's busy also. I just haven't... talked directly with her. Or to her. Or much of... we've both been very busy and I'm a horrible daughter and niece aren't I?”

He took a slow, deep breath. “Read your letter. Then go see your aunt. And write a letter home. I'm sure they'll both be... disappointed in you. But in the end, you're family. They aren't going to hate you. Buck, at this point they'll probably be so happy to hear from you they won't even care that it's taken so long.”

She groaned, but gave a nod. Slowly she peeled open the envelope and pulled out the letter. She paled and whimpered. “O-oh no.”

“What is it?” he asked, frowning.

“Daddy... he's here! In the city! He wants to... he wants to check up on my training!” she said, her voice filled with horror.

The pegasus stared at her, unamused. “So?”

“So? Daddy is here! He's going to see my wings and... and realize it took me forever to learn air bending!”

The stallion gave a soft sigh. “Diamond... just go.” He then blinked. “Wait, you're only NOW figuring out he's here? Why hasn't Sassy tried to contact you?”

The alicorn shuffled in place, her eyes lowering.

“Avatar... why are you avoiding your family?”

“I'm... not. I've just been so busy and just...” She slowly put the letter down. “I... I don't think I should go. I mean, there's a lot to do still, training and--”

“Diamond,” he said firmly, making her stand at attention. “What is it? Tell me. Now.”

She chewed on her lower lip. “I don't... want him to see me as a failure...”

Prism blinked a few times before softly chuckling. “Oh Diamond, how could anypony see you as a failure? In the short time I've known you, you've matured incredibly well. You've developed your air bending to great heights, helped save the city from destruction under Meadowbrook's hooves--”

“Managed to lose most of my cutie mark, alienate almost everypony who tried to help me, ruined so many lives, did nothing to help stop this civil war, cost one of my new friends her cutie mark, broke--”

“Most of that isn't your fault,” Prism said firmly. “And those that were, you've fixed. You've changed, Diamond. For the better. You've matured, gotten smarter, wiser, more tolerable. You're a pleasure to be around at times and, frankly, a much better mare than you were when we first met. I remember the first week we were together. There was a lot of talk of just dropping you off a cloud.”

She frowned. “You wouldn't have, would you?”

“As tempting as it was, I wouldn't. But I honestly at the time thought you were beyond redemption. That a pony like you would never be the Avatar, would only cause problems. I am happy to say, I was wrong. In a very short time you grew. You learned to show empathy to those around you, helped those in need, cut down on your arrogance and... just about every way possible you became more of the Avatar you needed to be. The kind of Avatar we needed for our world. At a time we needed you most.”

Diamond groaned. “To be fair, that was mostly Twilight. I needed her and she just... poofed, right there. I wonder if she'll...” She shook her head and smiled. “You're right. I know you're right. My dad'll be over joyed to see me. After all, I am the Avatar. Even if I'm not the most important thing in the world anymore, I know to him I always will be,” she said with a soft chuckle, before looking down at the letter. “Want to uhhh... come with me?”

He chuckled and shook his head. “I think it would be best if you went on your own, Avatar. Talk with your family, re-open those bridges. After all, it's never too late.” He then frowned. “Or rather... it's best to do it before it is too late.”

She nodded and slowly got to her hooves. “Right, you're right. I know you're right. Wish me luck,” she said before walking off. She then paused, galloped around the table and gave him a hug. “Thank you.”

He hugged her back, smiling. “Of course, Avatar. That is why I'm here.”

She pulled back, before galloping off. She could do this. She was... sixty percent sure.


Acrylic took a slow, deep breath as he let the water swirl around himself. It spun and shaped itself to his needs, creating a vivid tapestry of water, the streams mixing together, yet managing to remain separate all the same.

“I'll never understand why you try working on things like that,” Vinyl said, making him jump. He dropped the water over himself and turned back.

“Mom? What are you doing home?”

“Council business was done early today, for once,” she said with a smile. “I figured you'd be with Button. That some new pro-bending training?”

He shook his head. “No. He was... busy. I needed to just...” He scuffed the ground with his hoof. “It's... control practice.”

Vinyl nodded and walked over, gently brushing his mane out of his eyes before stomping a hoof down, sending the water scattering off him. “Control practice?”

He nodded slowly. “Y-yeah. I wanted... I need to develop my control more.”

“Mmmmm hmmm. This isn't because Button has suddenly been rocking your world, has it?” the mare asked with a grin. “Octavia has been gushing about him to just about everypony.”

Acrylic blushed. “W-what? She...” He then frowned. “She hasn't, has she?”

