• Published 26th Mar 2016
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Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 2: Discord - Jeweled Pen

The new Avatar has defeated her greatest foe, but now she finds a new journey before her. Can she find out what happened to the previous Avatar, Twilight?

  • ...

Chapter 8: Manehattan

Diamond groaned when the alarm went off. She rolled over and let out a shriek as she fell out of her bed. “Who? What? Where am I? What?” She then looked up. “Helllooooooo?” She slowly got to her hooves and nearly fell over, shaking her head. Her stomach felt hollow and a little jumpy.

“Ah, finally up?” Prism asked as he trotted into the room. He put a hoof to her forehead and grinned. “Feeling better?”

“Uh huh,” she mumbled as she looked around the sterilized room. “How long was I out?”

“A few days. Well, you've been in and out of it a lot. Don't worry, that concoction was pretty strong. How does your stomach feel?”

“A... little mild.” She looked down. “Sorry. I didn't mean to--”

“You have nothing to be sorry for. We all get sick sometimes.”

“... Did I throw up on Acrylic?”

“Okay, you have a little to be sorry for. But, I have good news.”


“We've landed outside Manehattan now. Most of the others have already gone on ahead. The others are waiting for us, now. I believe Silver is working on some negotiations.”

Her eyes widened. “W-wait, you mean the dragons? They're--”

“Here. Yes. Do you want to meet them?”

Her stomach did a flip for another reason and she nodded, before stopping. “Can... I get something to eat, first?” she asked with a sheepish smile. “It's... been a while, I think.”

He nodded and turned to trot off, she followed closely behind.

“So... ummm... it's... I mean, I was... when I woke up, you were there awfully fast.”

“I've been sleeping in the infirmary until you got better.”

Her cheeks turned red. “Wait, really? But... why?”

“You needed somepony to take care of you, and I had nothing better to do. Silver wanted to, but she has a ship to watch over. The reason I'm even here is to keep you out of trouble, so I volunteered.”

“Oh... uhhh, thanks.” She gave him a little smile. “Sorry to be such a bother.”

“You being sick was not a bother, Diamond. Sometimes a pony just needs somepony to take care of them. Besides, at times you were almost cute.”

“W-what? Cute?”

“'Dadddyyyyyy, my tummy is all gurgglyyyyyy!'” he said in a mock Diamond voice.

“I... I didn't.”

“Oh, you did,” he said with the wickedest of grins. “I could tell you some other things you said, if you like.”

She put a hoof over her beet red face. “Please. Just... just let me fall of the air ship next time. Falling to my death would be preferable.”

He chuckled as he led her through the ship. They made a brief stop at the galley so she could grab a quick snack, before heading towards the exit. Soon they stepped out onto the exit ramp and she stopped. “O-oh, wow. That's... big,” she said softly.

The city of Manehattan was likely twice the size of Harmony, possibly even larger. The ship had landed just outside it and a massive wall surrounded it, keeping the entire city enclosed. Though she couldn't see the buildings themselves, she could make out the giant head of a dragon peering out over the wall. “Is... is that the--”

“Yes. The skull of the Great Dragon, according to rumors. Now, do you want to see the city first, or the dragons?”

“Dragons! Dragons dragons dragons!” she yelled with a squeal, before blushing. “I-I mean, if t-that's okay. The dragons would be... kind of cool.”

“Oh, the dragons are very cool,” he said with a chuckle. “The others will be happy you're awake, though. We agreed to wait until you woke up to meet with them.”

“O-oh. I'm sorry... I... didn't even think about... that.”

“You were sick, you weren't thinking of much.”

“R-right,” Diamond said with a small smile. She then paused. “This... dragon knew Twilight, right?”

“Spike? Of course. Some ponies even called him her assistant. Why?”

“What... uhhh... what if I don't measure up?” Diamond asked softly. “I mean... I'm not...”

He hummed for a moment, before shrugging. “Twilight was pretty amazing. But that doesn't mean you're not. You two were just... amazing in different ways. Now, if you're hoping he'll like you more than Twilight, not going to happen. But there's no reason for him not to like you.” He glanced over. “You've matured into quite the nice young lady, Diamond. In such a short time you've gone from a spoiled brat to a pony who actually cares about others and understands her limits. Usually.”

