• Published 26th Mar 2016
  • 1,491 Views, 52 Comments

Avatar: Legend of Diamond Tiara. Book 2: Discord - Jeweled Pen

The new Avatar has defeated her greatest foe, but now she finds a new journey before her. Can she find out what happened to the previous Avatar, Twilight?

  • ...

Chapter 3: A 'date'

Button pranced nervously in pace, chewing on his lower lip as he looked towards the doors for at least the hundredth time. She should have been here by now, she had to be here by now. Where was she? Was she late? It was already... okay, it was only ten seconds late, but seriously, he couldn't take this much longer.

His heart was pounding so hard he was certain it was going to burst out of his chest. He'd made special reservations the moment they'd returned from getting everypony's cutie marks back and she'd confessed her love.

It had taken over a month for it to come through, but it had been the fanciest restaurant in town. The Golden Laddle. He hoped making her wait a month hadn't been too rude. What if she thought he didn't care? Oh, of course she knew he cared. He'd been giving her doe eyes ever since. He couldn't believe it, he had a date with the AVATAR.

Buck that, he had a date with DIAMOND. Avatar or not, he would have sworn she was out of his league. She was so awesome and radical. Confident, too. Tough as nails. Probably one of the strongest ponies he knew. He smoothed down his tie again and took a deep breath. He could do this. It was going to be cool, it was going to be--

“Diamond to Button Mash. You there?” Diamond asked.

He blinked, then yiped and took a step back. She was right in front of him! His cheeks turned bright red and he stumbled a little bit, squirming. “I-I was, I just, err, I-I thought, I mean--” He coughed into his hoof. “S-sorry, was day dreaming.”

“Sorry for being so late,” she said with a nervous laugh. “I got caught up with Ironwing and Prism. Had to stop them from trying to fillet each other with a couple of carrots.”

Button blinked. “With... carrots?”

“Blaze locked up the knives.”

“Ah. So, m'lady, our table awaits,” he said before bowing his head and turning. He gulped as he looked at her. She... wasn't wearing much. Just her little tiara now. But she had wings AND a horn, she didn't need a fancy outfit. The waiter directed them to the table and Button quickly pulled out the chair for her.

Diamond looked at the small two-pony table in confusion, but took the seat. She then glanced to him. “Soooo...”

“Yes?” he asked as he sat across from her, a wide grin on his lips.

“Where are Acrylic and Silver?”

He blinked. “W-what?”

“Well, it wouldn't be much of a hang out with just the two of us, would it?”

He blinked a few times as he felt cracks crawl across his heart. “A... a... hang... out?”

“Well, yeah. They are coming, aren't they?”

He stared at her as his mind tried to think of an excuse, anything. “N-no.” Dang it mind!

“What? Why? Just the two of us here, it's almost like a date,” she said with a light chuckle. Then she noticed the look on his face. The smile slowly left her face. “B-Button. This isn't a... it's... oh. Oh Button.” Red flooded her cheeks. “I... I didn't... I thought... why...?”

“You... you said you loved me,” he squeaked. “You... kissed me.” He sunk into his chair.

She blinked a few times. “I... I did? When? I think I'd remember that. Are you sure it wasn't a dream?”

His heart broke into a hundred thousand pieces. She didn't even remember. She didn't have any clue.

“Button? Button! Don't cry, I'm sorry, I thought we were just, BUTTON!” she shrieked as he turned and fled.

The earth pony raced as fast as he could, kicking back the moment he was outside and making the stone rush up from the ground, blocking the door. He then galloped off into the night.


Acrylic grumbled darkly as he walked towards the door, the incessant pounding having finally driven him to get up. He swore whoever it was better be dying, or he'd rectify that situation.

He opened the door and saw Button. He almost screamed at him, until he saw the tears.

Then he got tackle glomped. “Ack! Bro, what's wrong?”

“D-Diamond d-didn't know i-it was a date s-she thought we were j-just hanging out a-and she and she d-didn't even remember the kiss!”

Acrylic laid there for a moment, before giving his friend a hug. “Err... there... there. I uhhh...” He was going to kill her. He didn't care if it probably counted as treason. He was going to kill her.

“Oh, hey!” Vinyl said as she walked out. “Oh, you two boys an item now? Sweet, you know I supp--” The words stopped in her throat when she saw the tears. She frowned. “I'll go put some coffee on.” She turned and walked out.