“Well, no. She said like, three words,” Vinyl said with a dismissive wave of her hoof. “But for her, that was practically jumping up and down with excitement. Doesn't look like it'll be much good for pro-bending, though.”

He nodded and glanced down at the water. “I... think we might... not be entering the pro-bending league next year.”

Vinyl paused, her eyes widening slightly. “Why not? The Fighting Notes were amazing! You three made it all the way to the finals!”

He nodded and gave a little sigh. “We did. And... I think we could have won, maybe. But...” He chewed in his lip and looked down at the water surrounding him. “Bending and... pro-bending aren't the same, are they?”

“Oh?” Vinyl asked with a grin. “You aren't saying my pro-bending wasn't good, are you? Just because I'm old and a little creaky in some places doesn't mean I can't still whoop your flank, hon.”

He shook his head, cheeks flaming. “NO! I'd never say that!” he said firmly, waving his hoof frantically. “I just...” He gave another soft sigh. “Mom I... I want to become one of the Moon Raisers.”

Her eyes lit up. “That's wonderful, I can--”

“No! Not like that!”

She blinked and cocked her head to the side.

“I want to earn it. Really earn it. I... want to become a better bender. A real bender. A fighter. Not just... a pro. When the fighting happened, when it was time to face all those ponies, I did okay. But that was it. Just okay. As much as I hate to say it, there were a lot of times when Button was saving my flank. Practically carrying our little team. He's gotten a lot better and... I think I've been standing still.”

“Acrylic, don't--”

“No, I mean it mom. I've got a long way to go. I still have so much to learn, so much training I need to do. My control isn't nearly as good as it could be, I still have trouble when I shift from water to ice. Don't even get me started on my mist bending. And I think it's time I focused on all of my bending, not just my water bending.”

She snickered, before reaching out and ruffling his mane. “Well, fine. You go and do that. To be honest, your ice bending is pretty lame.”

He cringed.

“But that doesn't mean you can't ask for help. To be honest, I used to not be that good a bender. Well, a horrible mist bender, at least. My ice bending was amazing, though,” she said proudly. “Probably the only reason Nightmare Moon wasn't too keen on fighting me.”

Acrylic blinked a few times. “What? But you were the... you lead the Water Nation's army!”

“So? That didn't mean I was a good bender,” Vinyl said with a snicker. “In the Water Nation back then, it was all about politics. It didn't matter how good you were, it mattered how good OTHERS thought you were. Most ponies thought I was two or three times better than I really was. That's the only reason I got away with half the stuff I pulled.” She grinned and gave a soft sigh. “But some ponies were just... better at that game.”


“Oh buck yeah. Now there was a mare who knew how to play the system. To tell you the truth, it wouldn't have surprised me one bit if she'd eventually managed to oust Nightmare Moon. Well, I guess she kind of did. But I mean without using Discord and everything,” Vinyl said with another chuckle. “But my point is, keep practicing, keep learning, do whatever you need to do. But don't expect to be the best there ever was. Nopony is. Buck, even the Avatar isn't the best half the time. She sure knew how to surround herself with some of the best, though.”

He chuckled, nodding. “Yeah. I guess the old Avatar was something special. She surrounded herself with princesses, creators of new styles, all kinds of powerful ponies.”

“And this new one has you and Button,” Vinyl said with a wide grin. “A fair trade, if you ask me.”

Acrylic rolled his eyes. “Moooooom.”

She reached out and grabbed him by the head, putting him in a quick headlock. “On that note! You've been hanging out with a nice, pretty mare lately. Are grandkids in the future?”

Acrylic's cheeks turned bright red. “MOM!”


Diamond took a slow, deep breath as she reached out and knocked on the door. It only took a few moments before it was opened. She gaped for a moment.

Her aunt lived in a rather nice building, multiple floors with dozens of rooms. Last time she had been here the place had almost been empty, aside from a few servants. Now it seemed almost packed. Little foals were set out on the ground, playing with toys and making a general mess of the area. Down the hall she could see a few ponies talking besides a... haphazardly glued back together statue. She could hear yelling from down the hall on the right and a few ponies disappeared up the stairs.

“I... I'm here to see Sassy Saddles. A-and my father, Filthy Rich,” she said weakly as she stared.

“Ah, young Avatar,” the pony holding the door said with a smile. “She is currently having tea in the study, if you'd follow me.” He turned and walked through the halls. She followed behind, struggling to avoid stepping on anything or anypony. As she walked by the other rooms, she could see they were packed with ponies as well. Most of the portraits and decorations throughout the house had been removed, leaving plenty of empty places for ponies to crash. She couldn't help but note all the sleeping bags as well. The pony led her to the study and pushed open the door, making Diamond gape.

