• Published 26th Mar 2016
  • 1,490 Views, 52 Comments

Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 2: Discord - Jeweled Pen

The new Avatar has defeated her greatest foe, but now she finds a new journey before her. Can she find out what happened to the previous Avatar, Twilight?

  • ...

Chapter 6: Packing

Diamond groaned at the incessant knocking. Finally, she had gotten the day to herself. Blaze was at work, Prism and Ironwing were out(killing each other if she was lucky). Luna and Celestia were staying on the island, but those two tended to stick to themselves so they might as well not have been here at all. Her packing was done, so now she was getting some well deserved rest.

So of course, some pony came knocking at their door. She grumbled darkly as she trotted down the stairs and swung it open. “Can I he--” She paused and stared. It was two wonderbolts. She definitely had not expected that. “I... help you?” she asked curiously. “Do I know you?”

The larger(much larger) of the two stepped forward. “Ma'am, yes ma'am! I am apprentice Wonderbolt Leadwing!” He had a gray coat and a black mane. He saluted smartly. “This is my cohort, True Breeze!” He motioned to the blue coated, green maned pony besides him, who waved feebly. “We are here to see Wonderbolt Blaze, ma'am!”

Diamond blinked a few times. “Errr... I... see? I uhhh... she's doing council stuff right now, I think. Can I ask what this is about?”

“Ma'am, yes ma'am! We have been assigned to serve under her for the time being, ma'am! And help aid in the restoration of Harmony, ma'am!”

Diamond blinked a few times and looked to the other one. “And you?”

“H-hi Avatar,” the stallion said softly. “It's an... honor to meet you. What he says is true. The Air Nomads wish to lend their aid and support during this trying time, especially with all the... damage that has occurred. While we are students, I assure you our training has been of the highest degree and we will aid this country in any way possible.” He kneeled politely.

“Ah. Ummm... that's... nice. Would you like to come in? There's some... coffee I think. It's probably a bit cold by now, but we can probably warm it up.”

“Ma'am, yes ma'am! That would be delightful, ma'am!”

“Please stop calling me ma'am.”

“Yes sir!”

Diamond face hoofed. She was too tired for this. “Just... keep it down. Blaze should be home later.” She turned and started trotting back upstairs. More Wonderbolts around would be interesting, at least. She wondered what drove the Air Nomads to have such interest now.

'Meh. It's probably nothing important.'


“Okay, have you got your sexy underwear?”

“MOM!” Acrylic snapped, his face turning red. “I don't even HAVE sexy underwear!”

“Oh. Right,” Vinyl said with a hum. “Wanna borrow some of mine?”

“MOM!” he shrieked again, his pitch going very high. “This is a serious, dangerous journey!”

“Come oooon. You're going to be on a boat for weeks with pretty mares and I want grand kids.”

“I am not going to... anything with the mares on the boat!” he shrieked.

“Fine, find a nice stallion. You can always adopt. But they have to take the family name!”

Acrylic face hoofed. “Please. Tell me I was adopted.”

“Nope, afraid not. You've got a little bit of Scratch in you.”

“Oh dear heavens. Just... just let me pack in peace, please?”

“Fiiiiine,” Vinyl said before walking out the room... she soon opened the door just a crack and peered inside before it slammed shut.

Acrylic sighed and locked the door. He then pulled out a second, identical bag. “Okay, real bag I'm taking, good. Decoy bag that mom will get into and replace half the stuff of, good.” He quickly got to work.


“Mom, do you think this is masculine enough?” Button asked as he held up a brown cloak.

Octavia just stared. “Why would it need to be masculine?”

“I'm gonna be on a boat with some of the prettiest mares in Harmony for like, months! It's my chance to stand up and really show I'm stallion!” he said proudly.

Octavia just kept staring. “Darling, you're already a stallion. You'll be fine.”

“But I need to look the part! Do you think maybe I should get some chest plates? Armored ones to give myself a broader chest?”

“Plates that big would just make it awkward to move,” his mother said with a sigh as she slowly packed his clothing into his bag. “The Badlands are a strange place with ever shifting weather, pack for that. Not for looks.”

“But moooooooom.”

“You will find the right mare eventually. But for now, just focus on surviving.”


“But nothing,” Octavia snapped, making the stallion stand at attention as she turned her glare on him. “You are going to a place I would prefer you never even saw. You are an adult now, so I can't stop you. Nor will I try. But you WILL take this seriously. Do I make myself clear?”

He yelped and slowly nodded.

“Good. Now, bring your canteen. You never know where you might have to travel.”

He sighed and gave a nod, scooping it up and tossing it to the bag.


Silver took a slow, deep breath as she stared at the dozens of crates of 'equipment' that was being brought onto the ship. In one of those crates, Diamond's cutie marks were stored, waiting for the right moment.

