• Published 26th Mar 2016
  • 1,491 Views, 52 Comments

Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 2: Discord - Jeweled Pen

The new Avatar has defeated her greatest foe, but now she finds a new journey before her. Can she find out what happened to the previous Avatar, Twilight?

  • ...

Chapter 7: Sick

Button took a deep breath while he stood outside the door, a small bouquet on his back. He tapped his hooves nervously, chewing on his lower lip. He could do this. He would do this. He slowly reached out and tapped on the door.

After a moment it opened and Luna stared at him. The stallion blinked a few times, before glancing to the flowers. “Can I... help you? Knob, was it?” He sighed. “Are you here for my sister?”

“N-no! I'm here for you! I, errr...” He held out the flowers. “I, err, w-wanted to know if you'd... like to come to the poop deck with me. A-and it's... Button. Button Mash.”

Luna blinked, his mouth falling open. “... Mister... Mash. This vessel does not have a... poop deck. You are not quite familiar with the designs and terms of naval vessels, are you?”

“A... little bit?”

“The poop deck is...” He sighed and took a deep breath, before blinking. “Wait, you've come here for I?”

“Ummm... yes,” Button squeaked.

Luna stared, cocking his head to the side. “Are... you quite sure you did not come for my sister?”


The prince rubbed his chin, eying the stallion for a moment. He then shrugged. “Very well, if you so wish I shall accompany you to the UPPER deck.”

“Hmmmm? Luna, who is it?” Celestia called from her room.

“Nopony you need worry about, dear sister. I am heading out.”

“Okay! Can you see about picking up some snacks or something while you're out?”

“Of course,” Luna said before stepping out, closing the door. His horn glowed as he picked up the flowers, looking them over. He then pushed the door open, tossed them to his sister and stepped back out. “Very well, shall we?”

“O-of course!” Button said, a great grin on his face. He couldn't believe that worked. This was going to be awesome. “So, how do you like the trip so far?”

“I must admit, it is far different than I expected. I have only ever traveled on water bound ships. Traveling through the sky like a bird is... quite thrilling. Though I will admit I expected more. It is smoother, though.”

Button nodded. “Oh yeah. I used to go on boat rides with Acrylic and his mom, but I hated it. I always got really sea sick and I'd spend half the time bent over the edge of the ship, throwing up. Really nasty and I just said that out loud, didn't I?” He face hoofed.

Luna stared for a few moments before a grin formed on his lips. “My my, Button, you have quite the way with words. Sea sick, however? You would not last long in our nation. We travel everywhere on the seas.”

“What? Oh, I think I'd get used to it, eventually. If I had to, I mean. So, uhhh... how do you like everything so far? Outside of the... Water Nation?”

Luna paused, before sighing. “I... will admit, I have found it quite charming. The... ponies are much more tolerable than in my home country.”


“Indeed. They do not recoil in fear at the sight of me.”

“What? Why would ponies be scared of you? You're so pretty!” he blurted out, before cringing.

Luna stared at him, a stare that could have bent iron. But, slowly his gaze softened. “As... you might have guessed, my sister and I bear a striking resemblance to our grandmother and... grand aunt I believe is the term? Great aunt? I bear the appearance of the previous Nightmare Moon, who's name I share. Many ponies have good reason to fear that name and what it entails.”

Button cringed. “But... that's not fair. You seem really nice to me. Why would your mom... do that?”

He shrugged. “When we were born, I believe our mother saw a way for them to live again, so to speak. I did not know my grandmother well, but in her later years I hear she became a good, kind soul. But still ponies feared her for what she once stood for. Perhaps in giving me this name, she hoped I would live to turn the name and memories of our grandmother into something ponies would cherish, rather than flee from.”

“Oh. Well... ummm, if it helps, I wouldn't flee from you. Just to you!”

Luna sighed, but smiled none the less. “You have quite the way with words. Like a drunken timber wolf struggling desperately to find a tree in a pond.”

