• Published 26th Mar 2016
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Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 2: Discord - Jeweled Pen

The new Avatar has defeated her greatest foe, but now she finds a new journey before her. Can she find out what happened to the previous Avatar, Twilight?

  • ...

Chapter 20: The Alicorn Amulet

“Three days,” Alicity said proudly before he waved a hoof over the ships. Or at least the ones that remained. “Then our vessels will be more than adequate to return home.”

“Mmmm hmm,” Diamond said softly, rubbing her chin. “Are you sure they'll be safe?”

“As safe as they can be,” the stallion said with a chuckle. “We won't have enough for everypony, however. And it will be exceedingly dangerous. All together we have five ships remaining, we could take back only a few dozen ponies. With the shields and new weapons, they should be safe to deal with any threats, but...”

“But they're still basically life boats and not made for long voyages,” the alicorn said with a nod. She glanced over at the other ponies of their group, her friends and some of the commanders. She gave a sigh. “I'll go with it, then. This entire mess is my fault anyway, if anypony has to risk themselves on this voyage, it'll be me.”

“Of course I'll be going,” Silver said with a nod. “You'll need my help to prepare the return voyage to pick up those left behind. We also need to see about setting up some kind of communications system so we can talk with the ponies and let them know what's going on.”

“I'll be coming too!” Daring said quickly. “You'll need a guide to get back here, anyway. A guide who can actually navigate this place. No offense,” she said to Altena.

The zebra shrugged. “None taken. I'm afraid my addition to the crew has been... large superfluous. It seems this truly is a place you cannot understand until you have been, or lived, here.” She shook her head. “I only wish I could have been more useful.”

“If you intend to leave soon, then there is only one thing that can be done,” Sunset said softly. “You must travel to the Spirit World now, and attempt to find what you came here for.”

Diamond cringed. “A-ah. Right. Yeah, I guess... now is the time, huh? Wouldn't want to go home and... have missed our chance. Eh heh.” She received a few looks from the group, but quickly shook her head. “Right. Sunset, will you be able to take us today? It'll only be our first time, so we'll need to take it nice and slow. I'd rather not risk anypony getting hurt if we can avoid it.”

The mare gave a swift nod. “Of course. Keeping everypony safe will be simple. We can keep our group small, however.”

Rainbow glanced to Daring and thwapped her wing out, nudging the pegasus forward. Daring let out a soft yipe, but slowly stepped forward. “I... I want to come too.”

The unicorn's eyes narrowed and she glared at the mare. “Daring, it's not the time. This is very important. This is part of mom's legacy and a vital step of the new Avatar's development.”

The pegasus nodded. “I know! I can help, I've been to the Spirit World a few times, I've dealt with the things there. I can help.”

Sunset's eyes narrowed even more. “This isn't a game or some random adventure.”

“Of course it's not! This is very important, something mom would have done. That's why I want to do it, why I want to help,” Daring said quickly, before glancing to Diamond. “I know I can be useful. I have experience there, I know what to expect.”

Sunset opened her mouth to object, but quickly found herself interrupted. “I say we take her,” Rainbow said with a shrug. “She's told me a bunch of stories about the place. We only have two ponies with experience there, anyway. So we'd be better off taking them both. What do you say, Diamond?”

“I can't see how it could cause any problems. The more ponies who know their way around could be useful,” Diamond said with a nod before glancing to Sunset.

The unicorn looked like she had swallowed a lemon. “Very... well. Avatar, we leave for the Spirit World in a few hours. Gather what supplies you need. We won't be staying there after dark.”

“Of course,” Diamond said with a nod, watching the other mare as she stormed off. She then glanced towards Daring. “Is everything okay?”

Daring gave a sigh. “It'll be fine. Just uhhh... get ready to go and stuff. Just... yeah.” She turned and lightly trotted off.

Diamond sighed, watching them go. She looked to the others, who were starting to walk away as well. She trotted up towards Silver. “So, any idea what we'll need?”

“Food, mostly,” Silver said with a shrug. “Medical supplies as well. Going to bring one of our healers, too. An earth bender, probably. Useless at fighting, but she is probably one of the best I've ever seen at healing. There's no telling what we'll encounter here and it's best we be very careful. If we're not going to be there after dark, then we won't need too much for supplies.” She glanced over. “If you'd like to just wait for us to gather what we need, you can.”

