• Published 7th May 2015
  • 25,359 Views, 3,592 Comments

There's Nopony I'd Rather Be Than Me - Tatsurou

Wreck it Ralph raises Nightmare Moon in the arcade.

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Eat and Greet

Since the sprites had a day off before the arcade would be open again, it was decided to hold a formal welcome for the new sprites where they could meet everyone else. After a bit of brief discussion amongst the game leaders, it was decided to hold it in Sugar Rush, mostly so Vanellope could attend. Everyone went overboard to prepare, setting up a massive outdoor picnic in the valley between the Hershey Hills north of Cola Mountain. Food power ups from all games that had them were set up on the tables to make a good impression, and make the new sprites feel comfortable. Numerous party games were set up, everything from Pin the Tail on the Donkey to Twister to Punch Felix.

The last was Calhoun's idea, and was a rather rousing success for some reason. Oddly enough, Felix had no objections...at least until Ivy began playing and pulled out the whip. That got awkward fast.

Many of the new sprites were a bit awkward about arriving. Cervantes and Voldo hadn't shown intentions of attending at all, right up until Nightmare grabbed both of them on Nightmare Moon's orders and dragged them there, kicking and screaming. Well, Cervantes was screaming. Voldo was mostly hissing and growling. They didn't seem to take well to the party atmosphere...until they saw the black eyed Cybugs acting as wait staff. Then they became enthusiastically open to socializing with wide eyes and wide, friendly smiles. ...again, Voldo was more bare teethed than smiling, since he didn't seem to have any lips under the bandages, and he looked more abjectly terrified than jovial. Also, Cervantes seemed to laugh a lot more than would have been considered normal.

Astaroth stared around at the party, not seeming to know what he was supposed to do. Thankfully, several members of BadAnon - Ralph included - took him in hand and helped him figure out what it was he liked and didn't like. Within the hour, he was swimming in the chocolate lake, drinking away, a huge grin on his face. He also really enjoyed the game of Punch Felix. He seemed to find the idea of someone who could instantly repair all damage to themselves fascinating, and kept coming up with various ways to inflict damage on him just to see what would happen.

At Nightmare Moon's orders, Nightmare was also in attendance, though he didn't do much socializing. He and Link spent most of the party leaning against a candy cane tree, side by side, watching. This was allowed, as everyone was free to meet and greet however they wanted. They had been joined by the sprite Siegfried, which left those who looked at them feeling like they were seeing triple.

Mitsurugi and Yoshimitsu had decided to join the festivities by putting on an exhibition fencing match, crossing swords as they danced back and froth around a make shift arena. Since it wasn't an official match, both made sure not to actually hit each other, which added its own degree of challenge. Both were plainly enjoying themselves, as were all who were watching.

Taki and Samus sat at their own table off to one side of the main party, sipping tea together. Neither said anything, but it was plain to those who could read the air that a great deal of understanding was taking place. The fact that weapons were laid nearby indicated that, at some point, an exhibition match testing their skills against each other would be in the offing, but for the moment they seemed content to enjoy their tea.

Lizardman spent most of the party laying in the sun. While he would respond if addressed and seemed to enjoy conversation and interaction, he seemed rather sluggish, and was quick to lay back down in the sun when the opportunity presented itself.

Most of the other new sprites wandered here and there, talking about their game, the backstories they came with, and what things were like both in the arcade and in Game Central. The welcome celebration was going off quite well.

In the middle of it all, Nightmare Moon beamed happily. So much good feeling, so many happy faces, such a wonderful party going on...it all felt quite good. However, something inside her kept nagging at her. As wonderful as it all was, the celebration was happening under the bright sun...and for some reason, that filled her with anger and jealousy.

It was at that moment Vanellope ran up to her. "Hey Moony!" she said happily. "Cool party, huh?"

"Indeed," Nightmare Moon replied. "It is very...cool."

Vanellope stared up at Moony for a time, then decided to press on with what she'd come to discuss. "Anyway, there were a few things we were talking about for later on in the party...but most of them don't really work in daylight. Now that everything's in full swing and all the lights are set up, do you think you could find some way to make it nighttime? Wily's been trying to work on a coding solution to that, but I figured maybe you could use your crazy magic powers to make it happen!"

Nightmare Moon turned to her. "You wish for me...to bring night...eternal?" she asked in surprise.

"Well, maybe not eternal," Vanellope replied. "But if that's what you need to do, go for it. I mean, I can always reset the game by crossing the finish line, right? And if not, night races would be so cool!"

Nightmare Moon stared at her for a time, and then a grin slowly spread across her face. Spreading her wings, she leapt into the sky.

Flying up into the sky, she headed for the sun where it hung and seized it with her magic. Grabbing hold of its code, she twisted it around as she dragged the moon into the sky, forcing the sun beyond the horizon. With the sky now painted in the colors of the night with the full moon hanging over all, she then turned to the rest of the sky. It seemed somewhat bare.

Energizing her horn, she began casting patterns of stars across the sky. Each batch of stars took the shape of one of the sprites she knew so well, or one of the new ones who had arrived. The star sprites danced across the night sky, interacting in silence, whether playfully or aggressively. Quite a few laughs came when Wily's star sprite was animated as begging.

As Moony finished filling the sky with her star pictures, she gazed down...and saw every eye turned towards the sky. As she started to come down, the gathered sprites began to applaud. They were cheering her, and her night sky.

Deep inside, a surge of pleasure and pride filled her, strangely seeming to echo itself inside her.

As everyone looked up, Ralph walked over to Vanellope. "I thought you wanted it night to shoot off the fireworks?" he asked.

Vanellope chuckled. "And mar this masterpiece?" she asked. "This show's much better...trust me."