Button blinked a few times. “Thank... you? I think?”


Alicity hummed as he trotted through the ship, looking around skeptically. Secretary followed close behind. “Secretary, make a note of that valve. The grip isn't properly coated. Also, that pipe needs another coat, some of the paint is chipping. Let them know they need to inflate that balloon a little more.”

“Yes sir,” Secretary said as she trotted up behind him. “Sir, are you sure this is wise? Your daughter worked very long and hard on this vessel. I'm not certain she'll... appreciate... your aid on its matters.”

“Nonsense. My daughter is a...” He paused. “How mad?”

“Our room is effectively the size of a closet, sir.”

“Hm? Oh, it's fine. You don't mind sleeping in the chair, do you?”

She gave an exasperated sigh. “No sir.”

“Of course not. Now, don't worry about Silver. She'll get over her little tantrums quickly enough once she sees all the improvements I can make to her design. And--”

“DADDY!” the voice rang out through the halls. He looked up and saw her, the little mare standing at the end of the hall.

She looked furious, ready to tear him apart, her eyes narrowed into slits. “Just WHAT do you think you're doing?”

“E-errr... n-nothing, my little turtle dove. I am merely... a-admiring your... vessel,” he said softly, giving a little grin as he backed up.

Silver walked up to him and glared, staring him in the eyes. “And just what notes are you having Secretary take? Hmmm? It wouldn't be about my ship, would it?”

“W-what? No! No no, no. Of course not. No. I am merely... working on some side projects. Y-you know me, always... d-dreaming up something new. Eh heh. Errr... like... lime... binoculars!”

“Lime... binoculars.”

“Yes! Yes, of course! You see, binoculars... you can grow! Like limes! Secretary?”

The mare blinked and held up her notepad, displaying a picture of a tree with little growing binoculars.

“Ah. I see. Carry on then,” Silver said before trotting off. “We have a lab on the fifth deck, by the way.”

“O-of course, honey. We'll make our way there immediately!” he said before letting out a sigh of relief.

“She'll appreciate your aid, sir?” Secretary asked with just a hint of smugness.

“I... may have... misjudged, slightly. To the lab-or-a-tory!”

She gave another sigh. “Yes sir.”


Acrylic coughed as he flipped through his book, looking over all the water bending styles. Still, he couldn't help thinking about what his mother had said. After all, he was going to be alone on the ship for months with at least one very special mare.

After all, it was her ship. She wouldn't be going anywhere. Maybe he could get a tour of the ship, find out what was available on it. The two of them could have a long talk. Maybe once the sun set, the two could go for a little dance on the upper deck, he'd heard airships were very romantic for that.

Maybe he could even try--

A sudden pounding on the door made him shriek, tossing the scroll into the air. “What? Who? Who's there? What?”

“It's me!” Diamond called in.

He blinked and then face hoofed. “Ah. Of course. What is it, Diamond?” His horn glowed and his door popped open. He jumped to his hooves and ran to her side. “Holy... Diamond, what happened to you?”

“Do... I-I really look that b-bad?” she asked softly. Her face had taken on an unprecedented shade of green and she was wobbling slightly. He barely caught her before she fell over.

“You look horrible. Was it something you ate?”

“I... I don't know,” she said with a groan. “I was... I was fine a little bit ago. I was reading and then... then my stomach started to feel bad and then... and then...” Her head went over his withers and he heard, and felt, her stomach emptying itself. “Awww... bye bye... chocolate... sorry.”

Acrylic sighed. “You're sick, so I'll let that one slide. But I swear between you and Button, I get covered in all the fluids.” He looked down at the floor, paled and quickly looked away. He grabbed his trash bin in his magic and pulled it over. “Come on, let's get you to the medical room. Or... whatever this has. I'm sure it has... something like that.”

“If it doesn't, can you just toss me overboard? Please?”

