• Published 7th May 2015
  • 25,359 Views, 3,592 Comments

There's Nopony I'd Rather Be Than Me - Tatsurou

Wreck it Ralph raises Nightmare Moon in the arcade.

  • ...

Nightmare in Equestria: Preparation

As Nightmare Moon went over the minutes of the meeting of the new House of Commons - an elected body with representatives from every district of Equestria - and the greatly reduced Noble Council. This group was the new third part of the legislative authority of Equestria, although presently Celestia was prevented from casting her vote on such things.

As Nightmare Moon's mind turned to Celestia, her prisoner spoke up. "I wonder how Spike is doing..." she murmured softly.

"If that's the young dragon that lives with Twilight Sparkle, he's on the journey for the Elements with her," Nightmare Moon replied. She looked up as milk spilled onto her from Celestia's dropped glass. "Is something the matter?"

"W-why would Twilight ever take Spike on such a dangerous journey?" she demanded.

Nightmare shrugged her shoulders. "Because she needed dragonfire to read the map to the Elements' new locations. Why so much worry?"

Celestia looked down at Nightmare Moon, biting her lip. "You don't remember much about dragons, do you?" she asked softly.

"I haven't found those documents yet," Nightmare replied.

"It's deliberately not documented," Celestia replied.


"Because of how dangerous the knowledge is, and how dangerous dragons are," Celestia replied. "A dragon's maturity - physical, mental, and emotional - is very strongly effected by how much magic they have inside them. It's also why they're so long lived: by the time they're fully mature, they've gathered enough magic that the aging process simply stops."

Nightmare Moon nodded. "Very interesting. But how does this apply to Spike?"

"Twilight hatched him ten years ago," Celestia explained. "It was part of her entrance exam to my school. A unicorn isn't supposed to be able to generate enough magic to hatch a dragon egg. The test was meant to teach the applicant about themselves, and how they dealt with failure."

"Ah," Nightmare Moon replied. "A Kobayashi Maru exam, the unwinnable situation. What happened?"

Uncertain what Nightmare Moon was talking about there, Celestia merely nodded. "As she was about to give up, a distant magical explosion triggered a...reaction. The shockwave pushed her into a magic surge, awakening a great deal of power in her...more than any other unicorn in history. Not only was it enough to instantly hatch the egg, but it energized the young dragon so much his body tried to shoot up to adulthood. But his mind wasn't ready to handle the influx of magic, since he was newborn.

"Other things happened as well," Celestia continued, "but most reversed itself after I got Twilight calmed down. However, there was so much magic awake inside her at that point I had to place a seal in her magic, keeping the majority of it locked up so she could learn to control her magic by mastering spells without blowing up bits of the castle. Once she'd gained a certain level of mastery, I taught her how to release parts of that seal herself.

"But Spike was still an infant. He absorbed nearly all the stray magic of that surge once it powered down. Shortly after returning to an infant body, he showed he was in a great deal of pain as the magic kept trying to make him grow...and he kept fighting it." Celestia shivered. "For his sake, I placed a multi-level seal on the magic inside him, sealing all of it away. Each level is designed to release as he becomes mature enough to handle it...or if there is great need, triggered by a surge of emotion."

Much to Celestia's surprise, Nightmare Moon looked like she was squeeing.

A hidden super character in the party from the start! she thought silently. There's obviously some sort of side quest to unlock bits of his power, and there's probably a sequel game where he's the main character and can unlock all of it! This game is amazing!

"So...where's the last Element?" Rainbow asked. "it's supposed to appear when the other five are gathered, right? Isn't that what the book said?"

"It is," Twilight replied as they rested in their Cloudsdale hotel room. "At least, that's what it said. But we've activated all five of the other Elements...and I still don't even know what the sixth is called, let alone how to activate it!"

Fluttershy looked up from her salad. "Maybe the map will tell us?"

"Good idea, Fluttershy!" Twilight agreed. "Spike! Could you stop feeding Rarity grapes long enough to give us some dragonfire for the map?"

"C-Coming, Twilight!" Spike replied nervously, blushing as he rushed over. Rarity chuckled as she watched him go.

Applejack walked up to Rarity. "Don'tcha think yer takin' advantage of him just a mite?" she asked.

"Why, whatever do you mean, darling?"

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Ah know that look in yer eyes, Rarity. You like the way he looks now." She glanced over to where Spike was bending over to activate the map. "Can't say I blame ya. But that's hardly enough to get ya acting like this." Especially you, she thought silently, but did not add.

Rarity chuckled. "Darling, you do know me," she pointed out. "You know very well I've dreamed of marrying into royalty. And you've heard about what Twilight and Spike had to say about the former Prince Blueblood."

