• Published 7th May 2015
  • 25,359 Views, 3,592 Comments

There's Nopony I'd Rather Be Than Me - Tatsurou

Wreck it Ralph raises Nightmare Moon in the arcade.

  • ...

Darkness Rises

As the amassed sprites charged towards the tower, they were caught off guard as swarms of Cybugs took off from the lower floors, the countryside, from behind dark clouds, and from under the ground itself. There were so many they would have blotted the sun from the sky if it had been shining. Not all were the standard black. Several had various colored tints to them: red, blue, green, white, and even several in candy stripe.

While a great many of the sprites hesitated at the sight of it, Calhoun gave the order. "Activate the Beacon!" she commanded.

There was a click, and then nothing. "Sir!" one of the other soldiers called out. "The Beacon is not responding."

"I was afraid of that," Calhoun grumbled. She then shouted, "Open fire!"

The Hero's Duty soldiers opened fire with their guns. Every other sprite with ranged attacks added their volleys. Samus utilized her Wave Beam to shoot through several Cybugs at once. Link used his arrows. Megaman and Zero used their busters, while the Robot Masters unleashed their ranged abilities. Those fighting game characters who had ranged attacks added their volleys, as did those from adventure games with ranged magic attacks.

Right at first, the volleys seemed to be doing their work of doing a great deal of damage, knocking down black Cybugs both small and large. Between one volley and another, however, the blue tinted Cybugs moved to the front, deploying energy shields that took the brunt of the assault.

Calhoun gasped in shock at that. "They...they're acting in formation?" she demanded. "Cybugs don't do that!"

"Their eyes don't normally glow red, either!" Ralph pointed out, indicating the other change from the norm.

"Something or someone has control of them!" Wily shouted. "I'll see if I can find the signal they're using and jam it!"

Green tinted Cybugs then buzzed over the group, dropping blue spheres towards them. Link gasped and lifted his shield.

"Mega-Met!" Wily shouted.

"Meep!" A Metool sprite whose code had been altered to expand it to massive size leapt into the fray, lowering its helmet over the entire group. The bombs exploded against the shell, doing no damage. Those inside remained safe.

"This won't last long," Wily muttered as everyone began to take a breath.

A loud crunching sound could be heard, and a section of the Metool helmet was torn away, eaten by a Cybug which then turned yellow. As it tore its way in, weapons fire bounced off of it.

Charging forward, Ralph delivered a hard punch to its face, causing the armored carapace to buckle and reveal holes. Others quickly added their fire.

"Even if they get armored, their mouths will still be vulnerable!" Calhoun called out. "Shoot when they open their mouth to bite!"

"We aren't going to win this way!" Felix called out. "Look!"

Off in the distance, the white Cybugs could be seen landing beside others that had been shot down. The white ones then glowed green, which somehow repaired the fallen Cybugs.

"We need to seal off this game before they expand outward!" Calhoun called. "Someone's been stockpiling power-ups to make this Cybug army! We can't let it expand!"

"I'm not leaving without Moony!" Ralph shouted back.

"Ralph, Felix, Samus, Link, you four get to the tower and find Moony!" Wily ordered. "Bowser, Mario, clear an exit for them with the fire spin you've been practicing! Ridley, give them a lift! Doc Robot Wood Man, use your Leaf Shield and the power booster to keep them shielded as long as you can! Everyone else, dig in and hold them off for as long as you can!"

The commanded sprites did as ordered. Bowser leapt through the hole, followed by Mario, who grabbed hold of the Koopa King's tail. Mario then spun Bowser around him in ever faster circles as Bowser released his fire breath for as long as he could hold it, cutting a wide swath. One of the Doc Robots leapt onto Ridley's back alongside Ralph, Felix, Samus, and Link. Projecting a Leaf Shield around the lot of them, the Doc Robot intoned, "Weapon Energy remaining: T-Minus two minutes."

