• Published 22nd Mar 2015
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Distorted Fate - Silvak

What happens when a dimension traveler ends up being stuck in a place they never expected to be? In a place where they find themselves in a new body, dealing with an unknown species. Note: This is not a HiE story.

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Chapter VIII: Questions

Time flies when you're having fun, but the keyword here is fun. Being bored out of my mind due to being trapped in this bakery only seemed to slow time down even more, and it'd only been twelve days since I first arrived in this world, or, to be more accurate, woke up in this world. The only thing I could do to pass time was to listen to the customers that came to the bakery each day, and due to my slowly increasing grasp of their language it was becoming easier and easier to figure out what they are saying. I even figured out a couple new words by listening to others use them instead of being taught with pictures, though it was no great feat since they were common everyday words.

The tenth day was a bit more interesting, but that was mostly because that cyan pegasus came by to drag me outside, wanting to impress me again to feed that inflated ego of hers. To her dismay, however, I wasn't amused by her latest set of stunts, causing her to become even more frustrated even though the other ponies were clearly in awe of her feats. What can I say, though; I never have been one for watching others perform stunts. It just wasn't my thing. Unfortunately, due to the language barrier, I had no way of telling her this, which led her to just fly off fuming.

Fortunately, with my growing knowledge and understanding of the ponies’ language, I was able to learn that the other two adult ponies taking care of me were called the Cakes. Cakes and Pie, go figure. At this rate, everything in this world must be running on some kind of odd theme. The Cakes seemed to really appreciate my good behavior, smiling at me whenever they approached me during my language practice, though as the days passed they, along with Pinkie Pie, seemed to share a nervous expression, though they only showed it when they were looking at me and thought that I couldn't notice them. They seemed to be hiding something from me, so I had to keep my ears open and on my toes, or in this case hooves. Regardless, these past few days passed by quite peacefully, causing me to wonder if the insanity of the first two days was just a fluke or something.

It was breakfast time on the thirteenth day since the filly started to live in the Sugarcube Corner, as Pinkie Pie and the Cakes sat around the table and tried their best to hide their nervous expressions. Even the smile Pinkie was bearing showed signs of being forced. Despite their efforts, it seemed that the filly was catching on to them as she eyed at them with suspicion. Suddenly, a knock on the front door gave the Cakes a much needed excuse to leave the table, taking their children while Pinkie headed to the door. Opening it, they saw a female unicorn with a light orange coat, a light blue mane that was styled into a bun behind her head, a pair of spectacles over her teal colored eyes, and a cutie mark of a notepad with a pair of spectacles over it on her flank.

"Good morning, Pinkie Pie, my name is Dayspring Joy and I was sent to evaluate the lost filly. Is she currently here?" the unicorn asked.

"Yeah... she's at the table. Let me take you to her," Pinkie replied nervously as she led Dayspring to the dining room.

As the duo reached the room, the filly immediately spotted the newcomer, causing her to raise an eyebrow in curiosity as Dayspring turns to Pinkie as she asked, "Has she told you her name yet?" to which Pinkie simply shook her head as her smile faded away as she finally took a more serious expression. "I see. Based on her report, she was unable to understand Equestrian when she was first located, which prevented any form of communication on her part. Has that factor changed during her time here?"

"She's learning real fast, she's a clever filly, and if we need to tell her something and she doesn't know the words yet, we just show her pictures and she picks up quickly what we're trying to to tell," Pinkie replied.

Nodding her acknowledgement, Dayspring's horn started to glow as she lifted some things out of her bag, revealing a stack of papers, a notepad, an inkwell and a quill. Looking at the filly, Dayspring slowly said, "Hello there, young one. My name is Dayspring Joy," repeating her name few more times before the filly gave a nod that she got her name, curious about the purpose of her visit. Searching though her stack, she pulled out a picture of a foal with their parents behind the foal that she shows to the filly as she asked, "Do you know where your parents are?"

Tilting her head in curiosity, the filly watched as Dayspring pointed at the foal with a hoof, then pointed at the filly, before finally pointing at the parents in the picture. Unfortunately the filly didn't understood what Dayspring was trying convey as she simply said, "No understand."

Sighing, Dayspring looked at Pinkie as she asked, "While I hate to have to ask this, will she be able to understand if I ask if she has any parents or family?"

Pinkie furrowed her brow in thought, before answering "I think she knows the words for have and family," before turning her head to looked at the filly, her face taking on a look of absolute dread as she feared one possible answer the filly may have.