Acrylic sighed and patted Button on the back. “There there, bro. Come on, let's go get something to drink. What happened?”

The stallion sniffled, getting snot and tears over the unicorn's coat. “I-I went t-to the restaurant a-and she met me there b-but s-she thought all of u-us were going t-to be there a-and she didn't know i-it was a d-date and she l-laughed about it a-and now she thinks I-I'm an idiot a-and I am an idiot n-no pony a-as cool as that w-would ever like me a-and I made a t-total foal of myself!”

Acrylic slowly pushed the stallion off, getting to his hooves and directing him to the kitchen. “Well, Button, trust me. You dodged a bullet, there. It...” He paused as that just made the stallion cry harder. “Let's get something to drink. A lot to drink.” He was going to mega kill her. Super mega skill her. With sprinkles. That were secretly bombs. And on fire.


Silver groaned as she wiped her eyes, slowly making her way towards the door. She swore to the stars if her father had escaped jail again she'd kill him. Assuming he survived recapture. Maybe she should send an alibot after him.

'Ugh, no. I may be chaos incarnate, but even I don't wanna try making one of those things.'

She opened the door and saw a frantic looking Diamond. “Avatar? What's wrong?”

“I... I screwed up. I screwed up big.”

The mare's eyes widened. “What? How? What happened? Are you okay?”

Diamond shook her head. “N-no. It's Button. He... well... he... he thought we were going on a date! He took me to a restaurant and everything and I think I might have said the wrong thing!”

Silver blinked a few times and cocked her head to the side. “What? You two are dating?” She glanced back into her house. “I might be spending a bit too much time working here.”

“We aren't dating! He seems to think we were and... and I didn't know and... I think I hurt his feelings.”

“Oh, what'd you say?”

“I uhhh... kinda... laughed at the idea.”

Silver cringed. “Yeah. That'd do it. Uhhhh... so why?”

“I-I don't know! I thought... I thought it was a joke! I thought you and Acrylic were coming, it was going to be a big friend get together. I didn't know he was asking me out. Then he said I kissed him and told him I loved him, I don't know what he's even talking about.”

“You KISSED him? You told him you loved him?”

“What? No! Of course I didn't,” Diamond said with a shake of her head. “I think I'd remember that.”

Silver nodded. “Ah. Okay then. I think I'm going to make some coffee, it's... going to be a long night. I assume you'll be staying for a while?”

“If it's not any trouble?”

“Of course, Diamond. You're my friend, you're always welcome here,” Silver said before turning and trotting towards the kitchen. “Come along. We can talk everything out. You... uhhh... do... you have any feelings for Button? Like that?”

“What? No, ew. He's like a brother to me.”

Silver cringed. “That's... nice and all. But perhaps... don't say ew next time.”

“Oh. Right. It's just...” Diamond gave a soft sigh. “You, Acrylic, Button. You're all my friends. I mean... I guess... I kind of have other friends. Zecora now, Prism, Blaze, and well... others. But they're more... Avatar friends. You three are my real friends, though. My close ones. I know I can trust you three.”

Silver hesitated at the door for a moment, before pushing it open. “Of course. After all, you're the Avatar. Who wouldn't want to be your friend?”

Diamond snickered. “Considering how I was when I first got here? A lot of ponies. But... you guys stuck with me. Even when I didn't deserve it. I... I never thought of Button like that. I like him, but only as a friend. But I don't know what to do now! I think I really hurt him with that. I never wanted to. I... never meant to. How do I make this better?” She stared at the earth pony expectantly.

“I... don't know,” Silver said as she started brewing up the coffee, motioning towards the chairs to the alicorn. “It's Button, though, so you're in luck. He's pretty tough, he'll probably bounce back pretty fast.”

The Avatar nodded as she sat down. “Y-yeah. I guess... he probably will. He's always been... well, he'd forgive just about anything. Heck, I bet he'd even have forgiven Meadowbrook.”

“Perhaps he might have even forgiven Discord.”

Diamond snickered, shaking her head. “I don't think anypony would be able to do that. I mean, they have a yearly festival to celebrate the destruction of the guy.”