"Then I'll get us there in one and a half!" Ridley snarled, spreading his wings and taking to the sky.

As they flew, Samus called their attention to something interesting. The Cybugs seemed to be paying more attention to Bowser than Mario, and more attention to Ridley and the Doc Robot than to Ralph or Felix.

"What do you think's causing that?" Ralph asked Link as he shot another arrow into a Cybug optic, knocking it briefly out of pattern.

Link turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh...right...sorry," Ralph apologized.

"They seem to be targeting us based on who has the largest health bars!" Felix pointed out. "Bosses first, then high health heroes, and single digit hit hero sprites like us last."

Ridley snorted. "Then when we get to the Tower, you two jump off and climb! Samus can back you. They underestimate you, though."

"Right!" Ralph agreed. Samus gave a thumbs up. Felix shivered in fear.

"Weapon Energy remaining: T-Minus 45 seconds."

As Ridley swung by the tower, Ralph leapt off, grabbing hold of the tower's side. Felix and Samus each caught hold of him. "The primary beacon controls are in the Hero's Chamber, from what Tammy's told me," Felix pointed out.

"Tammy?" Ralph asked, confused.

"That's Sergeant Calhoun - or possibly Tamora - to you, Ralph."

"So where's the Hero's Chamber?" Ralph demanded.

"You've been there!" Felix shouted as Samus shot down several Cybugs with missiles. He then used his hammer on her to replenish her ammo. "It's where you got the medal!"

"Right!" Ralph proclaimed, climbing his way up.

Eventually, after a great deal of careful climbing and frequent rearming with the magic hammer, the trio reached the top floor of the Tower. In plain sight, Nightmare Moon could be seen trapped in a stasis pod. "Moony!" Ralph shouted, rushing up towards her.

"Daddy, no!" she called out. "It's a trap!"

Before any of them could react, several Cybugs lunged in from the sides of the chamber. One knocked Felix across the room, making him drop his hammer as he dropped, down to one hit point. One seized Samus by her Arm Cannon and ate it off her as three others bore her to the floor. Seven bore Ralph to the ground. Samus glanced around, then prepared to shift to Morph Ball.

"Oh, go ahead!" a familiar voice called out. "Use your Morph Ball, Samus. Be bite-sized!"

Ralph gasped. "What? Turbo! But how?"

Turbo the King Cybug walked out of the corner of the room, followed by another large Cybug. "You should know, Ralph," he taunted. "The thing that let me survive is the very same thing that's allowed your little Moon here to dance around in so many games...it's all in the code!" He pointed to the Cybugs pinning Ralph. "Eat him slowly!" he ordered.

One of the Cybugs immediately took a bite out of Ralph's hand, making him scream in agony.

"Daddy!" Nightmare Moon screamed in fear and rage...but she didn't scream alone. There was another voice screaming with her, both hers and...not hers. It was somehow familiar.

Turbo laughed as the Cybugs slowly tore Ralph apart in small bites, absorbing his code in chunks. "Don't worry, Ralph...I'll leave your head unharmed. After all, I don't want you getting Cybug powers like I have!" His laughter turned wicked. "But I'll remove your eyes...once my little friend here-" he gestured to the other Cybug "-has eaten your little Moon...and I have devoured it and her as well!"

The Cybug lifted the containment capsule.

"Moony!" Ralph screamed out. "No!" He reached for her with an arm missing chunks that had been torn from it, code leaking out the holes.

"DAAAAAA~DYYYYYYYY!" Nightmare Moon screamed in fear and loss as the Cybug shoved the containment capsule into its mouth.

It closed its mouth around her.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Ralph screamed out in fear and grief.

The Cybug bit down. There was a crunch as the capsule broke.

Deep inside Nightmare Moon, something snapped...and something else snapped into place.

As the Cybug started to chew, it shivered and shook. Its code sparked. Black energy swirled around it, followed by a black explosion that blinded all.

As vision returned...a winged silhouette became visible.