• Published 7th May 2015
  • 25,359 Views, 3,592 Comments

There's Nopony I'd Rather Be Than Me - Tatsurou

Wreck it Ralph raises Nightmare Moon in the arcade.

  • ...

Nightmare in Equestria: Final Boss

Twilight and her friends stared up at the imposing form of Canterlot, the shadow of Eternal Night turning the once lovely and peaceful city into a scene out of nightmares. The soaring white towers were stained black with magic and shadows. The buildings, once soaring, now seemed to huddle. Horrid monsters could be seen patrolling the streets, hulking over the tops of buildings as they marched in silence. There wasn't a pony in sight.

"Alright everyone," Twilight whispered. "This is it. It's time to liberate Canterlot, storm the castle, and do battle with Nightmare Moon herself. Are we all ready?"

"Ready and waiting!" Rainbow affirmed, pumping her hoof. She hovered above the group, her wings flapping steadily, preferring to fight from the air.

"Well...yes. Yes, I'm ready," Fluttershy added, standing at the back of the group next to Rarity. Her confidence in herself had grown since the journey began, and was less afraid of putting herself forward. Getting her Element first might have contributed, as over the course of the journey that power had saved their collective haycon numerous times.

"I do agree that it's time to take back this fair city, Twilight," Rarity spoke up, posing dramatically. While she had gotten much more used to dealing the the thick of danger, excitement, and dirt, and could easily be relied upon in battle or out...she was still a bit of a drama queen when the moment seemed appropriate.

"Gonna wrangle us a conquering varmint!" Applejack snapped, standing to Twilight's left. She had been a strong pillar for the team, supporting everyone when they needed it and keeping them all safe and sound. The adventure had agreed with her, making her already strong frame even tougher, her muscles visibly toned under her coat when she flexed. And when she put the Earth power of her Element behind her bucks...well, Twilight felt sorry for that dragon that had attacked them while they passed through its territory. She'd never heard a dragon sing falsetto before.

"It's time to show Nightmare Moon a real surprise party!" Pinkie giggled as she bounced to Twilight's right. Despite the length of the adventure and everything they'd been through, she didn't seem that much different...beyond her new tendency to vanish in a pillar of flames to reappear somewhere else. Also, she carried a massive sheaf of notes on everypony they'd met on the journey...which she somehow kept in her mane, despite the fact that it was larger than her entire body.

Spike slammed his closed fist into his opposite palm. "Let's finish this," he said as he snorted a bit of flame, muscles flexing beneath shimmering scales. His new adolescent frame had awakened a streak of vanity in the young drake, causing him to take great pains in his appearance. He didn't let this stop him from leaping into the fray when called on, or taking on physical tasks he was best suited to, but it was a noticeable change in his behavior. Twilight privately suspected the way Rarity fluttered her eyelashes at him to be a bigger factor in this new behavior than it being any sort of natural aspect of his growth.

Twilight herself stood in the middle of the group, just behind Spike. Pinkie had insisted on this battle formation to maximize their effectiveness. Twilight, as their strongest caster - the Light aspect of her Element was especially effective, both against Dark Magic creatures and Dark Magic itself - was firmly in the middle, warded on three sides by strong fighters. Fluttershy and Rarity, as their healers, were in the back to keep everyone hale and hearty. For some reason, however, Pinkie had insisted that they not let her out of their sight for any reason. The pink pony's stated reason for this was, "Process of Elimination".

Taking a deep breath, Twilight smiled as, surrounded by her friends, she took a step forward. "Let's show Nightmare Moon what we're made of..."

"Together!" the seven shouted out as they marched up to the gates.

The gates of the city were sealed with a magical lock. Spike attempted to destroy it with his dragon fire, but it only made the lock glow in six colors. The Elements resonated, and the six segments of the lock crumbled, and the gate swung open to an unusual chime.

"How did she seal the gates with a lock that only the Elements could open?" Spike asked, confused.

"Forget how," Twilight countered. "How about why?"

"To make sure we didn't try to come here too soon?" Rainbow suggested.

