• Published 7th May 2015
  • 25,360 Views, 3,592 Comments

There's Nopony I'd Rather Be Than Me - Tatsurou

Wreck it Ralph raises Nightmare Moon in the arcade.

  • ...

Darkness Falls

As the darkness faded, allowing light to touch everyone's eyes and code to flow again, the silhouette became clearer. By coloration, it was still Nightmare Moon, but she was no longer as tiny as she had been. Where before there had been a foal, there was now a filly, a young mare. Her frame seemed adolescent, but her power far more vast than it had been. An aura of darkness and magic crackled around her like a living thing. She slowly lifted her head, opening her eyes.

"Well, that was unexpected," Turbo said nervously. "Quite a pretty light show, but hardly something to make me stop! My vengeance is at hand!" As he snarled, one of the Cybugs took another bite out of Ralph, making him scream again.

Nightmare Moon brought her hoof down hard, causing the floor to crack, the sound echoing across the entire game world. "Creatures of Nightmares!" she bellowed, her voice carrying to every corner of the code world of the arcade, inflections unknown to the sprites sending her words straight down into the core of their code. "Obey your queen!"

Every Cybug in Hero's Duty froze instantly. As one, they turned to face Nightmare Moon, wherever they were. The 'beacon hum' filled the air as their eyes filled with the black of night.

Ralph stared, his jaw hanging. "...huh?"

"What is this?" Turbo demanded angrily. "How are you able to just waltz in and-"

"Obey!" Nightmare Moon hissed, rounding on Turbo, her eyes flashing.

Turbo's eyes glowed black, and the hum echoed from his Cybug parts as well. "...my Queen..." he replied in a monotone voice, his higher code functions shoved aside by the sheer force of her power and will.

Turning back to the other Cybugs, she jerked her head to one side. The Cybugs immediately backed off from Ralph, Felix, and Samus.

Ralph managed to push himself up to his one remaining intact leg with his undamaged arm. "...Moony?" he asked fearfully, staring at her in concern.

Her eyes swept over him, taking in his injuries. She then turned to Felix. "Can you fix him?" she demanded coldly.

Felix managed to push himself up, picking up his hammer and looking at Ralph. Desperately, he banged Ralph lightly with the golden hammer. The broken coded segments sparked, but nothing happened. "I...I can't..." Felix whimpered.

"Give me the hammer," Nightmare ordered.

Shivering, Felix held the hammer out. Nightmare Moon's mane snaked out like a living thing, taking the hammer from his hands as a dark blue aura surrounded it. She examined it for a time.

A bolt of black lightning lashed from her horn into the hammer. The hammer flared with light, and a field of gold light erupted from it, expanding to fill the arcade. When the glow faded, the hammer fell, its golden glow now dull.

Ralph staggered back, his feet catching his weight. Staring down, he realized that he was once more whole and healthy. Samus had her arm cannon back, and from what he could see from the tower, everyone else was completely repaired as well, as though they'd never been damaged.

Nightmare handed the hammer back to Felix. "You will need to respawn with it back in Niceland to restore its power," she said simply. She then turned back to the Cybugs.

Every last one turned up to her, completely still, their only sound the beacon hum, as their eyes locked on her, awaiting commands.

"Hear me, nightmares!" she bellowed. "Your queen's will is absolute! You shall not act against other sprites of the arcade unless they are of this game! You shall not act against sprites of this game unless the player is active! You shall not leave this game unless your Queen summons you, and then only to do as she bids!"

Every last Cybug throughout the game world bowed low, showing their obeisance as the Queen of the Night's orders encoded themselves into their programming. The various Cybugs then flew off, scattering throughout the game world and the Tower to await the game's next reboot.

Nightmare then turned to Turbo. "King Cybug," she hissed, "you shall remain in this chamber as the game's new final boss battle. In this chamber only will you have your own mind. If you leave this chamber, the code will assert itself, and you will be my mindless slave...but aware of all I command you to do. This shall remain until such time as I decide you have abandoned your quest for vengeance. Each time the game restarts, you shall respawn, forever caged to a game you will never be remembered for."