Silver snickered as she made her way towards the table, a tray with two cups on it. She slid them onto the table and gently nudged one towards Diamond. “Of... course. But Button is tough, and doesn't allow much to get to him. He has been turned down by more mares than I can count. You should be fine after a few days.”

Diamond sighed. “How about a few months?”

Silver cocked an eye. “Hmmm?” She asked before taking a small sip of her drink.

“Well...” The alicorn gave a soft sigh. “It's just... well... I might be leaving soon. Within a month, actually.”

The earth pony froze. “What? Why? Where are you going?”

She shuffled her hooves. “Well...” She took a slow, deep breath. “I... didn't want to bother you guys with it until I knew for sure. I mean, we've all been really busy lately. You've been working really hard, Acrylic and Button are doing their own things. I have a ton of work too, I just--”

“You're dodging the question, Diamond,” Silver said with a friendly smile, before reaching out to put her hoof over hers. “Please, you can tell me. We're friends. I always have time for you.”

The alicorn sighed. “I... want to find out what happened to Twilight. I plan to go to the Badlands.”

Silver shuddered, her eyes going wider. “When? How? Why?”

“I-it's not set in stone!” Diamond said quickly, shaking her head. “I-I know it's dangerous, but I'm planning. Really. Sassy is trying to find me some proper guards. Water Lord Rarity is coming, as well. Not with us, but she'll be visiting the city. If everything is set in stone, I'll probably be going soon after then. I just... don't know when and... I didn't want to bother you and the others.”

Silver's hoof tightened over hers, before she let out a soft sigh. “I... think it's an excellent idea.”

“Really? You do?” Diamond asked, perking up.

“Of course. You're the Avatar, if anypony should want to know about what happened to Twilight, you should. I... can't deny I am a little curious myself.”

The alicorn smiled. “Thank you. It means a lot to me. But... maybe I should wait. Until Button feels better. I mean... I'd rather not leave with bad blood between us. It--”

“Nonsense!” Silver said with a shake of her head. “Give it a month, tops. Just wait a little bit, then go. Besides, I can come with you, then.”

Diamond's eyes widened. “W-what? But you have a company to run! You can't just--”

“Oh, relax,” Silver said with a roll of her eyes. “It'll be fine. Honestly, after this month I should have everything running smoothly and I have a few ponies I can trust to maintain things while I'm away. We don't have anything big coming up after our reveal this month.” She then tapped her hoof lightly. “Besides, you're my friend. This is a big deal to you. Just what kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there to support you through it?”


“Also, I'm rich. I can have a top of the line airship prepared for this trip. One that will get us through the Badlands in record time with only a fraction of the danger.”

Diamond felt something inside her shudder, but ignored it. “R-really? I... I guess that would be pretty awesome.”

“Oh, it would be excessively awesome,” Silver said with an even wider grin. “It'll be worth it. Although... I will want any rights to whatever it is we dig up. Non-Avatar related, of course. Badland artifacts can go for quite the pretty penny and who knows? If we find something truly wonderful, it may fund the entire expedition.”

Diamond gave a light chuckle, before nodding. “I suppose that's fair. But I'll expect really, really good transport.”

Silver chuckled and gave her own nod. “Of course. It'll be clear skies, I assure you.”


Silver hummed as she lightly spun the jar around in her hoof, staring inside to Diamond's cutie mark. “My oh my, your owner is quite unpredictable, isn't she? Choosing to go to the Badlands all on her own? And here I thought I was going to have to force her hoof.” She stared intently at it, before sighing. “Though, the appearance of the Water Lord can... make things a bit more difficult. Might make her change her mind.” She placed the jar on the desk, before shrugging. “Well... I was planning to do it anyway. An extra little nudge could be all we need. Isn't that right, 'Trixie'?” She paused and perked her ears up.

She gave another soft sigh. “You know, sometimes I wonder if I ever heard you at all...”


Diamond smiled as she slowly trotted back towards the island. After having her nice, long talk with Silver she felt much better. She had a plan on where to go and what to do. Her friend was ready to go with her, so that was excellent. Button would probably calm down within a month, easy. Then he and Acrylic could probably come.

“DIAMOND!” a vengeful voice of anger roared through the streets at her. She froze in place and got ready to bolt, until she realized who it was. Acrylic. Her body locked up before she could bolt. She looked down the street at the stallion, racing after her.