“Nah, I'd rather help you,” the alicorn said with a nod. “Frankly, I think if I have to sit around... well, I'll go nuts.”

Silver nodded. “Well then, let's go get ready. There's a... lot left for us to still learn, after all. The sooner we start, the better,” she said with a smile.


Diamond took a slow, deep breath as she stared into the woods, eying the tall trees with trepidation. “So uhhh, it's all in there, then?” She, Sunset, Silver, Alicity, Button, Prism, Ironwing, Rainbow, Daring, Luna, Celestia and one of their healers had all made the journey here.

“Yes, Avatar,” Sunset said with a nod. “Come, stay close.”

“So, uhhh, what is the Spirit World like, here?” the alicorn asked softly as they walked forward.

“A bleak, empty land,” Sunset said with a sigh. “My... mother never quite understood what happened. Apparently in her home, the world was vibrant and full of life. But the spirits have been disappearing here for decades. A few hundred years ago it was said that a few dozen different spirits could be found here. But now, there are none. In all my times going into the Spirit World, I have never encountered another creature. I doubt any exist any more.”

Daring coughed.

“What?” the unicorn asked.


Sunset snorted. “Ah, right. Your little 'monkey',” she said derisively. “I said real creatures, not something you made up.”

“I did not make him up!”

“Of course. If he was truly here, then why didn't I ever see him? Why hadn't mother?”

“I... I don't know! He just... never appears to you. I guess. Maybe he doesn't want to face a bender!”

Sunset harrumphed. “A likely story.” She glanced around, pointing towards the trees with her horn. “As you can see, the connection to the Spirit World still affects the physical world. Notice the strange colors of the trees. We're getting close.”

Rainbow walked faster, catching up with Daring. “Hey... you never told me that... well... you told your sister.”

“I wish I hadn't,” Daring muttered. “She never believes me, anyway. If she hasn't experienced something, she just believes it doesn't exist.”

Rainbow gave a grin and reached out with her wing, putting it over the other mare. “Hey, I believe you.”

“Really?” she asked with a smile.

“Of course. I knew Twilight, there's no way she'd have raised her child to be a liar. This is probably good, though.”

“Oh? Why?”

“If this giant monkey doesn't want to cause problems for Sunset, she's not going to want to lay a hoof on the full group,” the pegasus said with a smirk. “Granted, me being here alone would be enough to trounce him.”

Daring snorted. “Well, that doesn't mean much. He's so slow half the time I feel I should blindfold myself to at least give myself a challenge.”

“Oh by the stars,” Prism said with a groan. “Mother, Daring, please, stop hanging out. You're starting to sound like each other and, frankly, it's horrifying.”

“Truly what the world needs is more Rainbow Dash,” Ironwing said with a shudder. “Could you imagine? Nopony getting up before noon.”

“Everypony staying up until way past midnight,” Prism said with a sage nod.

“Butting into other pony's business without invitation,” Ironwing added.

“Finding reasons to nap even after only working three, maybe four minutes,” Prism said with a sager nod.

“Every barrel of apple cider barren for a fifty mile radius,” Ironwing added.

“Ow!” the two said in unison when Rainbow's hooves descended on their heads.

“As I was saying, at least this means this'll probably be easy.”

“We're here,” Sunset said as she stopped outside the portal, pointing towards it. “I'll go first. Just try to stay close, okay?”

The ponies nodded and, slowly, they stepped into the portal one by one. Diamond let out a soft gasp and looked around. Rainbow shuddered when she stepped in. “Well... buck. That's disappointing.”

“What? Why?” Daring asked.

“Thought I'd be able to see right. Spirit body and all that.”

“We're not in spirit bodies,” Sunset said with a shake of her head, before holding out her hoof and making it burst into flame. “Going through the portal allows us to maintain our normal bodies. That means we can bend, as normal. However, it also means the normal rules apply. That means no teleporting or flight without wings.”

“Wait, teleporting?” Silver asked, her eyes going wide. “You can do that?”

“N-no,” the unicorn said. “But... my mother said she had seen some do it. Or at least, found records of it. So she was certain that it was possible. Some unicorns who aren't benders can do it too, I hear. At least, the powerful ones. Anyway, the important thing to remember here is we are physical. So you need to be careful, you can't escape back to the physical world like this.”

“Ugh, wish everything here was physical,” Rainbow grumbled. “Everything is just so... fuzzy.”

“Fuzzy?” Daring asked.