She could barely believe the water one had worked so wonderfully, she was a little disappointed about how easy Diamond was able to retrieve it, but it did its task. It piqued the Avatar's interest, helped set her mind to the task ahead. Her hoof moved to her throat as she stared.

The avatar thought she was the only one with something to gain on this trip, she was wrong. The Alicorn Amulet was a true prize worth just about any price, and soon it would be all hers.

She then glanced up at her air ship. It was massive, larger than most buildings and able to house a few hundred ponies. It had dozens of specially made and protected balloons that were woven into the frame rather than dangling from it, enough cannons to fend off an army and could travel at speeds rivaled only by pegasi. Even lightning couldn't hurt it, there were so many lightning rods on it that it would be a one in a million chance of it actually hitting the ship, let alone hitting something important. It was one of, if not the, most advanced airships in the sky. A veritable flying fortress. Unsinkable.

Finding the right name for it had been difficult and taken her weeks, but now it stood clear as day.

The Promise would take to the heavens and be the herald by which she rose to power. And the Avatar would be there to help her every step of the way.


Ironwing grumbled darkly as he rocked back and forth in his chair. “I shouldn't be going on this trip,” he muttered.

“Honey...” Scootaloo said as she sipped her tea. “It was you or your father. And he's still not...”

“The artificial wings are fine,” Ironwing grumbled even darker. “I don't want to be on a ship with... them for months! I'll kill one of them! Prism, most likely!”

“Good, then bury the hatchet when you bury him,” Scootaloo said with a sigh. “Really, you need to let this go. Besides, you're a good fighter, you'll be useful, and--”

“And there are better ponies who can do this,” he grumbled.

“And you have nothing else to do. Besides, you're one of the few representatives that both the pegasi AND bat ponies trust. Even if you're not a member of the Shadowbolts at the moment, a lot of them remember the things you did and have respect for you.”

“Why does Prism have to go, then?”

“Wonderbolt, one of the few we have that's a real part of Harmony. Come on, it'll be fine.”

“Ughhhhh,” Ironwing crossed his arms and just glowered at her.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Oh, stop your pouting.”

“I'm not pouting. I am glaring. There is a difference.”

“If you're going to be like that, I could always just tickle you. That's one way to--” The door slammed shut and she chuckled, a hoof to her mouth. “Running won't always save you, honey!” She eyed the door for a moment before sighing. “Dang it. Rainbow, you really chose the worst time to leave, didn't you?”


“Make sure you brush every day. And comb your mane, I know how you like to get bugs in your hair, but no. And wash your uniform at least once a week. Nothing spicy after sunset, you'll get stomach acid problems,” Blaze said as she followed Prism around the house.

“Blaze, I know. I know. And I know. Relax, I can handle this. I know how to take care of myself.”

“Oh don't even try that. You're just like your mother, one week on your own and bam, you'll be getting up at three in the afternoon, closest thing to an actual bath being when you cannon ball in a random lake. I expect my nice, sexy Prism home when you get back. Not the second coming of a tsunami.”

“I bathe!”

“Uh huh. One week away from me, and you'll go back to your old ways. I am not having that,” Blaze grumbled as she helped pack his bags. “Don't think I forgot about our times training together. I swear, it was the only time I ever saw both the student AND teacher playing hooky together.”

“I-I've matured since then!”

She sighed, before giving a little smile. “I suppose. As far as I know, you never played hooky with the Avatar's training. And I know you'll help keep her safe, even if things get rough. Still... it's sometimes hard to believe that carefree, wild stallion I married has gotten so...”


“Hmmm. I was going to say boring, but yes, depen--” She let out a shriek as he jumped on her.

“Boring? I'll show you boring! Rawr!” he yelled before nibbling her neck, one hoof reaching down to her stomach and tickling.


“Please, do stop that,” Luna said with a sigh, making both pegasi separate with shrieks before they flew around the room once, landing on opposite sides of the room.

“Weweren'tdoinganythingwhatareyoudoinghere?!” Prism asked rapid fire as he quickly tried folding his clock.

Luna stared, eying the stallion as the clock soon submitted, the sound of broken metal and plastic filling the room. He then gave a soft sigh. “I merely came to inform you that my sister and I will be departing shortly. Do try to be... quick, if you please. We very much wish to be on our way.” His eyes turned to Blaze. “Though I would advise closing your door next time.” He then turned and walked out of the room, the door closing behind him.

“I can't believe that is Rarity's kid,” Prism mumbled softly. He then let out a yelp as Blaze tackled him, kicking the door shut as she flew by it.