“H-hey Acrylic, I--”

“Don't you 'hey Acrylic' me. Do you have ANY idea what I've been doing the last few hours?”

“Comforting Button?” she asked softly, her gaze lowering.

“No, I've been...” He paused. “Wait, yes. Comforting Button.” He stopped in front of her. “What is the big idea, leading him on like that? You broke his heart!”

“I-I didn't mean to!” she said quickly, her cheeks bright red.

“Then why did you kiss him? And tell him you loved him?” he asked, glaring at her.

“I didn't! I think I'd remember doing that!”

“Really? It's all he can remember! Apparently when you two were under ground while rescuing the cutie marks, you confessed your love and kissed him. Ringing any bells?” he asked bitterly.

She opened her mouth, before slowly paling. “O-oh. Oh no.” The memory flashed into her mind. “He... but he... I-I told him not to read into that! Not to take it the wrong way!”

He stared at her flatly. “And what is the right way to take a confession and a kiss?”

“Well... it...” She shuffled her hooves and then looked down. “I'm... I'm sorry. I just... I remember. B-but you don't understand.”

“Oh? Then explain it to me? What could have made that possibly okay?”

“I-I thought I was going to die! I-I was so close to death, there was nothing I could do. T-then Button came and grabbed me, he saved my life. I was so scared at the time, but he saved me. It was... I was overcome, okay. I was just so happy to see him and I hugged him and... I-I never meant anything by it. I didn't even think about it after that happened!”

“Then why did you accept a date from him?”

“I-I didn't! I thought it was just a friendly get together. I thought you and Silver were going to be there, too. He never said it was a date. I just...” She shuffled her hooves. “I-I'm sorry. I never, ever would have hurt Button like this. I mean it.”

He glared at her for a few more seconds, before lowering his eyes. “Well... you did. You hurt him a lot. I... guess... it was an accident. Doesn't make you any less of a bitch.”

She cringed. “I'm aware. I didn't...” She then blinked. “Hey, you didn't slap me this time.”

“Last time you deserved it. Kinda. This...” Acrylic sighed. “Button's done this before. I just thought... really? You kissed him? Button? You know what he's like. There was no way for him to not take it that way. Why didn't you say anything?”

“I-I was so busy, I never thought... how... ummm... how long was he planning this date?”


“Since... the kiss?”


“I...” She nudged the ground. “I kinda... screwed this up, didn't I?” she asked softly. “I-I didn't mean to, really!”

Acrylic glared back at her. “You're sure this isn't another one of your 'I'm better than everyone else' moments, right? Because I swear if you--”

“No!” she said quickly, shaking her head. “I would never... I never wanted to hurt Button. He's my friend. He's kinda like... a brother to me at this point, I guess. He's a bit goofy, but I swear I would never, ever lead him on like that. He doesn't deserve that.”

Acrylic sighed and shook his head. “You know, I really wanna hate you right now, but... fine. I can accept that. But you're going to have to talk to him.”

She cringed. “You... errr... are you sure?”

“Yes. I'm sure. He's kind of... asleep right now, on my bed. Probably knows I'm here by now, too,” he grumbled.

“Wait, here? Where were you going?”

“To visit you, obviously. And tear your head off. Where were you?”

She blinked and looked to the side. “Kind of... talking it out with Silver. She uhhh... yeah. I screwed things up. I didn't mean to! I thought it was all a big joke, I didn't think he was... I thought... ughhhhh!” She face hoofed. “You know, all these things were a lot easier before I had friends.”

“Yeah, that's what happens when you get friends. They save your life but then you have to have awkward talks with them,” Acrylic said with a roll of his eyes. “Now come on, we're talking to Button.”

“Wait, what? Now? But he--”

“He's been crying into my bed for the last few hours. My mom actually ran off on 'council business'. My MOM went to work to ESCAPE this. We're dealing with this now.”

She groaned, but gave a nod as he trotted off and she followed after him. “I didn't mean to, you know. I mean... I'd never want to hurt any of you. Any more.”

He nodded. “I know.”

“I... I know in the past I've been a bit...”

“Self-centered? Obstinate? A massive pain in the flank? Rude? Crude? An awful dude?”

“Oh I swear by the heavens if you start rhyming at me too I WILL throw you in the lake,” Diamond grumbled darkly. “But yes, all those things. Wait, dude? When do you call ponies dude?”