“Yeah, like... it's not really there, or something,” the pegasus mumbled before flapping her wings.

Prism glanced back. “Mom, maybe you shouldn't be here. If you can't see--”

“I can see well enough to take care of myself,” the mare snapped quickly. “I'm not helpless. Buck, even when I was fully blind I wasn't helpless.”

Sunset growled before she started walking. “Don't see why we needed to bring a full herd for this,” she muttered. “Avatar, come on. Let's start looking.” She paused and glanced back. “Avatar?”

Diamond's eyes were wide and she stood there, staring off into the distance. “I... I can feel it. Feel...”

“Feel what?” Sunset asked, staring.

“Her. Twilight,” the alicorn said, her hoof going up to her heart. “I... I think it's her. At least... my heart, it's pounding so... fast. I just can't...” She took a slow, deep breath before looking to her friends and chewing on her lip. “I... I think I know where we need to go. Where she is. Follow... follow me.” She started walking, heading through the trees. Silver watched the mare with wide eyes, her own heart hammering.

The other mare was going right towards the tree of Harmony. Was it all really going to be that easy?


Diamond's heart pounding harder and harder as she walked through the woods. She could feel it, could feel her. Twilight. Somewhere in this place the other mare was waiting for her. Calling to her. There was something blocking the connection, but she could still track it. She was almost there. Almost to her.

She froze when she finally burst through the trees and a fresh horror washed over her. A great lake of purple slime surrounded a great island holding a tree. “She's there,” Diamond said softly.

“I'm sorry? Who's there?” Sunset asked.

“Twilight.” Diamond stepped forward and reached a hoof towards the slime, letting out a yelp when Daring tackled her.

“Don't touch it! Don't you know what that is?” the pegasus snapped.

“Sister!” Sunset snapped.

“That's the Smooze! If you touch it, it'll devour you!” Daring yelled, ignoring Sunset. “It's dangerous and deadly!”

“How can you possibly know that?” the unicorn asked, stomping a hoof down. “Mom never--”

“Because I've almost been tossed into the bloody stuff,” the pegasus snapped, before looking towards it. “It's deadly, trust me. If you go into it, then that's it. You're over.”

“If mom's... if mom's body is down there, we can't leave it,” Sunset said softly. She turned towards the Smooze before her horn lit up in flames. She thrust her horn forward and flames thrust out, exploding against the slime. It barely sizzled under the assault. “Impossible...”

Silver rubbed her chin and eyed the lake for a moment. She couldn't deny it was an interesting development. She backed away slowly as Alicity, Button, Luna and Celestia moved forward to aid them. The pegasi remained back, with her. They attacked the smooze, but it was like trying to attack a lake with a stick, all they could do was splash it about.

Button tapped his hooves and made the ground rise up, creating a small bowl that scooped up the Smoooze before forming walls so it couldn't flow back. Diamond nodded. “Perfect, just like that, it--”

The earth began to crumble and Button let out a yipe, stepping back and wrapping his hooves around himself, panting.

“What's wrong?” Luna asked, reaching out a hoof to touch his withers.

“It... it felt like... I was... when I just... when it...” He shuddered and shook his head. “At first it was fine, but then it felt kind of like it was... draining my bending and... no, not draining. Like it was latching onto it and just...” He shuddered again when the Smooze began to fill in the hole he'd made.

“It's like enchanted water, then,” Luna said softly. “Tainted. It may be best that we don't try to bend against it, then.”

“We can't just leave it here,” Diamond yelled, stomping her hooves. “Twilight's down there. I can feel her. I think... I think this is why I couldn't talk with her. Or... what's been stopping me. What's been affecting me.”

Silver watched for a few moments, licking her lips. She gave a slow nod.

Rainbow's head shot up. “Look ou--”

But it was too late. Silver let out a shriek when a big blue hand wrapped around her, yanking her into the air. Ahuizotl laughed as he stood in the trees, Silver raised into the air, held tightly in his tail's grip. “Ah, Avatar. I knew you'd one day show your face here.”

“Ahuizotl!” Daring yelled, spreading her wings. She froze when the giant spirit gave Silver another squeeze, the sound of her metal wings snapping filled the air.

“Now now, you be quiet stupid winged pony,” he said with a grin, before turning towards Diamond.

“Put my friend down,” the alicorn said with a growl, flame forming on the tip of her horn.