"...by your command..." Turbo replied numbly. His eyes then returned to normal. "What..no! You can't!" He lunged towards her, only to be pulled up short. "What?"

"You are of this game now," Nightmare replied. "Your Cybug code will not allow you to do harm to one who is not native to this game anymore, except on my direct order. And you can't inflict direct harm on those native to the game except during a game. Vengeance shall be forever denied you, and you shall be eternally forced to watch the shared joy of others that you denied in your quest for personal glory. This is your fate, Turbo."

Turbo stared at her, his eyes widening in horror. "No..." he gasped out, staggering back. "NO!" he screamed, leaping around the chamber as he desperately railed against her pronouncement.

Focusing her magic, Nightmare Moon teleported herself, Ralph, Felix, and Samus away as one last, despairing, "NOOOOOO!" echoed from the top of the tower.

In a flash of light, the group appeared before the other amassed sprites. At first there was a hushed silence as many of them didn't immediately recognize Moony in her changed form. A single gasp interrupted the silence.

"It happened," Albert Wily said simply. "The first growth stage...she's cleared it."

"That's...little Moony?" Zangief asked in disbelief.

"Not so little anymore," Calhoun commented dryly, walking up to Felix to make sure he was in one piece.

"Then...we won?" Zero asked.

Regally, Nightmare Moon nodded.

A massed cheer went up from the gathered sprites.

"Party at Tappers!" someone called out.

"I'll get Mary to bake a huge celebratory cake!" Felix called out.

Nightmare Moon smiled regally, nodding to everyone as they cheered. She then walked slowly out of the game, every inch of her exuding royal dignity.

Ralph watched her go. Is...is this it? he thought to himself. Is...is she all grown up now? Does...does she not need me anymore? Does she even still...love me? He felt his heart start to shrivel.

Wily suddenly elbowed him in the knee. "Go to her," he all but ordered.


"You think I haven't seen that exact same face on my own son dozens of times in his other games?" Wily demanded. "She's showing a brave face now...but she needs you. Go to her." Activating his saucer, Wily grabbed Ralph with a robotic arm and threw him out into Game Central Station.

As soon as Ralph was outside of Hero's Duty, Moony cannoned into him, her forelegs and wings wrapping around him as she buried her face against his stomach, crying her eyes out. "Daddy!" she wailed. "I was...I was so scared...I thought...I thought I was going to lose you...to lose me...Daddy!"

Ralph immediately wrapped his arms around her. "It's alright, Moony," he comforted softly. "It's okay now. It's all over. You're safe. We're all safe."

As her sobs faded, he continued to hold her gently, caressing her back. Without warning, she let out a loud sneeze, and the front of his shirt felt wet and gross. "...sorry," she apologized.

"Eh, not the worst thing to ever get on my shirt," he stated dismissively. "But you seemed so in control back in Hero's Duty after you grew. What happened?"

"I had to be in control in there!" Moony replied. "It was the only way to enforce my power on the Cybugs. If I'd wavered even for an instant while I was in there, they'd have broken free and I'd never have been able to establish myself as their Queen again. Now that I've left the game registered as their Queen, my hold on them all is unbreakable...but I couldn't let out any emotion until then."

Ralph gently scooped her up. "Well, Your Majesty, I think what you need now is a party to put a smile back on your face and a cake big enough for you to swim in. I'm sure Tappers will have that, even if Felix has to smack the cake with his mallet a few times."

Moony giggled, snuggling into his arms as he carried her towards Tapper's. "Umm..." she pointed out as they got there. "I think I should walk in myself..."

Nodding, Ralph set her down on her hooves. "Say Moony...do you think...well, what you did to Turbo...wasn't it...rather harsh?"

Nightmare Moon shrugged her shoulders. "Perhaps...but what did you expect?" She looked up into his eyes sadly. "I'm the bad guy."

In silence, the pair walked into Tapper's letting the celebratory air cleanse their minds of unpleasant thoughts.