Taking a deep breath, Dayspring turned her attention back on the filly as she asked, "Do you... do you have any parents?" as she repeated the pointing process once more.

Within moments, the filly's face darkened as she appeared to understand Dayspring's question. The filly closed her eyes as she takes a deep breath, before finally answering, "No."

As sorrow crept on both the ponies' faces, Dayspring gulped as she asked the next dreaded question, "Do you have any family?"

Sighing once more, the filly simply said, "I have no family." Pinkie's face took on an devastated expression as streams of tears run down her face as she instantly wrapped her forelegs around the filly in a hug, lifting her into the air.

"No, you silly filly, you have a family, a new family," Pinkie said as she tightened her hold on the filly, which sadly shut off the flow of air to her lungs. Turning her head to Dayspring, who was desperately trying to hold back her own tears, Pinkie tearfully asked, "She is still staying with us, right?"

"Well, since the Cake family, including you, are registered as a foster family, I suppose you could, but you have to get approval from Mr. and Mrs. Cake before you can take on the filly as a foster foal. It's saddening to hear that you had to take on a foster foal, though. It's so rare for a foal to lose their family these days," Dayspring said, her face also full of sorrow at the filly's misfortune, in their eyes at least. Meanwhile, the filly's suffocation continued as she pawed at Pinkie's forelegs, desperate for air.

"Oh, they will love to take the filly in. She's been so well behaved! Oh, I can't wait to give her a party to help cheer her up, I haven't had a chance yet since she can't talk to ponies yet, but she's learning so fast that soon I can throw her one. I'll throw her the best party of her life. I'll Pinkie promise to that," Pinkie said, before Dayspring finally noticed the filly's coat turning blue as her eyes started to glaze over like she was about to pass out.

"Ummm... Pinkie, maybe you so loosen your grip, I don't think the filly can breathe," Dayspring pointed out, causing Pinkie to look down at the filly to see her now blue face.

"Whoopsie," Pinkie said as she finally let go, dropping the filly onto the floor as she start panting for air.

"While we have the issue of who can going to take care of her settled, in order to complete her paperwork, we still need a name for her. Are you certain that she hasn't told you her name? It may be possible that she has told you, but you couldn't understand it since it may sound like the rest of her language."

Pinkie shook her head as she said "I don't think so, I was able to teach her my name, and I know that she knows the word for name, but when I tried to ask her for her name, she didn't even say a thing."

"Peculiar. I didn't expect the filly to withhold her name, though maybe I have an alternative solution," Dayspring said as she turned to the filly. As the filly was still trying to catch her breath, she simply looked up at Dayspring from the floor as she asked, "Do you want a new name?"

The filly simply stared at Daysrping as she tried to comprehend the question till she came to some conclusion as she asked, "New name?" Giving the filly a nod, Dayspring watched as the filly stared at the ground as if she was lost in concentration. Before long, the filly looked up at Dayspring as she replied, "Yes, new name... I name... I."

Cocking an eyebrow, Dayspring said, "Well, it's unusual for a foal to name themselves, since it's normally the parents who... well... I think we can let the filly name herself. What name do you want?" as she pointed her hoof at the filly's chest, indicating that it was time for her to give Dayspring a name. However, instead of giving some response, the filly just laid there on the floor, her eyes darting this way and that. Eventually, Dayspring realized that the filly didn't have a name in mind, causing her to say, "Oh dear, she may not be able to tell us what name she wants for herself."

"Oh, I have an idea," Pinkie exclaimed, causing the other two ponies in the room to look at her sudden excitement. "We should go to the library and ask Twilight to help. She may have an idea on how to help the filly name herself!"

"While that may sound like a good idea, I don't think the princess has the time to help us to just find a name."

"Oh no, I'm sure she'll be glad to help. She's always want to be friendly to anypony she meets!"

Releasing a sigh, Dayspring replied, "If you say so... we might as well give it a try. I just hope we're not a bother to the princess." Smiling in her new-found joy, Pinkie picked the filly up and placed her on her back as Dayspring gathered her papers before placing them back in her bags. Before the filly could mouth off any sort of protest in regards to having to ride on Pinkie's back, the trio already starting moving out, heading out the front door as Pinkie bounce forward, happy again for being able to finally have a name for the filly that she can use for the party she was planning for when the filly was ready to enjoy it.

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