Her aunt was sitting behind her desk in the room. As was just about every valuable thing the mare had. The portraits were stacked up against the wall, silverware was bundled up in front of it and plenty of little sculptures and vases were on the opposite side. Sassy looked annoyed as she glanced up, but it evaporated the moment she saw Diamond. “Ah! Diamond! You've come!”

Diamond opened her mouth, but the words died when she saw her father, sitting on the side. The stallion got to his hooves and quickly galloped forward, reaching out and hugging her tightly. “Oh my little girl!” he said softly, hugging her so tight she couldn't breath. “I am so, so, so sorry. I knew I shouldn't have let them take you. Oh, this is all my fault.”

“D-daddy,” she said weakly, trying to push him off. “C-can't... breathe...”

He eeped and pulled back, but didn't fully let her go. “I'm sorry. Oh, darling, are you okay? I heard everything! The disaster, the trouble, the fighting. You've had to be through so much.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You poor, poor little angel. Don't you worry, daddy is going to take care of everything.”

“Err... h-hi daddy,” she said softly, a bit overwhelmed. “I uhhh... wait, what?”

He smiled down at her. “Yes. After the recent events I've talked with the empress. She has agreed to let me take you away from here, to--”

“No!” Diamond said quickly, startling the stallion and allowing her to pull away. “I'm not leavi... well, okay, I might be. But not because I'm going home or somewhere safe. Just...” She took a deep breath. “Daddy, I like being the Avatar.”

He stared for a few moments, before nodding. “Of course you do. Darling, you are the Avatar, the most important pony in the--”

“No, I'm not!” she said firmly, stomping a hoof down. She took a slow, deep breath, before staring at him straight in the eyes. “Daddy... things have changed. Things have changed a lot. I'm not the same as I once was.”

“Ex... cuse me?” he asked softly. “What do you mean?”

“All those things you taught me? About how I was the best? The greatest? How ponies would admire me? That...” She closed her eyes. “That I was better than them? They were wrong. In the last few months here I've learned so, so much. More than anything, I've learned how weak I am and how long I have to go.”

“What? Diamond, that's not true. You're the--”

“I'm not!” she said firmly, stomping a hoof down. “Do you... know what it's been like? When I got here, I thought I was the most important, powerful thing in the world. I've gotten my flank kicked more times than I can count, pissed off more ponies than I knew existed and, to top it all off, gotten my friends hurt. But... I've also learned. I've adapted. I have a long, long way to go, daddy. But here I can make it as the Avatar. It's hard work and it'll take a long time, but I'm making my way through, one day at a time. And daddy, there's still so much for me to do. So much for me to learn. In the last month alone I've learned so much about Twilight I feel I could almost write a book about her! The moon knows she wrote at least a dozen herself. And there's still so much more for me to learn. More importantly, there might be other threats out there. Other... dangers. Things I need to protect ponies from. Things ONLY I can protect them from. And I can't do that if I'm hiding away back home with my tail between my legs.”

Filthy stared at her, his mouth falling open. “D-Diamond... I...”

“I'm... I'm thinking of going to the Badlands.”

“WHAT?!” he roared. Sassy stood up from her chair, looking ready to leap the desk.

“I want to know what happened to Twilight, where she went. More importantly, I want to... strengthen the connection between me and her. I need my past lives.”

“You do not! Dear, you're the Avatar, you don't need anypony. You most definitely don't need some old fool who got herself killed going--”

“She was not a fool!” Diamond snapped, stomping her hoof down. “Trust me, I KNOW. I've felt her. Had her inside me! She was... amazing. And I'm still just learning the beginnings of what she was capable of.”

Filthy took a slow, deep breath. “Dear, be reasonable. You can't--”

“Daddy. I can do whatever I like,” she said firmly before sitting down and staring him in the eyes. “I am the Avatar. Like it or not, the fate of the world may one day rest on my shoulders. I only barely managed to defeat Meadowbrook and, frankly, it was more luck than anything else. Whatever new threats arise, I need to be able to stop them. And I'm going to need my past lives to do it.”

“There's no need to put yourself at risk, to--”

“Yes, there is!” she snapped. “I'm the Avatar! It's my job to be at risk! That's why I have four elements! Or... well, had four elements. And so many other tools. I'm supposed to be fighting things, to defeat the big bad monsters that others can't! Being at risk is my job and... and...” She paused and then lunged forward, hugging Filthy. “I-I'm so sorry d-daddy...”