Diamond let out a low gasp as she walked into the Tomorrow Industries grounds. The ship stood out like a giant flying fortress, the armor plating across its hull glimmering in the sunlight. She didn't take her eyes off it as she made her way towards the group of ponies near the loading zone. “How... how did you even make something like that?” she asked softly.

“Impressive, isn't it?” Silver asked, glancing back. “The Promise. The first ship of its type. Cost a fortune, but I give my personal guarantee that NOTHING will bring this ship down. You could strike it with lightning, launch a dozen fire benders at it, buck, even hit it with a tidal wave and it would survive.”

The Avatar still couldn't shake a small feeling of dread as she stared at it. Something was wrong. She just couldn't place it. None the less, she grinned. “It's amazing. How many ponies can it hold?”

“It requires a crew of fifty to properly maintain, can house five hundred. Or... three hundred and one well sized dragon,” Silver said with a wide grin.

The alicorn froze. “Wait, a dragon? What do you mean a--” Her eyes went wide. “We're... going to the Fire Tribe lands?”

“We have to stop by there anyway and it was a request from Water Lord Rarity. Now, if he'll agree to come, that's--”

“Oh my gosh! I'm going to be able to see a REAL dragon? This is the most awesome day ever!” Diamond squealed, before rushing forward and hugging the other mare.

Silver blushed, nodding. “I... I try. Would you like me to show you to your room? The uhhh... others should be arriving soon. We can go once they--” She paused, looking towards the entrance of the compound. “Oh no. Oh no no no NO. He wouldn't. He COULDN'T!”

Diamond glanced back and her mouth fell open. Dr. Alicity and Secretary were trotting towards them. She recognized most of the ponies escorting him. One was an earth pony with a red coat and a black mane, Copper Shield, the leader of the metal benders. The other was a unicorn with a blue coat and yellow mane, Tittering Splash, leader of the Moon Raisers. Vinyl, Octavia, Zecora, Acrylic and Button were with them as well. Which only left a zebra, with a yellow and red coat.

“DADDY!” Silver screeched, making the alicorn fall back with ringing ears. “What do you think you're doing here?!”

Tittering stepped forward, before clearing her throat. “Ahem. As representatives of the council and leader of the Moon Raisers, it falls on me to announce the council's decision on the punishment for his crimes.”

Silver blinked, paling. “W-wait, punishment? But... he was... he...”

Tittering gave a little giggle. “I'm sorry, but please. Wait for the punch line.”

Diamond had a bad, bad feeling.

“For his crimes against the city in aiding and abetting the terrorist known as Meadowbrook--”

“Allegedly!” Alicity said quickly.

“Not NOW daddy!” Silver shrieked, the worry evident on her face.

“His crime has been decreed as such. On this journey, rife with danger for the young Avatar, Dr. Alicity must, and shall, aid the Avatar to the best of his abilities. Should his efforts prove sufficient, then on his return, his crimes will be considered cleared.” She then took a deep breath, before smiling. “And, as one of the ones who had to hold him imprisoned, I do believe miss Golden Shield has a few words to say.”

“... Nnnnnope.”

“Really? Well, okay. To paraphrase what her soldiers have been saying... ahem. 'Ha ha, he's your problem now.'”

Silver blinked a few times, before taking a deep breath. Then she glared at Alicity. “Daddy. You're behind this, aren't you? I had this handled!”

“Ah, my little buttercup, please, I merely wished to--”

“Don't you buttercup me! I can smell your hooves on this from a mile away! Who did you bribe? You really couldn't let me go on my own, could you? I know what I'm--”

“Silver, enough,” Vinyl said with a shake of her head. “Your father has nothing to do with any of this. As much as it pains me to say this, the doctor is...” She hmmed and then grinned. “Clever. Quite clever. There's no telling what you might encounter on this journey, so the council decided it was best you had every available resource in your hooves. Besides, he's not doing anything here aside from driving the rest of us bonkers, so we figured this was the best way to deal with him. Gets him out of our manes for a while so we can finish fixing everything.”

Silver groaned, then looked to Button and Acrylic. “You too?”

“We can always toss him overboard into a lake or something,” Acrylic offered.

Silver nodded. “I suppose. We will be flying over a few lakes...”

Alicity cringed. “H-honey, now, let's not be drastic...”

“Quiet, daddy. This doesn't involve you.”

“I'm... feeling pretty involved.”

Silver sighed, before glaring to them. “Fine, any other surprises?”

“Only one,” Tittering said before pointing back towards the zebra. “I would like to introduce you to Altena, your new guide. Hoof picked by Zecora herself and approved by the rest of the council.”

The zebra stepped forward and bowed her head politely. Diamond held her breath and waited. “A pleasure to meet all of you, I will do my best to help you, too.” The alicorn groaned. Rhymes. Not rhymes. Anything but rhymes.

“So is that everypony?” Diamond asked, glancing towards the ship.