Applejack nodded. When the announcement of Blueblood being stripped of lands and titles had reached them, Rarity had gone into brief despair...while Twilight and Spike had snorted and said, "It's about time!" That had been an awkward conversation. "What about it?"

"Well...did you perchance hear a certain detail Spike mentioned during the discussion?"

AJ wracked her brains for a bit, then frowned. "Ya ain't talking about what Spike said about how Blueblood reacted ta Princess Celestia bein' Spike's official legal guardian, do ya?"

"Indeed," Rarity replied. "Making Spike a Prince, even if he doesn't claim the title."

A snort of disgust greeted this statement. "Ya ain't seriously so shallow to think o' playing with his heart just cause o' that, are ya?"

"Certainly not!" Rarity denied vehemently. "But I do need to think about my future, replanning it and all. And he's kind, gentle, courteous, considerate, rather dashing and handsome, a technical Prince...and totally smitten with me. I would be a fool to not take it into consideration in my plans."

Applejack blinked. "...ah ain't followin."

"Applejack, if I were any other mare, or only concerned about my own personal future, I'd snatch him up in a heartbeat," Rarity replied. "But I care too much for him as a friend to do that to him, unless I'm certain it's what's best for him, which means I need to be sure of my own feelings as well." She leaned back on the pillows Spike had fluffed for her. "Now, that doesn't mean I can't let him spoil me a bit if he so chooses, or help me out around the shop once this journey is over if he and Twilight choose - as they've talked about - to move to Ponyville to relax after such an intense adventure. As tough and energetic as he is now, I have little to worry about as far as overworking him. Physically, he can probably run circles around all of us except you and Rainbow at this point."

"Or Pinkie," Applejack pointed out.

"Yes...Pinkie," Rarity agreed. "At any rate, I believe we should table this discussion for now. Even if I were to decide to get serious with Spike, in the middle of an adventure to save the world is the worst time to do so. While certainly dramatic, it would be terribly distracting for both of us."

"Seriously?" Twilight demanded loudly, staring at the map. "A riddle?"

Everyone approached the map. A message was written across it instead of the usual geography.

Twists and turns have befallen your plan.
Awaken the Guardian where the Magic began.

"Now we have to solve a damn riddle!" Twilight growled, throwing her forelegs into the air in frustration.

"I think it means the Everfree," Fluttershy pointed out.

"Eh?" everyone asked, turning to her.

"Um, I mean...that's where I got my Element," she pointed out. "And...that's when things got all, well..." Waving her hoof, she conjured some of her nature magic.

"That's it!" Twilight shouted as she put it together. "We need to awaken the Guardian of the Last Element back where we found the Elements...because that's where the magical part of our journey began!"

Nightmare Moon smiled to herself as she set the paperwork aside when her Guard Captain approached her. "Anything of interest to report?" she asked.

"BANANA!" the Captain shouted at the top of his voice. He then cleared his throat in embarrassment. "Apologies, Your Majesty. I don't know what causes that."

"Quite alright," Nightmare Moon reassured him. "Your report?"

"The populace intends to kill the Bearers of Harmony before they can get to you," the Captain replied simply.

Celestia promptly spat cookie crumbs all over the poor Captain. "What?"

"What she said," Nightmare Moon agreed. "What?"

"Your Majesty, the general populace has come to the conclusion that your reign has brought drastic improvement to the lot of the common pony, and the well being of the nation as a whole," the Captain explained. "It is their intention to swarm the Element Bearers en masse the moment they try to enter the city limits."

Nightmare Moon could only stare. "Am I to assume the nobles have taken some sort of action in that regard?' she asked. "They probably think overthrowing me will put things back the way they were."

"We've captured 37 professional assassins hired by the various noble families on missions to kill at least one of the Bearers to render the Elements useless."

Nightmare Moon's jaw...dropped. "Wha?"

"While at first the nobles who were against you wanted you overthrown...they've discovered something," the Captain explained. "Without their legislative power, there's no point to the political maneuvering they've always done. It gains them no more power or influence. And they each already have more wealth or land than they could ever need. They have time, now...to get to know their families. To be husbands and wives, fathers and mothers. To live life, instead of constantly maneuvering to improve it. They don't want to lose that."

Nightmare Moon slumped over her throne. "...when was the last time an evil overlord had to command the general populace, 'Don't kill the heroes'?" she mused idly. She then sighed under her breath. "Doctor," she muttered, "you and the others would be laughing at me right now if you knew, wouldn't you?"

Back in the Palace of the Pony Sisters, in the chamber where the Elements had rested for so long, the large stone in the center still on its pedestal. "So...what now?" Spike asked.

"Now you fire the map again," Twilight instructed. "And we hope it gives us more instructions."

Nodding, Spike breathed fire on the map again. Words once more appeared.