He shook his head. “I'm afraid not. Mom would kill me if I killed you.” He chuckled. “Besides, you have wings. I don't think the fall would kill you.”

“Only if there is mercy left in this--” The rest of her words were cut off by yet another fit.

“Straight to the doctors. Then I am going straight to the showers. And if they don't have them, then I am going to build some myself. Just... wait here for a moment.” He trotted to Silver's door and knocked on it a few times. “Hey, Silver, you back?”

He received nothing but silence, making him shake his head. “Well, guess we're hoofing it again. Come on, it'll be fun.”

The Avatar answered by heaving into the can.


Ironwing and Prism glowered at each other from across the bar, each sipping their drinks slowly, occasionally their eyes wandering over the many blunt instruments nearby. The nearby staff gulped and tried desperately to avoid getting caught between them.


Celestia grumbled darkly as she flipped through her book, occasionally glancing at the remains of the flowers besides her. She was bored, but there was nothing to do. She'd been on hundreds of ships before, they'd lost their allure long ago. Even flying ones. The rooms came with a bunch of different books, though they were all random and she'd only grabbed a small romance one because it happened to catch her eye. It was doing little to alleviate her boredom.

She finally rolled out of bed and jumped to her hooves, stretching out. Well, she knew of at least one thing that might be pretty fun. She trotted out of her room, glancing down the hallways before trotting along. A grin formed on her lips the moment she saw the Avatar a few halls down.

It disappeared a moment later when she heard the retching noises coming from the mare. “What happened to her? Has she been poisoned?” she asked, glancing to the stallion besides her. Acid, she thought his name was. No, wait, plastic. Acrylic! Yes, that was it.

“Air sick, I think,” Acrylic said with a sigh. “Or food poisoning. Do you know where the medical... area is?”

“Nope. That's a shame, I was hoping to talk with her.”

“Oh, trust me, this is probably the best time to talk to her, she can't really talk back,” Acrylic said.

“Buck-- blerg... you... Acrylic...” Diamond said into her can. “Don't... mock the... dying...”

“You're hardly dying. Come on, Avatar,” Acrylic said as he trotted along.

Celestia sighed, but followed along anyway. At least it was something going on. “So... you're... Acrylic, right?”

“Mmmm hm. And you're Princess Celestia.”

“Just Celestia, please. My mom told me about your mom, she used to be pretty awesome, I hear. Great bender. You any good?”

“Not as good as my mother, if that's what you're asking. But I can hold my own. Why?”

“After we drop off Diamond, you wanna have a little fighting match?”

That made the stallion pause. “I'm sorry?”

“You, me, kicking each other's flanks. Or trying to, at least.”

“Why would--” He then sighed. “Ah, right. Because I was a pro-bender. I'm sorry, I don't do that anymore. I'm trying to learn how to more effectively normal bend. You know, ice, water, mist, all of water.”

“You were a pro bender?”

“Blargghhggghhhhh...” Diamond exhumed.

Acrylic shuddered. There was some splash to that one. “Yes, I was. Not any more, though. Diamond, what did you eat? How are you not empty?”

“I don't knowwwww...” the alicorn moaned. “It just won't stooooooop!”

“Is everypony okay? I thought I heard--” Silver called as she turned a corner. She then paused, her eyes going wide. “Diamond? What happened to her? She looks like... w-was she poisoned?”

Acrylic let out a sigh of relief. “Nope. Well, I don't think so. Either food poisoning or air sickness. Can you take us to the medical area? She... really needs to be looked at.”

Silver nodded. “Of course. Follow me. We have both an earth AND a water based healer on board, so it should be fine. Unless she's air sick, but what are the chances of that? I mean, she has wings. That'd be just silly.”

“Also, showers?” Acrylic asked softly. “There's been... splash,” he grumbled darkly.

Silver nodded. “I'll take you to those as soon as we drop off Diamond.”