Diamond chuckled. “Yeah. Getting my face smashed into the dirt a few dozen times'll do that.” She grinned up at him. “But... thank you. So, where are the others?”

“Here and there. We won't all be going to see Spike, though. There are plenty of dragons here to see. But I imagine he'll want to meet the new Avatar and her friends, not to mention the children of Water Lord Rarity, so they'll be coming as well.”

“Oh. Where are they, then?”

“With Silver, most likely. Come on,” he said as he trotted towards the city.


Diamond couldn't help being over whelmed when she walked through the city. She thought the buildings in Harmony were tall, but the ones in Manehattan went all the way up to the great wall itself, as well as were packed so tightly together that the entire city was cast in a constant shade.

Not that it helped completely, the city was still extremely hot, but the sand was far from burning underhoof. However, some of the buildings were equipped with the strangest devices, great towers of ice that filled massive tubes, when the wind blew through them it made the building far cooler. A few dozen water benders still remained in the city and it seemed they had found their niche in this new world.

Silver was in one of the market buildings, negotiating with some pony. Diamond could only barely follow the conversation, but she was sure the pony wanted access to their artificial bending devices. They weren't the best, yet, but the development was well underway. Once they arrived, the negotiations only lasted a few more minutes before the group made their way to a small diner, Acrylic, Button, Luna and Celestia all sitting around one of the many tables and eating some strange green plant strips.

“What... is that?” Diamond asked softly.

“Cactus,” Prism said with a smile. “Want to get some? It's really quite sweet and moist. A delicacy in these parts.”

Diamond nodded quickly, her stomach suddenly growling in anticipation and making her blush. Even though she'd had a few things to eat back at the ship, her body was far from satisfied.

They were then led slowly through the city, until coming to a sudden stop, Acrylic raising his hoof. “Wait. Something's... something's wrong.”

“What is it?” Diamond asked, looking around and spreading her wings slightly.

“I don't know. I just felt... we're being watched. This feeling of... unease. Danger. It's...” He paled. “Oh no. We're--” He never had a chance to finish his sentence. Suddenly a pink blur charged in, tackling him to the ground in the most massive of hugs.

Diamond's eyes widened as she looked at the pink pony, spreading her wings out, before stopping. She felt an odd mix of... excitement and trepidation.

“Miss Pinkie! Please don't run off like that!” a unicorn mare with a green coat and blue mane yelled as she galloped up, panting lightly.

“Prism!” the pink mare said as she sat up, grinning down at him. “Where have you been? It's been sooooo long! Ohhhh, we have sooooo many birthday parties to make up for!” She then proceeded to put a kazoo in his mouth.

He coughed it up, shaking his head. “H-hello, Pinkie. Err, stand down. She's safe. Not like you'd probably be able to hit her, anyway,” he said with a sigh. “Could you get off me? Please?”

“Mayyyyyybe? What's the magic word?”

He sighed. “Cupcake?”

“You remembered!” She then stuffed a cupcake in his mouth, before hopping off and looking towards them. Prism coughed, trying not to choke on the treat.

Then she was suddenly in front of them, hooves wrapping around Diamond and Silver as they let out yipes. “Ohhhh! Diamond and Silver! I should have known you two would be here! I was really voting for Nyx, to be honest. But I guess this is fine, you're probably doing a really good job, anyway!” She then dashed forward and hugged both Acrylic and Button. “Acrylic, Button! I haven't seen you two in ages!”

Diamond wobbled from side to side before shaking her head. “W-who? You... know me?”

“Of course I know you, Diamond. You're the Avatar. It's a good thing, too. I mean, if not for this you probably wouldn't be here, what with the CMC already getting their appearance. Ohhhh, are you here to see Spike or Rainbow?”

Prism blinked a few times, before jumping to his hooves. “Wait, Rainbow? Rainbow Dash? My mom? She's here? Where?!”

