• Published 26th Mar 2016
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Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 2: Discord - Jeweled Pen

The new Avatar has defeated her greatest foe, but now she finds a new journey before her. Can she find out what happened to the previous Avatar, Twilight?

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Chapter 10: The Badlands

Diamond took a slow, deep breath as she stared out over the edge of the ship. She wasn't the only one, either. About half the crew had made their ways up towards the top deck in order to see.

The Badlands were in sight, just a little bit off. They looked so normal, though there remained a strange coloration difference between the sands of the Fire Tribe lands and the Badlands. While the former looked normal, the latter seemed almost darker. As if it was tainted or had something else within it. Diamond couldn't tell why, but it filled her with unease.

She held her breath as the ship pushed on, second by second getting closer. Then, finally, they flew over the barrier between the two.

Nothing happened. The ship didn't shudder or shake, she didn't feel the pressure drop, in fact, it was as if they were still just flying over the Fire Tribe lands. A collective sigh of relief released from the crew, before the ponies started going their own, separate ways.

“How are you feeling?” Acrylic asked as he moved up behind Diamond.

“Hmmm? Oh, better. A lot better. That potion of theirs really did the trick,” the alicorn said as she kept looking out over the lands below. “I still feel a bit of a rumble in my stomach and I'm not very hungry, but it's far better than the alternative.”

“Ah, Avatar! Well, we're still in the air, so I guess the curse hasn't hit you,” Rainbow called as she trotted up.

“M-miss Dash,” Acrylic said, quickly bowing his head.

“Oh, knock that off,” the pegasus said with a wave of her hoof. “I used to change your diapers, kid. Well, I didn't, but I used to laugh at Vinyl when she had to do it. Just call me Rainbow.”

“Curse?” Diamond asked.

“Oh yeah. Twilight was absolutely cursed when it came to airships. I swear, every single one she rode in, bam, straight to the ground. Just her, too. The rest of us? Rode in dozens of them, no problems. But the moment she herself went into one, ker blam. Made her a bit nervous after a while, think she even tried to develop one that couldn't fail. Wonder how that went.”

“I hear it got struck by lightning,” Diamond said with a chuckle.

“Sounds about right,” Rainbow said with a grin. “Ah, I miss ol' Chickenwings. No offense, kid, I hear you've got quite the talent, too. But you know how it is, missing your old friends. I'd love to hear a bit more about this Meadowbrook, she sounds like a real chaos rouser.”

“Yeah, she... was something else,” Diamond said with a nod. “Crazy now, though. She has been locked up. No... telling what'll happen to her now.”

Rainbow nodded, before smiling. “I'm going to go get some grub. Meet up with me later sometime. I'll see about showing you a few tricks my son probably left out. Oh, and if it comes to it, if you see Prism and Ironwing duking it out, knock them upside the head for me. 'Kay?”

“It'll be my pleasure,” Diamond said as she watched the mare leave, before looking to Acrylic. “Okay, she is nothing like Rarity. Honestly, she reminds me a... little bit more of Pinkie.”

Acrylic chuckled. “Yeah, I hear Twilight had a really weird bunch of friends. Still, you know...” He glanced after her. “Rarity was...” He coughed into his hoof. “So, ummm... Button and Luna. About that...”

“I think they're cute together,” Diamond said with a nod. “Though, I'll be honest. I didn't know Button was into stallions.”

“Me... either honestly. You don't think he was... crushing on... well...” Acrylic's cheeks turned bright red.

“You? Oh, don't flatter yourself,” Diamond said with a light snicker. “We all know where your eyes have been set and I couldn't see Button trying to break that up.”

The stallion's cheeks turned bright red. “S-shut up.” He looked down at her stomach. “So... haven't seen you throw up in a while, how you been feeling? I mean, if you're not eating much, how are you keeping your strength up?”

“Stomach still feels a little jumpy but as long as I keep myself to just eating broth and things that are easy on it, I can keep it down.”

Acrylic nodded and reached out, patting her withers. “That... does sound pretty miserable.”

“I bucking hate it,” she groaned. “But compared to how I was BEFORE I took the potion, I might as well be a hundred percent and jogging across the world. That was miserable. I almost preferred my time being held captive by Meadowbrook.”

He chuckled. “I'll have to take your word for it. I wasn't...” He frowned and squinted. “Do... you see that?”

