• Published 7th May 2015
  • 25,326 Views, 3,592 Comments

There's Nopony I'd Rather Be Than Me - Tatsurou

Wreck it Ralph raises Nightmare Moon in the arcade.

  • ...

Interlude: Contrition

"This is working better than we thought it would, isn't it?" Sid asked as he guided the Mark 2 Solar Simulator through the net.

"Yes," a voice at the other end of the communicator replied. "It's clear that the tech within the 'TRON' security program can be applied to the rest of the net with amazing results. However, there's a reason live human testing of these things was supposed to be delayed at least another ten years."

"Hey, it passed all safety regs in the simulations, didn't it?' Sid countered back. "It's perfectly safe for a User."

"I think he's more concerned about the possible impact this will have on the net," the blue clad program beside Sid indicated. "It's not exactly designed with this level of regular data transfer in mind."

"That's why the stress test," Sid countered. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing. I know computers."

"But all this just so you can...clear your conscience?" the voice over the comms demanded.

"I'm your lead on the Live-Net project for a reason, Kevin," Sid countered. "Remember who got the proof of what Dillinger was doing to you before you lost your job? Who managed to reduce the MCP to the point it could be brought to heel? Computers are my element, and I know what I'm doing...and this is the solid you-owe-me I said I would call in from day one."

There was silence over the comms. "Just...just don't break anything, okay?" Kevin Flynn pleaded. "I know I listened to all your stories about life inside the computers, and in the toys...and the computer ones at least seem true so far. But this stage of the project is delicate in more terms than just computing. Do you even want to think about what this sort of thing will do politically and socially if it gets out in a bad way?"

"That's why I picked a day the place was closed," Sid countered. "And I'm not sure how much I believe that speech about being secretive, considering you approved the sale of the prototype Realizer laser system to an anonymous client named, 'Mysterious Mr. D'."

"It didn't work anyway, and he offered three figures above what we'd invested into it," Flynn countered. "And I didn't let him collect it until the check cleared."

"Just...just give me this, okay?" Sid pleaded. "I...I can't make it right with the toys, they won't talk to me, even if Andy still had them. But...but maybe I can make it right with the sprites. I...I need this. I've thought I was crazy since I was 11. I...if I'm to live with myself, knowing it was all real...I need to make it right...please..."

Kevin sighed. "Can't say I blame you," he said sadly. "Alright, do what you need to do. Just be careful. Tron? Try to keep him in check."

"Will do, sir!" Tron replied, saluting.

"Don't do that, it's weird," Sid scolded.

It wasn't long before the Mark 2 Solar Simulator glided into the net destination. "You sure we're in the right place?" Tron asked.

Sid looked around. "Umm...I'd say so," he replied, pointing.

Waiting at the net dock were several sprites, looking up at them rather pugnaciously. Zero.EXE, Nightmare, Ralph, Calhoun, Ridley, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Albert Wily. All of them looked ready to tear them apart...although none were attacking yet.

"Say, Kevin?" Sid asked into the comms. "I...don't suppose the safety programs to eject a user at full health if they take too much code damage in the net are in place, are they?"

"You have their implementation on schedule for next Tuesday," Kevin countered.

"Right..." Sid chuckled nervously.

As the Sailer landed, Sid disembarked, holding up his hands in a show of peace. "Greetings," he said nervously. "I'm-"

"Sid Phillips," Wily interrupted him. "We know. We've been keeping track of ENCOM's activities ever since the first digitization. It is the sort of thing sprites would take note of, and programs are terrible gossips."

Sid glanced sidelong at Tron, who had the decency to look embarrassed. "Right..." Clearing his throat, Sid turned back to the gathered sprites. "Anyway, I know that...we got off on the wrong foot last time..."

"Your worm nearly killed my daughter," Calhoun growled, priming her weapons.

"It almost killed Moony!" Ralph snarled, slamming his fists into the dock, cracking it.

"I was nearly lost to the net just tracking you down," Zero.EXE intoned.

"Simply put," Wily demanded, "what makes you think you'll leave us in one piece?"

Sid stared them all straight in the eyes...and shrugged. "I probably won't," he replied simply.

"What?" Kevin demanded over the comms. "Sid, what do you think you're-"

"But that's why I came," Sid continued, ignoring Kevin for the moment. "I came to apologize for my actions. The harm I brought to you all came from ignorance and fear of madness...not malice. I...what I saw in you reminded me of an episode from my past that I thought was insanity. I...had to prove to myself it wasn't the same...only to learn it was. I never meant to hurt anyone. I'd have fixed everything on my way out if things had gone as I planned." Stepping forward, he went to his knees, his hands interlocked behind his head. "And so I've come to offer my apologies...and to accept whatever penance you demand of me." He lowered his head, looking not unlike a convict awaiting the executioner's block.

Silence was his only response for a time...followed by footsteps. When he looked up, only Wily remained, and he was smirking. "Come as a player next time," he stated simply. "Bring plenty of quarters." He turned to walk back into the arcade.

"Wait!" Sid called out, standing up. "Can...can I apologize to Nightmare Moon...face to face?"

Wily shook his head. "She's gone home, Sid," he replied simply. "And now...so should you."

Nodding, Sid rejoined Tron on the Sailer.

"You have such a talking to waiting you once you're flesh and blood again," Kevin growled over the comms.