These are the Keys to Awaken the Beast

Twilight stared at the map for a time. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Maybe we're supposed to call out our Elements?" Pinkie suggested.

"In the order listed?" Spike offered.

"Ain't got a better idea," Applejack allowed. She stepped forward. "Honesty!"

"Laughter!" Pinkie called out, bouncing.

"Loyalty!" Rainbow proclaimed, thrusting the choker out proudly.

"Generosity!" Rarity proclaimed demurely.

"K-Kindness," Fluttershy stammered.

Nothing happened.

"So much for that idea," Applejack grumbled.

"Unless it means the other side of the Elements power," Twilight mused.

Shrugging, Applejack decided to give it a try. "Earth!" she proclaimed loudly.

In response, her Element shone brightly with an orange light.

Before it could fade, Pinkie leapt forward. "Fire!" she shouted. Her Element shone blue in response.

"Wind!" Rainbow proclaimed, the red light of her Element filling the room.

"Water!" Rarity proclaimed, getting into the spirit of it as the dark purple light of her Element flared out.

"Heart-I mean, Nature!" Fluttershy stammered, her cheeks as pink as the light of her Element. Twilight raised an eyebrow at that.

Spike chuckled. "Go, Planet," he murmured, making Twilight raise an eyebrow at him.

Beams of colored light shot out from the Elements to strike the large, central stone. It pulsed and glowed with white light as it floated into the air.

As the light of the Elements faded, the stone converted into pure white energy, unfolding six segmented wings as it hovered over the group. Its voice sounded in all their minds.

Magic Awakens. The Trial Begins.

Tendrils shot out of the sphere, seizing Twilight and dragging her in.

"Twilight!" the others called out.

"It's alright!" Twilight called back as she was absorbed. "I'll...be okay..."

As Twilight vanished into the beast, it turned on the others. Now...show me your power... A barrage of light beams lashed out at the group as they began to fight back.

Deep within the sphere, Twilight found a pinkish-purple crystal in the shape of a star floating in front of her, spinning slowly. Its voice was quiet in her mind.

You have grown strong...you and your comrades. But it is not enough.

"Not enough?" Twilight asked. "What do you mean?"

Without me, you will not be able to conquer the darkness. Without my power, the land will be plunged into Night Eternal forever more. If you do not take my power, this world will die.

Twilight shivered as visions of the darkness consuming the land, it slowly freezing without the sun, barraged her senses. She saw her friends, her family, everyone she cared for slowly dying after watching their loved ones fade...and the shadow of the Nightmare laughed gloatingly over the visions. "No!" she shouted out. "I won't let that happen! I won't!"

You will save the world?


Will you do anything to save it?


Sacrifice anything?


Her vision swam, and she saw the others, fighting the Light Beast as it attacked them. Who will you sacrifice?

Twilight's eyes widened. "W...what?"

To unleash my power, someone's life must be given to the light. One tied to my power must fall for it to be unleashed. Choose. The image focused on each of the girls briefly. Who do I kill so you can save the world?

Twilight stared in shock. "W...what? No! No, I can't sacrifice one of them! They're my friends!"

Then this world will die, and it will be your fault. Power started flowing from the gem into the beast. You are not a true Bearer. The group is flawed. A new group will be selected-

"NO!" Twilight shouted, her magic erupting. "I won't let you hurt them!" Leveling her horn, she fired all the magic she could bring to bear into the Element. "We don't need you! We'll save the world without you! But you won't...take...my...FRIENDS!"

As the magic poured out of her body, the Beast shattered. She was hovering in midair, her eyes closed. The crystal set in a tiara upon her forehead.

My trial is passed. One who would choose power over friends is worthy of neither. Awaken, Lightbringer.

As Twilight slowly settled to the ground, she opened her eyes.(1)

Nightmare Moon sat back on her throne as she felt the last Element bond to its Bearer. "Is everything prepared?" she asked the Captain.

"Yes, Your Majesty. The populace is subdued, accepting that you wish to confront the Bearers yourself. The nobles are remaining out of sight. The higher level Nightmare Creatures patrol the streets in the random intervals you have dictated, under orders to only attack the Bearers and their dragon. The halls of the Castle are filled with traps designed by the Crusaders, and their tank awaits the Bearers approach in the Grand Hall. The Flim Flam Brothers are in place at the entrance to the castle to sell the Bearers anything they might need for the confrontation. And Princess Celestia is a-BANANA!"

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Properly situated in the cage above your throne, to witness your triumph over the heroes," Celestia concluded the report.

"Then all is made ready," Nightmare Moon whispered. "It's time for the final chapter(2)."

(1) I was so sorely tempted to add "and her wings" to this line, but eventually decided against it.
(2) Not really. Still a good bit more to go. No worries there.