“Oh, I'll put her down, alright,” Ahuizotl said, before leaping into the air, sailing over them and landing in front of the lake. He held Silver over the Smooze. “Perhaps she could go for a nice swim?”

“D-Diamond!” Silver shrieked, struggling in the grip, trembling. The spirit was squeezing her a lot tighter than he was supposed to. She could feel her broken metal wing digging into her side.

“No!” the Avatar shrieked. “Stop, stop. Please. Don't hurt her.”

“If you want your friend back, then you'll have to give me something I want,” Ahuizotl said as he backed away. “And the rest of your friends had best wait here. This is between you and I, Avatar.”

“Not a chance,” Rainbow growled, spreading her wings. “I'll--”

“Don't,” Diamond said, narrowing her eyes. “I'll deal with this,” she said before slowly stepping forward. “What do you want, spirit?”

Ahuizotl grinned and pointed a hand towards the tree. “Meet me inside there, Avatar.” He turned around and then ran off on all fours, Silver held tightly in his tail. “If you ever wish to see your friend again!”

Diamond growled, before galloping after him. She made it only a few feet before Prism moved in front of her, blocking the way. “Hold on!” he said.

“He has Silver!” she snapped angrily. “I can't--”

“You're marching right into a trap!” he snapped. “It's too dangerous, we'll come with you and--”

Diamond lifted a hoof and pushed it to the side, a gust of wind making him move to the side. She galloped after the spirit. “Give me ten minutes! If... we're not out by then, come rescue us!” she called back.

Prism ground a hoof into the ground, gritting his teeth.

“Let her go,” Sunset said firmly. “She's the Avatar, he is but one spirit. She'll be fine.”

“He's not really a tough fighter, anyway,” Daring said with a frown. “But...” She rubbed her chin as she watched the monkey bound over the bridge, then run to the tree, quickly climbing up it and disappearing into the branches. “This... really isn't his style.”

“His style?” Rainbow asked.

“He's never been the type to--”

“Enough, Daring!” Sunset snapped. “Don't pretend you have any idea about any of this. Mother didn't have any notes on him, she--”

“So? She never met him!” Daring snapped back. “Maybe if you'd spent a bit more time traveling like her, rather than--”

“Okay, going to put a full stop on this right now!” Rainbow said, lifting up a hoof. “Girls, I will send you BOTH to time out. Don't think I won't.” She pointed a hoof towards the tree. “Diamond doesn't want our help, that's fine... for a bit. We give her ten minutes, then we charge the place.”

“But mom--” Prism started.

“She's the Avatar. If she can solve this on her own, that's all well and good,” Rainbow said firmly. “We'll give her the chance. But if she DOES need us, we'll be ready to move and help, either way. Got it? She's a big girl, she at least needs the shot.”

“I don't like it,” Prism grumbled.

“Let's... get ready to go, at least,” Acrylic said softly. “I'm... I'm sure Diamond won't let anything happen to her. Not... again,” he muttered, before galloping towards the bridge.


Diamond made her way to the tree, looking around before slamming head first into an invisible barrier and bouncing off, her eyes little swirls. She laid there for a few moments as she let the pain slowly ebb away. “Ow.” She took a deep breath before getting to her hooves and reaching out, putting her hooves to the barrier.

It shimmered under her hooves. She frowned, wondering how the monkey had gotten around it. She then shook her head and pushed her hooves forward, forming fire at the tip of her hooves.

The barrier began to shimmer more as she pushed into it, though she had a feeling her fire had nothing to do with it. In fact, the more she touched it the more she felt she had a connection with it. The barrier seemed connected to her, somehow. Her eyes widened and she smiled. “Break.”

She felt the barrier crumble, allowing her to stumble forward with a yelp, face planting to the ground. “Ow.”


Silver's eyes widened when she felt it. “It's... it's gone. So easily,” she said softly, glancing to Ahuizotl. “Let's go.”

The giant spirit nodded before reaching down, grabbing the small jar hidden amongst the tree branches, before bounding into the tree, through one of the many holes that had been unsealed.

The earth pony coughed and sputtered when dust filled the air. She couldn't imagine how long it had been untouched. But she could feel it, the emptiness, the hollowness. The place seemed to be soaked in death. Worse than in the real world. There, when something died new life would rise. Even in dead trees, bugs would find a home, fungus would grow, new things would blossom forth.

