• Published 7th May 2015
  • 25,326 Views, 3,592 Comments

There's Nopony I'd Rather Be Than Me - Tatsurou

Wreck it Ralph raises Nightmare Moon in the arcade.

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Nightmare Moon glanced around as they took the train into the Pac Man world. Once there, she felt quite comfortable as - like Niceland - it was apparently in a state of perpetual night time. As he'd promised, Ralph took a detour on the way to the center of the maze to grab a double cherry, which he split with her.

Once in the central room, Nightmare Moon glanced around at all the figures there. Every last one of them looked terrifying, menacing, wicked, or downright evil. At the same time, however, all of them seemed welcoming and gentle. They also seemed quite curious about her.

"Welcome back, Ralph," an orange ghost greeted as he wobbled back and forth in the air. "It's been a while since you've attended, and we have a few new members. I see you've also brought a new member of your own. I think a few introductions are in order, since we have our full membership here tonight." He glanced towards a giant purple man. "Why don't you start?"

The man lifted his head, as he was too big to actually stand. "I am Galactus, and I am a bad guy," he proclaimed.

"Hello, Galactus," everyone else chorused.

"I am a world eater, and the villain of Marvel vs. Capcom 3," he explained. "Though I'm more a final boss than a villain...I only fight the player if they've beaten everyone else. Beating me is an achievement. I...I have no story of my own within the game. I'm just...the final boss."

The orange ghost nodded. "You've probably got the hardest lot of all of us, Galactus," the ghost replied. "A bad guy with no game story...very hard. How do the other characters treat you during off hours?"

Galactus shrugged. "Not so bad. They've all got their own things to do during off hours. They don't make me feel unwelcome or hate on me...but they don't go out of their way to make me feel welcome, either."

"That will pass in time," the ghost replied. "You're new to the arcade, and it takes some time to adjust after first activation. But we're glad you came to join us so soon. We can help you through any hurdles you may encounter. Feel free to ask us for any help you need."

"Thanks Clyde," Galactus replied. "Thanks everyone."

The others all responded with positive affirmation. Clyde then turned his eyes to a green skinned pig-man.

The pig faced warrior stood up. "I am Ganon, King of Thieves, Lord of Darkness, and I am a bad guy."

"Hello Ganon."

He nodded in response. "I am the villain of The Legend of Zelda. Originally released for a home console, it's recently been transferred over to an arcade cabinet to take advantage of the recent surge in popularity of 'retro' games. In the game, I rule the entire world as the final boss, with near ultimate power...right up until the silent hero kills me, if the player can figure out how." He chuckled wickedly. "Like most classic games, the learning curve is rather steep."

"So what brings you to BadAnon so soon after being plugged in?" Clyde asked.

Ganon leaned back in his chair with a sigh. "I spend most of the game in the final dungeon playing cards with Princess Zelda, who I hold captive for most of the game. It's nice to relax with others who aren't such goody two shoes." That got a laugh from everyone.

Clyde chuckled. "Well, thank you for coming to show your support." He turned to a large dragon. "And you?"

The dragon stood up. "My name's Ridley, and I'm a bad guy."

"Hello Ridley."

Ridley nodded. "I'm one of the villains of Metroid. I...basically fight Samus when she shows up in my boss chamber. That's it."

Clyde nodded. "And what brings you to BadAnon?" he asked.

"I feel...underutilized," Ridley admitted. "I mean, I'm a dragon! Is that really all I'm supposed to be? A minor hurdle on the Hunter's quest for glory? It's just so...depressing. I wish I could be more."

Albert stood up with a smile. "I'm Dr. Wily, and I'm a bad guy."

"Hello, Dr. Wily."

Albert turned to Ridley. "In point of fact, your complaint is one I expected in many of the 'retro' games that are being plugged in. As you may or may not know, I'm head of the anti-viral squad, dedicating to protecting the arcade as a whole from viruses and other such things that threaten the safety and stability of all games. If you're feeling underutilized in your game, I believe your capabilities would be most useful in our squad. Swing by later, and see if it's for you."

Ridley scratched his chin thoughtfully. The idea sounded...intriguing. "I'll give it a look," he promised.

"Thank you, Albert," Clyde said warmly. "Your recruitment policies for the anti-viral squad has been a great benefit to many bad guys here in the arcade, and for good guy/bad guy relations during off hours."

Wily shrugged. "It's just common sense. You use the best tools for the job, and those I recruit are perfectly programmed for the job at hand."

Robotnik laughed. "Come now, Albert, you don't expect us to believe you have nothing up your sleeve."

"I would never expect you to assume that, Ivo," Dr. Wily happily replied. "I just expect you all to accept it's none of your business!"

That got a laugh from everyone. Clyde then turned to the last new face. "And how about you young lady?" he asked. "I'll overlook eating during the meeting this once, since it's your first visit, but please introduce yourself."

Nightmare Moon swallowed her current bite of cherry convulsively, staring around as all eyes were on her as she dripped cherry juice from her entire body. The cherry was bigger than her, after all...and delicious. "Umm...I'm Nightmare Moon, Queen of the Night, and...I guess I'm a bad...girl?"

Scattered laughter greeted her statement, followed by, "Hello, Nightmare Moon."

She smiled nervously. "Well...I think I'm a bad girl. I...don't actually know what game I'm from...or how game worlds work. I...know I'm supposed to plunge someplace called Equestria into Eternal Night...and I wanna rule it with an iron hoof...but..." She shrugged. "I don't know anything beyond that..."

Startled murmurs went around the group. Ralph stood up. "Hi, I'm Ralph, and I'm a bad guy," he said quickly.

"Hi Ralph!" the group chorused eagerly.

"Anyway, about Moony's story," he began. "See, she showed up in my game just last night. We don't know from where or when. "Al and I have taken responsibility for her, and we know she's most likely a villain. If anyone has any ideas where she might be from so we can get her back to her own game, that'd be great. If not, we'd like you all to keep your eyes and ears open for clues...and in the meantime, help her feel welcome."

There were general murmurs around the group. Apparently, no one knew anything about where Nightmare Moon might have come from.

"I'm Zangief and I'm bad guy," a scantily clad human said, standing up.

"Hi, Zangief."

"Little Moony, no worry too much," he assured her. "We all keep eyes and ears open to find where you come from. In meantime, we be your family, so you not feel alone or scared. Ralph is big guy, kinda scary in game or battle...but has biggest heart of anyone here! He good Daddy for you until we find your home."

"Now wait a minute," Ralph spoke up. "I'm happy to take care of her, but I don't know about Da-"

"You take good care of little pony duckling, Ralph, okay?" Zangief interrupted.

Ralph blinked, unsure how to respond as Nightmare Moon climbed into his lap and curled up, her horn glowing as his hand was yanked over to cover her like a blanket. "Yeah...yeah, I'll take good care of her."

"Good on you, Ralph," Satan said, clapping him warmly on the shoulder.

Ralph slowly carried the slumbering filly between his hands out of the meeting. "Guess we'll have to delay trying out the new gear," Ralph pointed out.

"Don't worry about it," Albert replied. "Arcade's closed tomorrow anyway. Besides, I promised my son we'd meet at Tappers for a drink and getting to know you."

Ralph chuckled. "Say hi to Zero for me. See if he'll join the squad."

"Will do!" Wily replied, heading off to Tappers while whistling.