Pinkie twitched violently, her whole body briefly spasming. "Whoa...the doozy's getting closer!"

Those of the group who had lived in Ponyville for a long time glanced around worriedly, knowing the terror Pinkie's 'Pinkie Sense' could foretell. Twilight watched Pinkie with interest, having observed several situations during the journey where the 'Pinkie Sense' had proven quite helpful, and had been attempting to formulate various theories as to how it worked. The 'doozy' was the last thing she needed to see to confirm her latest theory.

As they journeyed through the streets of Canterlot, they fought a few of the Nightmarish creatures they'd seen. After a time, Spike noticed something that concerned him. "All these doors are locked tight," he pointed out. "It's...it's like the citizens are afraid to come out of their own homes."

"With creatures like the one we just wrangled wanderin' about, wouldn't you be?" Applejack asked.

"So...should we try and kill all the monsters first?" Twilight suggested.

"Wouldn't work!" a voice called out from the second story.

Looking up, the group spotted a brown colt with orangeish-brown mane and eyes, wearing a propeller beanie and drinking from a juice box. "Button Mash?" Rarity asked in shock. "What are you doing here?"

"Here to see the final showdown!" Button called back. "It's gonna be awesome!"

"You know him?" Spike asked.

"My little sister's a bit sweet on him," Rarity replied in a whisper.

"What do you mean, it wouldn't work?" Twilight called back.

"The monsters respawn!" Button called back, pointing to where a previous monster they'd killed was once again patrolling a street they'd just left. "Like random encounters for grinding! Haven't you ever played any video games?"

"Button!" a voice shouted from deeper in the house as Pinkie spasmed again.

"Whoops!" He grabbed the top of the window. "Say hi to Sweetie for me when you get to the castle!" He slammed the window shut.

"Wait, what?" Rarity demanded. "Sweetie Belle's in the castle? Why?"

"Do you think Nightmare Moon might mean to use her as a hostage to make us hesitate?" Fluttershy suggested.

"But then...who else could she have?" Pinkie asked.

Applejack suddenly gasped. "You don't think...Apple Bloom?"

Rainbow gnawed her hoof, her own mind going to a particular filly she wasn't quite willing to admit to being worried about.

"We'd better get there fast, then!" Twilight proclaimed. Nodding, the group raced for the castle.

"What?" Twilight demanded angrily as the group reached the gates of the castle. "What are you two doing here?"

"Selling medicines, of course!" Flim replied.

"And battle items!" Flam added.

"But how do you keep getting ahead of us?" Twilight shouted.

"And how'd you get permission to sell at the gates of the Palace?" Spike added.

"Royal Permit," Flim replied.

"We can sell anywhere, as long as its adventuring items!" Flam added.

"Pity you never bought any of our +2 Hoofshoes of Smiting," Flim pointed out.

"They were made of rusty iron," Rarity pointed out.

"We offered a discount since they were used," Flam argued.

"They dissolved into rust when I picked them up," Rainbow pointed out.

"Well used!" Flim countered.

Twilight shook her head. "Ugh, just...never mind! We need to get into the Castle and-"

"Would you care for a map?" Flam asked. "Her Majesty, Queen Nightmare Moon, has used dark magic to transform the interior walls of the castle into a massive maze!"

"But we just happen to have a map of the maze," Flim pointed out.

"Which we'll sell to you...for the right price," Flam concluded.

"How'd ya get holda that map, anyway?" Applejack demanded.

"Nightmare Moon gave it to us," Flim replied.

"To sell to you," Flam added.

"Why would Nightmare Moon give you a map of her stronghold to sell to us?" Rarity demanded.

"Because you wouldn't trust it if it was free," Flim pointed out.

"She's looking forward to fighting you," Flam added. "She doesn't want you getting lost."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Fine. We'll take the map. Maker, this is giving me such a headache..."

With map in hand - Spike was carrying it - they made their way into the castle.