But there was none of that here. There were no flowers to take part, no bugs to rise again. This tree was dead, had been dead for millenia. And there was no life that would spring up here. Not even the hope of life that would spring up here. Just emptiness, a void that stood out amongst the rest of the world.

“Mistress, you're shaking. Is something wrong?”

“J-just... just keep going,” Silver said softly, focusing on what she could feel, like a beacon calling her as the monkey traveled through the corpse. If he could feel what she felt he didn't say.


Diamond shuddered as she walked through the halls of the tree. Nothing in this place felt right. She swore she could feel Twilight here, as well. Or remnants of her, fading away. She tried to ignore it though as she slowly walked through the barren, empty tomb. Fire formed on the tip of her horn, guiding her way. She glanced at the ground. It was just as dead as the tree, dried and black.

“Spirit! Where are you? I came, now give me back my friend!” She didn't receive an answer, though. She gave a soft sigh and kept trotting forward, her hooves quivering slightly. She felt as if she was walking through a corpse, but she didn't know why. It was just an old, dead tree. She was surprised there weren't any bugs in it. She wondered if the Spirit World even had bugs. She'd have to look into that, maybe do a bit of studying. If they didn't have bugs, it would make an excellent vacation spot.

The hall she was traveling through opened up into a wide, open chamber. She looked around, a frown on her face, but nothing happened. “Hey! Spirit! I'm here!”

She heard a thump from up above and barely jumped back in time to avoid being crushed by Ahuizotl. He grinned down at her. “So, you truly did come alone.”

“Yes, I did, now let Silver go!” Diamond snapped, flame forming from the tip of her horn.

“Of course, of course. All in due time,” Ahuizotl said before reaching back behind himself. He pulled out a small jar, holding it up for her to see. “But first, I think we have some other business to attend.”

“Business? What could--” The words locked in Diamond's mouth when she realized what the jar held. Her cutie mark. Her heart started pounding faster. “H-how... how did you...”

“You'd be amazed what shows up in our borders,” the spirit said with a grin. “Now, how about we finish this, yes?” He crushed the jar between both his hands, the cutie mark floating into the air.

Silver grinned, her back to Diamond. Her eyes began to glow. She knew exactly what form to give this mark, the perfect one. It had been on her mind for the longest time.

Diamond stared up at the mark, digging her hooves into the ground. The last one, she knew this had to happen eventually. She just hadn't expected it to happen here. All she had to do was beat it, and she'd be complete. She watched as green magic enveloped the cutie mark and a new form began to appear. She gulped, eying it. She could deal with whatever it was, she was sure. Probably Button, or maybe her dad, or maybe--

The form finished and she froze. The mock pony landed on the ground and smirked at her. “My my, what is this we have here? A stupid little pretender? Oh ho!” the spirit said, before laughing into her hooves. “I hope you're ready to get crushed, after all, you're just a NORMAL pony. Why me? I'm the most important pony to ever exist.” The fake Diamond Tiara stomped a hoof down and the dirt rose up under the alicorn, slamming into her chest and sending her flying out of the chamber, before the spirit galloped off after her.

Silver groaned. “Finally. Now, put me down,” she snapped.

“Of course, mistress,” Ahuizotl said before releasing her, making her drop to the ground.

The earth pony yelped, before shaking her head and turning towards one of the chambers many halls. “Come on, we don't have much time. I don't expect that mark to hold her for long.”

“Of course.”

The two galloped down the hall.


Diamond jumped back with every attack, the spirit sending piles and pillars of rock and dirt at her with every moment, making her jump back again and again and finally forcing her out of the tree. “Knock it off!” she cried at it.

“Oh? Sorry, am I going too hard on you? Well, maybe you should try to think next time before you fight perfection,” the mare said with a laugh as she stepped out.

“Oh my gosh, there's two of them! But which could be the real one?” Button asked.

Every eye turned to him with flat looks. “The... one... obviously not earth bending,” Luna said slowly.

“Oh. Wait. Yeah, right. Heh, forgot,” the stallion said with a chuckle.

“A little help?!” Diamond shrieked before blasting some of the flying rocks with bursts of flame. The earth bending spirit thrust a hoof forward, making the bridge under the alicorn start to fall apart as more of the stones rose up against her. She yiped and flew into the air. “Remember, attack the cutie mark!”

“Where's Silver?” Acrylic called after her, before flinging his horn forward and shooting shards of ice at the spirit.

“Inside! The spirit unleashed this on me and got away with her! We need to fight it off!”