Prism tried not to laugh as he eyed the Avatar. He failed miserably as he covered his mouth with his hoof. “H-how... how can you be air sick?”

“Shut up,” Diamond groaned as she kept her eyes closed, trying to steady herself.

“I mean, really? You have wings. You fly... sorta... all the time.”

“I would light you on fire if I could.”

“How did you not know?”

“N-never really... b-been on an air ship before,” she grumbled darkly, just trying to keep focused on anything but her turning stomach. Nearby a nasty smelling brew was being made by the doctor to help steady her stomach. “E-except with... Meadowbrook. Wasn't long... then. Either...”

“But you can fly! You have wings! What kind of alicorn gets air sick?”

“I blame Twilight...”

“How is it Twilight's fault?”

“Every time I go near one of these... urp... things, get this... jump in my stomach. I-it's her... I know it...”

“Well... I will admit, your past life did not have much... luck with flying, or so the stories go. But I hardly think she could make you sick.”

“Hate... her... for this... will find a way... make her suffer...” Diamond moaned as she rolled over onto her side.

He sighed and moved over, putting a wing over her. Gently, he rubbed her back. “Very well. If you wish, blame her if it makes you feel better. It will be okay, Diamond. They're making some medicine for you now.”

“I-I can't e-endure this for months...” she whined.

“You won't have to. No pony would ask you to. And, if worse came to worse, we could always walk the trip once we got to the Badlands.”

“N-no. Silver... worked hard on this ship... not... a-any other... ugh... way...”

He nodded and kept soothingly rubbing her back. “Of course. How about we focus on something else. Are you excited to meet the dragons? Have you ever met one?”

“N-no. Never... seen one before. N-never been to the... fire lands...”

“Oh, that's a shame. They're truly spectacular creatures. Some of them have scales that glimmer like jewels, not surprising considering what they eat. They can bathe in lava, in fact many of the eggs are hatched near them. The fire benders are the only ones who can properly raise them.”

“Mmmm... hmmm... and they... urg... fly?”

“Yes. Some of them can. The last hundred years have not been kind, but they are slowly beginning to repopulate. In fact, I believe the first new eggs were created about five or six years ago.”


“Yes. Granted, there likely won't be many eggs for another hundred or so years. But sometimes there are early bloomers,” he said with a chuckle. “Their population is increasing, however. And I think you'll like their current leader, Spike.”

There was another jump in her stomach and she groaned. “R-really?”

“Yes. He was the very Spike from the stories about Twilight. Now the eldest of all the living dragons, though even he is still not very old, in dragon years. Not even a hundred yet.”

She chuckled. “Is he... cool?”

“I hear he's kind of a nerd, honestly. But mom loved to tease him and when I met him he was pretty awesome. Big, too. Bigger even than the minotaurs.”

“That's... pretty big.”

“The Great Dragon was huge, as big as a sky scraper. They have a... monument of him and his skull is on display, watching over the city. Or at least, that's what they say. I don't know if its the real skull, or just a stone likeness of it. But its still pretty impressive.” He softly patted her back. “You will be okay, I promise. If we have to, we'll hoof it.”

“Can't... Silver worked--”

“Silver is your friend and she cares about you. She won't want you to be miserable on this trip.”

“Dangerous... too...”

“Everything is dangerous.”

“Done!” the doctor said proudly before holding out a small green cup. It bubbled ominously and smelled like mud. “Pinch your nose and drink it down. The after taste can be pretty bad, but choke it down. And no matter what you do, don't throw up.”

Diamond whimpered and took the drink in both hooves. Prism smiled and reached out, pinching her nose for her as she drank it down.

Her eyes went wide with horror. It tasted like moldy socks mixed with gravel and possibly sewage. Also, just a hint of eggs. It took everything she had to keep swallowing it down, but soon the cup was empty and a new one filled her hooves.

“Here, it'll wash away the taste.”