“Just about. Still waiting on Prism,” Silver said with a grin. “Here, let me show you to your rooms.” She then glared at her father. “And YOUR cell.”

“Oh... my daughter, always such a kidder,” he said with a nervous chuckle.

The large group walked into the ship and Diamond couldn't help but gasp in fascination as she looked around. The metal glimmered with an odd, blue light. Long pipes ran through almost every inch and giant tubes filled with the balloons were set throughout the structure. “As you can see, there are plenty of internal compartments for the balloons as well,” Silver said as they walked. “Now, this ensures that even if by some horrible accident every external balloon was destroyed, as impossible as that may seem, the internal balloons will still keep the Promise afloat, albeit not forever. Why, the only way to force us to land would be if one of the larger internal balloons were destroyed, and they are coated in armor with only a single hatch to access them. There are also dozens of enchantments fueled by some of the most powerful mana crystals that Tomorrow Industries has available.”

“W-wow,” Diamond said softly, her mouth falling open. “How did you manage to make something like this?”

“Oh, this is just the first design,” Silver said with a chuckle. “Well... first... working design. Prototype, if you will. Once we manage to perfect it, we imagine vessels like these will replace all current air ships within twenty to thirty years. Pending some disaster, of course. Smaller, more mobile versions are already in use in some countries, the Earth Kingdom especially is fond of such things.”

“Are you sure it's alright doing this?” Diamond asked softly. “I mean, this seems like a lot of money to be spending on... me.”

“Your quest is more than worthy,” Silver said firmly. “Besides, we'll likely make far more than we spent once this journey is over. Trust me, I have quite a few plans.” She giggled into her hoof. One by one she showed the ponies their rooms(Diamond couldn't help but notice how much smaller Alicity's room was) until she came to a small grouping of four rooms. “Now, I may have gone a little overboard on these. But only the best for my friends.” She pushed open one of the doors. “This one is yours, Diamond.”

The first thing she noticed was it was pink. Very, very pink. Like her coat. The bed was massive, with the softest pillows, blankets and cushions she'd ever seen. She had a small armoire, as well as a desk, a few books and a personal tub. “W-wow...”

“I hope you like it.”

“I... I love it,” she said softly as she stepped inside.

“Wonderful! Button, Acrylic, if you'd follow me?”

Diamond blinked and couldn't resist following, though her eyes kept being drawn back to her room. Acrylic and Button's rooms were much like hers, except the former was more a dark blue while the latter was a light brown.

“Are you sure this is okay?” Acrylic asked, staring at the room. “This is... it's like living in a hotel suite.” He paused. “Is... is that a mint on the pillow?”

“Yep,” Silver said with a nod.

“Oh my gosh this is AWESOME!” Button yelled before he galloped into the room and jumped on his bed. “Ohhhh! Are these cloud beds?”

“Enchanted weave, of course.”

Diamond gulped as she looked back to her room. Not that long ago, she would have expected this. No, demanded this. But now... “Silver... I don't deserve this. I--”

“You're my friend. It's not about what you deserve,” she said with a chuckle. “It's about what I can do for you. After all, we're in this together, aren't we?”

The alicorn nodded slowly. “Y-yes. Thank... thank you.”

Silver nodded and turned around. “Settle in and unpack. I'll go make sure everything is ready. An announcement will go off when we're departing, so please stay in your rooms for now.”

“Okay,” Diamond said as she trotted into her room. There was a little piece of chocolate on her pillow too. She pulled it over and gasped as she took a bite, shuddering as it melted on her tongue. “O-oh...” She put a hoof to her cheek, shuddering. “Best. Friend. Ever.”

She then trotted to her bags and pulled out one of her books, humming softly as she tossed it onto the bed. She laid down besides it, flipping it open. “Oh Twilight. Let's see what new bits of wisdom you have for me today.” She gave a soft yawn as she read through the first line. “I know you were super smart and all, but you were really long winded. I swear you could turn a sentence like the sky is blue into a full page summary.” She then blinked and glanced towards her book bag. “Actually, I think you did.”

She was on the third page when a loud horn went off through the hallway. She paused and braced herself. Slowly she felt a little pressure, but it was gentle and very slow. Within a few minutes it was gone. “Huh. I expected... more. I guess that's one of the perks of having such a nice ship.” She flipped to the next page. “Twilight, do you think this is right? I mean, not like I can change it now. But going after you and all. Is it the right thing to do? Will I find anything good? Buck, will I find anything at all?” She rolled onto her back. “How long were you gone when I was born? A day? A month? A year? Ten years?” She nudged the book again. “Just... what happened out there? What was it you saw in the Badlands? What will you show me?”

As always, all she received was silence. However, after a few moments she felt an odd stirring in her stomach.