Sunset hmphed and thrust her horn forward, sending a burst of electricity at the creature. It narrowly stepped to the side, before thrusting out a hoof and sending a wall of stone at the unicorn. Button jumped between the two and thrust his own hoof out, making a wall rise up from the bridge to block it.

“Is this really the best you can do?” the mock Diamond asked. “Soooo pathetic. I could beat all of you with my eyes closed.”

“Shut up!” Diamond shrieked before diving at it. She sent out a burst of fire at the spirit, but it was blocked with a wall of rock, before being sent hurtling at her. She yiped and flew back, narrowly avoiding the attack.

“Woo, finally a fight! Come on!” Celestia yelled before galloping forward with Luna. The two charged in, thrusting their horns forward together, making water and fire surge forward, twirling around each other before circling around the spirit, whirling and lancing through its body in a dozen different areas. The mock Diamond yelped and jumped back, surrounding herself in a dome of rock.

The dome then exploded outward, before the mock Diamond slammed her front hooves on the ground. Cracks formed all across the bridge as rock and stone began shooting off in random directions, the bridge collapsing into the Smooze.

“Quick, get back to land!” Diamond yelled, before sending bursts of flame down at the spirit. It tapped its hooves and sent more rocks up to block the blows, its eyes narrowing on the retreating ponies. A grin formed on its lips.

“Ugh, you're all a hundred years too early to fight me,” she said, before stomping her hoof.

A pillar of stone suddenly lanced out besides Celestia, slamming into her side and sending her slamming into Luna. The two stumbled to the edge, yelping, before managing to balance themselves. Celestia shook it off and started running, but stopped once she realized Luna wasn't besides her. She turned back and froze.

Luna's hoof was stuck in the purple goop, the ground under her already collapsing. “Luna!” the princess shrieked before turning to run back, her horn aflame.

The stone collapsed under the prince and he let out a shriek before he was pulled into the Smooze, disappearing under the surface in moments. Her eyes widened and she galloped forward, her horn alight before she sent bursts of flame flowing at it, trying to burn away the Smooze. Even as the ground around her collapsed, she didn't stop, eventually letting out a yelp when a pair of hooves wrapped around her and pulled her into the sky, dragging her away from the collapsing bridge.

She stared in horror at where her brother disappeared, then gasped when a brown blur blew past her, slamming into the Smooze where her brother had disappeared.

“Button!” Acrylic yelled. “You idiot!”

“Let me down!” Celestia shrieked. “My brother, he's in there! He's IN THERE!”

“Not a chance, you'll get yourself killed too!” Rainbow snapped, flying her towards land and dropping her off with the others.

“That's what happens when you fight the best,” the mock Diamond said with a laugh. “Sooooo sorry about that~”

“SHUT UP!” Diamond screamed before diving back down at the spirit. More stones flew at her, but she enveloped her body in fire and blew them aside, bucking and kicking them away. She hit the ground hard, but didn't stop. She charged at the spirit, screaming as her hooves lashed out. “I'LL DESTROY YOU!”


Silver shuddered when she finally arrived at her destination, the thing she'd been feeling for so long.

Trixie. The mare was laying on a stone platform, her skin sticking to her bones. She didn't look dead, but she did look half starved. Silver walked forward and looked down at the mare. Her coat was still blue, her mane was still white. She looked tired, as if she was just asleep. However, around her neck the Alicorn Amulet rested. Red and silver, with a unicorn's head and the wings of a pegasus on top.

The earth pony's breath stopped when she slowly reached down, a part of her expecting Trixie to reach up and try to stop her. Yet the other pony didn't move. Even as Silver slowly unlatched the amulet, drawing it from her neck.

Silver let out a yipe and stepped back as Trixie's body began to decompose. Within seconds, the mare was nothing more than dust and then a few moments later, even that was gone. She shuddered, but slowly put the amulet on.

Silver barely held back the cry of pain when magic flowed through her body. She fell to her knees, feeling her own power grow as her eyes went yellow and a surge of magic flowed through her. She panted with exertion as it flowed through her body, expanding her reserves inch by inch.

Then, just as quickly as it started, the pain was gone and she felt better. Stronger. She was Discord's Avatar. And she now had all the tools she needed. She slowly got to her hooves and blinked a few times as her eyes returned to normal. A cold sweat covered her.