Acrylic sighed. “It's late, I'm tired, and I live with my mother.”

“Touche. So, uhhh... how bad is he? Is he going to... I mean...”

“Pretty bad. But it's for the best, doing it like this. If we don't, then he'll spend the next month dreading, worrying, hoping it'll just blow over.”

Diamond perked up. “Wait, letting it blow over is an option? Can we just--” She let out a yelp as a rope of water grabbed her and she was dragged along. “Hey! Eep!”

“No, it is not an option.”

“But it's what's best for meeeeee,” she whined.

“Too bad. So sad.”

“Stop rhyming!”

“Stop fighting.”

“Ugh, fine!” Diamond grumbled before she started trotting again. “Won't Button get upset that you're... well, doing this?”

“Probably. But he needs to get this out of his system now before he has another breakdown. Besides, he'll probably end up hating you a lot more than he hates me.”

Diamond frowned. “That's not comforting...”

“Comforts me, plenty.”


Diamond took a slow, deep breath as she stood outside the door. At least this was only the second scariest encounter she'd ever had to face. Compared to Meadowbrook, this was almost easy.


She reached out and gently knocked on the door. “Button?”

There was a squeak from the other side. Then a high pitched, obviously fake voice answer. “There is no Button here! Only... ummm... Pin...needle.”

Diamond blinked a few times before face hoofing. “Yeah... no. Not doing this. Button, open up. We need to talk.”

“But I don't wanna!”

“I don't wanna either, but we need to.” She paused a moment, before sighing. “For me? Please?”

There was silence for a few moments before, finally, the door slowly opened. Button answered it and Diamond cringed.

The poor stallion looked horrible, his eyes blood shot and his fur all matted. She wanted to make a comment. Instead she just raced forward and gave him a tight hug.

“D-Diamond?” he asked softly.

“Oh, you...” she said softly, before pulling back. “I'm sorry. I'm so, so, so sorry. I never, ever meant to lead you on like that.”

His cheeks turned red. “I just--”

“No, let me finish,” she said firmly. “I'm sorry, but I really don't feel that way for you. You're like... you're like a brother to me. An awesome brother, but a brother. I don't feel that way about you. I'm sorry I forgot about the kiss, really. I was just happy I wasn't going to die and you came through for me. I didn't think you'd actually... thought anything by it. And... I do love you. But as a friend.”

“Oh by the stars,” Acrylic muttered from down the hall. “This is only going to make it worse...”

Button lowered his eyes and shuffled his hooves. “I-I'm sorry, I just... I was just... it was stupid of me. To think someone like you would be interested in--”

“Oh don't you dare finish that sentence,” Diamond said firmly. “You're awesome, even if I'm not...” She sighed and face hoofed. “Listen, I have a lot on my plate right now. Really, I do. I haven't even looked at any pony in that way. Even if I wanted to, I don't really have the time for anything resembling a relationship. Even... if I did, I don't think I'd really want to with you or Acrylic. You're awesome. Acrylic is okay. But I don't really... feel that way about you two.”

“Hey, I'm awesome!” Acrylic objected.

Button gave a sigh. “Right, right, I get it. The it's not me, it's you speech.”

“... The what? No, never mind. Button, I mean it. You're awesome. You're smart, talented, a great bender, forgiving, fun. You're a lot of things, a great friend too. But... I'm just not... I don't feel that way about you.” She then shuffled her hooves. “And I am so sorry I hurt you. I... I really hope we can still be friends.”

He shuffled his hooves as well. “I-if you still want to. I mean, I kinda... messed things up and...”

“I kinda messed things up, too.”

The two stood there for a few minutes, looking off to the side.

“Soooo...” Button said softly.

“Yeah...” Diamond responded cleverly.

“You two done? Kiss and make up?” Acrylic called down, before face hoofing. “Not... that... ugh, never mind. Feel better?” he asked as he walked down to them.

“A little,” Button mumbled.

Diamond nodded, before perking up. “Actually, I might have some news for you. But you both have to promise no matter what, not to tell anypony. Okay? Promise?”

“Hmmm?” Button asked. “Sure, what is it?”

“I suppose,” Acrylic said with a shrug.

“Apparently Water Lord Rarity will be coming to the city in a few weeks, her and her family.”

