• Published 7th May 2015
  • 25,359 Views, 3,592 Comments

There's Nopony I'd Rather Be Than Me - Tatsurou

Wreck it Ralph raises Nightmare Moon in the arcade.

  • ...

The Recovery

The arcade was closed. Stan paced back and forth, staring at the black screens, the flickering screens, and those screens that were simply empty of characters. He knew something had gone wrong. He was half afraid he'd made a terrible mistake. The other half of him was convinced he'd finally lost his mind.

A knocking on glass drew his attention, and he turned to find himself staring at Hero's Duty. Dr. Wily - from Mega Man 3 - stood there, knocking on the glass. "Stan," he said plainly, "we need to talk."

Stan slumped against the game cabinet opposite. "And now you're talking to me..." he mumbled. "I've gone crazy, haven't I?"

"No, you haven't," Wily replied. "It suited the situation to leave things as they had been until now...but right now, we need you. We need you to plug your laptop back in to the power strip and turn it on, but keep it disconnected from the internet. You still use an ethernet cable for that, right?"

Stan nodded. "Yeah, I do...but what about-"

"We'll take care of the viruses," Wily interrupted. "But right now, the laptop's the only system with the processing power we need." Wily promptly left the screen.

Stan blinked his eyes, trying to wrap his mind around what had happened. One of the sprites had talked to him directly...and asked for his help. And had told him he wasn't crazy. He shrugged. "Crazy or not, I'm not gonna turn my back."

Heading into his office, he pulled the ethernet cable out of his laptop and plugged it back into the power strip. He powered it back on, and found only broken code. Within moments, however, Ralph became visible, punching away at the code scattered over the screen, shattering it. Several other sprites followed behind, led by Felix, Dr. Wily, and Dr. Light. They worked with hand held computers and Felix's hammer, fixing the computer.

Then Nightmare came in, Nightmare Moon in his arms. As he lay her down, her image glitched, swirled, broke down, and reassembled. She did not move or wake.

"W...what's wrong?" Stan asked.

Wily glanced up, then turned back to his data. "Clyde, can you handle him?"

The orange ghost from Pac-Man floated up to the screen, far more detailed than he'd ever been on his own system. "I imagine you have lots of questions," he said calmly. "I'll answer what I can, Mr. Litwak."

Stan stared, trying to formulate his questions. He opened and closed his mouth several times.

Clyde smiled. "Perhaps I can address a few of the more obvious ones. Yes, all the sprites in the arcade games are sentient. Yes, we have our own worlds within the games that we live in, far more detailed to us than they appear on the screens. Yes, we interact with each other through the power strip, and even visit each others' games on occasion. Yes, that's what happened with Turbo. Yes, Turbo was also King Candy. And yes, we've done our best to keep all this a complete secret...although since you plugged in Mega Man 3, Dr. Wily's been changing a bit of the rules on how we handle such things, since he made it plain you obviously had some suspicions regarding us."

Stan sat back in his chair. "Till Nightmare Moon showed up, I thought I was going crazy. That was the first sign of it that was visible aside from just on the security cameras." He shook his head. "Where did she come from?"

"We don't know," Clyde replied. "We've been trying to find out. We thought that file about her possible game world was a clue you left us because you knew."

Stan chuckled. "The blind leading the blind..." he mumbled. "IS...is she going to be okay?"

Clyde sighed. "We don't know." He glanced back, where Dr. Wily started cursing up a storm as he hurled a piece of coded tech from him to shatter against the gate. "We've never dealt with a viral infection before. The closest we'd ever come was fighting Cybugs."

"What happened?" Stan asked.

"A worm of some sort came through from your computer," Clyde replied. "It was obviously an internet program of some sort, some sort of virus. We fought it, but it was being sustained. When you pulled the plug, it started to die. Its thrashing was about to crush Tara, Felix and Calhoun's daughter-"

"Wait, what?" Stan interrupted. "You mean that new racer that showed up in Sugar Rush, Tara Gum?"

Clyde nodded. "That seemed the best place for her to get started in the arcade and blend in. Nightmare Moon knocked her to safety, but got hit herself. If we knew what the worm was or how it got in-"

"I was hacked," Stan replied. "I don't know much about it, but-"

"Hacked?" WIly shouted. "Of course! That's why none of the anti-viral programs I've synthesized are working. It's a custom worm! We'll need a copy of the original program from the hacker to synthesize a vaccine!"

"How are you going to find him?" Stan asked. "Most hackers cover their tracks well."

"Moony cut off some of the worm's code during the attack!" Wily replied. "I'll analyze it and adapt Rush to use that code to track down his ISP, and we'll send a squad after him...and heaven help him if we have to go through him to get the program and he has any devices hooked up to the internet."

Ralph slammed his fists together, his eyes glowing. "...we're gonna wreck him..." he growled.

"Is there anything I can do?" Stan asked. "Anything at all?"

Wily thought for a bit. "Yes," he replied finally. Lifting a panel up in the 'floor' of the world in the laptop, he began tweaking something. "Plug the mouse in."

Nodding, Stan plugged the mouse into the laptop. Several icons appeared on screen, displaying various types of data in green and red.

"I've managed to stabilize her," Wily replied, "but I'm going to need to focus on crafting the antivirus once I have a copy of the program, and in the meantime I'll have to completely code the lab I'll need to craft it from scratch. The various display windows show the state of her code as she fights of the worm on her own. As long as the readouts are in green, she's stable. If she goes into red, though, click the icon. It'll apply a temporary anti-virus to help stabilize her. Can you do that?"

"I won't let you down," Stan promised.

Clyde chuckled softly as the other sprites scattered. "You never have, Stan...not in all the years we've been here in your arcade." Clyde started to turn away.

"Before you go, can I ask one more question?" Stan asked.

"I'm not going anywhere," Clyde replied. "I don't have hands to manipulate the programs, and all who do are either in recovery themselves, doing the healing work, or otherwise busy...but I can stay near her so she doesn't feel alone. Ask away."

Stan thought for a time on how to phrase his question. "...why keep it all secret?"

Clyde raised an eyebrow. "You mean the fact that we have our own lives?" When Stan nodded, Clyde smiled in reply. "So we can keep having our own lives." At Stan's raised eyebrow, Clyde chuckled sardonically. "Exactly how long would we be left alone in the arcade if word got out that we were self-willed inside here? Capable of making our own ethical and moral decisions? We've seen how much sci-fi you've got on your computer."

Mr. Litwak sighed. "I see your point. Still...it'll be helpful to have me in the know and on your side, right?"

"Hopefully," Clyde replied.

Both then turned their attention to Nightmare Moon's recumbent form, and the data read outs.