By the time the group was halfway through the castle maze, they were glad they'd bought the map...as well as stocked up on medicines, snacks, and mana restoration draughts. The traps scattered throughout the maze had been quite fiendish. While all the traps gave a distinctive sound when triggered, most launched their obstacle - whether darts, flames, spears, or pies - not directly at the trigger switch (tile, trip rope, or spell), but to one side or the other, anticipating an attempt at a dodge. Those that did launch straight at the triggering device exploded when directly over it, hitting everything around it. By the end, the group was quite grateful both to Spike's thick hide and Applejack discovering she didn't need to use actual earth to conjure her Earthen Barrier.

As they reached the midpoint of the path to the Throne Room (which was marked with Nightmare Moon's face), the group paused before a chamber marked on the map with what looked like Pinkie's party cannon, but made of wood.

"Probably some sort of guardian we have to get through before we reach Nightmare Moon," Rainbow pointed out. "Well, whatever it is, we'll kick its flank!"

Once everyone had fully recovered, they entered the marked chamber, and were confronted by a tank made of wood and nails which glowed with dark magic. Swiveling, it fired upon them. Only a quick scattering of the group saved them from being taken down in a single hit.

"What is that thing?" Twilight demanded in shock.

"It...kinda looks like some o' mah sis's woodworking projects," Applejack pointed out.

Rarity noticed the color scheme. "It has Sweetie Belle's fashion sense. Ugh, those colors clash horribly."

Rainbow buzzed over the tank, noticing but not mentioning the several scooters she saw cannibalized in its construction.

"Well, we'd better take it down quick, before it takes us down!" Pinkie shouted out as she dodged another cannon shell, gathering her fire. "It's made of wood after all!"

"Right!" Spike agreed as he took a deep breath.

"Wait!" Applejack called out. "That things designed to have pilots. What if Apple Bloom's in there?"

"Or Sweetie Belle?" Rarity added.

Both Spike and Pinkie dispelled their flames.

"I'm guessing trying to make the wood come to life and tear it apart is also a no, then?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"I've got an idea," Twilight pointed out. "Make it target me. Spike, get out of the way."

Confused, Spike stepped aside. The tank immediately swiveled to point at Twilight, preparing to fire.

Twilight lowered her horn and fired a Light spell straight down the barrel. The dark magic around the tank dissipated.

"W-what'd ya do?" Applejack asked worriedly.

"It was animated by dark magic," Twilight pointed out. "I disenchanted it."

"It's empty!" Pinkie called as she flipped the top open.

"Guess that was a wasted effort," Applejack pointed out. "Sorry Pinkie, Spike."

"As am I," Rarity added.

"Umm...it might not be," Fluttershy pointed out. "Is...will it still work with a pilot?"

"Oh yeah, definitely!" Pinkie called back. "Why?"

"Well...I know I'm not much of a combatant...and being made of wood, it is Nature..."

Everyone turned to stare at Fluttershy. Slowly, wide grins covered their faces, and Twilight prepared a new enchantment.

Nightmare Moon sat back in the Throne Room, Celestia and the Crusaders above her, sipping tea. "They should be here by now," she pointed out with a frown.

"Do ya think we did too good a job on the traps?" Apple Bloom asked worriedly. "Ah...ah hope we didn't hurt 'em..."

"Or maybe the tank was too hard?" Scootaloo suggested.

"Maybe they're taking their time making themselves presentable in the antechamber before bursting through the door," Sweetie suggested. "Sounds like something Rarity would do."

Nightmare Moon set her tea aside. "Well, I don't like being kept waiting-"

The Throne Room doors burst open as a massive wooden bunny rabbit smashed through them, a tank barrel instead of one hand.

"Is...is that our tank?" Apple Bloom asked.

"It's so cute and fluffy!" Sweetie Belle squealed. "It's got a leafy tail bob!"

"You're going down, Nightmare Moon!" Rainbow proclaimed as the Elements and Spike gathered around the wooden rabbit.

Nightmare Moon did a quick headcount. "...Kindness is in the bunny?" Along with Sir Lancelot and Sir Galahad, perhaps? she added silently.