Filthy froze in place, but slowly raised his arms around her. “D-Diamond... I... I don't... you have nothing to be sorry for. I'm sorry. I just...” He took a slow, deep breath. “Diamond, you're my little girl. You've always been my little girl and always will. I... I can't honestly say I'm happy about... this. Any of this. But if... if you say you have to do it, then you have to do it.”

“Filthy!” Sassy snapped. “You can't be serious, she could be killed!”

Diamond sighed. “No. I won't. I'm not an idiot. I'm not the idiot I once was. I have my friends now. They watch over me, they help me. They guide me at all times, keeping me safe. I'm not saying I want to go into the Badlands alone.” She slowly pulled back from the hug and wiped her eyes, staring up at him. “But... I have to do this. Every day I just feel a... a little more sure. A little more tug towards there. And I won't go alone. I will talk with my friends and they will help me. Buck, I'll probably have half an army with me when I go. But I... I HAVE to know what happened to Twilight. I have to fix this connection.” She reached up a hoof to her throat. “And... more importantly, I have to know if there's anything else I can do to fix the Elements. Twilight tried but... she went alone. I won't make that mistake.”

Filthy sighed and then reached out, giving her another hug. “Oh, my little Diamond... you really have grown up, haven't you?” he asked sadly, before giving a slow nod. “I don't like it. In fact, I hate it with every fiber of my being. But... you are the Avatar. In the end, this is your decision. If this is what you want to do, I can't stop you. I won't stop you.”

She nodded and smiled. “Thank you, daddy.” She then grinned. “Daddy?”


She held up her hooves and he smiled, meeting hers with his. “Bump, bump, sugar lump, rump,” they said as they bumped hooves before finishing by bumping rumps.

“He won't stop you, but I will!” Sassy yelled as she jumped over the table, galloping to Diamond. “Child, have you lost your mind? You're the Avatar! You can't run off and risk your life over some... some childish foaly! The Badlands are no place for you, or anypony, they--”

“I will go if I wish,” Diamond said before turning to her aunt. “I am the Avatar. It is my duty to do whatever I can to protect this world and those in it.” For a moment, she felt a small swirl in her heart, as if that connection was reforming. Sadly, it evaporated a moment later. “And this is something I must do. Something I have to do. You don't have to like it. You can even fight it, if you wish. But it won't change anything.”

The mare glared, digging her hooves into the ground as she stared down at the filly. But then, slowly, she gave a soft sigh before her glare softened. “Very well. As you wish, Avatar. I... won't try to stop you. But please, allow me to speak with the council on... your behalf. If you insist on this dangerous journey, I wish for you to have the greatest protectors our city can offer. For every resource available to be at your disposal.” She then paused. “And... please wait a while before leaving. There is somepony I wish for you to meet.”

Diamond blinked. “Really? Who?”

Sassy smiled. “One of the old Elements of Harmony. The current ruler of the Water Nation, Water Lord Rarity, will be making her way to the city within the month. I think it would behoove you to meet one of the past Avatar's friends.”

The alicorn's eyes widened. “W-wait, she's... she's coming here?” She felt a light twinge on her heart.

“Yes, along with her children. It is... currently hidden from the general public. So I trust you two will keep it under wraps?”

“O-of... of course,” Diamond said weakly. A chance to meet one of the legendary Elements of Harmony. There was no way she could pass this up, not now. “I-I'll delay until she gets here, that's fine.”

Sassy nodded and gave a smile. “Good. Thank you.”

Diamond let out a sigh of relief, before nervously shuffling her hooves. “Soooo... uhhhh... I can't help but notice the place is packed. What happened?”

Sassy gave a small smile. “This is a trying time for all in Harmony. Many have lost their homes. I could hardly leave my doors unopened while ponies were stuffed into homes already too full, now could I?”

There was a crash from outside.

“Though... I will admit my new guests can be... trying at times. But in times like this, nopony can give too much.”

Diamond nodded, before pausing. “That's... odd. I've been to Silver's a few times, but I didn't see anypony there.”

There was a twitch from the mare. “A-ah. That... compound. Due to Dr. Alicity's eccentricities it was decided it was far... safer... to take the space offered and use it for storage while other compounds in the city were used.”

Diamond opened her mouth to object. Then remembered when she broke into the facility. The cursed water underground. Who knew what else Dr. Alicity had prepared? She slowly nodded. “Yeah. Maybe that's for the best. No idea what traps are down there...”


Silver wiped the pie off her face as she glared at the, now quite broken, booby trap. “Dang it daddy.”