“Hmm?” She glanced over the horizon, into the Badlands. The land looked fine, albeit there were a group of strange clouds quickly coming towards the airship. Still, it looked like they were just a bit of rain, other than that the desert looked normal.

Then she gaped and squinted. “Is... is that snow?”

“It... certainly looks like it. How in the world can it be snowing?” he asked softly.

“This is a strange place, isn't it? Maybe it--” Suddenly the ship jarred heavily to the left, making her lunge out and grab Acrylic. “Something hit us! We're going down! We're going to crash and burn and I am going to throw up on myself!”

The unicorn just stared, digging his hooves into the ground. After a few moments he shook his head. “We're good. We're fine. I don't think there's anything to worry about. Look, the ship isn't shaking anymore. Just one good jar.”

There was a light beeping, then the intercoms came alive. “Everypony please remain calm. That was just a heavy bit of turbulence, there is no danger and we are now out of it. We will be flying higher to avoid these strange weather patterns and a few pegasi will be heading off to ensure our path stays clear.”

Diamond watched as three pegasi suddenly ran up from below deck and took to the air. She let out a sigh of relief.

“Diamond?” Acrylic asked.


“Can you let go now?”

She blinked a few times before recoiling. “R-right, sorry. I just... yeah. Let's just... pretend that didn't happen.”

“Fine with me. Wanna go get some broth?”

“Honestly, I want to go climb into bed and wait for this whole trip to be over,” she grumbled before turning around. “I'll be in my room. Just... tell somepony to get me if I'm needed, okay?”

“Of course. Sleep well.”

“Mmmm...” she mumbled darkly.


Alicity stared out over the great wastes before them. “Can you look at that, Secretary? Marvelous. Simply marvelous.”

“Of course, sir,” the mare said with a light nod. “What exactly am I looking at?”

“Everything! Nothing! Just look. A whole new country. A whole new world! A place that even during the hundred year war, the Water Nation wouldn't dare tread. Imagine what secrets this world held. Imagine what wonders!” He glanced towards Altena. “You, my young zebra friend, you must have many stories to tell us of this place!”

Altena sighed as she glanced out over the world. “This... land is strange, but powerful. Far to the north there is a portal of sorts, that is said to connect our world with that of the Spirits. That is where we are headed. However, very few travel to it and it has been many, many years since anything has come out from it. The legends speak of great spirits that once guarded this and that land, who ruled the world and kept all beings safe. Of a hidden village that guarded it as well.” She paused for a moment and glanced towards the earth pony. “According to the legends, they greatly favored the ponies over all other species, granting them the power of bending. It is with this power that your ancestors swept to the south, creating the four nations and taming the lands there.”

Alicity nodded. “Fascinating! Is it true?”

“I don't know. I can only speak of the legends. However...” She frowned and looked out towards the clouds gathered on the horizon. “I have never been here, I have only been told by my people of what lies in this strange land. During the hundred years of darkness, it is said the heat never left this land, that the spirits themselves kept us warm and safe. Or perhaps the connection to the Spirit World did it. The magic here will be different from the kind you ponies have harnessed, but it should be no less potent. The Avatar, as well, may find herself quite at home in this place.”

Alicity nodded. “Truly fascinating. To imagine there was all this still up here. How long do you imagine it has been since our ancestors swept to the south? We have very few legends of this place, aside from the 'stay the buck out' sort. I wonder if it would be possible to tap into whatever magic lay here, imagine the devices I could create. A new Alibot, even! One that--”

“Sir, no alibot, please,” Secretary said flatly.

“Oh, Altena, my dear. I must ask you. Sometimes you talk in rhymes, otherwise you talk normal. I haven't known many zebras, so I'd love to hear the reasoning.”

The zebra chuckled. “I assume you mean the manner in which Zecora speaks, yes? It is a game, of sorts. When young, we teach our foals to speak in such a way as to develop quick tongues and quicker minds. I am, sadly, but a novice in the skill. But Lady Zecora is a pure master, a mare deserving great respect for her talents in it.”

“Fascinating,” Alicity said with a nod. “I wonder if there's any connection between this game and your species natural magic. I'd love to study a few of the zebras living out here if we meet any.”

Altena nodded, staring out over the wastes. “There are likely many tribes still here, living off the land. Rumor has it that after the events of the war, when peace returned, many of the pirates that once fought moved their operations up to this realm as well.”

“Ohhhh, pirates!” Alicity said with a little squeal, clapping his hooves together. “Can you imagine? Actual pirates, Secretary!”