Pinkie opened her mouth to speak, but then the smile slowly faded. “O-oh. You don't... know. I... shouldn't tell you... I was supposed to keep that quiet...”

“Pinkie, where's my mom? Is she okay? She's not--”

“She's not okay. I don't even think a hundred parties would make her okay. Trust me, I've tried,” the mare said with a frown, her ears drooping.

“She definitely has,” the other unicorn said, before smiling to them. “A pleasure to meet you all, I'm Gracious Warmth, Miss Pie's assistant.” Her eyes wandered to Diamond. “And you must be the new Avatar. A pleasure to meet you.” She bowed her head politely.

Pinkie giggled. “Oh, Gracious.” She then eeped, pointing a hoof at Prism. “I... wish we could talk more, but this isn't my story. I can't give away too much, you know? But... Spike knows where Rainbow is. So you might want to say hi. Besides, this is just a cameo for now! I can't be here too long or ponies will get upset.”

Prism nodded with a gulp. “I... I will.”

“Okay! Bye bye!” the pink pony said before hopping away.

Diamond just stared at the pony as she disappeared. “The... buck was that?”

“Pinkie Pie. One of Twilight's old friends, Element of Laughter,” Prism said, his eyes lowered.

The alicorn snickered. “No, really, who was that?”

“I just told you.”

“But... but she looks my age! How old was she?”

“About as old as our mother, I do believe,” Luna said with a shrug. “I... must admit, we have met her a few times. She has never seemed to be affected by time. It infuriates our mother greatly. She is quite the character, however. I believe at the last record she had... seventy-five children?”

“... Adopted?” Diamond asked.

“That is the most popular theory,” Celestia said with a shrug. “But with that mare, there are quite a few other theories. One of which involves a magical duplication lake. Also, alternate dimensions. One theory believes she may have the powers of Discord as well.”

“A what now?”

“Let's go,” Prism cut in. “If my... mother is here, then we need to find her.”

Diamond blinked a few times. “Wait, if she is? You don't know?”

“She hasn't reached out to us in years. The only times I ever see her is when she decides to...” Prism sighed and shook his head. “Just... come on. If she's been staying here, I need to know.” He started trotting quickly, the others following slowly behind.

Diamond glanced back, cocking an eye at Silver. “Is something wrong? You look... scared.”

“That... pink pony. I don't know why, but she kind of... scares me,” Silver mumbled softly. “A lot. Did you feel any... thing?”

“She was a bit hyper, I'll admit. But I don't think she meant anything bad,” Diamond said with a shrug. She then grinned. “Don't worry, if she attacks, I'll protect you.”

Silver chuckled, though her eyes lingered where the pink pony had disappeared.


Diamond let out yet another gasp as they left the main part of the city and came to a massive hole in the ground. It was still within the city walls, but the heat was almost overwhelming. The hole led deep into the ground, though rather than darkness, a red glow seemed to emanate from within.

Prism didn't allow them to wait a he started trotting in. A few unicorns stood outside, but motioned them past with only a second look.

Once they entered the caverns, Diamond's breath caught.

It was boiling. The heat was so intense she had to blink again and again to keep her eyes from drying out and it only took a few seconds before she started panting. As hot as it had been outside, the cave itself was far, far hotter. She couldn't imagine being in here an hour, let alone a life time. It soon became apparent why.

They came to a massive, open chamber filled with pits of lava. She let out a little gasp at all the dragons, flying and splashing about in the pools. “O-oh my gosh,” she said softly.

They were ADORABLE! She let out a little sqwee at the sights, the only thing stopping her from running forward and hugging one was the fact she would literally die in a fiery, and painful, blaze. She couldn't stop staring none the less. “They are so tiny and cute!”

“Spike!” Prism yelled. “Where are you?”

“Please, don't yell,” a nearby unicorn stallion said. “You'll startle the younger ones.”

“Where's Spike?” the pegasus asked. “My name is Prism, son of Rainbow Dash. Please, let him know I've come to talk with him.”