Button's eyes widened. “W-wait, Rarity? Her daughters?” Button's eyes got even wider. “I-I've heard about them! They're all supposed to be--” His cheeks turned bright red and he quickly looked away.

“Quite attractive,” Acrylic said with a roll of his eyes. “I've never actually seen them myself, but mom has mentioned them a few times. Three of them, I think.”

Diamond nodded. “Yeah. And, as the Avatar, if you two wanted, I could probably get you a meeting with them, too?” she asked with a big smile, eying Button hopefully.

It took a few seconds, before the stallion gasped and he let out a little eeee. “Ohhhh! That'd be awesome! Really? I've heard even though Water Lord Rarity is really old, she's really pretty too!”


Rarity froze and whipped around, her eyes narrowed. She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt the need to unleash bloody vengeance on some pony. Alas, there were no targets in proper range. She shrugged and went back to her book.


Diamond grinned. “Trust me, after this, I owe you. Who knows, maybe you'll woo one of the princesses.”

Button's cheeks turned bright red and he shuffled. “I-I don't think I... I mean... errr...”

“I could put in a good word for you? The word of the Avatar, after all, has to count for something?”

“Eeeee! You're the best, Diamond!” Button yelled before lunging forward and giving her a hug. She let out a sigh of relief. It sure beat him crying, at least. Heck, she'd marry him to the princesses if it would help cheer him up.

“I try,” she said before patting him on the back. “There... is something else I should let you guys know.” Button backed off and she saw the worry flash on his face. “I'm... well, it looks like I'll be heading to the Badlands soon. It's about the last Avatar, Twilight. I never really...” She nudged the ground. “I told you about the connection I felt with her, right?”

“A little bit,” Acrylic said. “But there haven't really been any updates on it.”

“Well... that's the thing. It kinda turns out...” She gave a soft sigh. “I... haven't been able to connect since fighting Meadowbrook. Thanks to some help from Zecora, I've been able to get into the spirit world. But getting any connection with Twilight or, really, any of the past avatars has been impossible. I seem to just... there's some kinda block or something. Or maybe it's too weak. I want to try and find out what happened to her, where she went, what she did. I've talked with Silver, she said she'll get me an airship and fund it, but she wants to come. Also, my aunt wants to get the city involved. To make sure we're safe. I uhhh... was curious if you'd wanna come?”

Acrylic paled. “Wait, be stuck on a ship with you for months? Oh buck--”

“Yes!” Button said with a grin. “Going to the Badlands? This'll be like, the most awesome adventure EVER! Do you think we'll see one of those giant worm things?”

Diamond blinked a few times. “The... what?”

“Giant worm things! I heard some of the buffalo talk about them. Apparently they're super awesome and huge! Also, eat ponies. So the airship should be good.”

Acrylic groaned and face hoofed. “Fine. Whatever. I'll come. It should be good practice, anyway. Maybe I'll learn a few things...”

Diamond grinned. “Thanks. I uhhh... should probably head home. Make sure Ironwing and Prism didn't kill each other. And if they did, help Blaze hide the bodies. Sorry again, Button. I really am.” She gave him one last hug and then trotted out. She grinned as she walked out the door, she couldn't believe it. It had all worked out so nicely.


Acrylic yawned as he glanced to Button. “You sure you wanna go home, buddy? It's pretty late.”

“Yeah, I should probably get home. Mom's probably worried about me. You know how she can be.”

The unicorn paused, trying to imagine Octavia getting worried about anything. “Err... sure. So, you're okay?”

“Of course. Dude, we're going to meet PRINCESSES! How could I NOT be okay?”

“Yeah. I guess that is pretty cool. But... I mean, Diamond--”

“She's not interested, not her fault,” Button said with a shrug. “But hey, we're still friends, so it's all good. I mean, how many people get to be best friends with the Avatar?”

Acrylic nodded. “I... guess.” He patted him on the withers. “Well, walk safe. Have a nice night. You sure you don't want me to walk you home? I don't mind, really. I can just--”

“Dude, relax. I'm fine.”

“Well... if you're sure.” Acrylic gave one last smile, before closing the door.

Button turned away, his eyes slowly lowering as the smile wilted. “Yeah. Just... fine. Friends are... cool,” he muttered to himself as he trotted away.

Author's Note:

Feel free to give Button a hug. Line starts here.