She took a deep breath, before lifting a hoof up. The amulet disappeared from sight, though she could still feel it there. She then smiled. “Is it gone?”

“Yes, mistress,” Ahuizotl said softly. “How do you feel?”

“Like a winner,” she said with a smirk, before glancing to him. She then held out her hoof and green light formed around it. After a moment, a new Alicorn Amulet formed in it and she held it out to him. “Take this.”

He stared but slowly held out his hoof. “You... wish for me to--”

“It's not the real one, don't be stupid,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “It's a fake. I want you to leave, get as far from here as possible. Let them see you if you wish, but do NOT let them catch you. As far as they'll know... you'll have the Alicorn Amulet and escaped. She'll never find you, I'll never have to worry about her suspecting me. Now go.” She said, before flicking her hoof away. “I'll call you when I need you again.”

The spirit stared for a few moments, before nodding. He turned and ran away, disappearing higher into the tree.

Silver shuddered, before walking back the way they'd come. She could feel it, Discord's power flowing through her, stronger than it ever had. She could also feel a connection, stronger than ever before. She was tempted to open it, to connect with her past life. But now wasn't the time, she had to see the others. She couldn't risk them finding out, not after everything that had happened.


Button reached out, his hooves shaking as he sunk into the purple goop. He didn't know why he had done it, it was stupid. Buck, it was probably the stupidest thing he'd ever done, and that was a very long list.

But he'd just acted. He'd seen Luna be sucked in, and he had to go after her, him. After him. He still didn't even know if he loved him or not, but he knew he couldn't bear to see him die.

And now they were both going to die. He kept reaching, desperate to find the prince in the purple goop. Then he felt something solid and he grabbed, pulling it to him. His heart pounding faster when he felt him. The prince. He hugged Luna tightly and, unsurprisingly, the prince hugged him back.

There was nothing he could do, though. They had each other, but there was no way to escape. He couldn't bend them out of this, no matter how much he tried. He tried to bend the ground under them, but it fought him, drained him. This stuff really was like enchanted water, it made it brutal.

He shook and held onto the prince, refusing to let him go even as he felt whatever the goop was begin to dissolve him. It didn't feel like his body was being dissolved, though. It felt like his magic, his spirit, his very being was being eaten. He shuddered, holding tighter to Luna as the two drifted in the soul sucking muck.

At least if they were going to die, they wouldn't die alone. The only thing worse than Luna dying, would have been if--

Buck that.

Button thrust his back hooves down. He didn't care if he had to die, he'd chosen to risk it. But Luna hadn't. And he'd be bucked if they were going to go out to a bunch of purple jello.


Diamond screamed angrily as she launched fire blast after fire blast at the mock her. When the spirit tried to fight back, she either took the hit, or blew it away with a flap of her wings or blast of fire. She forced it back without mercy, striking violently, even though her attacks just went through it.

Finally, the spirit was pushed back to the edge of the island and stopped, unable to go back as Diamond pushed forward. She didn't care that the Smooze was there. Her friends were... “ARGH!” She thrust forward, slamming her hoof against the cutie mark.

Once again there was an explosion and she was sent hurtling back, skidding across the island and landing with a groan. Her body ached, but she didn't care. The thrill of having all of her elements back and the all too familiar burn on her cutie mark didn't matter either. She slowly got to her hooves and tapped them to the ground, shaking her head before trying to force the ground to rise up against the Smooze.

Pain shot through her and the ground barely moved, making her step back. “N-no. No no no!” she screamed. “Button, Button!”


Silver stepped out from the tree, limping slightly as she made her way forward. “H-hey,” she called out, putting on a weak smile. She wasn't hurt, but she knew she had to act like she was to avoid suspicion.

But the others weren't rushing to her side. Instead, they were trying to fight the Smooze. She frowned as she looked around and watched them pelt it with fire, water and wind, trying to force it away. It was silly, she knew. There was nothing that could stop the--

“Button! Luna! Answer me!” Prism yelled before sending another burst of wind through the purple sludge.

Silver's heart froze. She looked around wildly, her eyes widened as she tried to find them. Diamond was sitting on this side of the now broken bridge, struggling to hold out her hooves. The earth pony galloped forward, grabbing the alicorn.

“D-Diamond, what happened? Diamond?”

The alicorn blinked. “S-Silver? You escaped? Oh thank the--” She froze, but then pointed towards the goop. “It's Luna. He was... dragged in when the spirit destroyed the bridge. Button jumped in after him, but they... we can't... The Smooze won't let them go.” She gave another shudder.