“Oh, of course,” the stallion said before bowing his head. “I do believe he has been expecting you. I will go and retrieve him immediately. Please wait here, where it's safe.” The pony then turned and started walking past the pools of lava. Diamond couldn't imagine how the stallion could stand the heat, she felt like passing out from here, yet he acted as if he was walking through a slightly brisk, sunny meadow.

She noticed some of the larger pools, further from the entrance, also had larger dragons. She gasped softly at the size of one, easily twice as big as the minotaurs from back home and curled up inside one of the pits, most of its body hidden away. Some of the younger dragons had taken to using its back as a slide. Prism didn't seem to notice any of this, too busy pacing back and forth, angrily.

“Prism, why are you so mad?” Diamond asked softly.

“If she's been here all along... she just... ugh!” Prism face hoofed. “She just... she does this. Doesn't think and then just... does what she wants. What she feels like and...” He shook his head. “I... didn't know if she was hurt or dead or...” He sat down. “I just want to... talk to her.”

Diamond moved over and gently patted his withers. “It'll be okay. You can talk to her. We have time, right? Just...”

“Just what?”

The alicorn took a deep breath. “I'm... not sure what happened, I know it was bad and really upset you and Ironwing. But it's not your fault and it's not his.”

He harrumphed.

“Every pony around you is saying that, do you think maybe they might know?”

Prism sighed and shook his head. “Diamond, you have no idea what happened or what we did. So don't act like you have a stake in this.”

“I'm not, I just think you should--”

“I don't care. This is between me and my mother.”

“I just think--” She paused as suddenly thick, black smoke began to swirl around them. “W-what's going on?”

Prism shook his head. “Really?”

“Well well well. Who are these little ponies who dare to intrude upon my realm?” a voice boomed through the chamber. The smoke cleared as a great wind washed over them. Diamond gaped as the massive creature appeared. He was most definitely a dragon, though he stood so tall his head touched the roof of the cave, forcing him to bend down. His scales glimmered like dull gems, a dark purple. Across his back and head spines that looked as if they were crafted of emeralds glimmered. He was at least as big as a small house. He was still incredibly small compared to the great statues throughout the city, though.

“Hi Spike, really?” Prism asked with a cocked eye. “You KNOW me.”

“But the other ponies don't, I wanted to make an entrance,” the dragon whined before sitting down, making the ground rumble slightly. “What brings you here, anyway?”

“I hear my mother is nearby. Do you know where she is?”

Spike cringed. “Ah. Yeah... Rainbow's here. You uhhhh... did she send for you?”

“No. I came to the city to find you. Then I met Pinkie.”

The dragon face clawed. “Yeah, that'd do it. Listen, Prism, I wanted to let you know, but--”

“My mother likes her alone time. I know. Spike, where is she?”

“South, a few miles away. But she's not really--”

“She's not in the mood, I know. What am I looking for?”

Spike sighed again. “Big, flat mountain. Wasn't always flat, but... you know Rainbow. Likes to make a scene.”

“Of course she does.” He turned to walk away, but a hoof grabbed his withers.

“Prism, we should come with you,” Diamond said softly.

“I don't need you.”

“Yes, you do. Remember? Friends? This... sounds like it's painful. You shouldn't be alone during this time.”

He gave a soft sigh and shook his head. “I'll be fine. Really. It's just my mother. Talk with Spike and... do whatever you want.” He walked away, leaving the others behind.

Diamond sighed, before looking to Spike. “So, you're Spike? I've heard of you. Though uhhhhh... you were much... smaller in the stories.”

The dragon pounded his chest. “Yeah. Years of eating the best gemstones the fire benders could dig up really helps you grow up big and strong. Speaking of, you guys want any? There's always more to share.”

“Errrr, no, not at all.” She looked around nervously, but the others merely waved their hooves away. She took a deep breath, before smiling. “I am Avatar Diamond Tiara, and we are on a quest. We are traveling to the Badlands to try and uncover what happened with my previous incarnation.” She held out a hoof. “And we would like to invite you to join us.”

The dragon froze in place as emotions flashed across his face, before finally sadness stayed. “Don't... offer me that.”

“I'm sorry?”

A claw moved up to cover his eyes. “Don't offer me that. If you do... I... just might accept.”

