• Published 7th May 2015
  • 25,359 Views, 3,592 Comments

There's Nopony I'd Rather Be Than Me - Tatsurou

Wreck it Ralph raises Nightmare Moon in the arcade.

  • ...

The Status Quo

While it was one thing to simply proclaim that things were at peace once again, it was quite another to actually make it so. The reorganization of the government Moony had accomplished as Nightmare Moon - mostly to reduce her own headaches while ruling solely - had necessitated a complete restructuring of the highest level of government, redefining what it meant to be President and Vice-President, as derived from being Princesses.

The first issue was addressing Celestia's ratification of decisions made by Nightmare Moon...which turned out to be unnecessary. A review of the original documentation that passed Platinum, Puddinghead, and Hurricane's authority over Equestria to Celestia and Luna rather than their own heirs showed that there were actually clauses in place to take into account when one or the other Princess became unavailable for whatever reason, up to and including one of them going mad for whatever reason and becoming a danger to the country. It had been rather unnerving to Celestia to discover that their predecessors had perceived the possibility of Nightmare Moon and provided clauses for how it should be dealt with, making her banishment actually legal.

The clauses even covered how to handle the other end of it. According to those clauses, if one of the Princesses was rendered unable to fulfill their duties due to absence, illness, or imprisonment for a given period of time leaving the other to rule solely, then upon the absent Princess's return, they were to be given sole rule for an equivalent period of time to restore balance, or until they felt they had been appropriately repaid for having their authority circumscribed through some other means. Moony considered the four months she ruled as Queen Nightmare Moon to be sufficient repayment, especially as Celestia was rather insistent in letting her keep various other prerogatives from that time as well.

With that out of the way, Celestia and Moony had to hash out exactly what powers each of them had as President and Vice-President. Moony kept trying to push to make them equals in all but name, while Celestia was constantly trying to make up for 'wronging her' by giving her more authority and powers relative to the new system. This debate frequently devolved into them spraying each other with the squirt guns Pinkie Pie had provided them for just that purpose. Thankfully, she'd also had the foresight to provide scrolls, quills, and inkwells enchanted by Twilight to repel water.

Eventually, the only power Moony had as President that Celestia did not have as Vice-President was in the judicial branch of their duties. As each noble now acted as a judge, the final court of appeal in their districts, now was Celestia the final court of appeal for the nation in conflicts between equals, while Moony held court over any conflict between those of different social ranks, especially those between children and adults or nobles and commoners. Moony privately wondered exactly how much of a 'bonus' it was to have the authority to overturn one of Celestia's decisions in a judicial court. It just seemed like more headaches.

One of the first petitions brought before the new Eclipse Court - where Celestia and Moony made decisions together before going about their duties - was to make the inaugural date of the court, when all those details were finally hashed out and ratified, a national holiday celebrating the reconciliation of the Celestial sisters and the rebirth of Equestria under their shared rule. This was of course passed eagerly by both former Princesses, and became part of the traditions of the country, to be celebrated the first time at the next Grand Galloping Gala a few months later, and then officially a year from the actual date. Since part of the celebration was to involve the return of the sun and the restoration of the balance of Day and Night, it was decided that a brief Lunar Eclipse would be part of the festivities the night before the celebration, followed by a glorious sunrise for the day of.

The last of what Moony felt were her 'duties' as Nightmare Moon before she could settle down to being President Moony involved her three 'Nightmare Soldiers' from Ponyville, given how much their own lives and studies had been disrupted by her 'recruitment' of them. She decided the best way to discharge this final duty - especially with what she'd overheard of some of their problems in Ponyville - was to make a personal appearance at their school as a guest speaker.

"Alright, everypony, settle down," Cheerilee called out as class resumed after lunch. "Today we have a special guest speaker that I'm sure you're all looking forward to seeing. So everypone, please join me in welcoming Princess - I mean, President - Moony!"

The whole class applauded as Moony stepped into the classroom. "Greetings, my little ponies," she said happily. As three particular fillies applauded extra loud, she walked up to them. "And how are my little Nightmare Soldiers doing?"

"Pretty good!" Apple Bloom chimed in. "Still grounded for invading Canterlot, though."

"Trying to catch up on homework!" Sweetie Belle added.

"Ponyville's just so boring compared to the palace," Scootaloo pouted.

Chuckling - and noticing two particular fillies staring in shock - Moony returned to the front of the class. "Now, what is the subject of today's class?"

"We're going over Cutie Marks," Cheerilee replied.

"Ah, yes," Moony replied. "Cutie Marks. Tell me class...what do you think a Cutie Mark is?"

"A symbol of your special talent?" Apple Bloom suggested.

"A mark of your dethtiny?" Twist asked.

"It's what makes you special!" Diamond Tiara sneered.

"Of course," Moony replied. "What simple answers to a complex question." She turned. "You say that your Cutie Mark is what makes you special, Diamond Tiara? Why don't you come to the front of the class and tell us all what yours means?"

Smirking, Diamond Tiara strutted to the front of the class and showed off her Cutie Mark. "It means I'm Daddy's Little Princess, better than anypony else!" she proclaimed proudly.

Moony frowned. "I've met Goombas who were more multi-dimensional than that," she gagged, causing a particular propeller beanie wearing colt to squee. "Tell me, how did you get your Cutie Mark? When did it happen?"