She downed the second cup much faster, the taste of mint over powering but still far preferable to that other thing. She then collapsed into her bed. “I don't feel very... very...” Her eyes closed and she lightly snored.

“Err... is... she going to be okay?” Prism asked softly.

“She'll be fine in an hour or two, probably sleep for a lot longer, though. Few days, at the most, depends how bad she has it,” the doctor said proudly. “It has a bit of a kick to it, but when she wakes up she'll feel a lot better. Won't be completely gone, but at least she should be able to eat and move about. You can head back to your room, if you like.”

Prism shook his head. “No, I'm her teacher. It's best I keep an eye on her for now.”

“Whatever you wish,” the pony said before trotting off.

The pegasus glanced down at the alicorn and smiled. “Don't worry, Diamond. We're all here for you and we'll keep you safe.”


Acrylic let out a soft gasp as he followed Silver into a small indoor arena. “How... why do you even have something like that?”

“Yeah, why would a ship filled with a ton of benders, including their teachers, possibly have an area designed for them to practice?” Silver asked with a cocked eye.

“Point taken. Also, smart flank,” he said with a grin. “This ship is pretty awesome, though. I can't believe you went to all this work for us.”

“Of course I would, you're my friends,” Silver said with a wave of her hoof. “Besides, this ship is supposed to be a moving fortress. Now, it's not quite as large or impressive as some of the things the pegasi can make, but it can be used by anypony, so I think it balances out. That, and it's a lot more durable.”

Acrylic nodded, before trotting to the opposite side of the arena. The ground was made of actual dirt and there were buckets and a water spigot. He took one and started filling it.

“Now, remember,” Silver said quickly. “Once you're done, gather all of the water up and drop it in the drain. We have a number of purification systems on board, so it'll take the water there. Got it?”

“Of course,” the stallion said before looking to Celestia. “So, I haven't fought very many fire benders before, but I--”

“Don't worry,” she said with a shake of her head. “I won't be sending lightning at you or anything like that. I'm looking for a sparring match, not a murder.” She smiled at him none the less. “Though, I do hope you don't mind that my... style is a tad unique. As far as I know.”


“Yes. Sadly, my father was... not quite able to give me many practical demonstrations. I've spent my life around water benders, so I've learned to pick up a few of their tricks. So don't fret about holding back against me.”

He nodded, soon having filled up three buckets of water, before turning to her. “Okay then. Ready?”

“Ready,” she said, before charging forward. He took a single step back, the water in the nearest bucket shooting into the air, before attaching to his horn and forming a whip. He slashed it at her once, aiming at her ankles.

To his amazement, she didn't even try to dodge it. As the whip came closer, instead she stomped her hooves down and a burst of flame erupted over her body and as the whip hit her, it instead sizzled and turned to steam. She then twisted around, sweeping her hooves out and sending a small tendril of flame at him. He yelped and lowered the water down, forming a wall of ice to catch the flame. More steam filled the air as he rushed at her, the other two buckets of water swirling up and around him. He formed a quick halo of ice around his body and charged her.

Flame coated the mare's body and she rushed at him as well, the flames searing and quickly evaporating the water of the halo, forcing him to take a step back. He stared, his eyes widening. “That's... a very interesting technique. I've never seen such a thing.”

The flames disappeared and she smiled. “Truly? It's... difficult, I won't deny. But it is powerful and one of the best ways I've found to fight water benders, evaporating their attacks. If you'd like, we could stop here?”

“I'd--” He blinked, before frowning. “No. You know what? This is what I've been looking for. A way to... fight actual benders.” He gathered the water that remained, forming a ball over his head. “This is something I need to learn.”

Celestia nodded. “Very well then.” She took another step back, the flame gathering on the tip of her horn. “Let's.” She sent her horn forward, sending the flame at him.


“Wowwwwwww,” Button said, his mouth open as he stared out over the edge of the ship. He swore he could see forever, the world looked like a great big map so far out. Not only that, it was all moving by so fast. They were already passing over the desert. “I don't think I've ever seen a ship move so quickly. This is amazing.”