“That's wonderful, you can—”

“No, I can't,” he said firmly, shaking his head. “You... really don't understand what you're asking.”

“I'm sorry?”

“I cannot leave the dragons, not now. Not at this stage.” She couldn't be sure, but she had a suspicion he was crying behind those claws. “They need me. I have to stay here.”


“Twilight was one of my best friends. I was her number one assistant and... if she had asked me, I would have come with her. I would have... given up everything to go with her. She knew that. I know she did. That's why she never asked, why she left without me.”

“But this is--”

His claw slammed down on the ground, making the ground rumble. The dragons around the cave turned towards them, slowly sinking into the lava to avoid notice. “I am the eldest of the dragons now. I have a responsibility not just to myself, but to all of my kind. We have come back from the brink to repopulate. I cannot, will not, risk this for my own feelings. Avatar, while I appreciate the offer, I will have to decline.”

Diamond opened her mouth to object again, but then looked into his unhidden eyes. Tears had welled up and it was obvious the dragon was only barely holding them back. She looked away, nodding. “Very well. I can understand that, your kind need you. But... when we discover what happened, we will return. I promise you. And we will let you know what happened to your friend.”

“Thank you, Avatar. I... will look forward to your return.”

The alicorn quickly turned back and trotted out of the room, the others following closely behind her. The moment they were out, a high pitched squeal filled the air.

“Oh my gosh that was so COOL!” Button yelled. “He was so big and awesome and did you see his scales? They were like jewelry!”

“Quite impressive, I won't deny,” Acrylic said with a nod. “Though I can't imagine how they tolerate that heat.”

Celestia gave a shrug. “It wasn't that bad.”

“Says the fire bender,” Luna said with a light chuckle.

“Well... this was a bust,” Diamond muttered. “But... still happy we came. I didn't think he'd say no and...” She glanced to Silver. “Looks like we'll have a lot more space, at least.”

“Probably for the best,” the mare said with a shrug. “I... may have underestimated the size of him. We would have had to adjust some plans in order to fit his great girth. Though, I am still a little worried about Prism. Do you think he'll be okay?”

“Probably,” Diamond said softly. “He's smart, he won't get himself in much trouble. Probably. As long as Ironwing isn't with him, it should all be fine.”


Prism flapped his wings as hard as he could as he raced south. Even though the sun beat down on him relentlessly, he could barely feel it. All he could feel was that his mother was close. So very, very close. He couldn't believe she'd been hiding out here all this time, near the dragons.

Though, he supposed it kind of made sense. There weren't a lot of air benders who came this deep into the Fire Tribe lands these days and she was far enough out that most probably didn't realize she was even here. Which was good. Less ponies to witness when he MURDERED her.

It didn't take him long to see the long line of mountains in the distance and, soon enough, the flat topped one. He wondered how long it had taken his mother to make it that way. Probably have taken most air benders years, but his mother would have never waited that long. She probably wrecked it in a few days.

Then his heart nearly stopped as he saw two pegasi sitting there. One with a red coat, Ironwing. The other had a blue coat, a rainbow mane and was covered in wrinkles. Prism flapped his wings again, giving himself another burst of speed as he dove to the mountain. “Ironwing! What are you doing here?”

The other stallion just looked up and then turned to Rainbow. “I merely came to offer my respect to Rainbow. When I heard she was here, I--”

“How dare you!” Prism shouted, charging the stallion. “After what you did, you shouldn't go near her!”

“After what I did?” Ironwing asked before rolling to his hooves and charging right back. “You were the one who--”

Before either of them could get close enough, they both found themselves on the ground, their sides hurting and aches spreading throughout their bodies. Rainbow was now standing, her wings out and head cocked. “Really, you two? You come to visit me and decide to spend the whole time whining at each other?”

“He started it!” Ironwing said, yelping as another burst of wind caught and tossed him into the air.

“And I'm finishing it. Now knock it off before I crack open both of your skulls.”

“Ugh,” Prism grumbled before getting to his hooves and shaking his head. “Mom, how can you even talk to him? After what he did?”