Silver's breath went faster and she turned towards it. “Smooze--” She then froze. She could release them, the Smooze would obey her.

But if she did, they'd know. They'd all realize what she was. She couldn't just control the Smooze in front of them and then hope they wouldn't notice.

If she did, all of her plans would be ruined.

But Button and Luna were stuck in there, her friends. She couldn't let them die. Her heart started pounding faster. She took a step back before taking a deep breath. Her eyes started to turn yellow.

A pained, agonizing scream filled the air, making them all pause. The area of the Smooze the benders were circling began to bubble and pop before another scream tore through the air. It took Silver a few moments to realize the Smooze was screaming. It was in pain.

Then the bubbles spread out and the Smooze began to withdraw. Magma shot out from the hole, crashing down against the Smooze before the smell of burning gunk filled the air. Button was sitting on the ground, his hooves wrapped around Luna, a circle of lava surrounding the two, while the purple spirit tried to withdraw, retreating from the magma. Button kicked the ground and more of the lava turned to it, driving the ooze back.

The others stared with wide eyes. Silver shook her head. “GET THEM!” she screamed.

Prism and Ironwing dove down, grabbing the two and hauling them out of the mess. They quickly hauled them to the shore. Silver stepped forward, her eyes returning to normal. She tugged on Diamond's wings. “Come on, we need to go check on them.”

“H-huh? Oh! Right!” Diamond said before grabbing the earth pony and hauling the two over the broken bridge.

“Y-yeah. That's what... that's what... you get...” Button said groggily from the ground, his hooves still wrapped around Luna. “Just... just gonna... lay here a bit... Luna... you... you okay...”

“Hurt... so much...” the prince said softly.

“Yeah... me... me too... just... gonna... rest a... little...” His eyes drifted closed.

“Well, earn your keep!” Rainbow snapped, nudging their healer forward. The mare yiped and stepped forward, reaching out as her hooves began to glow.

“Soooo...” Celestia said softly. “He uhhh... he just lava bent, didn't he? Did... anypony know he could do that?”

“Nope,” Acrylic said with a shake of his head. “I didn't even think he... well, it saved their lives, at least.” He then looked over as Diamond landed. “Silver! You're okay! What happened?”

“That giant monkey let me go once he...” Silver froze, before looking to Diamond. Her eyes lowered. “I'm sorry...”

“What? Silver, what happened?” Diamond asked, new dread filling her.

“I... I got captured and...” She closed her eyes. “The... the Alicorn Amulet was in there. He took it and he ran.” She waited for the out burst, the yells. Not that she minded. She had the amulet now, it didn't matter if Diamond was mad.

The alicorn stared for a few moments, then lunged forward and hugged Silver. “You know what? I don't care. All of my friends are okay. You, Button, Luna. I'll track the spirit down and get the amulet later. But you're okay. That's all that matters,” she said calmly, a wide grin on her face. “Just... next time... stay close to the group, okay? I don't wanna know what would have happened...” She shook her head. She then pulled back. “Okay, everypony, we're going back!”

“What?” Sunset asked, stomping a hoof down. “That Alicorn Amulet is still out there, we can't just--”

“We'll come back for it, later,” Diamond said firmly. “My friends are hurt, two of them almost died and there's no telling what that... thing did to them.” She then glanced towards the Smooze. “I... also want to get Twilight out of there. We'll need some help with that, though. But we can do it, we will do it. When we come back.” She looked towards Button. “As soon as they're safe to move, we go.”

“Avatar, you can't--”

“This is not up for negotiation,” Diamond said coldly. “The most important thing is my friends, and they're hurt. I won't keep risking them on this.” She glared at Sunset. “Understand?”

The unicorn ground a hoof into the ground. “My mother would have never--”

“Twilight would have done the same thing,” Diamond said firmly. “Her friends were the most important thing in the world to her. Way more important than some silly necklace.” She turned and walked to the hurt ponies, sitting down besides them. “I'm not leaving until I'm sure we can all go back together, Sunset. I'm not splitting up the group and risking somepony else getting hurt. So just leave it alone.”

The unicorn gave out a frustrated growl, but sat down none the less. “Very well. As you WISH, Avatar.”

Author's Note:

Guess who's back? New chaps should be coming up soon! Only seven more to go after this one... pending a big redraw.