Luna nodded. “It is quite the sight. Though I won't deny I would prefer something less... bright,” he mumbled as he shielded his eyes from the glimmering sands. “I can't imagine how the Fire Tribes can endure such temperatures, either. This heat is positively--” He paused as he realized Button was suddenly fanning him with a big, green fan. “Where... did you get that?”

“Found it!” he said proudly. “H-helping?”

Luna chuckled and reached out, putting a hoof to the fan. “Cease, the breeze from the moving ship is enough. Moving like that will only tire you out, Button.” He then looked down across the vast expanses of sand. “Though... it does oddly remind me of home. A sea of a different variety.”

“Your dad's a fire bender, right? Did he talk about this a lot?”

Luna blinked, then frowned. “No. His relationship with his... home was not the strongest. In fact, to many there he was considered a traitor. I imagine he still is. His relationship with my mother and his works of diplomacy did little to cease those questions.”

“What? Really? Why?”

“In the war, many ponies did horrible things for horrible reasons. My father did many things to maintain his power. However, according to him, my mother helped cleanse his heart of such darkness and, with time, create the pony we grew to know and love. But there are many who will not forgive and let go of the misdeeds ponies have done, regardless of what they do and how much time has passed.” He gave a soft sigh. “Regardless of what a pony suffers through, they will always believe a pony must suffer more.”

“Oh... what... ummmm...” Button coughed and looked off to the side. “I'm sure he's a great guy. I mean, I've met his wife and... errr...”

Luna smiled. “Are you familiar with the story of my mother? Who she was during the great quest of the Avatar?”

“Yeah!” Button said quickly. “Her story was awesome! Obeying the Water Nation until the right moment came and then, bam, striking out to help the Avatar, right?”

Luna chuckled, a hoof coming to his mouth to stifle. “Oh, if only. My mother's own tale of redemption was... quite a bit more drastic.” She then hummed and glanced to him. “For a hundred years the Water Nation was not a very nice place, Button. Our current rulers are now those many would consider traitors to their people, at one time or another. Much of the destruction and damage has been, to the best of their ability, stomped out. But there is still much that must be done.” He moved closer. “There are even those who suspect that my sister and I will mimic the histories of those we are named after and rise up against our eldest sister in a war for supremacy.”

“W-what?” Button asked softly. “O-oh... I... ummm... I'm sorry.”

Luna cocked an eye. “Mmmm. Knowing all this... do you still wish to pursue me?”

His cheeks turned bright red. “W-w-w-w-w-what?”

“Do not think I have not... noticed your advances, little stallion. They are... cute, I will not deny. But you are, as they say, barking at the wrong tree. It is a dangerous goal you have set yourself.” He then paused, before waving a hoof dismissively. “Though, I will not deny I am quite... flattered. I will not begrudge you your chance to try, if you so wish. But I imagine little good will come of it.”

He stared, his mouth falling open. Then a wide grin formed on his lips. “I-I'm willing to try! I'm really willing to try!”

Luna chuckled softly, before nodding. “Very well then, Button. Shall we watch for the approach of Fillydelphia, then? I believe we shall arrive in a few days.”

“Y-yeah. Let's... uhhh, watch,” Button said with a squeak as he turned and looked out over the side of the ship. Well, it wasn't a straight rejection, so at least it was better than Diamond's reaction.


Acrylic groaned as he rubbed the lotion across his burned skin. “Ow, ow, ow ow, ow,” he grumbled.

“You were really doing far better near the end, Acrylic,” Celestia said with a chuckle. “That was a lot of fun. Though you might want to talk with my brother.”

“Huh? Why?”

“If you're looking for applicable methods of water bending, he was trained by our mother and aunt. Now, while neither of us can truly compare to their abilities, those two are some of the best. He would be able to give you plenty of tips in regards to real world fighting.”