“What he did?” Rainbow asked with a shake of her head. “Now, I may be a bit old in years, but my memory is as keen as it ever was.” She turned her blind, milky eyes towards Prism. “Blast was my student, not his.”

“But if he had brought the Shadowbolts about quicker, and--”

“I knew what she was capable of. I knew what could happen, and I didn't deal with it properly. That's my fault,” she said with a wave of her hoof. “The ponies who died? Your father? Those Wonderbolts? The trainees? My...” She shook her head. “All of them are on my hooves. I trained her, I taught her each and every secret she needed. I bucked up, not him. And certainly not you. Now, you two, hug and make up.”

“Not a chance!” the two said in unison.

Rainbow sighed and both wings flapped. Two gusts of wind struck out, catching the two pegasi and flinging them into each other so they collapsed into a heap. “Yeah, wasn't a request.”

“Get off me!” Ironwing roared.

“You get off me!” Prism yelled right back.

“Ahhhhh!” The two engaged in yet another slapping fight, their hooves lashing out wildly.

Rainbow just face hoofed. “Seriously? What brings you guys out here, anyway? I figured you'd still be in...” She frowned when she realized they were too busy hoof slapping each other to listen to her. Her wings flapped again and bother were separated and tossed off the cliff. “Seriously, children?”

After a few moments the two flew back up. “M-mom, stop doing that,” Prism groaned.

“Act like an adult, and I will. Now, again. What brings you two down here? I figured you guys would still be in Harmony and what not.”

“Yeah... about that,” Prism muttered. “Some things happened and... well, we're here with the Avatar.”

“Wait, Twilight?” Rainbow asked. “She's alive? I thought--”

“The new Avatar,” Prism added quickly.

“O-oh,” Rainbow said, before sighing. “Yeah... I guess... that makes sense. First Fluttershy and then... I just kind of always hoped she'd...” She shook her head again. “Let me guess, came down here to beg me to train her? My training days are done, kids. I just don't have the energy for it anymore.”

Prism's face turned red. “I-I'm training her, mother. And I'm doing a good job of it, too!”

“Yeah, she's a spoiled little brat just like her teacher,” Ironwing snapped.

“I'll kick your flank!” Prism roared before the two charged at each other. They barely made it a few feet closer bfore a great wind slammed them into the ground.

“I said knock it off!” Rainbow yelled, stomping her hoof down. “Really, what is wrong with you? No, you know what? I know what's wrong with you. So grow the buck up!” She walked over to them, glaring down as best her eyes could. “This is MY fault, not either of yours.”

“But mom, he--”

“Don't you 'but' me, mister, I--” Rainbow blinked. Then flapped a wing and sent him tumbling off the cliff again. “My gosh, you make me sound like a mom. Do you have ANY idea how annoying that is? I'm going to sound like Rarity next! I swear, I will NOT forgive that! I'm wayyyyy too awesome to just be a mom!”

Prism slowly climbed up, groaning before laying on the ground, panting. “Yeah... well... if I had any doubts you were my mom, the bruises are pretty familiar.”

“Far too familiar,” Ironwing agreed.

“Good, you two good?”

“...” The two remained silent together.

“Are you at least going to stop trying to kill each other? Because next burst I send you both to the foot of the mountain and you can climb back up the hard way.”

“Fine,” Prism mumbled.

“Whatever,” Ironwing mumbled as well.

“Good. Now! How have my two favorite stallions been? Prism, how's your lovely wife? Keeping you in line as ever?”

The air bender chuckled and nodded. “Of course. You know how she is, always worrying, but makes sure I get whatever I need to, done.”

“Wonderful. And you, Ironwing, how have you been? Still running the Shadowbolts through their paces?”

The stallion cringed. “I... was actually... removed from the Shadowbolts.”

Rainbow chuckled. “Yeah, right. Seriously, how have they... wait, you're serious?”

Prism lowered his gaze. “A... lot has happened in the last year, since the Avatar reappeared. We'd better tell you about it.” He took a deep breath. “I... suppose it all started with Diamond, she's the new Avatar...”

Author's Note:

And more cameos, yayyyyy!