Diamond Tiara grinned widely. "I was playing the Princess in a school play, the leading filly, as I performed and strutted my stuff with everyone watching me." Her eyes closed as she lifted her head, getting lost in the memory. "All eyes on me as I spoke the piece I'd practiced and recited until I could do it by heart, putting all of my passion and feeling into the performance...the applause as everyone was cheering for me..." Her eyes opened, and she seemed to realize where she was again. "You know, like it should be," she continued, her voice far less emotional and more aloof. "Everything should be about me. That's just what my Cutie Mark says."

Moony raised an eyebrow. "Really," she stated blandly. "Tell me, are you familiar with Lady Ofillia?"

Diamond Tiara blinked in surprise. "From Hamlet? Who doesn't? It's a really dramatic piece."

"Do you know her lines?"

Diamond scuffed the ground with her hoof. "Somewhat..."

"Perform some for us," Moony instructed.

Diamond Tiara blinked in surprise. "Why should I?" While most would hear only petulant words, the trained ear would detect traces of...embarrassment and shame?

Moony waved her wing, and a Cybug/Changeling took shape in the doorframe. "Because if you aren't performing in the next ten seconds, he's going to eat you," she stated simply. "Ten..."

She didn't mean it, of course. Even transformed into Cybugs, the Changelings would not eat ponies. However, Diamond Tiara obviously didn't know that, and launched into Ofillia's most dramatic monologue from the play without hesitation. A few lines were done badly, and Diamond stumbled over a few of the archaic terms, hesitating occasionally as she wracked her mind for the next line...but the emotion of the performance came through unbroken.

"That's enough," Moony said at last, dismissing the Cybug/Changeling. "Quite a...talented performance for one so young," she murmured. "Especially with so little preparation and without having the script handy. You may take your seat."

Confused and more than a little terrified, Diamond Tiara returned to her seat. Silver Spoon reached over to offer her comfort.

"Silver Spoon!" Moony called out. "You're next. Come to the front of the class and tell us what your Cutie Mark means."

Nervously, Silver Spoon did as directed. "My special talent is...the responsible redistribution of wealth and other assets," she said quickly, struggling to keep her glasses in place.

Moony raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps you could simplify that for the rest of the class?" she suggested.

"I...I'm good at handling money," Silver Spoon admitted, somewhat abashed. "Contracts, taxes, budgets... My Daddy has me go over the account books for the family business with him."

"Hmm...how interesting that you two are such good friends," Moony murmured, glancing towards Diamond Tiara. "Such infrequently combined skill sets...take your seat."

As Silver Spoon returned to her seat, Moony went through the rest of the class who had their Cutie Marks, calling them up to explain their special talent, and then making some obscure comments that made them think about it. At the end, she presented her own Cutie Mark. "What do you all think mine means?" she asked.

"You control the moon?" Sweetie Belle offered.

"You're royalty?" Diamond Tiara guessed.

"You're awesome?" Scootaloo asked, garnering several giggles.

Moony chuckled. "Sweetie Belle is actually the closest. Before my sister and I, it took a whole cadre of unicorns to control the sun and moon. Celestia and I can each control our celestial bodies alone...not because we are each as powerful as a cadre of ancient unicorns - not to say we aren't - but because our magics and the magics of our symbols interact in a unique manner. The sun and moon want to obey us.

"However, I am not solely defined by my connection to the moon. I also set the stars in the sky, reign over the night, guard dreams, command nightmares, and run the government...and I'm pretty damn good at that last, if the polls are to be believed." She smiled as the more politically savvy youngsters giggled at her joke. "But how much of that can be explained by my Cutie Mark?"

Silence greeted her question.

"You see, the problem many ponies of any age have is using a Cutie Mark to define themselves," Moony explained. "But a Cutie Mark does not define you, or your special talent, or your destiny. It represents your talents...and your passions. Something unique about you. It is not something you have to find and discover...it is also something you must choose."

The bell rang before she could say anymore. "Think on my words," she instructed them as they gathered their stuff to leave.

"So how did your visit to the school go?" Celestia asked as Moony returned from Ponyville.

"Rather well, I think," Moony replied. "How goes the planning for the Gala?"

"Well, most of the plans are still in place from before your return," Celestia pointed out. "Though I see you've made some changes...a DJ in addition to the Quartet?"

Moony nodded. "Yes. While some of the Gala will be the usual soiree as the various ponies talk and socialize to peaceful music, I feel it's only appropriate that some of it actually be a party...especially since it's a belated celebration of our reunion. I look forward to seeing you 'shake your groove thang', as the younger ponies say."

Celestia winced, not looking forward to trying to dance. "And...are you certain there won't be a clash of egos?" she asked worriedly.

"But of course," Moony replied. "I asked the leader of the Quartet - the cellist - if she knew of a DJ with whom she and her group would feel comfortable performing. She recommended her roommate." She tapped her chin. "Though I was somewhat confused when she blushed after I said I looked forward to seeing the two of them make sweet music together."

Celestia groaned as she buried her face in her hooves. "Remind me to reassure Miss Melody that you didn't mean it as innuendo."

Moony blinked in confusion. "How is that innuendo?"

Celestia did her best not to burst into giggles.