He nodded. “Thank you. So... ummm... how did I do?”

“Well...” Celestia coughed into her hoof. “Your ice control is extremely sloppy and not nearly cold enough. I was able to melt it far too easily. Using mist against someone like me was just silly and just using water was ineffective against my style.”

He nodded. “I'm used to pro bending. We aren't really... allowed to use ice bending in the arena.”

“That's stupid.”

“It's more about safety than fighting.”

“Again, stupid. How can it be called pro bending if you ignore half the stuff that goes into bending? That would be like a fire bender without lightning or a earth bender without rocks.”

He chuckled and gave a nod. “Yeah. That's... part of the reason I don't do it, anymore. I still have a long way to go before I can be a true bender. And you can't use lightning in the arena and earth bending is... well, a lot different, too.”

She smiled. “You are a true bender. Perhaps not a master, but you are strong. Don't let anyone tell you differently.” She then paused and reached out, taking a bit of the lotion and putting it on his face. “I am sorry for that last shot.”

“It hurts less than it looks,” he said with a chuckle. “I'm... going to get some rest. Okay?”

She nodded and turned away. “It was fun fighting with you, Acrylic. I'm hopeful we can do this again sometime.” She paused for a moment. “You have fought with the Avatar, yes? How good is she?”

“Diamond? About a tenth as good as she thinks she is,” he said with a chuckle, before sighing. “But... even then she's still pretty good. I know I tease her a lot, but she's gotten a lot better in the short time I've known her and she just keeps getting better. Heh, sometimes I used to worry that she'd even become a better water bender than me.”

She nodded. “Interesting. Thank you. Perhaps when she isn't sick, she and I can have a little match.”

“Ugh, do it before she can fire bend. Trust me. She'll burn you a lot worse and won't even feel bad.”

Celestia gave a light chuckle. “I'd love to see her try.” She then turned and walked out the door, trotting through the halls. On her way back to her room, she was surprised to find Luna as well. “Brother? Heading back already?”

“Yes. I'm feeling a little tired, all this travel is just... never pleasant,” he said with a shrug. “Where have you been?”


“Oh dear, I hope you didn't kill the pony.”

“Of course not! It was one of the Avatar's friends, Acrylic. Interesting water bender. Needs a lot of work, but he's still quite good. I can see that he's Vinyl's son alright, judging by the stories mom told us.”

Luna nodded. “Really? Perhaps Button and I should have a training match, then. I'd love to see how his style compares to the legendary Octavia. It should be simple enough to get him to agree.”

“Oh? Soooooo...” Celestia said, glancing off to the side. “You... do know he's flirting with you, right?”


“And you're okay with that?”

“Why would I not be?”

“Well... you know... because he's a... well...”

“A what, dear sister?”

“You know... an earth bender. Isn't that kind of... weird?”

“Our father was a fire bender and our mother is a water bender.”

“Well, yeah, but they were still both... you know... unicorns.”

Luna snickered. “Those prejudices no longer have a place in our nation, dear sister.”

“Of course not. But you know I worry about you. If the gossips hear about this back home, they'll--”

“Say nothing worse about me than they already do. Besides, it's not as if I intend to wed the stallion. Nor do I imagine he has any such intentions with me. I see no problems with having a bit of fun with a fun, delightful young stallion. Stars know you've done that often enough.”

Celestia shrugged. “Fine, fine, just looking out for you. I guess he is kinda cute. In a dorky way.”

“Mmmm hmmm, he is quite dorky. Still, he is a smart lad. He knows what he's getting into.”


Button mentally eeeeed as he laid on his bed, rocking back and forth.

He couldn't believe it, he had the go ahead to flirt with an actual princess! A PRINCESS! She was interested in him! They were going to get married one day and have a hundred foals and this was going to be the best thing ever!

Author's Note:

Yes I know it's cliche... But if it was going to happen to anypony, it would happen to Button.