“Delightful, sir,” the unicorn said flatly.

The zebra glanced over. “I... have often wondered. Miss, is Secretary your real name?”

“Hmmm? Of course not, it's--”

A boom split the air and the ship jarred hard to the right, followed by two more booms.

Secretary pointed towards the port side of the vessel. “Sir, it looks like you may get your chance to meet pirates sooner than you thought.”

“Oh, how delightful!”

Off in the horizon, three ships could be seen, breaking through the cloud cover just a short distance from the larger vessel. They were older models, supported by massive stitched-up balloons overhead. Alarms started going off throughout the ship.

“All non-vital personnel get below deck. All combat personnel report to the main deck. This is not a drill. Repeat, this is not a drill. All non-vital...” the intercoms blared.

“Sir, we should retire,” Secretary said quickly.

“Nonsense! They're just pirates, what's the worst that could--” The ship rumbled again as a cannonball slammed into the side. “Hah, wasn't anywhere near us! We--” He let out a yelp as he was telekinetically lifted up and dragged below deck.


Diamond galloped up to the deck, her stomach turning slightly every time the ship jarred from one of the attacks. Down below she could hear the booms as their vessel returned fire. She let out a soft gasp as one of the vessels were hit in their balloon, blowing a hole clean through it and sending it spiraling down towards the ground.

The crew quickly abandoned the vessel, pegasi and griffons taking to the sky and rushing straight at them. She spread her wings and readied herself for combat.

Then suddenly a rainbow blur descended on them, spinning around in a tight circle and creating a tornado around them. The fliers quickly tried to fly away, struggling to escape the great wind tunnel, but they never stood a chance, the spinning blur circled around rapidly without showing the slightest hint of slowing.

The blur kept spinning, tugging the tornado along with it as it made its way towards the other vessels. They tried shooting their cannon balls at it, but they missing the rapid blur by a mile, not even coming close to stopping the thing. Instead the balls flew uselessly through the air, the only thing able to pull free from the winds. Within a few moments, the second and then third airship were tugged into the tornado.

Diamond gasped as it then began to descend, the entire tornado flying through the air before slamming towards the ground, spilling the griffons, pegasi and the torn remains of their ship across the desert. The blur then rose up to the sky.

“Ha! Is that really all you've got? You lot don't have anything on Gilda! Come on, who's next?” Rainbow yelled before she pounded her hooves together.

Diamond could barely believe it as she watched the pirates turn tail and run, flying as fast as they could away.

“Did... did she just... she did, didn't she?” she asked softly. “She... she took them ALL out by herself. How did she do that? How? She was just... that was... how?”

“Yeah, I am pretty awesome,” Rainbow said as she landed by her.

The alicorn shrieked, jumping back. “H-how? I didn't even know a pony could do that!”

“Well, I'm not just a pony, now am I? But that was nothing! You should have seen me in my prime, I would have wrecked them in half the time and I would have gotten all three ships, BEFORE that first one could have hit the ground,” she said with a chuckle.

Diamond just stared, her mouth falling open, before turning to Prism. “How?! Why can't YOU do that?”

The pegasus blushed. “I-I... I'm not... m-my mother was always... unique and...” He shuffled his hooves.

“Oh, knock it off,” Rainbow said with a shake of her head. “Prism, you're a fine bender. Buck, you're one of the better ones. I've just... always been a cut above the rest. Its all the fighting I had to do back when I was with Twilight. Nothing quite motivates you to get good like having your life and the lives of your best friends in constant danger.” She gave a light chuckle. “It was sooooo awesome. And so was I.”

“I-I believe it,” Diamond mumbled, before glancing back towards the ships in the distance. They didn't look too bad, all things considered. Balloons were shredded and the ships had been popped open into three or four chunks each. She imagined the pegasus could have turned them into splatters if she'd wanted. They probably were in no rush to follow them now, though. “Can... you teach me to bend like that?”

“I can try,” Rainbow said with a shrug. “But, lets be honest. I traveled with Twilight for years and, while she was amazing, when it came to air bending she had nothing on me. There's only so much awesome you can teach, you know.”

“I-I wanna learn!” the alicorn said quickly. “Please! I... I need to.”

The pegasus gave a nod. “Well, if you want. The first thing I'll teach you is air sight. That's a nifty little trick.”

“Okay!” Diamond said with a nod. “What is it?”

The pegasus just grinned. “Let's... call it a test.”