"Yay!" the wooden rabbit mech proclaimed.

Nightmare Moon stood up. "Very well," she stated calmly. "Let's see how strong you've become!" She immediately unleashed a wave of dark magic spells.

Twilight quickly countered with Rays of Light, dispelling each spell as it approached her. Nightmare tried to take to the air, but was countered by an attacking Rainbow and a leaping Spike, pushing her back down into the path of a binding shell from the mech, vines growing crazily through her feathers, rendering her wings useless.

She tried shifting to mist form to get to a more advantageous position, but found Pinkie Pie waiting for her, appearing out of fire. "Shoryuken!" Pinkie shouted as she delivered the attack in question - surrounded by actual fire - sending Nightmare flying backwards.

Distracted by that bit of nostalgia, Nightmare Moon found herself caught off guard by the mudslide Applejack and Rarity hit her with, conjured directly out of their magic to slam her against the wall, trapping her in wet clay. A wave of green fire followed, locking her in place.

Growling angrily, Nightmare Moon burst free of the clay, a little unsteady on her feet. "I've been too reticent," she growled out. "I had not realized just how strong you had become. It seems I will need to bring my full power to bear!"

Her magic flared forth, blue lightning and green ones and zeroes as she held the dark magic back, saving it for when Twilight was otherwise engaged. When she saw the numbers, Pinkie Pie began spasming cartoonishly. Ignoring that for now, Nightmare Moon began lashing at the group with her magic, forcing them into a defensive position.

"You are utter foals!" Nightmare Moon declared. "You have the Elements...but you cannot use them together! Only their combined power can defeat me now...and you cannot combine them! You are but mere mortals...whilst I am a Goddess! I am invincible!"

And three...two...one... she added in the silence of her mind.

The mecha bunny suddenly fell on her, pinning her to the floor. She let out a scream of pain as a snap heralded damage to her leg. This game world is too damn realistic, she cursed internally as she thrust the giant wooden bunny off of her, the spell difficult as a crack ran along the length of her horn.

Before her eyes, Twilight and her friends floated, the Elements of Harmony shining in unison.

She sighed as she saw the rainbow form. She knew she should be screaming 'No!' right about now, but...she just couldn't bring herself to. She had accepted her role too much. "I'm bad..." she murmured.

And that's good... a voice replied in her mind, one she'd heard many times before back in the arcade, both familiar and not.

"I will never be good..." Nightmare Moon continued in response as the rainbow arced towards her.

And that's not bad... the voice replied.

As the rainbow surrounded her, she and the voice in her head spoke together. "There's nopony I'd rather be than me."

The Rainbow swirled for a time around her and she closed her eyes, waiting for whatever would happen next. When the magic faded, she heard several startled gasps, and opened her eyes.

Somehow, she had been restored to full strength and health. Her wings were clean of fowling, her leg was once more whole and unbroken, as was her horn.

She blinked for a time. "It's...it's probably just a glitch," she said quickly. "Quick, fire it again before the player notices!"

As nearly everyone in the throne room stared at her in confusion, Pinkie - who had been spasming - suddenly froze. "Oooooh!" she gasped out in shock. "Now I get it!"

She then dashed forward, grabbed Nightmare Moon by her peytral, and proceeded to shake her. "This isn't a video game!" she shouted at her at the top of her voice.

Nightmare Moon blinked. "It's...it's not? But I can see the screen...and the player!" She pointed off into the middle distance.

Most of those present glanced in the direction she pointed, confused at seeing nothing. Pinkie, however, sighed in understanding. Leaning in, she whispered in Nightmare Moon's ear, "That's the Author."

Nightmare Moon stared as the screen - the fourth wall - faded from her vision. "Then...then this is a...Player world?" When Pinkie nodded, tears formed in her eyes. "Then...then I'll never see them again...Daddy..."

Sinking to the floor, Nightmare Moon, Queen of the Night, Mistress of Dreams, Conqueror of Equestria, and proud Bad Guy...wept like the broken-hearted child she still was inside.